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Submissive Asian Couple Ch. 01

Story Info
2 friends go on a hike, a stranger forces them to have sex.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/03/2021
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This story is purely fiction, all characters and events are fictional, any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This is also my first story, I have no experience in story writing, so please be nice. The story contains voyeurism, domination, sex, creampie, and non-consent. Although the sex is non-consensual, none of the characters were physically harmed and there's no violence or assault or abuse in this story. The story is a bit long because I want to set it up for a multi-part series. Enjoy.

It was a mild late-spring weekday, Brandon and Lillian were hiking up a valley and they just reached the top. They settled on a rocky ledge to enjoy the view in silence. Brandon and Lillian were friends who finished community college together. Both were Asian and were brought up in a hardworking household that was more about studying and less about dating. They had been friends since high school. Although they had some feelings towards one another, neither of them expressed them explicitly all these years, partly because of their Asian shyness and partly because neither wanted to jeopardize their friendship.

Brandon broke the silence and said, "Great view, I like hiking these undiscovered trails, not a hiker or soul in sight, so peaceful."

"Yeah, so quiet and nice to be alone, or I guess alone with you," replied Lillian.

"Yeah, nice break from it all, especially now that we're done with school and still looking for jobs."

"Sometimes I wish we didn't have to take charge in life and just follow a pre-set path."

"I would love that too, someone to tell me what to do, what to wear, what to eat, and just manage my life. Maybe a controlling wife is what I need," quipped Brandon as he glanced over to his friend.

"Ha! Don't expect me to control you, I'm just a follower like you." Brandon sulked a bit trying to think of what to say next. Lillian continued, "But it would be nice if we could just live and hangout together without all the drama and stress."

"You mean like friends with benefits."

"Is this some naughty thought of yours," Lillian replied, feeling a bit bashful. Sex was always a taboo subject for her.

"Well I dunno, since I haven't dated anyone for years."

"Tell me about it, it's been over 2 years since I've been with someone."

"You never told me about it!" Brandon said to his surprise. "Now I wanna know what happened!"

Lillian wanted to avoid responding and was trying to come up with something quick, "Well...it was a short fling, he-"

She was cut off by a voice of a stranger walking up behind them towards the ledge. "Look what we have here, a young couple in the middle of nowhere!"

The two quickly looked over and saw a large muscular man towering over them. The 6ft1 guy was wearing a baseball cap, vest, tight fitting camo tee, and some recreational slacks. His face was obscured by a face mask. Based on his skin tone, he looked like a large white guy.

"Get up here now!" he yelled at someone behind him, "we got here at the right time, looks like it's gonna be a fun afternoon."

Behind him was another guy, also wearing a baseball cap and face mask. This other guy was smaller and leaner. He was around 5ft8, same height as Brandon, and wore a black tank top and a pair of white jogging shorts. His arms and legs were smooth and had a darker skin tone, possibly Asian or Latino. He didn't say anything but held up a digital camera recording Brandon and Lillian.

The two of them got up and Brandon greeted back, "Hi there, wasn't expecting to see anyone-"

"Shut up!" yelled the large muscular man, "We're 10 to 20 miles away from anyone right now and there's no signal here in the valley. I'm not here for trouble, I'm not here to steal, and I'm not here to hurt anyone, that's why I have my cameraman here to record everything. I'm here looking to have fun with you two youngsters."

Brandon trying not to be confrontational said, "Uhh, what kind of fun -"

"I'm not done talking. You two are going to perform for me. I'll tell you when to speak and what to do. As long as you listen to me, no one will get hurt and you'll both get rewarded." The large man then opened his vest to reveal a holster on his side with a gun in it. "Do I make myself clear?"

The two just stood silently and frightened by what they saw, hoping that the situation didn't get out of hand. The cameraman then walked up and zoomed in on both of them.

"Let me say some stuff so that we all play safely," continued the large man. "Both of you are consenting adults over 18 and are here on your own free will and both of you have agreed to participate in some fun activity, state your age and say yes to the camera if you agree."

Both of them, too scared to upset the large man and concerned for each other, looked at each other, then looked at the camera and said, "We are 21 and yes, we agree." Not knowing what the guy really wanted.

"Great! Now take off all your clothes, but leave your shoes on!"

