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Submission Ch. 04

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Alanna's awakening begins.
2.8k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 4 of the 18 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/04/2012
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Alanna quivered as David started peeling away her clothes. She was wearing so many more items than before, and to have his hands on her as he bared her body to him, made the entire process more exciting and frightening. There were so many things going on in her body that she didn't understand, that she had no experience with, but so far she liked it. The big blonde man loomed over her, looking down into her eyes as he released the long fall of hair that had been done up with a clip.

David loved the way she looked at him, with excitement, anticipation, and just a touch of awe. It made him feel about ten feet tall. This wasn't the normal submission of a woman who had already been beaten down, this was the sensual awakening of an intelligent and fiery woman. He had no doubt that she'd give him some trouble eventually, but right now she was still so new to this life that it was easy to keep her unbalanced, and as long as she was unbalanced and unsure of what to do, the more likely she was to follow his orders. The more she followed his orders immediately now, the more accustomed she would be to doing so once she started to get comfortable enough to feel like testing him.

But for now, for tonight, he wanted to show her all that he had to offer her when she behaved.

"Kneel," he said softly. Quietly, Alanna sank to her knees. He nudged a foot between them. "Spread these apart." Alanna blushed, staring down at her bare legs. She let them part a little. "More," he said. "As far as you can." Very slowly Alanna spread her knees apart, her head dipping down farther as she did so, her hair falling forward to cover some of her body. David ignored that for now in the interests of getting her legs in the right position. Finally they were far apart enough to suit him.

Walking around behind her, he slid a finger down her spine, making her shiver. "Sit up straight."

Alanna thought her cheeks might actually burst into flame as she followed his command. Tears sparked in her eyes, and she didn't know why. He'd already seen her naked, but having blatantly show herself in this manner was playing havoc with her emotions. As he came around in front of her again she peeked up at him through her lashes. The hungry look on his face made her catch her breath, and this time she felt herself quiver on the inside, a pleasant kind of convulsion that started at the bottom of her stomach and made her feel hot and itchy between her legs. She wondered if he would press his thigh between them again.

"Put your hands behind your back, hold one of your wrists with the other hand."

She did as she was bidden, without even realizing how open the entire position made her look. With her head lowered but back straight, her hair flowed over her arched body, her creamy breasts and rosy thrusting out between the shiny locks. David's eyes traveled lower, to her darker curls which had parted to show just a flash of wet pinkness. Soon, he thought, he'd be rid of the hindrance to his view. But not tonight. His erection was pressing hard against his pants and he didn't want to wait any longer.

"Whenever I tell you to present yourself, you will assume this position. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master."

David circled around her again, giving her light soft touches on her shoulders, her throat, her back, her hair. Alanna felt the soft strokes and thought she might pass out from the pleasure, it made her skin tingle wherever he touched her and she found herself wanting to move, wanting to make him touch her on her breasts again. Immediately she blushed... she knew she was a bad, naughty girl for even thinking that, but it had felt so good! If anyone on her home planet had known what she was thinking right now she would have been doing penance for weeks. Almost as if he had heard her thoughts, David let his hand slide down her shoulder as he stood behind her, and cupped her right breast, squeezing the mound gently. Alanna gasped, a slight breathy sound, as all of her nerve endings came to life. She arched her back more, pushing her body into his hand, wanting - needing - more contact. And she whimpered as he withdrew his hand from her.

"Get on the bed and present yourself."

She scrambled to do his bedding, quickly getting on the bed. In some ways she couldn't believe herself. Just this morning she had been sold to this man and now she was doing exactly what he told her, when he told her. She'd never done that for anyone, not even her father or uncle. Of course, there was something much scarier about Master than about any of her kinsman, but it wasn't just that. Part of her was desperately curious to find out what comes next, the acts between man and woman that she'd always heard adults whispering about but that no one had talked about clearly other than to say it was only for procreation. Maybe she was sinful, but she didn't care. Their God had deserted their planet in its time of need, why should she follow those sharp strictures? And being sinful felt so wonderful. She was flushed with need, aching with a hunger she didn't recognize. As best she could she imitated the position that she'd held on the floor, on the part of the bed where Master patted his hand, almost the edge of it. Her thighs spread, her breasts thrust out and she found that from the bed when she looked down she found herself looking at a tight bulge across the front of Master's pants. This was not the first time she had seen that today and she was pretty sure it had something to do with her.

