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Summer Help at the Ranch

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My wife and I get a hot ranch hand for the summer.
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My wife Liz and I ran a small ranch in rural Minnesota that used to belong to her parents. It was hard work, but we got to spend the days with each other and that was it's own reward. Liz was tall athletic blonde, she was fearless around the horses and even our bull, even teaching me how to re-shoe the stallion when it was needed, pushing him around as if he was a tiny puppy, not a 1500 pound temperamental animal. She was one of those unique women who looked sexier covered in sweat, dirt and wearing beat-up jeans and an old flannel shirt knotted in the front, her long hair swinging in a pony tail. She had a confident swagger when she walked, and as a former school teacher in a rough area, never took any guff from anyone. She was an animal in bed; strong, passionate and relentless. It was my slice of heaven. The hardships of farming had made us both lean, strong and independent. The downside was were isolated quite a bit.

She left teaching and we'd been working the farm for almost 10 years, making extra money at the farmer's markets in summer to last the winter, but never quite breaking even. This year, with the pandemic restrictions lifted, seemed promising, although the list of ranch chores and upkeep was never ending. The stress of trying to keep up with the livestock, the gardens, crops and of course weather was much more than I expected, but we managed and survived that, and bankers and tax collectors always nipping at our heels.

We'd just finished a long day of chores and were relaxing on the porch with a bottle (or two?) of our homemade wine, when we saw a dust cloud coming up the driveway, and a few minutes later heard the rumble of a motorcycle engine, it was our elderly neighbor's kid, Luke, evidently home from college. I recognized the engine sound, it was the same bike I helped him rebuild from a barn find last summer. Luke was a tall, lanky beanpole of a kid with short hair, naturally spiky at the top and tight on the sides.

I waved him over and Liz when inside to get a jelly jar glass for wine, (and a new bottle). Luke removed his helmet and turned meet us on the porch, just as Liz returned. We both kind of gasped at the same time, over the winter that beanpole kid had packed on 20 pounds of muscle, his shoulders broad, his waist thin like only a 21 year old has, he face lean and angular, but still sporting that goofy eager smile.

I stood up and offered my hand in greeting, just as Liz had leaned over to hug Luke and I caught a glance of her tits just hanging there inches from his face. She wasn't aware of it, but Luke sure was. His eyes were glued to them. Liz hugged him roughly and seemed oblivious to her effect on him, I noticed.

We made small talk and caught up on the news around town, glad to have company. Liz peppered him with questions about college, then started getting more and more personal about his physique, his social life and if he was enjoying the "city girls" and if he had a steady girlfriend yet? Luke seemed embarrassed said something about classwork and studies leaving little time for dating, paused and answered honestly "No", but quickly changed the topic. Luke told us his parents had sold their farm and retired, he was looking for summer work and a place to stay.

"I'd like to help you, Luke, but we're living on the edge here too, money's tight." Liz hugged me and said "My wonderful husband here is working himself to death to keep us going!" and she planted a pretty hot kiss on my lips, I was glad for it, but it's not like her to get so intimate with company over. But, I wasn't complaining.

Luke sat back and signed, saying longingly "I'd work all summer for free, for a kiss like that!" then he kind of caught himself and added "You are a lucky man, for sure!"

Liz winked at me, and then looking at Luke, said "Hmm, one kiss for help with our list of chores? That's not a bad offer!"

"Be careful what you wish fore, Luke!" I chided, grinning at Liz, "One kiss cost me a lifetime of servitude to her!" Liz rolled her eyes at me, I was a little uncomfortable with where this was going, but said nothing, just swirled the deep red liquid in my glass, and then took a sip.

Luke said "I didn't mean anything, it was just a lame joke. I guess I was just frustrated and not thinking before I spoke. "No harm.' I told him, "Luke, if you want to work for room and board, you can stay in the old bunkhouse, and in the morning we'll give you a list of chores to start on, see how it goes?"

Luke was ecstatic, grinning from ear to ear, when Liz interrupted him: "Don't forget that kiss you promised me!" She said, feigning a slight.

Luke looked at me nervously, and stuttered "Miss Liz, I'd be terrified to kiss a girl as beautiful as you!"

Liz looked at him like he was trying to swindle her out of a stud fee. "Luke, a bargain is a bargain. You've kissed a girl before, right?"

"Yea, but, you know, not a woman,...wow! Really? I mean, yes, but this is..."

"Hold on a minute! You can't be serious?" I asked Liz, "Don't I get a say, wife?"

