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Substitute Husband

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Husband's desire to give wife what he is unable to provide.
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Summary: Due to disease a man feels he is no longer able to be the man his young wife needs. His efforts to convince her to spend an intimate night with another man prove to change their lives forever.

Chapter 1 - Love at First Sight

Nikki couldn't have been happier. From her perspective her life was perfect. She was married to a wonderful man who loved her and provided her with a lifestyle that gave her the freedom to not have to work. She wasn't content to just sit at home. She had friends she met with and she even volunteered at the local botanical garden. She enjoyed working with all sorts of plants, but especially enjoyed the beautiful exotic flowers.

Michael had asked Nikki to marry him a little over ten years earlier. They had met in college, but not as one would expect. When they met, Michael had been Nikki's Sociology professor. Being twelve years her senior he was by far the oldest man Nikki had ever dated. Michael often thought back to the first time he saw Nikki. He'd seen her on campus even before he knew she was enrolled in one of the classes he was teaching. He remembered how he'd been mesmerized the first time he saw her. Later that week when he saw her walk into the auditorium where he taught his class, he could hardly believe his good fortune.

He later told her that first class had been the most difficult class he'd ever taught. He prided himself for always being prepared for his classes, but for that particular class he remembered how he had stumbled all over his notes. As luck would have it, Nikki had taken a seat on the first row and it was clear she had no idea the effect she was having on him. The weather was warm, and like many coeds, she'd worn a very short skirt.

She wore her blond hair long and straight. Her eyes were a deep shade of blue a man could easily get lost in. At four feet eleven inches and 96 pounds she had been a natural for the Varsity Cheerleading Squad. He later learned she was attending college on a Cheerleading scholarship.

Michael was one who liked to pace back and forth at the front of the room as he lectured. Even though Nikki kept her legs crossed for this class Michael had to remain standing behind the podium to keep his students from seeing the tent in his pants. He'd never been so happy for a class to be over than he was that particular class session.

Two days later the class was scheduled to meet again. While he was preparing his notes for class, Michael's thoughts were centered on the cute cheerleader and how he would get through another session. He was fairly certain she didn't know what she had done to him; at least she didn't act as if she had been teasing him on purpose.

Michael had never dated a student, but if he were ever to do so, he was sure Nikki would be the one to break his unwritten rule. As the students began to arrive for class he attempted to ignore them. When he did look up he saw Nikki was once again seated on the front row. This time she was directly in front of the podium. He glanced in her direction and saw her gorgeous eyes were looking directly at him. She shot him the cutest grin then actually gave him a sexy little wink.

He looked and saw she was wearing a different skirt, but it was every bit as short as the one she had worn two days earlier. He could feel the uncomfortable pressure in his pants was once again present. He knew he would again be spending the class behind the podium, but now he suspected she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

Approximately halfway through the lecture he noticed Nikki had her legs uncrossed. He also noticed she wasn't taking notes like most of the other students. She was looking directly at him and each time his eyes passed her way she would allow her knees to fall apart just a bit. It wasn't as if her legs were splayed wide open. She was moving them just enough to get his attention. Her knees would part for a moment just far enough to make him think he was going to be given a glimpse of her panties. While he never actually saw her panties, or even if she was wearing panties, by the end of the class there was no doubt in Michael's mind what she'd been doing had been to intentionally tease him.

As the clock mercifully reached the time for class to be dismissed he looked directly at Nikki and said, "Miss, do you mind hanging back a bit? I need to discuss the assignment with you."

Her only response was, "Sure, no problem, Sir." She then gave him that innocent grin that made his cock surge.

Michael stood behind the podium with Nikki remaining in her chair as the other students filed out. Neither Nikki nor Michael paid any attention to the others, as they looked at each other. When the last had left and the door swung closed Nikki grinned and asked, "Professor, did I do something wrong?"

Michael knew he was blushing. This young girl was having quite an effect on him. He'd never felt like this with any of his other female students. Literally thousands of students had taken his course and none had done what this girl was doing. He was trying to understand why this particular girl was causing him so much discomfort?

