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After our plane landed, I turned to Tad and said, "Yes." And I blushed! He didn't hear me at first, or maybe I surprised him! So I had to repeat myself, "Yes, I would be happy to have dinner with you." I could see the smile on his face! And I felt happy also. I hoped that there would be a future between us.

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We collected our bags and headed to the taxi stand. "Share a cab?" I asked. We both jumped into the next available and Sun-hi directed the driver to her hotel.

"Are you going in to work right away?" I asked.

"Yes and no. One of the benefits of being a manager here is that the hotel provides me with a room. And since it's just me now, it makes my life simpler."

"How about if we do a casual dinner tonight? Nothing fancy, just a comfortable meal and relaxing conversation. Shall I pick you up at 7 tonight?"

"That sounds fine, Tad. Here's my card with my phone numbers. I'll be waiting for you in the lobby." she smiled. I gave her my card as well, after adding my home phone and cell numbers.

The doorman opened her door and greeted her with a smile, "Welcome back Miss Sun-hi. Do you have any bags?"

"Yes Thomas, I would be grateful if you could help me with them."

"We'll have your bags directly up to your room. Porter!" Thomas called to one of the bellmen lounging at the entrance.

"Thank you Thomas. And thank you also Peter." Sun-hi smiled and thanked both the doorman and bellman. They were both beaming as she turned to wave goodbye to me.

Accounting Manager, yes, but also hotel princess for sure!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sun-hi;

The cab dropped me off and I went up to my room to unpack and take a quick shower before Tad came back to pick me up for dinner. As I unpacked, I replayed our time on the plane and decided that Tad was nice and polite. Our conversation came easily and I was very comfortable with him. I was happy to have met him and was willing to see how far we went.

I went into the bathroom and undressed. Before stepping into the shower I gazed at my nude, full length reflection in the mirror. Not too bad for a 41-year old mother I thought. I could stand to loose a few pounds here and there. And my boobs aren't very big, but they're mine. Oh well, this is me!

I don't know whether there's a possibility of a relationship with Tad. We'll have to see how things go. Maybe. Perhaps. I can only hope.

I showered, put my hair back in a pony tail, and dressed casually. Well, Tad did say casual dining tonight. I was excited about my dinner date with Tad. Well, perhaps excited isn't a good description. Perhaps curiosity with a touch of excitement would be a better choice of words. Is he for real?

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I gave the cab driver instructions to take me to my condo. Traffic was thankfully moderate and I was dropped off curbside with lots of time to spare. I unpacked and took a quick shower before pulling on a pair of jeans, black golf shirt, loafers and a light jacket. I retrieved my car from the parking garage and headed off towards Sun-hi's hotel with lots of time to spare. On a whim, I pulled over next to a corner flower stand and picked up a single, large "Princess Pink" rose for Sun-hi.

I got to the hotel with a few minutes to spare and left my keys with Thomas just in case they needed to move my car. Taking the rose with me, I entered the lobby and was met by Sun-hi who was now dressed in black jeans, a white velour top and her tan overcoat. She looked marvelous!

"Good evening Sun-hi," I smiled and gave her the rose.

She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, "Thank you for the rose, Tad. You look handsome!" She brought the rose up to her nose to appreciate the light fragrance of the flower.

She took my hand in hers and we walked out to my waiting car. My hand tingled from the warmth of her hand. Thomas saw us coming through the lobby doors and quickly opened the outer lobby doors for us. "Dinner out tonight Miss Sun-hi?" he asked with a smile and a tip of his hat to me.

"Yes Thomas. Thank you. And Thomas, this is my friend, Tad."

"Pleased to meet you Tad. Please take good care of our Miss Sun-hi. She's very special." Thomas said as he helped Sun-hi into the car before walking over to my side to hold my door open for me.

"I know what you mean Thomas. Miss Sun-hi is a very special person."

I tried to tip Thomas however he refused it. "Tad, Miss Sun-hi is family. We take care of our family as well as their friends." He smiled and shook my hand. "Have a good dinner."


We settled on seafood and had dinner at a small diner several blocks from the wharf. The food was simply prepared and quite tasty. One advantage to living in San Francisco is that seafood is always plentiful and fresh.

Our conversation picked up where we left it on the airplane, and it flowed easily and comfortably. Before we knew it, it was approaching 10 pm and we were the only ones left in the diner. I left a generous tip and thanked the wait staff for letting us stay so long.

On the way back to her hotel I told Sun-hi how much I enjoyed our dinner. She also enjoyed herself and then surprised me by asking me to join her the next day. She explained that the accounting department had adopted a park beautification project and would be helping to plant a flower bed at the Golden Gate Park. Then after that was done we could relax in the hot tub and sauna at the hotel. Needless to say, I happily accepted another opportunity to spend more time with Sun-hi.

I parked in the hotel's parking garage and walked her to her room. "Sun-hi, thank you for a wonderful evening."

