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Summer Help at the Ranch


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"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" Liz moaned.

Luke groaned loudly and pressed another few inches into Liz's tight, but married pussy. My mind was blown at the sight before me.

"Oh fuck....its so big." Liz said. I didn't know if she was talking to Luke or me, and I didn't care.

"It feels so good, so tight! So wet! Ms. Liz." Luke groaned.

My wife had just about a third of his thick cock inside her when she lifted herself just slightly, before sliding back down to take more of Luke's young cock. She made a sound like a whispered scream I hadn't heard before. Then, after a few moments to get used to the size, she started to slowly ride his cock, deeper and deeper with every stroke. Luke couldn't do anything but sit there and get fucked. My wife leaned down and passionately began to make out with the stunned young man. His hands were at his sides before Liz brought them to her breasts. Luke took her lead and began to caress her breasts as she fucked his brains out. I had to applaud his control, but I knew he wouldn't last much longer. Just as the thought crossed my mind I saw Luke whispering something into my wife's ear.

"Luke... I want you to cum inside me..." Liz moaned.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, Oh god Liz!" Luke grunted.

Liz leaned back with her hands and Luke's thighs and slammed her pelvis against his. It was obvious Liz orgasm hit her and she rode it out, tossing her head back and letting her hips grind away at the throbbing pole deep inside her. Luke grabbed her waist and gave her two or three hard thrusts before pulling her down hard onto his cock. Liz almost screamed, he body shook and she looked like a rag doll. Like grunted, I could see his balls contract up tight against her ass, and I knew he was filling my wife's pussy with cum.

"Um.....oh fuck......." Liz groaned as Luke's cock pulsed inside her tight pussy.

"Oh my god." Luke mumbled.

My wife started to slowly ride the kid's cock as he came deep inside her pussy. Luke just sat there with his head leaned back on the bench. Liz rode the kid for what seemed like a long time, a really long time. I didn't think Luke could still be coming, but apparently I was wrong.

"Oh, god, YES! How much more is there Luke? I still feel it...throbbing." Liz asked.

"I don't even know... it feels so much better than I thought." Luke replied.

"Well I don't know about you Luke, but I think you passed the test." Liz laughed.

"It feels so damn good." Luke moaned as my wife sat on his cock breathing heavy.

"No argument there." Liz laughed.

Luke gave a couple more slow thrusts with his hips.

"I don't think you can get any more inside me baby.... It feels like you're in my stomach. "Liz teased.

After a while Liz pulled herself off of Luke's remarkably still hard cock, turned to me on shaky legs, and smiled. I had just made eye contact when I saw a large amount of sticky cum begin to run in streams and gobs down her thighs.

"Can you get me a towel Luke?" Liz asked.

The kid got up and staggered slowly into the house, his cock swinging and dripping cum.

"Well? Did you enjoy your show?" She asked.

"I don't know what to say babe, it was amazing, you are so incredibly beautiful." I said.

I still had my cock in my hand, and somehow had managed not to cum. Liz must've known what I wanted, because she took a step toward me, and bent over at the waist. I looked over at Luke as he came back into the room. He was staring at my wife's pussy and was stroking his cock. At that age I remembered being able to stay hard forever, so I wasn't surprised. For the second time that night I took a chance and waved him over. His eyes lit up and he was standing behind Liz in a heartbeat. My wife leaned forward and just as her lips touched my cock, Luke groped her upturned ass.

"Again Luke? So soon? Wow, what a stud!" Liz laughed.

Liz looked at me with a look of anticipation. Seconds later her eyes closed and her mouth opened in a silent scream as Luke pushed his cock back into her well fucked pussy.

"Oh fuck....." Liz cried out, followed by a tiny scream.

Feeling more confident, Luke started to really pound my wife's pussy with long deep strokes, then he started going faster and faster. It was all she could do to stay standing; she was being fucked so hard. My cock pooped out of her mouth, she tried to get it back in with her tongue and lips but needed to hang on to my waist with both hands. Giving up, she just stood there bent over with her arms on my knees as Luke fucked her senseless. Her eyes rolled back in her head, she made sounds like screaming and crying and gasping, completely lost in her passion. My cock was hands-free, It didn't matter, I'd already started to cum and shot the biggest load ever all over her swinging tits. My cock throbbed and pulsed until I fell backward back onto the bench.

"Oh god honey.... his cock. It's so deep in me!" Liz moaned. She had a hard time standing without falling over.

