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Substituting for My Wife

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I substitute for my wife with her boyfriend when she's away.
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My wife, Monica, isn't exactly a great beauty at 40. Her features are too sharp and pinched, her hair is fly-away thin, and as she's gotten older she's put on some weight. Being a tit-man, the extra weight turned her D-cup breasts into DD cup, and I liked that. A lot. But I didn't fall for her because of her beauty. I'd fallen in love with her as a person in high school, marrying after graduation, and we'd been (mostly) happily married for 20 years.

I say "mostly" because I've strayed twice. The first time was with a woman I worked with after we'd been married about 8 years. Monica and I had been having issues, and my eyes wandered. That affair lasted about three months before I finally got really guilty and fessed up to her. She eventually forgave me and I swore that I'd never stray again. That fidelity lasted quite a while.

The second affair, about two years ago, was dangerous. It was with our son's ex-wife, a hot little number named Renee. She had been married to our son, and came on to me HARD after our son divorced her when he caught her in bed with his best friend. I fell for her attentions in a big way. Not only was the sex spectacular, having a woman that was almost half my age that wanted me was a huge boost to my ego. I thought I was in love with her and seriously contemplated leaving Monica for Renee.

I don't know how Monica found out about my affair with Renee, but she did. She confronted Renee about it first, and got her to admit that she was just trying to break up my marriage in revenge for our son divorcing her. Monica used that information when she confronted me about it. There was a huge, messy fight when she did. That I'd strayed again was bad enough, but that I was fucking our ex-daughter in law made it worse. It took a long time and lots of forgiveness on her part, but we worked it out and stayed together. It amazed me that she'd stay with me after both affairs and I vowed to never let her down again. I meant it, too.

Cue in Greg. Greg was our neighbor next door. He was in his early 60's and married. His wife had suffered a major stroke about five years before and mostly an invalid. I thought he was pretty noble, retiring to take care of her full time instead of placing her in an assisted living facility. He was always friendly with us, especially so to Monica.

I realized that they were fucking about a year before. It was little things...strange stains on the bed when she forgot to change the sheets, the subtle interplay between them when they talked, that kind of thing. At first I got angry, then realized that A) I had no room to talk, and B) she didn't change the way she treated me. Our sex life was still pretty good and she was still loving to me. It didn't feel like she was getting ready to leave me for anyone else. Their trysts weren't frequent...maybe once a week or once every other week.

I also realized that Greg probably didn't get sex very often, if at all. As I said, his wife was an invalid and I doubted her and Greg ever had sex since her stroke. I didn't feel threatened by the two of them fucking, felt kind of bad for Greg's situation, and I just ignored it.

I accidentally caught them one day. My office started letting me work from home three days a week in lieu of a raise a few years back, and I had converted the third bedroom in our house into an office. It really worked well for me...I hated the 45 minute drive to and from work, and I was saving money on gas and lunches. That day was one of my office days, and I had almost gotten to work when I realized that I'd forgotten some important paperwork for a meeting later that day. I'd rather be late than unprepared for the meeting, so I turned around and went back home to get them.

I didn't see Monica when I got back home. I figured she was napping, since she slept poorly at night and was prone to taking naps during the day. I went to the bedroom to see if she was awake.

When I opened the door, I was treated to the sight of Greg's skinny ass raising and lowering as he pounded Monica's pussy. I was actually kind of impressed at how vigorous he was for a man his age.

Monica's eyes went wide when she saw me, and she shoved poor Greg off of her. Since they were on the edge of the bed, he tumbled to the floor. He sprang to his feet, then his face going white as he saw me. His dick went from rock-hard to soft in an instant.

"Jesus, Mike...I, uh, I..."

"Relax, Greg," I said. "It's ok." He flinched as I went past him to give Monica a kiss on her forehead. "I forgot some paperwork. I'll see you when I get home." She stared at me I walked back to the doorway, then stopped. "You two have fun," I said with a smile.

I was kind of surprised at myself. Maybe it was because I already knew they were fucking was why I didn't feel any anger or jealousy at seeing it. I actually had a pretty good day at the office.

Monica was waiting for me on the front porch when I got home. She had a pensive, frightened look on her face. I walked up and gave her a kiss, then turned to go inside.

"Wait," she said.