She opened the door and turned, then took my hands in hers and kissed me lightly on the lips. "Thank you Tad for being so nice to me. I enjoyed myself also and look forward to tomorrow." She smiled and kissed me again before entering her room.

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He was such a gentleman! I am so happy that I met him! He treated me like a princess tonight! The pink rose was such a nice gesture. I had to give Tad a quick kiss. He was so nice and thoughtful.

And dinner was so enjoyable also. The food was good but I think I enjoyed talking with Tad much more. After dinner, he walked me to my room and didn't try to invite himself in. I've had to beat a few guys off in the past which turned me off instantly to them. Tad was such a gentleman. I wanted him to kiss me good night but was too afraid of him being too proper and not kissing me at all so I kissed him instead!

I think Kira would have died laughing if she saw us at the door! Here I am, her mom, always telling her to be proper and respectful.

I can tell that he is shy and probably hasn't been around women a lot. Yet he is comfortable with people and I hope he is comfortable with me. I like him and hope that the magic I feel is real and that he feels it, too.

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I don't remember the drive back to my place very well as I kept replaying our evening in my mind, especially the part where she kissed me. I fell asleep that night dreaming of Sun-hi.

I woke up the next morning, had a light breakfast and picked up two mocha coffees on the way over to her hotel. I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, and wore running shoes which I thought would be appropriate for the flower planting project. I also brought along a bag with a swim suit and a change of clothes.

Sun-hi met me in the lobby. She was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt also with a light collared shirt on top of it. She looked as if she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine. I handed her the coffee and she smiled and kissed me again, "Thank you for being so thoughtful." I could get used to this! Really!

We drove over to the park and met up with the rest of her staff and the people from the park who were coordinating the planting. It was well organized and we were soon spreading mulch, working it into the soil, then laying out lines and holes where the various flowers were to be planted.

Sun-hi and I worked as a team with two other gals from her department. I was the pack mule who brought in the trays of flower plants, then packed all of the empty pots and trays out after the flower plants were in the ground. Sun-hi and her girls planted the flowers according to the pattern that we had been laid down earlier on the prepared ground. It was going to look great once they took hold and began to flower.

After we finished cleaning up the site we had a quick picnic lunch that was provided by the park people. Sun-hi and I sat with her staff where they quickly learned that we had just met the other day.

One of the senior staff, Millie, leaned over and whispered to me, "You're the first guy I've seen Sun-hi bring along ever! I'm so glad to see that she's brought you here today!"

This was news to me, but then again, this outing with Sun-hi was my first since college also. I confided in Millie that I was also pretty much a social hermit as well. She laughed and couldn't believe me, "No way! I can't believe that unless you're gay or you're an axe murderer that just got out on parole!"

As our picnic came to an end, we cleaned up the area and we drove back to her hotel. We parked in the parking garage and made our way up to her room. As I was a little grimey from carrying stuff between the flower beds and the staging area, I asked Sun-hi if I could use her shower before we went down to the pool area.

She smiled, "Of course Tad." She laid out a towel for me and led me to her bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of baggy surfer shorts and a T-shirt and threw my dirty clothes into my overnight bag.

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While Tad was in the shower, I decided to be a little adventurous and wear the thong bikini that Kira gave me as a birthday gift several years ago. I never had the nerve to wear it out in public before, but I want Tad to see me; a lot of me. The top of the bikini didn't cover much either as anyone could see the sides and tops of my breasts. My bikini bottom just barely covered my private parts. I'm glad that I try to keep it trimmed neatly. The back side of the bikini bottom was a narrow strip of material that came up through my behind which left my cheeks bare! It felt so sexy. I hope that Tad isn't put off by it, but I do want him to want me.

I threw my terry beach robe on top of the bikini. It came down to about mid-thigh. I had not tied my robe closed yet when Tad came out of my bathroom. He took one look at me and I think he was stunned! I think I must have shocked him with my bikini! The look on his face was priceless! Then he smiled!

"My god, Sun-hi," he gasped, "not only are you gorgeous and beautiful, but you also look so sexy in that swim suit!"

He looked like a little boy who didn't know what to do! It was so funny! I smiled at Tad and walked up to him, stopping a few inches away from him... "so sexy that you want to kiss me?" I asked as I placed my arms around his neck?

Then he wrapped me in his arms, pulled me into his embrace, and kissed me! Oh his lips felt so soft and warm against mine! His arms felt so strong and comforting around me. And I could feel his arousal harden in his shorts! I felt so wicked! I pushed my groin into his shorts, against his hard bulge! He felt so good!

As we separated, he took a deep breath of air, looked into my eyes, "Wow!" was all that he could say before he kissed me again! I was in heaven!

I took his hand in mine as we left my room to go down to the spa.

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I had a goddess in my arms! She looked so good! If I died today, I knew I could die a happy man being with Sun-hi!