"It's just a kiss, husband, lets consider it a reward for Luke helping us out of a tough spot" she said, then added "Consider it my gift to you, husband, for finding you a handsome and hardworking ranch hand!" "Besides" she said, in her sultry voice, "Then my husband would have time to spend quality time with his sexy wife."

"I don't know about this..." I said looking back and forth between Liz and Luke. Liz was enjoying making me uncomfortable, obviously. Although, in the back of my mind I felt strangely turned on by the thought of her seducing this young bull.

"Please Ms. Liz...I mean...it would be the most awesome moment of my life. You're so hot...I mean...you're sexy, I mean this is kind of a local kid's dream come true!"

"I get that idea Luke, calm down. Are you sure about this babe?" I asked Liz. She just grinned, slyly, and bit her lower lip. I wondered what she was thinking?

"Make it worth my putting my neck out for you, Luke." Liz said as she sat straight up and turned toward Luke.

Luke stared at me for a second; it was like he was asking for permission. I shrugged and he moved just a bit closer to my wife. Liz leaned forward, closed her eyes and parted her lips right next to Luke's face, almost daring him. Luke just sat there stiff as a board, then leaned forward, puckered up and gently kissed Liz on the lips.

I really couldn't blame the kid for being tense and timid, kissing a married woman in front of her husband.

The kiss went on for five to ten seconds, closed mouth, Luke was very stiff, Liz didn't respond. Liz pulled back and opened her eyes.

"Awful." she said, feigning boredom. "Deal's off." She came and sat down next to me, hugging me close and I though I detected a tiny giggle.

Luke looked mortified, I'd seen the same expression on a calf after we gelded them. I honestly felt sorry for the boy. Liz looked at Luke, then said "Watch an expert, and see what you did wrong." then she turned and kissed me, deeply, passionately, and I have to admit it was really getting me going, I felt my cock start to get hard in my pants, I started to hope Luke would just leave us alone for a while. I was just about to reach for her tits...

She broke the kiss off (too soon!) and asked Luke "Did you see what I did there?"

Luke seemed speechless, but managed to croak, modestly "Yes, ma'am.".

Liz turned to him and in her best teacher's voice, asked "Are you ready to try again?"

Luke looked like a deer caught in headlights, but nodded and kind of readied himself. I suppressed a laugh, but moved out of the way. Liz sat down next to him, put her hands on his head and slowly turned him to face her. "Relax" she said, in almost a whisper, "Make me the center of your world, and make me feel beautiful." she leaned forward and put her lips against his.

This time, he kissed her back, at first gently but then with increasing passion. There was no tongue but my wife changed positions a couple times, and when she did, she did open her mouth a little and that kiss became a full make-out session. Just as the kiss ended, she gently pulled Luke's bottom lip with her teeth and exhaled. I discovered that I was very turned on seeing my wife kissing someone else, I was rock-hard and very aware of how tight my jeans had become. Luke was almost panting, in disbelief.

"Well? How was that for a kiss?" Liz asked smiling.

"I...just...I mean....it was..." Luke stopped to catch his breath. "I guess practice helped" he joked.

"I think he liked it babe." I laughed.

"Well, I'm glad I could help, he's a quick learner." Liz said, returning to sit beside me and taking a sip of her wine.

Luke was still shell shocked by what my wife's lips had done to him. But I wasn't about to let the moment go, I was feeling a lust I hadn't know I had, and I wanted to see how far it would go. They looked incredibly sexy together, while our sex life was wonderful, this was a hot, dangerous spark that drew me in like a moth.

"Liz, I'm not quite sure I feel right about this." I said, then feigning my best "State Fair cattle judging" voice: "But you looked incredibly hot and sexy just now. I think you could own this young bull with a little more effort". "What?" Liz asked, a little shocked, as if she was caught in lust. I thought I was calling her out on her own dare, but then I noticed her nipples were erect and her breathing was still labored. I felt a twinge of regret, but too late now. She looked at me, as if asking if this was OK. I kissed her gently and nodded. She squeezed my hand and said "I'll owe you one, mister" then looked at Luke and said "I guess I can kiss you again if you want Luke."

I realized I was hoping to see some more sexy action between my wife and Luke, and I felt both dirty and exhilarated, and for a second it looked like I was almost getting cold feet. What was I thinking? I did have a feeling of working the rodeo bull without a clown, and felt a rush of lust and that feeling of breaking taboos, freeing you from tension and almost scared at what I was involved in. Being bad was a great release of tension, it turned out. It certainly clouded my judgment. I hope this didn't backfire.