I stopped and turned back to her.

"You're not upset?" she asked.

"No. I knew you and Greg were..." I almost said, "fucking" but change it in mid sentence. "...fooling around for the last year or so.

"And you didn't say anything?" she said.

"No," I replied.

"Why not?"

"First, you love me, right?"


"And you're not in love with him and about to leave me, right?"


"And our sex life didn't end when you two started, right?"

"Well, no."

"So what's there to be upset about? You forgave my indiscretions. I can do the same. I also understand that you're pretty much giving him mercy fucks. Right?"

She bit her lip in nervousness. "Well, it started that way. But I'll be honest and say that he's got a really nice dick and knows how to use it. That's why it went on for as long as it did."

"I can understand that," I said, remembering the hot, torrid sex that Renee and I had had. Early in my affair with Renee, I knew that I should have stopped it but the sex was just too damn good to end it.

"So now what?" she asked.

"Well, as long as you still love me, aren't planning on leaving me, and it doesn't affect OUR sex life, I don't have a problem with it."

"You're not planning on going all psycho on me when we get inside, are you?" she asked. There was a bit of a lilt in her voice, like she was trying to be funny.

"No, baby," I smiled. "Honestly, I'm kind of relieved that you know that I know. If you want to keep fucking Greg, I'm ok with it."

We went inside, and she practically dragged me to the bedroom. The ensuing sex was...inspired, I guess would be the best word. I don't know if she was trying to prove her love to me, or if she was just turned on because I knew about her and Greg, but the end result was it was the best we'd had in a long while.

Time went on and two weeks after catching two of them together, Monica had to go visit her sick mother. She'd been gone for a few days before she called me and told me the terrible news: her mother had cancer. Since Monica was an only child and her father had left the scene years ago, we agreed that she'd stay with her mother and help her during her treatment.

A few days after getting the news of her mother's cancer, there was a knock at the door after I got home from work. It was Greg.

"H-hey, Mike," he said nervously. I could tell that he had to work up some serious nerve just to be standing here in front of me.

"Hey, Greg. Come on in."

He stepped inside. "I'm really sorry about everything," he said, shifting back and forth on his feet.

"Water under the bridge, man," I said. "I already told Monica that it's cool. I'm not mad or upset or anything."

"I, uh, haven't seen her lately. Is she ok?" he asked.

"She's fine," I answered. "She's taking care of her mother in Minnesota. Cancer."

He seemed relieved.

I laughed. "Did you think I killed her or something?"

"Well, if it had been me, I would have probably killed someone," he said.

"I would never hurt her regardless of what went on. I love her," I said. Then I explained about my two affairs, how she forgave me for both, and how rock-solid it had made our marriage. "So," I concluded, "I know how much she loves me. I even told her that if she wanted to keep seeing you, it was ok."

"No shit?" He seemed amazed at my calmness.

"You haven't, uh, 'visited' her since that day?" I asked.

"Hell, no. Haven't even talked to her since."

I frowned. "Huh. I figured that she'd tell you. She said she really enjoyed, ah, being with you."

"I wish she had," he said, morosely. "It's kind of hard, going from absolutely no sex, then being with a wonderful woman, and now back to nothing."

I felt pity for the guy, even if it was my wife he was longing for. "Unfortunately, she's going to be gone for a while. Sorry, man," I told him.

Greg left, and when I made my nightly call to Monica I related the conversation to her.

"Poor Greg," she said over the phone.

"Yeah. Does it look like you'll be coming home any time in the near future?" I asked her.

"No," she answered. "The chemo really wipes Mom out. She's got another couple of months of that, then surgery if it's necessary."

"Damn," I said. "Maybe you could fly back for a couple of days? Greg's not the only one who misses you."

She giggled. "Getting tired of a diet of sandwiches and jerking off?" I was in no way a cook and she knew that. I'd go to restaurants occasionally, but my main diet since she'd left had been sandwiches and things you could microwave. I could manage those. And she was right about my hand getting boring.

"Hell, yes," I replied. "It'd be nice to have a warm body in bed with me, but I'm not going to go out looking for one. I hope you know that."

She went silent long enough that I thought we'd been disconnected. After a minute, I said, "You still there?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah," she responded. "I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"I have an idea that would take care of the both of you, you and Greg, until I get back."