Master smiled down at her, pleased that she'd duplicated the position on the floor. In fact, although she didn't know it, she'd spread her legs even wider and arched her back even more, without realizing it. David felt a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction looking at her. He could see between her pretty pink pussy lips that she was wet.

Leaning down, he kissed her, deeply, and Alanna kissed him back, frightened of and yet enjoying this new use of her lips. It was becoming more and more familiar to her.

When she moved to reach her arms up to him he broke off the kiss and looked at her sternly.

"When you are in this position you stay in this position until I give you leave to move."

Blushing at her disobedience and her brazenness, Alanna put her arms back behind her back, thrusting her breasts out. This time, instead of kissing her again, Master put his hand on the delicate skin of her soft throat, his thumb pressing against the front. She felt like a frightened animal looking at a predator, aware that he could literally crush her if he chose. Instead his hand moved gently over her shoulder and then dropped down to her breasts. With her head down, she watched as his hands both cupped her breasts, gently, and began to squeeze and massage them, his fingers brushing across her nipples.

It was humiliating, wonderful, far too intimate and downright blissful to have his hands on her. The hot feeling between her legs began to build and her lips parted as she panted, her back arching and thrusting her breasts out for more, more sensation, more touching. David wanted to throw her down and ravage her, she had the natural instincts of a submissive made for sex and pleasure.

But would she satisfy his other desires as well?

He pinched her nipples firmly, but not harshly, and a ragged moan left her lips. Tugging, he twisted them, and she whimpered but not with pain and she made not protest. Although they hadn't known each other long, she wasn't well trained enough and she was fiery enough that she would have made some kind of protest if she didn't like it.

Alanna couldn't comprehend why her skin was becoming so sensitive, she felt herself falling into a mental state where her thoughts broke down and she became a creature of pure physical sensation. When Master's fingers closed down hard on her nipples it had hurt, but it had also sent a wash of pure pleasure sweeping over her body. As he continued to abuse the tender buds she found herself wanting to rock her hips back and forth, but she forced herself to stay in the position that he wanted her in.

Master released her breasts, and she wanted to moan again, to beg him to come back. Her body felt like it was on fire and she was sure that, as he was the one who had stoked the flames, that he would know how to quench it as well.

"Lay down on the bed," he told her quietly and then gestured with his hand, "your head at that end. And put your hands above your head."

As Alanna moved to do his bidding, her eyes filled with trepidation and arousal, David fought for self control of his own body. He was determined to show her how much pleasure he could give her, before he took his own. Training her would be much easier if she knew what the rewards of good behavior would be.

Because she was untrained, and unused to having a man touching her body, he wanted to ensure that she didn't do anything he would need to punish her for. So, as she stretched her arms up above her head, he gently fitted her wrists into the leather cuffs that were attached the headboard, tightening them so that they would hold her but not cut off her circulation or be too tight. Alanna quivered as her hands were secured above her, but Master looked down at her with some gentleness in his eyes and so she bit her lip and didn't say anything.

Then he knelt next to the bed and pulled out a bar that was about a foot long and had more cuffs attached to it. These he put on her ankles, making it impossible for her to close her legs. Seeing the fear and worry in her eyes, David didn't open the spreader bar any more for now, there would be time for that soon. Instead, he lay his body down on his side facing her and ran his hand from her neck, over her breasts, over her stomach and the hair on her mound, and midway down here thigh, watching her body arch in response to the movement of his hand.

"Lovely," he murmured. "Look at me little one."

Alanna turned her head, her eyes wide, and then he leaned forward and captured her lips with his again. As his hand began stroking her breasts, she closed her eyes and lost herself to the sensation of the light brushes of his fingers across her skin, the quick pinches that he gave her nipples, building that hot need between her legs. By the time his fingers began to sweep down her stomach she felt like she was drowning in sensation, she sucked his tongue into her mouth, feeling desperate to respond in some way. His hard body pressed against her, something digging into the soft flesh of her outer thigh and she moaned into his mouth as his fingers curved over into her most sacred area.