Luke pulled his cock from deep inside my wife and took her by the hand. Apparently he wasn't quite done. He led Liz back over to the bench and laid her down on her back. She looked over at me for a moment; all I could do was smile. Well, I could smile and stroke my still-hard cock.

Luke climbed between my wife's legs. Her beautiful tits were still covered in my hot sticky cum, but Luke didn't seem to care. She reached out and grasped the kid's huge cock and guided it back to her pussy. Liz groaned deeply and wrapped her legs around the kid's waist. Luke leaned forward and my wife leaned her head up just a bit, to meet his lips for another passionate make out session. Luke began to pound his cock in and out of my wife. Liz dragged her nails down the kids back as she writhed underneath him.

"Oh fuck... Luke... don't stop....don't stop...." Liz moaned.

Hearing my wife beg the kid to keep fucking her had my cock rock hard again. I started to slowly stroke myself again, marveling at how the night had ended up like it had.

"Fuck Ms. Liz....it feels so goddamn good...." Luke groaned.

"Fuck me Luke.....fuck that married pussy...oh fuck...oh fuck....I love your cock! Your big giant cock!" Liz said as her orgasm reached its peak.

Her legs shook and she was taking short rapid breaths. I've seen her orgasms before and I knew this was a big one. Luke slowed his thrusts, but didn't stop. He reached down and grabbed Liz's breasts, kissing and biting them as he slowly but deeply fucked her. His smooth balls slapping against the wet mess around her pussy,the sound getting louder and more rapid. His body got rigid and he held stock still like a Greek statue while Liz writhed and humped his huge cock by herself. Then, he started shaking involuntarily, and I knew he was shooting another hot thick load of semen deep into my wife's pussy. Liz' orgasm went on for a solid minute before her eyes opened slightly. She glanced over at me quickly before looking back up at the kid. They remained locked in for a while, panting and heaving, covered in fresh sweat, for several more minutes.

"Luke.... I don't think I've ever been fucked like that..." Liz said, gasping for air.

Hearing her say that didn't hurt me at all. I thought she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Seeing her ravaged by the young Luke was the most erotic thing I'd ever witnessed.

"Really? Oh man....thanks. I'm trying to do the right things...I'm new to all this." Luke said. He started slowly pumping in and out again, matching her rocking hips almost unconsciously.

"Fuck me, you hot stud! Fuck my married pussy hard! Give me you hot cum!...." Liz demanded.

"I'm gonna cum soon.... Can I... I mean will you maybe....let me do it...in your mouth?" Luke asked.

Liz shot an incredulous look at me, and asked "Luke, you really are amazing!"

Liz leaned up on her elbows and let the kid give her a few more, long, slow thrusts. He wasn't lying about being close, his breathing was labored and he started fucking her roughly, like an animal in heat.

"I would love for you to cum in my mouth Luke....." Liz smiled wickedly at me. Then she looked back at him and begged "Please cum in my mouth! I love your cum! I need to taste it again, cum in me Luke! Cum in my mouth!"

That was all the permission he needed, Luke pulled his cock out of my wife's well-fucked pussy and helped her kneel in front of him. Liz reached out and wrapped her tiny hand around the thick shaft of Luke's cock. She pulled back the foreskin to expose the wet, slick mushroom head of his cock, before greedily sucking it into her mouth. As awesome as the sight was in front of me, it didn't go on for very long. My wife could tell the kid was about done because she stroked him faster. She sucked loudly and her hand caressed his balls. Just as he was about to cum, he pulled his cock from my wife's mouth, and tilted her head back with a fistful of her hair.

"Cum on my face!... just give it to me...all of it..." My wife said looking straight at me.

His cock erupted and the first shot landed diagonally across my wife's face covering her from chin to hairline. Liz cupped her breasts and looked right at me.

"Oh, that's it baby!" Liz moaned.

My wife opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out wickedly. The next thick rope of cum went right into her mouth.

"Oh wow....ummmmmmmm..." my wife licked her liips.

The following several eruptions of thick cum coated Liz's face and tongue before sliding into her greedy mouth, as she caressed her wet, sticky breasts. Luke wasn't quite done yet. He apparently wanted to give my wife something to remember him by. The next spasm from his cock plastered my wife's chin before dropping obscenely onto the upper swells of her breasts. I thought for sure the kid was done but he kept cumming. He must've been pent up for the entire semester. He jerked his cock hard a couple more times and sent a ropes of cum over all my wife's hair, face and tits.