"Errr, well, I mean..."

"Sir, if I did something wrong, please tell me. I wouldn't want to get into trouble," she said as innocently as could be.

"Well, you didn't do anything wrong, well maybe it was just a misunderstanding."

"Which is it?" she asked. "I really do enjoy your lectures and want to learn."

She had her index finger to her lips and looked so damn innocent. Michael wasn't thinking when he stepped out from behind the podium. Nikki's eyes got as big as saucers as her eyes were drawn to the front of Michael's pants. She said, "Professor! Did I do that?"

Realizing what he'd done, Michael immediately stepped back where he had been in order to block her view. It took a few moments for him to regain his composure. He then said, "You know very well you caused it. The question is what we are going to do about this."

Before he could continue his thoughts she raised her hand like a child in elementary school asking for permission to speak. Looking at her he said, "Yes?"

"Sir, I have an idea how to fix that. With my last boyfriend he liked it when I..."

Michael cut her off saying, "I know how to fix this, that was not the question. My question is how we are going to make it through the rest of this semester."

They were now staring at each other without either of them blinking. Nikki had a bit of a pouting look on her face when she broke the silence saying, "If you want me to wear longer skirts of sit on the back row, I can do that."

The ball was now in Michael's hands. He knew that was not what he wanted. He said, "Why are you doing this? You are a very attractive young lady. I don't understand."

She gave him a big smile then said, "Professor, I promise I didn't do it intentionally during the first class, but I couldn't help but notice what happened to your... well you know. You were hiding behind the podium the entire class. Even a stereotypical blond cheerleader could see why you were there, and then I saw you were looking at me."

Embarrassed he said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..."

"No, let me finish. I wasn't offended, not at all. I know guys look at me. Cheerleaders get used to that and that's one reason we are cheerleaders. I like guys looking at me, but you were different. You're cute so I wanted to see what happened today. The difference was today, I must admit, I was trying to cause you some discomfort and from the looks of things I think it worked. I'm sorry, but I was having fun teasing you."

Michael laughed then said, "Well, what you were doing worked very well."

Nikki grinned and said, "I have an idea how we can solve this."

Almost afraid to hear her answer he asked, "How?"

"You help me transfer to this same class that Professor Adams teaches and that way I will not be here to bother you."

Michael jumped in saying, "That's not fair to you."

"There you go again. Let me finish." Michael nodded and she continued, "As I was saying, you help me get into Professor Adams' class then I will not be your student. Since I will not be your student you can then ask me out and if I accept, we might be able to date and see how it goes."

She finished and gave him a wink. Michael grinned then asked, "IF you accept?" while placing special emphasis on the word 'IF.'

Grinning she said, "You just never know what a girl's options might be when, or even if, that time comes."

Michael stepped to the front of the table. He was now making no effort to hide his erection from her. He sat on the table with his cock approximately four feet directly in front of her. He could see she was staring at his bulge when he said, "I have a suggestion. You agree beforehand to go out with me and then I will see to it you get into Adams' class."

Grinning she asked, "If we did that where would you take me on our first date?"

"I'm a great cook. How would you like to spend an evening at my place with me grilling steaks? I have some nice wines and..."

She interrupted him saying, "I like my meat very rare and very hard."

Grinning he said, "You meant very rare and tender, right?"

With a huge grin she said, "No, rare and very very hard."

He gulped then said, "Of course. That is just how I prefer to serve the meat I prepare for a lady."

Chapter 2 - Happily Ever After?

Four years later Michael proudly watched Nikki graduate with honors. Michael had already asked her to marry him. A week after graduation they were on the plane headed to Jamaica for a destination wedding.

Ten years had passed since then and as far as Nikki was concerned she was still just as much deeply in love and had never for an instant regretted one moment of their ten years together as man and wife.

While they had been dating they spent many nights and weekends at Michael's apartment with him serving her hard meat served hot and raw. Their sex life had always been good. It had been better than good up until about their ninth year of marriage.

