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Sun Hee Ch. 01

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Cute Korean girl turns out to be something of a tease.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/06/2015
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It all started in my sophomore year in college when I met Sun Hee. She was this sweet, sexy, and endearingly awkward Korean girl who soon came to control and consume my life in ways I had never imagined possible.

We first met at a campus lecture. Sun Hee was one of the few students to ask a question, and even though her English was a bit broken and she seemed painfully self-conscious, I was impressed by how earnest she was about raising her hand. It was more than I dared to do at the time, and I knew right then that I wanted to meet her. After the talk, I told her I liked her question, and we ended up walking across campus late into the evening talking together about art and philosophy in the way that only young college kids can. I was in heaven having this thoughtful conversation with such a pretty and lively girl. We talked about everything: our childhoods and backgrounds, our hopes, our insecurities, our desires. Unlike so many other college girls, Sun Hee was actually interested in things. She was interested in art, she was interested in philosophy and culture, and to my very great surprise and pleasure, she seemed interested in me.

The first thing I noticed about Sun Hee was how shy and awkward she seemed, like so many other Asians studying abroad understandably nervous and out of place in the unfamiliar space of a large American university. She was a "fob" when we first met, fresh off the boat. It's a term she introduced me to, and I felt awkward using it. But it's true. She dressed rather primly in clothes that were a bit out of fashion and always modestly cut so as not to show any cleavage. That first night we met she was wearing a dark blue v-neck sweater over top this frilly white shirt that was buttoned all the way up to her neck. She looked so feminine and desirable it was all I could do not to try to kiss her, and there was a smell about her skin that seemed ever so slightly new and unusual. I loved it. I loved everything about her. I had never met a Korean girl before, and I soon found I wanted to know everything about her.

And as I started to get to know Sun Hee, the girl I discovered was amazing and very pretty. At 5'4'' she was petite and skinny, and her legs were long and willowy in the way Asian girls' often are. She had such a cute and expressive face, with a wide mouth and straight bangs cut just over her dark, liquid eyes, and long black hair that reached down to the middle of her back. Her breasts looked large on her tiny frame, though the fobby way she dressed made it hard to tell just how large they really were. She dressed very well, but in a way that obscured rather than flattered her figure.

But it wasn't just that she was hot. She had this incredible energy and enthusiasm about her that was bewitching, and when she laughed and giggled it was like she was the only girl in the room. Some of her classmates called her "Sunny" as an American name, which definitely fit her, though I preferred her Korean name. Best of all there was an openness to her that made me want to be open, too. Totally open. Soon I was sharing things with her I had never told anyone else. She liked that and liked how respectful of her I was. Honestly, paying attention to her needs and little things like opening the door for her just felt right.

That first night we ended up coming back to my dorm room, and not really having anywhere else to sit, Sun Hee moved to my twin bed and drew herself back against the wall as if to make room for me. My breath caught in my throat. Play it cool, I chided myself. I really liked this girl and wanted to do things right, so I told myself not to rush her. She gave me an odd look when I pushed the dirty clothes off my chair and chose that instead.

As our conversation continued it was increasingly hard to focus with this sexy Korean girl laying on my bed. While her feminine shirt was buttoned modestly to her neck, her short skirt showed off her long and slender legs, and as she had slipped off her heels at my door, her feet were bare. Sun Hee seemed to part her legs just a little as though in invitation. The view was intoxicating, her short skirt rising to where it couldn't be more than an inch from revealing her underwear. Her legs looked unbelievably long and delicate. Unbidden, the image of those long bare legs wrapped around me made me weak in the knees and made my cock uncomfortably hard in my pants.

With another girl I would definitely have made a move, but something with Sun Hee kept me frozen in place like some helpless idiot. Her large dark eyes held mine, studying my reaction, testing. A mysterious smile seemed to grow on her wet lips.

The next day, I called her right away, no games, and asked her on a proper date. Hearing her bubbly voice on the phone excited for our date was everything I had hoped for, and she said she was free that night. "Take me somewhere nice for dinner," she insisted, and I was only too happy to agree.