"Jesus Christ! How much more is there?!?" My wife said with a look of astonishment.

Luke had no control, he sent another blast of his juice into my wife's mouth. The final few spurts dropped down between her breasts. Luke stood there hyperventilating for a few seconds and my wife on her knees there with her mouth full of his cum.

"Oh god Ms. Liz." Luke stammered.

Liz looked up at Luke, smiling. She swallowed deeply before sucking Luke's finally deflated cock back into her mouth for one last time. I watched as my wife cleaned cum and her own pussy from the kid's cock. Then, he lifted her up in his strong arms and kissed her, deeply, licking his own cum from her chin and lips.

"I'm gonna die now....a happy man. I hope I did OK Ms. Liz." Luke said.

"It's OK cowboy... tonight was fun for me too. You were great. So...I guess we'll start on the chores in the morning." Liz smiled, still panting like a marathon runner.

"You bet!" Luke said, staggering a little before grabbing his clothes and slipping out the door with the biggest grin I think I've ever seen.

My wife sat down next to me and looked at me quizzically. She was as sexually satisfied as I'd ever seen her. I wasn't quite sure what she was going to say.

"Well? That was... interesting." She said simply.

"Babe, that was a fantasy come true. I think you're so gorgeous, and you were even more beautiful tonight. " I said honestly.

"It was...great." She smiled at me. "But it was not the best"

She straddled by lap and I slipped my still-hard cock deep into her well fucked, slippery pussy. She leaned forward and kissed me, I tasted cum but was so lost in the moment I didn't care who's it was, I just kissed her back. She rode my cock like a cowgirl on a bull, until we both came together.

We stayed that way for a while, cuddling in the sticky mess and engaging in sleepy small talk.

"Are you sure you're OK?" She asked. "Babe, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I loved watching you orgasm so intensely. Surprisingly, it was a real turn on for me. I kind of feel closer to you, as if we shared a secret, or made a discovery together." Liz nodded, then said "Maybe we should not have invited him to stay this summer?" I thought for a moment, and said: "You do as much or as little with the kid as you desire, babe. I loved the two of us pleasing you. I loved see you so lusty, and passionate."

"It is kinda fun being naughty... I never thought I'd ever do anything like this." Liz smiled.

The next morning I awoke to the noise of our tractor starting up and knew Luke at it, true to his word. I glanced over and noticed that Liz must've already gotten up. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I decided to get up and make coffee.

Liz was lying on the kitchen table, on her back, naked. She turned to me when I entered the room, still panting and said "Good morning sleeping beauty. I can make you some breakfast in a moment" She said smiling an evil smile, still catching her breath.

My wife was plastered with what was obviously cum. There was splashes and drops on her chin, and a larger amount on the side of her neck. Her breasts and stomach were glistening with fresh cum. I could only smile and think about what an interesting summer this was going to be.

Summer Help at the Ranch

Part 2

Summer passed quickly. With Luke helping out we were to spend more time on ranching, I scheduled many more stud sessions with the Bull and Stallion, and with Luke watching the ranch we were able to drive further from the county farmer's market into the city college campus, where prices were better. We actually paid off several bills and were able to start a rainy day fund. I fact, with Luke helping out we were busier than ever, I would no sooner finish one job when Luke would appear and announce "The truck is loaded for the market" or "The chicken coop is cleaned and here's the eggs" and I'd have to jump to keep up. The kid was a dynamo.

To my surprise, Luke never really hung around Liz, hound-dogging for another piece of her ass like a horny teenager. True to his word, that one night was all he seemed to need; from there on he was focused on his work, we only saw him for a few meals and we worked the ranch together like a well oiled machine.

Liz was like a wild woman, she worked at least as hard as the boys all day, but at night she was insatiable, we had sex less often just due to time and exhaustion from the day's chores, but when we did get together we fucked like teenagers, passionate and with new intensity. She relived her tryst with Luke a few times, letting me how deep she felt his cock and how raw and worn he'd left her cum fulled pussy. I feigned jealousy but just fucked her harder and harder. We were never closer.

At the end of the summer, Liz had taken the truck into town and I went to find Luke a the bunkhouse, and found him packing up, chewing his ever present blade of grass. He looked up and smiled, and explained that dorm spaces were opening up and he needed to leave early in the morning to get a spot in line.