I was perplexed. "How do you mean?"

"Well..." There was a long pause. "Maybe you could tag in for me."

"Tag in...what?"

"Take over my job in getting Greg off."

"Come again?" I was flabbergasted.

"If he'll let you, you can...you know, take care of things. Like, with your mouth."

"You want me to blow GREG?" I asked, astounded.

"Why not? I mean, Greg gets his rocks off and you get some action too that doesn't involve another woman...I mean, let's be honest here and acknowledge that you've strayed a couple of times. And it's not like you never sucked a dick before."

This time, the long pause was on my end. Yeah, I'd sucked dicks before. But it was a LONG time ago, before I met Monica. In my teen years, I "experimented" with some friends. It was terribly exciting and I liked it a lot. Well, I liked it until I met Monica. Any interest in dicks evaporated when I met her. I'd told her about it before we were married and she accepted it as part of my past, but it hadn't come up in conversation for probably 15 years.

"Baby?" she asked over the phone.

"Uh, still here," I said.

"What do you think?"

"I honestly don't know what to think," I said. "I mean, how would I ever bring it up with him?"

"I see that you're not rejecting it out of hand," she said. I could hear the smile in her voice.

I stifled a laugh when I realized she was right.

"He's got a really nice dick. You should know, you've seen it," she said.

"I didn't exactly check him out that day," I said.

"You should have," she said. "His dick does just fine by me."

"I'll think about it," I said. "But you realize that you're ASKING me to cheat on you, with a guy no less?"

"It's not cheating if I say it's ok," she answered. "Just think about it, ok?"

The next couple of days were rough. I hadn't thought about my teenage experimentation in forever, but her suggestion made it all come back to me. I remembered how horny I'd get when I was on my knees, sucking one of my friends dick. Just the memory of it made my dick get hard in my pants and I ended up having to jerk off just to get it to go back down.

I decided that I'd give it a shot. I was worried that Greg would go ballistic on me if I offered to suck his dick, but the more I thought about it, the more exciting the idea was.

The next day was a Thursday, an office day, and Greg was in his front yard watering his lawn when I got home from work. I got out of my car and walked over to him.

"Hey, Greg," I said, a bit nervously. "Can you swing by the house when you're done?"

"Is Monica back?" he asked, a bit excitedly.

"No," I said, seeing his face fall. "There's just something that I want to talk to you about and I don't want to do it out here."

"Sure," he replied.

He knocked at the door about twenty minutes later. I let him in and closed the door behind him.

"What's up?" he asked.

I took a deep breath. I didn't know how I was going to ask him if I could suck his dick. "I was talking with Monica and she had an idea that would benefit both of us."

His face clouded in confusion. "Benefit both of us? How?"

"Well...she wants me to substitute for her."

"Substitute for her how?" he asked, cocking his eye at me.

"Well, she wants me to suck your dick."

"Whoa!" he said, holding up both hands like he was fending me off. "I'm not queer. I didn't think you were, either."

"I'm not. Just hear me out," I said. "Let's just admit that we're both suffering because Monica isn't here. It's not 'queer' if we both have needs that have to be met. And you don't have to touch me at all."

He took a step backwards. "I, uh, appreciate the offer, but I'm not ever going to fool around with a guy no matter how bad off I am."

His words gave me a sudden idea. "Tell you what," I said. "Come back in an hour."

"Why?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Just come back in an hour," I said. "You'll see why when you come back."

"I'm not sure I want to," he said.

"Just do it," I said, exasperated. "If nothing comes of it, then no harm, no foul."

"Ok," he said hesitantly, still eyeing me like I'd grown a second head.

He left, and I went to the bathroom. For the next half hour, I scrubbed myself and shaved my body. I'd never done that before, and I had to admit that it was kind of an erotic sensation, and even more so when I was done and my entire body was smooth. Then I sat down at Monica's make-up table. I'd never worn make-up before, but after twenty plus years of watching her make up her face, I had a decent idea of how to do it.

Once my face was made up, I realized that I didn't look half bad. There wasn't anything I could do about my short hair, but other than that I looked kind of feminine. I put on a pair of Monica's panties, which were a bit too big on me and and I had to use a safety pin to keep them from falling off of me. I finished by putting on her sexiest nightgown...again, too big for me, but it completed my feminine look.

