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Sub to My PA Ch. 02

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Boss enjoys his submission too much and must be caged.
3.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/25/2021
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Sub to PA

Chapter 2.

I was still very sore the following day when I arrived at the office to find Sandra sitting at my desk.

Sandra made me undress and kneel before her while she told me how things would be from now:

"To everyone here you will continue to appear to be my boss and I your devoted PA. But the reality is that from this moment you are totally under my command. You are my inferior and I your superior. Never forget that for one moment. You are mine. You are mine to fear, respect, love, worship and obey. Your little dick is mine too."

She took a pair of pink knickers from her desk drawer and threw them on the floor in front of my face.

"You will wear a pair of tight lacy knickers beneath your trousers while at work as a reminder of your subservience to me."

I went to stand up but she pushed my head down with the heel of her boot.

"Not so fast. There's more. You will receive twice daily punishment. You are to report to me here every morning at 7 prompt for your morning caning. And again every night before you go home. The pain in your flesh will be considerable and serve as a constant reminder of my dominance. Is that clear?"

Perhaps I should have stood up then and told Sandra that I was the boss and sacked her on the spot.

There was nothing stopping me.

But I didn't.

I couldn't.

She was right. I was her inferior.

I was under her command. I was her devoted submissive. I was scared of her. And I was excited.

So I nodded:

"Yes Sandra. Very clear. Thank you." I took the lacy knickers and put them on.

I felt sexy and submissive and eager to please her. I smiled at her and minced a little in my panties.

She just rolled her eyes and sneered:

"Hurry up. I'm sure you want me to complete your punishment before Fiona and Racheal on reception and Alan the production manager get here. Unless you would prefer them to observe you bent over the desk."

At that point there was nothing I would have liked more.

But I shook my head and said sorry.

Sandra took out a riding crop and made me bend over my desk with my knickers round my knees. She was brutal and businesslike as she administered my punishment. I tried not to cry out but the pain became too much and I whimpered and begged her to stop.

She ignored my cries of pain and only stopped when the phone rang. It was an important call for me from my senior business partner, which she took.

She sat against the desk while she chatted easily to my boss occasionally administering a sharp blow to my buttocks without pausing her conversation. As she was talking I heard the main office doors downstairs open and voices as staff came in.

I went to move but Sandra pushed me back against the desktop while still talking on the phone. Eventually she concluded the conversation, promising she would get me to call when I got in and put the phone down.

"Don't ever move until I tell you to. You've just earned more pain. Now get up and put your clothes on and stop snivelling like a little girl."

She went downstairs to greet the staff while I put my trousers and shirt on.

All day I felt the tight lace knickers around my dick and the stinging pain in my bottom. I felt myself behaving more submissively and deferring to my employees.

They seemed to notice and in turn become more dominant with me.

I was constantly aroused and erect and when I was alone in my office behind my desk I unzipped my flies and felt my dick in the knickers.

One of the benefits of having a tiny penis is that my erection is small enough that I am able to masturbate by jerking my dick with one finger and thumb inside my pants. So I'm able to wank discreetly. With the stimulation of my tight knickers I was unable to resist the temptation to touch myself. I sat behind my desk and wanked all that day.

Sandra was busy and I barely saw her. When we met in public areas she behaved as normal and I began to long to have a chance to demonstrate my submissiveness to her.

I walked into her office while she was meeting the admin team and she rolled her eyes and asked me what I wanted. I said I'd made some mistakes and couldn't wait till later for her to attend to me. She said I would have to wait and that I would really wish I hadn't interrupted her.

At 5pm Sandra strapped me to my desk in only my knickers, which were now stiff and sticky with cum. She turned the office lights off and locked my office door.

She said she'd be back when all of the staff had left.

It was 6:30 by the time everyone had gone. I heard the last voices in the car park and engines as they drove away. Then the sound of Sandra locking the doors and her footsteps on the stairs.

She gave me a lecture about my behaviour. I cried and said I was sorry. She made me beg for my punishment, which I did. Then she untied me, put me over her knee and spanked me with her hand until I cried.

Afterwards I brought up something that had been troubling me.

"How will I hide this from Debra and Amy, and from Dan?"

Sandra laughed.

"I don't know. And I don't really care. Your problem Dave. Anyway I'm coming to your house for dinner and drinks tonight; Debs asked me over. So that'll be interesting!"

The evening was excruciating for me. For a start I could barely sit down because of the pain. Sandra kept patting my bum and asking me why I was standing up all the time, which made Debra and Amy laugh.

They all got a bit drunk and Sandra made jokes about men with little dicks and she and Debs giggled at me. Amy asked what that was about and I went red and tried to give Debra a look to say; 'please don't go there'; but Debra just laughed and said:

"Your dad doesn't want me to tell you that he has a pathetic tiny dick. Why not honey? You still hoping you'd get to fuck your daughter? You pervert! Forget it; that boat sailed a long time ago. She's all grown up now; aren't you baby."

I tidied the table and went to wash the dishes while they chatted.