Brandon and Lillian were shocked. They just stood there motionless, not knowing what to do.

"Strip! Do I need to remind you?" repeated the large man as he flashed his holster once again.

Brandon and Lillian became distressed, but they were in no position to fight back, nor were they going to for fear of their own safety.

"Ok, I comply," replied Brandon, looking into Lillian's eyes as if to say, don't worry, I'll protect you.

"Again, no need to talk, just do as I say, get going and start stripping!"

Brandon was wearing a loose tank top and running shorts and took his top off right away. Lillian did the same as well, as she wore a loose white tee, black sports bra and matching leggings. With his top off, Brandon just realized he was wearing running shorts with a liner in it, that meant he wasn't wearing any underwear! He hesitated.

"What's a matter boy, too shy to show your girlfriend what undies you're wearing?"

"She's not my girlfriend, we're just regular friends," replied Brandon.

"I don't care what you two are, get the show going! Your friend is already down to her undies!" Lillian blushed when she heard him. She already took her leggings off, and was down to her black sports bra and purple bikini panties. Brandon took a deep breath and pulled his shorts down, while trying to cover his groin with his hands.

"Looks like the boy went hiking without any undies. And hands to your side, no covering up!"

Lillian felt bad for Brandon and looked away as she took her sports bra and panties off. Now they were both naked except for their shoes, both looking at the large man, humiliated and avoided looking at each other's naked bodies and hoping this has satisfied him.

"Nice toned bodies, just how I like them," as the large man checked them both out. "Now turn and face each other! I want you two to get acquainted with your naked bodies."

Brandon and Lillian could not avoid the inevitable, they faced each other and looked at each other naked for the first time. Both had fantasized about each other naked but never in these circumstances.

Brandon stood 5ft8, smooth, slightly tanned, and an athletic build with a well-defined chest and abs. Lillian stood 5ft4, she had smooth pale skin, small but perky breasts, flat abs, toned legs, and a firm ass. Her pussy was rather untamed, full of bushy black hair.

Lillian has seen Brandon buff shirtless body before, so she was more interested in his dick. Unlike her, Brandon's pubes were neatly trimmed, his small flaccid Asian dick was dark but his foreskin was pulled back showing his pink penis head. Both were embarrassed but savored what they saw not knowing what would be next.

The large man threw a pair of handcuffs at them and told them to put it on. It was a modified handcuff, 2 cuffs at the end, but the chain was around 3ft long. They put it on, one cuff on each other's wrist and now the two were tethered.

The large man finally spoke. "That makes it harder for you to run away. Both of you look sexy and gorgeous, let's change the scenery and get more pictures." The cameraman, which the two forgot about, was still recording and started walking down another path along the woods. "Follow the cameraman!"

The two looked at each other and then their clothes and belongings. "I said follow the cameraman! Leave your stuff behind here, no one's around, no one's going to take it."

All of them followed the cameraman and walked down a path through the woods. That's probably why he let them keep their shoes on. It was strangely erotic to be walking naked outdoors. They walked for around 10 minutes before reaching a clearing, a patchy green area with some slabs of flat rocks.

Brandon got nervous and pleaded to the large man, "Are you going to kill us and bury our bodies here?" Lillian also got nervous after hearing that and quickly wrapped herself around Brandon's arm as if to protect herself. Her soft naked body brushing up against Brandon all of a sudden made his dick hard.

"Ha! Kill you? We're here to have fun, you seem to be enjoying it, you got rock hard just by your friend touching you!" Brandon was embarrassed, unable to control his erection, but the touch and sudden subjugation made him aroused.

The large man continued, "How big is your dick and when and where was the last time you had sex?"

Brandon felt humiliated in front of Lillian but knew he had to respond, "My dick isn't that big, only 5.5 inches hard. I don't get many girls, so it's been over a year since I had sex. It was during a backpacking trip in Southeast Asia."

"Did you pay the chick to have sex with you? She probably took full control of you in the bed."

"Yes Sir" was all Brandon could say. He looked over shamefully to Lillian who now probably thought he was a pervert.

"And you girl? When was the last time you had sex?" asked the large man now staring down at Lillian.