I sat in the living room for about ten minutes before there was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath, and answered it.

Greg's eyes went wide when he saw me. "M-M-Mike?" he stammered.

"Michelle," I answered, the first feminine name I could think of. "Come in."

He stood there for a long few seconds before jerkily walking into the house. His eyes flicked nervously over me.

"So, I'm not a guy now," I said. I reached out tentatively and palmed his dick through his pants. I could feel that it was already a little bit hard. I noticed that he didn't knock my hand away.

"No," he said slowly. "You're definitely not a guy."

I grabbed his hand and led him to the couch, then pushed gently against his chest until he sat down hard. I knelt before him, unzipping his pants and gently tugging his dick out. It hardened as I stroked it, and I saw that Monica was right...he had a really nice cock. Longer and thicker than mine, with a prominent head and very veiny. It wasn't anything like the skinny sticks I sucked in my teenage years, and my mouth unexpectedly watered.

"Mike..." he started to say.

"Michelle," I corrected him. "It's Michelle."

"Uh, Michelle, are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

I smiled at him and without breaking eye contact, I leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. "Yes, I'm sure," I said, then slipped my lips over his cockhead.

I heard him groan as I slid my lips down his shaft. The memories from my teenage years came rushing back to me, and my own dick inflated in Monica's panties. Getting more turned on than I expected to, I started sucking him with all the enthusiasm I had decades before.

I didn't use any technique, taking his cock as deep as I could then quickly withdrew, then went deep again. My mouth made squishy noises around his cock as I became more and more excited. I reached down as I blew him, stroking my own dick through the panties in time with my mouth taking his cock.

I felt his hand on my head. "Gonna pop," he groaned, which only made me speed up. I had a sudden desperate need to feel him cum in my mouth.

"Nnnnggghhh," he grunted, and I felt his cock swell and pulse in my mouth. A sense of satisfaction came over me, and I kept sliding my mouth up and down his shaft as I swallowed the juices that came from him.

Eventually the throbbing of his dick stopped, and I could feel him quickly soften in my mouth. I kept sucking him until he pulled me off of him. I rocked back on my heels, wiped a bit of cum from my lips, and looked up at him.

"I...that..." he stammered, then abruptly stood up. He stuffed his cock back into his pants, then quickly walked out of the house even before I could get to my feet.

My dick was hard as a rock. I went to bed still in Monica's panties and nightgown, and quickly stroked myself to a massive, breath-catching orgasm. I dozed off with the taste of Greg's cum still in my mouth.

I called in sick to work the next day. I felt fine, but there were some things I wanted to do. I wasn't sure if Greg would be back, but I wanted to be prepared if he did. I drove to the next town over where I figured that nobody would recognize me and went shopping.

It wasn't easy finding a store that sold wigs...neither Monica or myself ever had a need for one before. Luckily, I found one that also sold women's clothing and bought a long, black wig, several pairs of panties that WOULDN'T fall off of me, and some nightgowns that fit me better than Monica's. I think the saleslady knew they were for me and not my wife, but she didn't say anything.

I couldn't wait to try everything on, but made myself shower and shave again first. I put panties and a nightgown on, made up my face, and put on the wig. Adding the wig was remarkable. Admiring my reflection in the mirror, I realized that in dim light I could probably pass as a women. The realization made my heart pound in excitement.

I stayed en-femme for the rest of the day, but Greg didn't come over. About seven o'clock, the phone rang. It was Monica.

"I didn't get a phone call last night." I could hear the pout in her voice.

"I'm sorry, baby. I got busy then went to bed early," I explained.

"Busy? With what?"

"Well, I introduced Greg to Michelle," I said.

"Michelle? Who the fuck is Michelle?" she asked, anger tinting her voice.

"Me," I explained. "I'm Michelle."

"What the hell are you talking about?" she demanded.

I explained to her that I tried to "tag in" for her, but Greg wouldn't fool around with a guy, and how I overcame that problem.

"You wore my clothes?" she giggled, once she understood what I was saying.

"Yeah. They didn't fit me very well, but it worked."

"So you really did it? You sucked Greg's dick?"

"Michelle did," I corrected her.

"Well, thank her for me," she laughed. "How was it?"

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