When I came back Amy was telling Debra and Sandra that her boyfriend had cheated on her despite having a small dick. Sandra had to leave but she and Amy arranged to meet up to talk about men and what to do about cheating small dick boyfriends the following night.

I went to bed early so that Debra wouldn't see my red raw bum and my lacy knickers.

Over the next few weeks I became accustomed to my twice daily workplace punishments.

I found myself becoming more submissive at work and at home.

Perhaps it was the constant pain or the tight girly knickers.

In response the women in my life became more dominant to me.

At work Fiona and Racheal, our full time receptionists seemed to take a cue from Sandra and began to boss me around, shout at me and ridicule me in front of the other girls in the office. Which just made me more submissive.

Fiona in particular seemed to have detected my submissiveness.

Fiona was our chief receptionist. A petite muscular girl in her mid twenties with bright red curly hair, freckles, quick brown eyes and a very pretty face with sulky pouting lips that could go from cute to cruel in a second.

She often caught me looking down her top or up her skirt and would give me a withering look of scorn.

Now Fiona began to make comments about my little dick and jokingly threaten to punish me and I began to wonder whether Sandra had said anything to her. When I asked Sandra said she hadn't and suggested that my behaviour may be making it obvious, and not just to Fiona.

I continued to masturbate in my trousers at work. I even did it while the office girls were in the same room.

The humiliation, the risk, the shame, the prospect of being caught turned me on.

I took more and more risks and masturbated where I might easily be seen.

By the afternoon it would take me longer to cum. By 4pm I was jerking a flaccid 1 inch stump for ages, rubbing myself vigorously, painfully, until I soiled my lace knickers with a gasp, a grunt and a dribble of weak cum.

Eventually of course I was caught.

I had called Fiona to my office on the pretext of asking her to find some files. I watched her bending over filing cabinets and I wanked under my desk. I was close to cumming when she looked straight at me, fixed me with her accusing glare and asked me what I was doing. I gasped 'nothing' but kept jerking.

She leaned over the desk and saw my quivering hand, my open flies and my lacy knickers. As she looked at me I ejaculated with a whimper.

She shouted loudly:

"Oh my god you're actually wanking in front of me you dirty fucking pervert. I'm calling the police."

Fortunately Sandra had heard her and came into my office. She took control of the situation. I was ordered out and told to wait in her office:

"I expect to see you naked, bent over my desk when I come in."

I jumped up and scurried through the door, my dick still in my fingers.

"And leave your little dick alone. If you touch yourself while you're waiting I will know and I will chop it off so help me..."

I undressed, lay over Sandra's desk and waited as instructed. I heard their voices as Sandra persuaded Fiona not to go to the police. Soon I heard laughter. Then I heard the door behind as they both came in. Fiona giggled when she saw me there:

"Oh my! This is amazing. I've always dreamed of caning men. Wow. Can I?"

Sandra handed Fiona a riding crop and gave some basic instructions and soon I felt a sharp pain on the back of my thighs.

Afterwards Sandra showed Fiona how to apply lotion.

"It's not just about pain. It's about power. Tending to the wounds we inflict makes him more submissive and devoted."

As I knelt before them, still sniffling, Sandra addressed me:

"So David. I've told Fiona everything. She could go to your boss or to the papers or to her brothers or the police. And she has every right to. You would deserve that. Fortunately for you we've come up with a plan. I need an assistant to help me with the tedious business of dominating you and learn how to do your job for you as I have. And I need to take a vacation soon. So Fiona here is getting a promotion. She is my deputy and your superior. You will obey her and submit to her exactly as you do to me. You understand? Starting tomorrow at 7. Don't be late."

I thanked them both and dressed to go home.

Sandra saw that my knickers were wet with cum.

"Fiona; I'm tasking you with caging that pathetic little cock. We can't allow this to happen again. It's going to be locked up; during office hours at least. I'll arrange for some of my business associates to call tomorrow."

The following morning I arrived as usual.

Sandra sent me downstairs to reception to report to Fiona who smiled at me:

"We can do this here in reception today David. Undress and bend over the counter."

I looked at the office window which went from floor to ceiling opposite the counter totally visible from the staff car park.

I panicked:

"Please not here. Everyone can see in..."

Fiona smacked me.

"Correct. Everyone can see in. So you better do what I say now before they get here."

She was younger, more enthusiastic and stronger than Sandra and I cried out in pain as she administered the cane to my bottom.

She didn't stop until the first of the staff cars arrived.

I was still tucking my shirt in and still sobbing when the other office girls came in. They gave me funny looks, smiled at Fiona and giggled.

After lunch I got a call to say that the ladies who'd come for my fitting were waiting in reception.

When I went down two women in smart suits were waiting for me.

They had a couple of suitcases. No sooner had I walked in but they looked at my crotch and exchanged glances.

"My goodness. What do you think Gwen?"

"Did we bring the super small cages Deidre?"

"God no. We haven't had any need for a long time. I don't even know if we have any in stock."

"Better call the warehouse. If they haven't I'll call Gillian and Theresa, perhaps they may have some left."