Part of it was purely practical. I had a car. Her life was limited to the campus and the handful of nearby drug stores and convenience stories; it's something we American college students take for granted, the simple freedom of being able to go where we pleased. Our first real date I took her to into the city to a nice restaurant. She wore a white and blue striped dress and a pair of dark blue heels that made her look amazing and made me feel foolishly under dressed. I was pleased, but a little surprised, how excited she was to be off campus and away from the watchful eyes of her Korean friends. She said I was so thoughtful and sweet to her, she really liked that, and she liked that she could have real conversations with me.

One of the things we talked about a lot were differences between Korean and American culture. She resented growing up in such a conservative and sexist environment. Her mother nagged her constantly about being a modest, proper girl, and her older brother always seemed to get opportunities she didn't. "Always someone else gets to be in charge," she sighed. Coming to the U.S. to study was an opportunity to expand her horizons, though even here her socializing had mostly been among other Koreans. She felt like her life had been limited and constrained, and she was thirsty for new experiences.

It was tremendously flattering that she saw me as someone who could expand her horizons Honestly, I worried she would discover I wasn't much more experienced than her, but I loved the way I looked in her eyes. And I certainly wasn't complaining.

Most of all, she objected to the way guys treated her. She felt pressured to look a certain way and act submissive around guys, and Korean men tended to act entitled and selfish toward her.

"Guys just want sex from me," she complained, "And on their terms."

"I hope I don't seem like that," I said. "I think a woman should get to control that." I didn't really know what I was saying, it just seemed like I should say something, and at the time I was still too young and naive myself to understand my own submissive desires.

At any rate, Sun Hee seemed to like what she heard. She smiled and blushed in a way that I was pretty sure meant she was aroused. I was enchanted. The way she pursed her lips made me ache to imagine how it would feel to kiss her, and sitting across from her at the restaurant I felt hopelessly turned on. She just looked so cute, and though I kept telling myself not to, I couldn't help sneaking glances at her breasts. Her dress was modest and cut rather loosely, but sometimes as she lifted her arm the fabric pulled tight in a way that gave a tantalizing hint of the curves of her large breasts. I'm sure she noticed me staring. The tent I was pitching in my jeans was pretty obvious, and more than once I had to awkwardly reach down to shift my hard on.

We both clearly enjoyed each other's company, but that first date ended chastely. I brought her home and wanted to walk her to the door, but she explained that her roommate would be home and she felt awkward showing up with an American guy. Before I knew it, Sun Hee had ducked out of the car and disappeared into her dorm. I was frustrated, but Sun Hee was so sweet and clearly awkward about guys, so I didn't want to push her. If going home with blue balls was the price for being with her, I was willing to pay. In fact, the next few dates went no further than lingering hugs and a quick kiss goodnight, leaving me increasingly horny and frustrated.

Truth be told I wasn't sure she was open to the possibility of sex, and I'm ashamed to admit that at the time I considered moving on because of it. I really liked Sun Hee, but I was young and horny. I wanted a girlfriend who was sexually active. Little did I know what was in store for me.

It was the fourth date before things changed. Sun Hee and I were alone in my room with my roommate next door away for the night. She looked so cute and innocent in a white silky blouse and denim skirt, and when she stepped close there was a powerfully electric charge between us, like a Tesla coil was sending little sparks back and forth between our bodies. We kissed, lightly at first and then more searchingly. My arms fit easily around her slender waist as I pulled her closer, feeling the heat of her body. Goosebumps ran my spine.

She pushed me down onto the edge of the bed and, cupping her hands on either side of my face, looked down into my eyes. I looked up, acutely aware of the way her full breasts were only inches from my face. "This feels nice, doesn't it?" she asked.

"Honestly, Sun Hee, I've been thinking about you constantly." I looked up at her adoringly. She was so sweet and beautiful, all I wanted to do was worship her. Did I say that last part out loud?

"Mmm, a girl likes hearing that," she said, giggling. "Though to be honest I already knew. After all,I did kind of notice how hard your dick got around me."

My face flushed with a sudden burning heat. "Sun Hee!" I sputtered, feeling embarrassed. Somehow after all this chaste time together, hearing her speak so directly about my dick seemed shocking. It also dispelled certain mistaken assumptions I had about her as Korean; apparently shy didn't always mean timid.