"Really?" Luke said, like a prize fighter realizing he'd been declared a winner after long moments of not knowing then not trying to hide his excitement at all.

Liz sat up and scooted right up next to Luke. This time he took his time and leaned forward with his eyes closed. Liz glanced in my direction. I smiled wide and nodded my head. Liz smiled back and pressed her lips to Luke's. I could feel my jeans get tighter. I looked down and saw a sizable bulge growing in Luke's pants, impressive in size and length. I was fascinated, and egged him on.

"C'mon Luke, make it worth her while" I teased.

"Shush, Husband, just enjoy the show." Liz said, sideways without taking her lips from his. She focused on him and in an instant it seemed to go from "tease" to something hotter. He pulled her closer.

That was all it took for the damn to break apparently, because the next thing I knew, I saw my wife's tongue dart into Luke's mouth. The kid groaned and I wasn't sure that he didn't just cum in his pants. This went on for a few seconds, before the kid earned some respect in my eyes. He reached over and put his hand behind my wife's head, and pulled her tighter against his face. They weren't kissing anymore; they were full blown making out.

"I think you're getting the hang of this..." My wife whispered as Luke ravished her lips.

"I.... can't believe I'm......this is... oh god." Luke moaned.

This kissing was hot and heavy for another couple minutes and the sight of the raw lust they had for each other had me breathing hard.

They made out like teenagers left in the house alone for the first time. Liz moaned a few times letting me know that she was enjoying herself almost as much as Luke was. I was enjoying the kissing, but Luke, a young man, had other ideas. As I was watching, he slowly let his hand drop from my wife's head to her shoulder, then he massaged her neck gently, pulling her in closer. His large strong hand only stayed there a moment, before it dropped down even further, until he was grabbing her upper arm. I didn't think he had it in him, but the kid surprised me again. Without much hesitation, he reached over, touching her breast and then gave my wife's breast a squeeze. The thin material of her shirt barely covered her nipple, so Luke got a good handful. Liz tensed a bit, then signed and relaxed, and continued her lip lock with the kid, even turning it up a notch. Luke was emboldened by my wife's enthusiasm. Moments later he undid the knot of Liz's top and fully exposed my wife's amazing breasts.

"Well, you're not so shy after all..." Liz said as Luke caressed her breasts.

I thought I'd feel jealousy, or hurt, or anger, but instead I felt insanely aroused, and eager to see more. It was like I was connected to my wife, part of Liz's lust for a naughty adventure.

To his credit, the young bull took his time, starting off gentle and timid then letting the passion intensify. The bulge in Luke's pants was getting larger. I smiled, not blaming the kid in the least. He was making out with a gorgeous woman, while having a handful of her soft firm breast. He broke the kiss and started to kiss down my wife's neck, slowly kissed down her neck, causing her to moan and writhe. My wife's head was tilted to the side, and she looked at me only briefly before her eyes closed again, and she went on enjoying the young man's efforts. Once Luke got past her collar bone, he dove straight in and took my wife's nipple into his mouth.

"Oh baby...that feels so good." Liz cooed.

I froze when my wife looked over at me. I was sitting there with a huge grin on my face. I didn't know what she was going to do, but she looked at me and licked her lips.

"That's it! That's just how I like it..." Liz moaned. At this point I wasn't sure if she was punishing me for instigating this affair, or just oblivious to me completely. I didn't care either way.

Liz deftly slid her top off as Luke sucked her tits. Both breasts were fully exposed now, and the kid was in lust. He greedily switched back and forth between my wife's breasts, sucking a flicking his tongue across her nipples. My wife had a look of ecstasy on her face as the Luke pleasured her. I slowly undressed and freed my hard cock as my wife watched me. Liz seemed to get the idea because she smiled at me as I enjoyed the show. She pulled the kid off her breast and began to really get into making out with him. She made a show of licking his lips, and moaning while they kissed. She ran her hand over his crotch and rubbed his hard cock through the thick material, I guess giving him the OK to go farther.

I don't know what was going through the Luke's mind exactly, but his cock must've been about to explode. I saw him slowly unzip his pants and lift his butt just enough to slide them down to his knees. His now very hard cock flopped out and stood straight away from his fit and muscled abs, I involuntarily whistled, the show had just gotten very real. Like I said, Luke's a pretty tall kid, and he was hung like a horse. I have no idea how he got a cock as big as he did, but the proof was bobbing there in his lap. He was uncircumcised, and he had a cock that would make any man jealous. My wife finally noticed something had happened, so she stopped her make out session to see what was up, so to speak.