"Luke" I told him, "Liz and I were going to give this to together, but I'll do it now.." and handed him an envelope. "What's this?" he asked with honest curiosity. "Liz and I wanted to thank you for you help this summer, and let you know you are welcome back, anytime!" Luke looked inside, we had figured out his wages and bonus for the summer, and paid him in full. Luke's eyes welled up and he lunged forward and game me a hug with strong, muscled arms that almost broke several of my ribs. I smiled and hugged him back. After a moment, he released me and I said "Come up the house for dinner, we'll have a beer or two before the roast is done." Like smiled and nodded, and I returned the house.

Luke and I had, in fact, downed several beers while the campfire burned down and the stars started coming out. Liz was due home in a few hours, so this was a rare quiet and well earned break from the daily grind. I'd never seen Luke drunk, and I took a little joy in seeing how drunk I could get him. We laughed and traded stories and a few secrets, it was a great evening.

At one point, I confessed to Luke: "I ran into you parents in town", (they were elderly, having Luke at a very late age) "They are selling the farm, but haven't sold it yet." I put a few more logs on the fire while he sat in silence.

Luke got a serious look on his face, and said quietly "That was a lame story, I didn't mean to lie. It just came out and then you hired me and it didn't matter..."

Luke took a deep breath, and continued: "I did date several girls my first semester, but then I fell in love with a teammate on my swim squad. A guy. At first I didn't believe it, but as time went on I knew Mike and I were right for each other. When I told my dad I wanted Mike to spend the summer with me, he threw me out.". "Mike was so upset he returned to Oklahoma and we haven't really kept up." Luke shrugged, as if to say "All that for nothing. I guess Mike liked the drama he created more than he liked me..."

I was silent for a moment, shocked that this still happened to people. "Luke, you are family, and are always welcome, you have a good soul and I know we're lucky to know you."

Luke moved in closer, his face almost touching mine, and he whispered "That first night, when I said I'd work all summer for only a kiss, I was talking about you, not Liz."

I sat in stunned silence. My mind raced back to that first night when Liz and Luke fucked like animals, right in front of me, but then really showed no interest in a following up over the rest of the summer. Was Luke only keeping up a front that one time, so we'd accept him? Did Liz know?

Luke was stock still, frozen, I think the alcohol made him admit a deep secret and maybe he was regretting it, but it was too late to take it back now. My mind raced, I was playing back the summer in my head, looking for any indication, but there was none. Then, I realized he's just bared his soul, and a clumsy word from me could crush it like a discarded pop can.

I made a choice.

I leaned forward and kissed him.

He tasted of beer, and grass, and slightly of mint. He kissed me back, hard. His whiskers were rough and spiky, his tongue was sandpaper and muscular, he breath became labored. A dam broke. Our clothes were ripped off in a flash, and were standing naked by the fire, hands groping and mouths tasting each other like wild men.

His lips still on mine, Luke didn't miss a beat and wrapped his hand around my hard cock and began to stroke. My entire body quivered, I had been given countless hand jobs before but something but his work-calloused hands and rough lips was driving me wild.

He pulled away from my mouth and made his way downwards, the anticipation driving me crazy, he traced my neck, down to my nipples and by the time his lips touched the head of my cock I was shaking. My heart was about to burst out of my chest, every moral fiber was telling me how wrong this was but the first feeling of his wet lips on my cock convinced me otherwise. I looked down at him and our eyes met for a moment, as I watched him go up and down. Involuntarily, I started bucking my hips slowly, gently fucking his hot mouth.

I was dizzy, and in a state of pure bliss. Nude, I felt an odd sensation of being vulnerable and excited, something about him, his raw passion, made me feel that everything we were doing was right. Luke pushed me gently back onto the bench and I obliged, sitting and then leaning back. He knelt, pushing my legs apart, and leaning over to return my cock to his mouth. I ran my hand through his hair as he sucked, but letting him set the pace and depth. He sucked gently on my head, licked up and down my shaft and eventually made his way to my balls, fitting one then the other in his mouth and sucked on them while stroking me.

I couldn't believe this was happening, it was not something I ever planned or wanted, and. I knew it was wrong somehow, but I didn't care. I gently pulled his mouth off of my cock and pulled him up to me, he got on top of me and we again kissed, soft and passionate while our hard cocks rubbed against each other. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling his soft naked body as close as possible, rubbing up and down his back and grabbing onto his tight ass. My fingers explored between his cheeks and I lingered at his tight pucker, lightly teasing the hard entrance. Luke gasped.

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