Sun Hee giggled again, girlishly pleased with herself. "Aw, did I embarrass you."

Knowing she could read me so plainly made it even worse, but for whatever reason the shame only made my dick get harder.

From the way she looked at me I could tell she saw it, too. Sun Hee looked down at my crotch pointedly, then back up at me with a knowing smirk. The way she looked at me felt unsettling much the way I imagine women feel under the gaze of a man. What made it better was the way I could see her nipples nudge through the silky fabric of her blouse.

She traced a finger down the side of my face and across my lips. I turned my head to kiss her hand. Then she lifted my chin to look up into the pools of her eyes. "But you waited, and I want you to know I really appreciate that."

I mumbled something in reply, I don't know what. I was helpless in her beauty as Sun Hee tossed her head to the side, sending her long dark hair shimmering back and forth. She kissed me lightly on the lips before whispering in my ear, "I must admit it feels good making the first move."

Then she lunged in for a deeper kiss, and I met her mouth eagerly. Suddenly we were all heat and passion. Her tiny body pushed into mine, pressing her breasts against my chest, and the heat emanating from between her legs was incredible. I wanted this woman. I needed this woman! Pulling her tighter against me my tongue searched for hers and my hand reached up into her mass of hair to pull her head closer into mine.

We became like one, a mass of arms and hands, searching, probing. Her knees straddled on either side of me as her hips first delicately and then roughly ground down against me, the unbelievable heat from her pussy driving my cock mad with desire. Fingers clutched at clothes as first my tshirt was yanked away and tossed aside, and then the buttons of her shimmery blouse were nervously, awkwardly undone, her fingers and mine meeting and stumbling over each other.

Finally her blouse - white and innocent - slipped from her left shoulder and then from her right, before fluttering delicately to the floor. My jaw dropped in amazement. Sun Hee kneeled above me in just her bra, a shapeless and ill fitting mess of a plain and fobby bra. But what amazed me was her breasts. Seen now for the first time without her maddeningly modest clothes, I realized that her breasts weren't simply big for her 110 lbs frame, they were huge. And clearly natural. At least a C or D cup by my guess.

Still in shock from the almost violent way things had shifted from such agonizing chastity and waiting to this rampant, animal heat, I watched in awe as Sun Hee reached behind her back to unhook her bra. Whether it was her teasing or her own shyness, she seemed to take forever.

The release of her clasp sent a visible tremor across her breasts. Then, after a palpable pause, first the straps slid off her delicate shoulders... and then the padded cups folded forward... and finally, the whole bra fell away revealing the most incredible pair of tits I had ever seen.

Her breasts were full and round, standing out proudly from her chest with a fetching perkiness. Her golden skin made them almost seem to glow. Slowly, my trembling fingers reached up to trace the heft of her tits, marveling at the way they curved down to her delicate rib cage and flat stomach. Tracing back upwards, I reveled as her nipples hardened under my touch. Her tits were gently upturned, eager to be touched, and capped with areolas the color of honey.

Her nipples, hard like tiny little bullets, were clearly highly sensitive. Sun Hee's breath caught as I first touched them, and her chest heaved in a way that further accentuated the delicate visibility of her ribs. Looking up at her, I couldn't believe how beautiful and sexy this Korean girl was. In truth, I had only been with a few other girls before and no one near so hot as Sun Hee, and never in my life had I been so lucky as to see breasts like hers in the flesh. I couldn't believe my luck.

I so desperately needed to fuck this girl.

She had me so aroused I worried, quite seriously, that I would have to endure the humiliation of ejaculating prematurely right then and there in my pants.

Yet even that could not stop me. Pulling her toward me I attacked her with my mouth, eagerly sucking her nipples between my lips and relishing her giggles of delight. Taking control, I pushed her down onto the bed and climbed on top. Awkwardly, I shucked off my jeans and was delighted by how readily she seemed let me strip away her skirt and underwear. I needed to get inside her... I needed it. And judging by the way she spread her legs for me, she needed it, too.

But then a terrible thought suddenly struck. "Shit!" I groaned. "I don't have any condoms." I couldn't believe it, after so many days of frustration and waiting. You fool, I cursed myself.