"Oh my god Luke!" Liz said staring at his bouncing fat hog.

"Ms. Liz....I'm so.... hard right now....please. I'll do anything..." Luke said breathlessly.

"I don't know honey; this might just be a bit too far..." Liz said, as if to convince herself, while still staring at the kid's hard and throbbing cock.

"Go on babe, it's OK." I said not wanting her to stop.

"Are you sure? I mean look at this thing." Liz giggled.

"Please Ms. Liz... you are so beautiful.... Please..." Luke said.

Liz hesitated, I think, the situation becoming very real for her, beyond teasing and flirting. She probably couldn't believe what was happening. She was about to let a neighbor boy, and not-her-husband fuck her, in front of her husband! I was too crazed with lust and desire to say anything. Thankfully Luke wasn't about to just sit there. He grabbed my wife's hand and pulled it onto his cock. Liz's hand slowly closed around his thick monster pole, eliciting a long moan from the kid. I could tell the lust she felt toward young muscular Luke and his beautiful, hard cock, was completely overriding her inhibitions.

"Jesus...Luke! Where do you hide this thing? It's so hard..." Liz said slowly starting to stroke the kid's cock.

My wife smoothly jerked Luke's cock slowly for a moment or two before pulling down the foreskin to expose the large mushroom head. It was thick and wet with precum, throbbing with her attentions. My wife's jaw was literally hanging there as her hand slid up and down on the kid's hard cock. I was rock hard now, as I let the sight before me soak in. My wife was leaned back on the couch with her tits out, while she jerked off a very big cock.

"Ms. Liz...that feels so fucking good." Luke moaned.

My wife kept jerking the kid's cock for a few moments before he pulled her head down to his lips again. Liz moaned loudly as her tongue wrestled with the kid's. A large dribble of precum made its way down to her hand, and made it easier for her hand to slide up and down the kid's cock. She was really jerking the kid off now. They stayed at it for another minute or two, and I thought the kid was gonna blow his load at any moment. It turned out that all this action was having a profound effect on my wife as well.

"Your cock is....oh my god, it's.... it's amazing." Liz said.

"You really like it Ms. Liz? You're making me so hard! " Luke groaned. As if to answer, she leaned over and kissed the head of his cock, tasting dripping precum and all. She licked up the drool and put the head in her mouth, sucking gently for a few minutes.

"This is remarkable, young man, so hard, so big! I love it!" Liz smiled and kissed him again, he must have tasted his precum on her lips.

Hearing her say it made me really fucking lose control. I pulled off the rest of my clothes, then standing the nude, continuing to slowly jerk my cock. My head was spinning, I could feel the cum building up. I unbuttoned her cut-off shorts and tugged the off her in one smooth motion, she kicked them off impatiently.

The kid reached over and grabbed my wife's leg, and pulled her over on top of him.

Reading his mind, she said "I need you inside me!" Liz almost begged. It was so hot to see her completely lose herself in lust and desire, aware that she needed to fuck this young bull in front of her husband, and not caring.

She was straddling the kid with only her lace g string panties on. Luke's big cock was leaning against her ass as he made out with my wife. The kid's hips were rotating, sliding his dripping cock between the sexy globes of Liz's ass. I watched in awe as the young man kneaded my wife's ass. My wife was enjoying herself as well, every few seconds Liz would grind her ass against Luke's pelvis. The motion would cause his cock to slide up and down erotically between my wife's ass cheeks, teasing and tempting her. I watched this scene play out for a while, but Luke wasn't satisfied with dry humping, and I couldn't really blame him.

Liz had her back arched and her head turned to the side. Her breasts were right in front of Luke's face and the young stud was absolutely stunned. But he wasn't going to settle. Slowly Luke brought his hands down to Liz's waist and lifted her up just enough for him to angle his cock toward my wife's pussy. The sudden pressure against her pussy didn't go unnoticed, because I heard my wife gasp. Luke thrust his cock forward again eliciting another groan from my wife. I almost got up and pulled her panties off myself I was so turned on and eager to see more. Thankfully Luke grasped her panties, tugged them down, and let them slip of her sexy legs. Then before I could take a breath, Luke pressed his engorged cock against my wife's bare, wet pussy. Liz's tight cunt didn't yield right away. I watched closely as the lips of her pussy stretched to try and accommodate the kid's big cock. After a few seconds he seemed to get even harder and longer, then the engorged head of Luke's cock emerged from the foreskin, and slid just inside Liz's pussy.

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