One night they were lying in bed and Nikki was doing what she enjoyed the most, fondling her husband's balls. That was when she noticed something felt wrong. She didn't know what it was, but there was something wrong with at least one of her husband's testes. He didn't think it was anything to be concerned about, but Nikki insisted he go have their family doctor check it out. She went along and was in the exam room when the doctor came in to check Michael.

When Michael dropped his pants and the doctor took Michael's balls in his hands, Nikki had a worried look on her face as the doctor began the exam. Michael saw the look in Nikki's face and felt bad he had resisted her wanting him to have this done. He glanced at the doctor and could see the expression on his face wasn't much better. When all was said and done both of Michael's testicles had to be removed due to malignant tumors on each of them. The good news was the malignancy was caught early enough. The cancer had been confined to his testes and had not spread. The bad news was Michael had to have both removed, effectively rendering him a eunuch.

Prior to the operation the doctor explained they could insert two prosthetic testicles in his scrotum to make it appear he still had both of his testicles. He told Michael with the prosthetic testes nobody would ever know. Michael and Nikki discussed it and Michael decided to ask the doctor if rather than putting fake testicles in his scrotum if the entire scrotum could just be removed when they castrated him.

The doctor explained it would be a little more involved and would be more painful, but what he was asking could be done. Michael said he didn't care about the pain or cost, he didn't want fake balls and he didn't want an empty sac hanging below his cock as a reminder of what he'd once had. He explained he preferred the area under his penis to be smooth. The doctor said he would consult with a plastic surgeon and see to it the procedure was completed in the manner Michael wanted.

Nikki didn't care about her husband's scrotum; she was thankful the cancer had been caught early and had not spread. If he wanted his scrotum removed she understood and didn't care.

The doctor told Michael he should be able to achieve an erection, but after the surgery nothing seemed to work. Michael was sent to see a psychiatrist but she had been unable to help. The doctor explained sometimes the decrease in libido that almost always occurs has an impact on a man's ability to get an erection. After several attempts with different medications, Michael gave up trying and accepted the fact he would likely be limp the rest of his life.

Nikki had always loved sex but she loved her husband and his health was much more important. Michael, on the other hand, was devastated by his inability to give his wife what he knew she had enjoyed so much. His self-esteem had been shattered and his cock was limp. The doctor explained there were options for this.

First was the vacuum pump where Michael would suck the blood into his penis using a vacuum pump. Once his penis was fully engorged he would slide a rubber band off the sleeve of the pump and onto his shaft trapping the blood in his penis, making it possible for him to penetrate Nikki. Another option was to have implants that look like long plastic bags placed inside his penis. Michael could then pump sterile liquid into the bags causing them to fill and make it look like he had a fairly natural erection. The procedure was expensive and Michael wasn't interested in that option.

He did try the vacuum pump and even though it worked Michael wasn't all that happy with it. Seeing what the failed efforts were doing to her husband, Nikki insisted sex wasn't that big of a deal and tried to get Michael's mind off the issue. One night they were in bed and Nikki was fondling Michael's penis. She knew he still had the nerves and he had told her what she was doing felt good. She liked making him feel good, but he was frustrated he was no longer able to get hard.

Michael said, "I've been thinking and believe I have a solution. Honey, please hear me out before you say anything."

She stopped fondling him but kept his flaccid penis in her hand as she said, "Okay, I'm listening."

"I know you say sex it isn't a big deal, but not being able to give what you need really bothers me. I feel horrible that I can't be a real man for you."

"You are a REAL man. You are my husband and that hasn't changed. I don't want to hear you talk like that."

"Please let me finish," said Michael.

Nikki nodded her head and said, "Okay, go on."

"What I've been thinking is I know you love me and I love you. I think we both know that will never change."

Nikki nodded her head, not wanting to interrupt even though she had an idea where he might be heading with this.

"You see, what I want is for you to see other men. Men who can give you that one thing I'm no longer able to provide."