As soon as she realized were his fingers were now stroking her, she panicked a little, trying to move her body, trying to protest, but her legs couldn't close, her arms couldn't push him away, and her verbal protests were lost into his mouth. Which is exactly how David planned it. Despite her arousal, he had not assumed that she would give up the secrets of her body easily, and as long as he didn't want to punish her tonight he had to stay in complete control of the situation. He looked forward to the day when she would hold this position for no other reason than he had told her to, when she would be fighting to keep her legs from spreading wider, not trying to close them. But for now, he stifled her protests with his lips and his tongue, and continued to stroke between her quivering thighs.

Wetness was already coating his fingers, she was so aroused. As he massaged her pussy lips with his hand, his fingers sliding up and down the center of her molten liquid, he could feel her protests dwindling. In fact, Alanna was already learning her first lesson - her body was at Master's disposal, all of her body, and he would touch her where she wanted. Not only that, but she would like it. As he stroked the hot fires between her legs, it was almost as though he was scratching an itch that she couldn't reach, and she felt her hips begin to lift off the bed, rocking in rhythm to his movements, and she couldn't stop it. It was all right though, because Master hadn't said that she couldn't move in this position, and he wasn't stopping her. Instead his hand pressed more firmly into her flesh, his kiss became more intense, as if he approved of her response.

Alanna gave in. Her muscles relaxed, her fear left her, her embarrassment fled, all in the face of the incredible building pleasure that was being coaxed out of her by Master's hand.

When he felt her give into him, felt her submission, David slid a finger into her body, reveling in the exquisite tightness as he invaded this unused space. She trembled at his touch, making throaty noises as a man entered her for the first time. He was still keeping her off balance; as soon as she accepted what he was doing, he would push her farther and do something new.

The feeling of Master's finger inside of her was confusing Alanna. It seemed wrong, so very wrong, and yet so very right, as if that space in her body had always been waiting for someone to push inside of it, but she knew that wasn't right. For a moment the thought that she wasn't a very good girl and her mother would be ashamed of her flitted through her head. But then again, she already knew that to be true. She wasn't fighting her people's enemy, she'd completely given in to him, she was letting him tempt her into perversion.

But it felt so good.

As his finger began to pump in and out of her, matching the movements that her hips had been making, the rest of his hand pressed against the tender flesh of her splayed nether lips, massaging her sensitive spots. Then he pressed down on part of her with the heel of his hand, and the most incredible flash of heat and need went through her. Her hips jerked up and her head fell back away from Master's lips. She hadn't meant to, it was just an automatic response. His finger pumped into her again as his hand pressed down on that same spot.

Eliciting whimpering, needy cries from Alanna's lips, watching the rise of her climax, nearly undid David. To distract himself he locked his mouth down on the nipple nearest him, sucking and nibbling at the tender bud, as Alanna started to thrash against him.

It felt like her entire being, her entire universe was coming undone, all of it unraveling and gathering together, concentrated between her legs. When Master put his mouth on her breast, she didn't think about how strange and forbidden it was, her body responded with rapture; it was like her nipple had a direct line to that gathering heat between her legs.

As his finger filled her, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her, his hand rocking against that sensitive spot, Alanna let out a wail, as all the energy that she'd been repressing suddenly exploded out from the apex of her thighs. Her body thrashed, her wordless cries echoing around the bedroom, and Master played her like an instrument, his fingers never ceasing, drawing out the rocking waves of ecstasy that swirled around her and crashed over her. Her hips moved, and she couldn't have stopped them even if she wanted to.

Slowly the waves receded, Master's fingers became soothing instead of demanding, and that hot itch between her legs was finally sated. Whimpering, sighing, Alanna gave into Master's fingers, her body's demands finally quieted by this wonderful, powerful man.

Maybe it was sinful, but then why did it feel so right?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Excellent--getting into their heads is the secret,

secretdesires69secretdesires69almost 11 years ago

Love the build up!

Thrawn11494Thrawn11494over 12 years ago
What I've been looking for

This is exactly what I've been looking for. Much, much more than just a simple story about sex, this seems to be more about the interactions/relationship between the characters, which is , I think, what makes a good story. I look forward to reading the rest.

joodlejoodlealmost 13 years ago
I second

I will join in and say "more". I noticed you added a new series, and I love your work so I am thrilled. Looking forward to more!

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