Lillian, still holding on to Brandon, got very shy, she was always coy about sex and intimate stuff. "It was, it was, two years ago... When I dated a graduate student for a brief time." Brandon recalled that they were just talking about that earlier on the ledge, he was curious to know more.

"How was he? Did you enjoy having sex with him?" asked the large man.

"He was 7 years older than me, a white guy, slightly overweight. He had a fetish for Asian women and the sex wasn't very good, that's why I broke up with him."

"I bet that guy probably had a small dick and thought he was impressing you."

"Yes Sir, his dick was actually not that big, even smaller than Brandon's dick. And he came very fast and wouldn't even lick my pussy." As she looked over to Brandon's still hard dick. Brandon was in awe after hearing what she said, he's never heard her talk about sex so candidly. This only made him more lustful for her.

"Looks like we have two sex deprived youngsters. I like that you're calling me Sir, goes to show that you're both pathetically submissive and need to be used to satisfy others."

That was true, from their earlier conversation, Brandon and Lillian both craved for someone dominant to exert control over them. Lillian has always wondered what a life of servitude would be like, not having stress over stuff. Brandon also knew his average dick wouldn't impress any woman and he was better off satisfying them with his mouth.

"Now kiss each other, explore each other's mouths."

Shock again in their eyes but they knew better than to disobey. They looked at each other and gave each other a soft peck. Then a long hard kiss, as if they were consummating their feelings for each other.

Lillian didn't hesitate to stick her tongue in Brandon's mouth, their tongues swirling around and exchanging saliva. They embraced each other and held each other tight with their mouths not wanting to let go. It was an euphoric feeling for both, finally getting the intimacy the two have long desired.

Lillian then grabbed a hold of Brandon's hard dick and started to stroke it. Brandon reciprocated by fingering Lillian's bushy pussy-mouths and tongues still intertwined.

They continued for a few minutes until the large man instructed Lillian, "Now get down on your knees and suck his cock." She broke the kiss and willingly got down. She licked the pre-cum off his dick before slowly putting it in her mouth. Since it was just an average size dick, she had no problem fitting most of it in her mouth. Brandon was enjoying every bit of it, especially inside his friend's warm mouth. She sucked him slowly then fast, mixing up the tempo, and careful not to have him cum too fast. At the same time, her pussy was getting very wet as she started to rub her clit.

The ever-present cameraman was still recording everything, even going down to zoom in on her wet pussy as she exposed her clit under all that black hair. The large man knew she was craving for pleasure. He yelled out, "Stop sucking him. You boy, pick her up and have her lie down on one of the big rocks."

Brandon swooped down and carried her over to one of the flat rocks. She was now lying on her back, her wet pussy up and exposed and dying for attention. "Kiss her pussy tenderly, don't lick or anything just yet, I know she wants oral, she'll get it later."

Brandon gently kissed her pussy and clit, she felt electrical but not enough to make her orgasm, she wanted more. "Alright, enough kissing, time to stick your average Asian dick inside her Asian pussy!"

They both screamed out, "What?!" Neither of them had unprotected sex before and both were afraid of an accidental pregnancy. The large man just gazed at them and said, "Do it now!"

Brandon had no choice and rubbed the tip of his penis around the opening of her pussy. Lillian looked at him with lust and wanted his cock in her, too horny to care anymore; Brandon was also dying to be inside her. This was the moment both wanted so badly all these years and it's finally happening. They didn't care what the situation was, the sexual tension and desire were too much, they just wanted to be inside each other.

He slowly pushed his penis inside her, the average size cock went in seamlessly, deep inside her. It felt warm, it felt fantastic. She moaned as his penis was pushed in. Since her pussy hasn't gotten much action, it was tight and held firmly to his cock. A rush of pleasure pulsated from her vagina throughout her body.

Brandon didn't want just his cock inside her, he bent over and stuck his tongue in her mouth as well. He gently pounded her to the rhythm of their kissing. Now the two friends who were too shy for each other have achieved what they wanted, maybe even more-they were naked, kissing and fucking raw on a rock out in the open in front of two strangers and being recorded.

The large man liked what he saw but knew at this rate, both would cum very soon. He stopped them and said, "Now I want the boy to lie down on the rock and the girl to sit on his cock." They switched positions and Lillian gave Brandon's cock a quick suck before slowly lowering herself on him. His cock was back inside her again. She rode him and continued to moan. Brandon had a full view of her smooth body and perky tits. Not too small and enough for him to hold and squeeze in his hands.