With an assertiveness unlike her, Nikki said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have the man I love, and I don't want any other man! I never want to hear you say anything like that again! I will not cheat on you and I don't need a substitute husband!"

Before he could say anything else she had let go of his penis and turned her back toward him. He could hear her crying and felt horrible he had caused his wife to cry. Nikki's tears had always torn a hole in his heart. Regardless of what she had said, Michael still felt his idea was the best thing to do. His wife was a young and beautiful woman. Another man could give her that one thing he was no longer able to provide. As far as he was concerned his idea would not diminish their love for each other but would instead simply fill the hole he was no longer able to fill.

As that thought rolled through his head he had to grin as he thought of the double entendre. Nothing about this was funny, but sex had always been a big part of their lives. As far as he was concerned there was no reason Nikki should be denied that pleasure. He made up his mind he would give Nikki some time to think about it and then revisit the idea at a future date. He thought maybe the next time he could ease into the topic with a little more finesse.

Chapter 3 - Who

A few times, over the next few months, Michael broached the topic of bringing another man into their lives. Even though Nikki maintained her adamant position that Michael was all the man she wanted, he could see each time her resolve became a little less adamant.

One evening they were in the back yard in their hot tub. Nikki was once again playing with her husband's flaccid penis when he said, "Let's just suppose you were to go out with another man..."

He could see the fire in her eyes when she said, "Michael you know how I feel about this subject. I have you and don't need a substitute husband."

"Yea, I know, but just go along with me for a bit. I'm not saying you would do it, but let's just suppose you were to do it. Of all the men you know, which one would you pick?"

"I would pick you."

"Nope, limp dick is not an option. You have to pick someone else, who would it be?"

Michael was surprised to see she it appeared to him she was thinking as if she was running an imaginary finger down a list of possible candidates.

She laughed then said, "No, I don't like this topic."

Suspecting she'd thought of someone, he said, "I think you have someone in mind. Tell me who is it? Who would you choose if I said you have to make a choice?"

"Maybe I wouldn't choose. Maybe I would make you choose for me?"

"Seriously? Would you want me to choose? You know I would do it."

"Honey I don't like talking about this."

Not wanting to let the subject die he said, "Seriously, I will pick someone if you don't want to."

"No, it's not that. Just for discussion, let's say if I was forced to pick someone it would have to be someone I don't see all the time. I would not want to have to face him every day."

"Why not?"

"You know why. It would be just a onetime thing and if I had to look at him every day, it would be a constant reminder of how I had cheated on you."

"It isn't cheating if it's my idea and I know what you are doing. It would be cheating if you were seeing someone behind my back. The thing is, this is something I want you to do, and that isn't cheating. Also, you should know, I don't expect this to be a onetime thing, unless you find you don't like him for some reason. If that happens, you or the two of us can find someone else."

"Okay, I guess I see what you're saying with regard to the cheating part, but I have no intention of making this a regular thing. It is just that..."

"Just what?"

"It just feels weird telling you a guy's name, especially when I have no intention of doing this. I know you want me to do it and you think it's something I want, but the fact is I'm very happy just the way things are. I love you and only you."

"Okay then I'll pick someone since you don't seem to be willing to do so."

Nikki looked at Michael and said, "You aren't playing a game, are you? You actually do want me to give you a name and once I do you will then start pressuring me to go out with him."

Michael looked at her, then took her into his arms and said, "Honey I want you to do this. Please do it. If not for yourself then do it for me."

Chapter 4 - Would He Do It?

Michael had finally been successful convincing Nikki he really wanted another man to fuck her. Until now she had always tried to do whatever Michael wanted. Now, she wasn't so sure she could follow through with what he was now asking her to do.

She hated to admit it, but it was true, she had been thinking of one particular guy. The fact is there was a guy she'd fantasies about for years. In her mind fantasies were one thing, but to actually follow through and act on them was an entirely different matter. The guy she had always thought she would want to fuck her, if she'd not been married, would be the older brother of her best friend, Susan.

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