Sun Hee cocked her head to the side and looked at me strangely. She looked impossibly innocent. "So?" she asked.

"I can't ask you to have sex without a condom." Or could I? Safe sex was important, I had been told again and again, but maybe it wouldn't be so wrong to ask her to risk it just this once. I wanted it so badly, and I had never felt a bare pussy before. Sun Hee's pussy would feel so unbelievably heavenly. But no, I wanted to do this right. I cared about this girl, and it wouldn't be right to push myself onto a girl this vulnerable.

"Oh," she said quietly, still looking confused. The disappointment in her eyes hurt worse than my own intense frustration. I had to make it better.

"But we can still do other stuff," I blurted without thinking. Of course, what came to mind was a blowjob, but I knew I could never bring myself to ask for that, and Sun Hee made no move to offer. Besides, as much as I needed to cum, what I wanted most was to make this sweet and innocent girl feel good. I wanted her to feel pleasure.

I still hovered above her between her legs, my painfully erect cock ready to spear her heavenly pussy. God, it was painful to let that go, but let it go I did. Reluctantly, I lowered myself down onto her, careful to keep my cock just off to the side from her wet pussy. The heat of her cunt beckoned, and as I kissed her mouth I was acutely aware that with just a subtle shift my cock would be right there, penetrating her.

Instead, I did the only thing I could think to do. I started to kiss my way down her body as my poor cock poked impotently into Sun Hee's thigh. She gasped and pressed her nipples into my flesh as my tongue found her earlobe and traced wetly down the curve of her neck. The feminine curve of her collarbone stood out delicately on her tiny frame, and she cooed softly in pleasure as I kissed the hollow of her bones.

Lifting my head, I drank in the glory of Sun Hee's breasts, so full and natural. Getting to inspect them up close and nestle my face between them almost made up for the loss of sex. Starting gently on on the outside and swirling inward my tongue sculpted her nipples into hard, jutting bullets. They were incredibly sensitive for her as evidenced by the way her whole body seemed to clench and release as I sucked them into my mouth.

Sun Hee clutched at my head tightly, almost crushing me, as I nursed on her nipples. "Mmm, you like that, don't you?" I said.

"Y-yess," she breathed. Her chest heaved and shuddered, and she let out an audible moan. Her legs jerked up around me and pulled her hips up against me, twisting to the side toward my cock, and if I hadn't known any better I would have thought she was wanting me to penetrate her. If she had said something... anything... I would have lost control and plunged into the hot depths of her pussy, consequences be damned.

But she didn't. Instead she just ran her hands up and down my back and encouraged me to keep licking.

Sun Hee's breasts were magnificent, but my goal was lower. I lifted my head, enjoying for once the sensation that she was the one being denied, and planted a trail of kisses down the length of her smooth belly.

A kiss to her bellybutton, a perfect little inny, elicited a yelp of surprise.

And then I was there. Her narrow hips, the enticing gap between her slender thighs, and there, nestled in between, her perfect little pink pussy, topped off by a small tuft of straight black hair. She was so delicate and petite down there that it made her look incredibly vulnerable.

But I could smell her. I could smell Sun Hee's arousal.

Suddenly shy and embarrassed, Sun Hee darted her hands in front of her pussy and closed her thighs. Her head twisted to the side as though trying to hide her face in the pillow, but the way her chest heaved and shuddered betrayed she was torn between her intense and shy need to hide herself and her equally intense sexual desire to be seen.

"Show me," I said, hoping to sound both gentle and insistent. My hands softly stroked the outsides of her thighs.

She squealed quietly. She looked so incredibly vulnerable yet so sexy.

"Show me," I repeated.

Sun Hee turned shyly until her eyes met mine. Her large dark eyes were wet with desire, and her black hair spilled around her head like a kind of halo. I could see she wanted this.

Holding my eyes with hers, she parted her legs a little... then more. My breath stopped in my throat. She pulled her hands away to her sides, and then, with a look that turned almost defiant, she spread her legs apart.

Sun Hee's perfect little pussy bloomed before me. Her pink lips glistened with arousal. The way my gaze hungrily drank her in seemed to send a shudder through the whole of her body.

In haze of slow motion, I started to lower my head toward her.


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