The two women made phone calls and after lots of fuss declared that more appropriate samples were on their way so we could go upstairs.

Gwen looked at me as though she'd only just noticed I was there:

"Unless you want to do the fitting here? Some men enjoy the public humiliation. I'm sure these girls won't object!"

She gestured to the office girls and I suddenly realized they probably had some ideas about what was going on. They looked at me and at one another and shrugged.

Fiona smiled at me:

"It's up to our manager. What do you think Dave?"

I gulped and looked around in desperation.

Fortunately, just then Sandra walked in and greeted the two women like old friends. She took the decision from me.

"No, no. Upstairs. More private. On with your work girls. Stop gawking. Fiona, come with me; you're overseeing the fitting. David up you go. Quickly!"

In my office I was ordered to undress in front of the four women.

Gwen and Deirdre nodded at my lacy knickers then frowned when they saw my small dick and peered forward to inspect it.

"It's very small. But we could try some of the samples we've brought while we wait. At least it'll give Fiona an idea of how to work the mechanism."

They opened their cases and took out a number of small metal and plastic cock cages. They took my dick and locked me in some of them showing Fiona how the locking devices operated.

"Of course these are all far too big. His little dick is totally lost in them. Rattling around. And, there! You see how his member has become engorged with the humiliation and the stimulation of our fingers pulling his little thing about? His penis is so small that he can become fully erect even inside the tiny cage. No, no, no. The whole point is that the cage should be small enough to prevent any erection."

"Don't worry. We've managed to locate one small enough and it's on it's way. Hope you don't mind but a number of our business associates are coming to look. Purely from professional interest; it's quite unusual to see one this little. Oh bless look, he's almost cumming at the thought of being exposed before a group of dominant women."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Racheal poked her head in to say we had visitors, she saw me as several more women entered.

One woman stepped forward with a case from which she took a tiny cage.

She sneered at me then looked around at her friends and colleagues:

"I've had this bloody thing for years. It's a wonderful example of delicate intricate craftsmanship but I never thought I'd find any use for it. Go on. Which one of you lucky gals has the duty of care?"

Sandra told Fiona to do the honours. Fiona took the cock cage from the woman's hands and turned to face me.

I was fully erect by now. I was desperate to wank. Instinctively I gripped my dick between my finger and thumb and rubbed.

Sandra stepped forward and slapped my face:

"Come on girls, get his hands behind his back. Put the thing on Fiona. Don't worry if it's a tight squeeze, you won't break his dick. And don't pay any notice of his whining. I'm sure you've heard worse!"

Soon I was caged and locked. It was tight and it hurt. I was still erect but my erection was bent and pressing against the metal bars of the cage.

The women gave a round of applause and gathered up their cases.

Sandra told me to get dressed.

"Now this is just for while you're at work. When you've had your morning punishment you'll be locked in. Fiona or myself will unlock you before you go home at night. I don't want to frighten poor Debra."


My submission to Sandra didn't just affect my work life.

I became more submissive at home as well. I couldn't help it.

Debra and Amy responded by bossing me around more and I naturally found myself serving them, cleaning, cooking and letting them scold me when I made mistakes.

Sandra was a frequent visitor to our home.

Since Debra had told our daughter that my dick was very small the three of them continued to make fun of me.

When Dan came home at weekends Sandra flirted with him and pointed out that 'he doesn't take after his dad' which Debra admitted having noticed.

Dan seemed to enjoy the looks from Sandra and his mother and sister and acted more dominantly at home. He walked round the house in his underpants or just a shirt. I found my eyes drawn to his large dick myself. Debra frequently told me to stop staring at my son's dick and told everyone I was jealous.

As she'd promised Sandra took Amy under her wing to deal with the cheating boyfriend. She took her back to her house and showed her the clothes and tools of a dominatrix. Amy borrowed some and began to dress like Sandra. They hatched a plot to trap the boyfriend by Sandra seducing him and inviting him to her place to be met by Amy. They both punished him. The poor lad became obsessed and submissive to Amy but she dumped him.

I found it hard to hide my sore bottom at home. And the fact that I was wearing tight lacy knickers.

Sandra kept my cage locked in her desk drawer. To which only she and Fiona had a key.

Every morning I would be spanked by Fiona or Sandra. Then I would be locked up. Then I would put on my lacy knickers.

In the evening I would undress, get my spanking, be unlocked and my cage would be put away before I went home.

Fiona enjoyed dominating me. She saw it as a form of promotion and status in the office. She was less discreet than Sandra. She dropped hints to her girlfriends and colleagues and teased me in front of them.

Two weeks later Sandra announced that she was taking a week's vacation and leaving Fiona in charge.

To be continued.....

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mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

Is some people's imagination really so perverse that they find this crap to be a good thing? Or have you already lost touch with reality? This woman would be before the judge faster than she would like and the wife would have the divorce papers faster than she can think. Ooops, that doesn't fit the genre. He's a masochist and submissive from birth and he also has a small cock, oh what a shame for him. If he had a big cock he would be dominant! Is that what you think, don't you?

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