Lillian was fully enjoying this, not having sex for 2 years realized how much she missed a real cock inside of her. Having her pelvis on top of his pelvis, grinding his cock back and forth. His cock sliding around her wet pussy wall. "Oh Brandon, your cock feels so good in me, I can't believe this is happening!"

"Mmm Lillian, don't stop, it feels so warm inside your tight pussy"

"Oh baby, I'm getting close!"

"Me too!"

"But don't cum inside me. I'm not on birth control."

The large man objected and yelled out, "Both of you cum at the same time, I want his cum inside you!"

Lillian hesitated for a brief moment but she was so close to her orgasm already she stopped caring anymore. She changed her rhythm and started to tense up, her body was rocking from the orgasm. As Brandon started to feel her pussy wall tightening up and his body started to convulse. "Oh I'm cumming, I'm going to cum inside you!"

And with a final pump, his sperm shot out of his cock deep in her warm pussy. Lillian felt the hot load inside her and then collapsed on his body and kissed him passionately. It was the first time they fucked each other and first time they had unprotected sex. It was the best orgasm they had in a while.

They stayed embraced, admiring each other of what they had done, the pleasure they gave each other. They were thankful they had each other. They wanted to be in this post-orgasmic arousal state for a long as possible, but they were interrupted by the large man. They saw a leaking pre-cum stain on his pants and a bulge showing what appears to be a large cock.

"That's one nice show you two put on. Did you capture it all? Go up and zoom in on her tight pussy."

The cameraman walked up to them to get some more close up shots of their genitals and of them passionately kissing.

"I know the girl was dying to receive some oral, so here's your chance. You're going to get up and off of him, turn around and sit on his face, don't leak out any cum. He's going to eat your creampie, along with all your pussy juice and give you some oral. In the meantime, you're going to clean his dirty dick with your mouth."

Brandon looked in disgust but Lillian looked at him with puppy eyes as if to say he should do this since he loves her. She got off his cock, careful about not leaking any liquid and then sat on his face. Once she was on his face, a big glob of cum dripped right out and went straight into Brandon's mouth. He has tasted cum before but never straight from a pussy, in a way, this aroused him. So he swallowed his own cum and started eating her pussy out and fucking her again with his tongue.

Lillian moaned but she knew she had to clean up his limp dick, so she put the whole cock in her mouth, while enjoying the service she was getting.

"Now my cameraman is going to put blindfolds on you two. The boy is to give the girl 2 oral orgasms. Once she's received her 2 orgasms, you can take your blindfolds off." And with that the cameraman put on the blindfolds on them. They were now blindfolded, naked and lying 69 on a rock.

Brandon dutifully licked and cleaned her sweet pussy, savoring whatever came out of it; he made circles around her clit, kissed her clit, and sometimes fingered her. Too bad her pussy was so untamed, sometimes he ended up with hair in his mouth. For Lillian, she was in heaven, she has never experienced oral before and this was all she imagined. Her body kept buzzing and tingling. Even though she had his limp cock in her mouth, she managed to get a few words out: "Keep cleaning me" "Make me climax again" "Use your tongue."

As for Brandon, his cock stayed limp and swollen. It wasn't that Lillian was doing a bad job at sucking his cock, it was just that Brandon was one of those one and done guys. Another reason why he felt bad for cumming sometimes, he just couldn't restart as fast. She tried massaging his balls, brushing his thighs, swirling her tongue around his cock, but it just wasn't getting hard.

Brandon said, "It's ok baby, my dick needs some rest, just let me service you and enjoy what you deserve."

And so, for the next 10 minutes, he did just that, giving her pussy all the attention. Lillian came two more times and squirted some pussy discharge and juice on his face. Panting and moaning with a limp dick in her mouth. "Oh my god baby, that was amazing, 2 more orgasms is just what I needed." She rubbed her clit up and down his face to enjoy the last moments of pleasure. He gave her pussy a few more licks to make sure it was nice and clean.

They were both spent and had to take a break. They then realized they did what the guy asked them to do and slowly took their blindfolds off, hoping for no more surprises. But to their surprise, the large man and his cameraman were gone.


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