She took my hand and we left her room and went down to the hotel's spa which was located outdoors. It had a small swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, weight room, a snack bar, and an enclosed area for massages. We set up two loungers side by side and got set up to do a little sun bathing and relaxing. Sun-hi pulled out a bottle of sun tan lotion and asked me to do her back. She took off her terry robe and I saw her without her robe for the first time in her tiny bikini! Wow! Her bottom was a thong that left little to the imagination! I smiled at her as she laid down on the lounger and turned over onto her stomach; the cheeks of her behind on prominent display arousing me instantly!

I applied her lotion on her arms first, massaging muscles that had worked all morning. As I moved to her back, she untied the back of her bikini so that I could apply her lotion without having to deal with it. Her body, now covered only by the string of her thong, was virtually bare before me! If I wasn't hard before, I was now hard enough to drill holes in concrete!

The sides of her breasts were in plain view and I couldn't help but to caress them as I applied her lotion to her back. As I massaged her muscles and caressed her sides, Sun-hi moaned softly, "That feels good, Tad. I like your hands and what they do to me....."

She turned her head slightly when she spoke and must have seen my erection in my swim suit. She smiled and slowly reached for my bulge. I looked into her eyes as she reached me and softly squeezed me! I almost came at that moment, "Sun-hi!" I gasped before bending over to kiss her!

I finished oiling her back and moved to her legs. I applied her lotion from her feet and worked my way up each leg, stopping just short of her crotch each time. Then I softly rubbed lotion onto each of her cheeks and then worked my hands on the top of her thighs and then into the "V" between her legs. I rubbed up against the material of her bikini bottom and felt her dampness. She clenched her thighs at that point, trapping my hand against her crotch! I could feel her tremble and heard her moan softly before she relaxed.

Having completed her back, I retied her bikini top. Sun-hi turned over and I kissed her again. "Do you need help with your front also?" I asked with a grin.

"You can only hope!" she laughed, "but I'd better not let you or the hotel will not be happy with me!"

I agreed with a sad-puppy look on my face! She laughed again!

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The look on Tad's face when I took off my terry robe was priceless! I have to remind him about that later! But he made me feel so hot! I could see that he wanted me! And I wanted him! If there spa had been empty of people, we probably would have attacked each other!

I asked him to apply my sun tan lotion to my back and he smiled. His hands felt so good on my body. I couldn't help but wonder how they would feel all over my body; all over me, my sensitive parts, caressing me, holding me, all over me....... I could feel myself getting wetter as he massaged me.

I could see that he was getting excited also. As he worked on my back, I turned to watch him and noticed his erection. I quickly scanned the deck area and noted that there was no one close by, so I reached over and squeezed him! He was hard! I was making him hard! He wanted me! I smiled at Tad as he caught his breath!

He saved doing my behind and the inside of my thighs for last. I think he was leaving my most sensitive areas for the last. When he placed his lotion covered hands on my behind, I almost came! When he rubbed my cheeks, it felt as if he was massaging right through my body to my most private area!

Then he applied lotion to the top and inside of my thighs. As he slowly massaged me there I could feel the heat of my body soar and a tingling start from my vagina and quickly work its way to the rest of my body! Then he touched me in my special place! I had an orgasm! I came! Tad made me cum! Oh it felt so good!

I am so embarrassed yet he made me feel so good!

As he finished, I retied my bikini top and rolled over to my front. Much to Tad's chagrin, I did my front side myself, with Tad smiling during the entire process. I then applied lotion to Tad's front and back however dared not do anything more to add to his excitement!

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That was a great afternoon! Sun-hi's bikini was so tiny that it inflamed my desires for her! I lusted for her! I wanted her so much and she knew it too! But just to pour water on the flames, she put on her terry robe after she put lotion on me! Argh! But I can see that she likes me. I hope that she likes me a lot! I really like her too.

We continued to see each other as much as our schedules and work allowed. Which meant that we saw each other for dinners and weekends. We usually made dinner together Friday and Saturday nights. One night we would cook at her place and the other night we would cook at mine.

We were becoming quite comfortable with each other and it really looked as if we were becoming a couple. When I invited her to spend the night with me, she smiled and thanked me but declined my invitation, "Tad, before I go that far with you, I need to make sure that you and I are right for each other in every way. There is one more person whom I need to have you meet. Can we wait till then?"

"Sun-hi, I will wait for however long it takes. I do love you and want you with me without any doubts in your mind." And we kissed, long and passionately.

"My daughter comes home in several months and she needs to get to know you. She is very important to me and I need to make sure that she is ok with you."

And so we continued to see each other as much as we could.

After meeting Sun-hi, I began to leave the office regularly around 5:30. And I rarely came in on weekends. Something that my staff noticed immediately. My mentor also noticed and commented on this during a luncheon meeting. I apologized if I hadn't been spending enough time in the office but I thought that our work was being handled properly. He laughed and said that work wasn't an issue. He had always been happy with our performance. But he asked what happened as it seemed that I was more balanced and a lot happier than I had ever been.

I recounted the events of my father's death which he knew already. But he didn't know how depressed and unhappy I had been and why. He was surprised but understood what it meant to be lonely. Then I told him of meeting Sun-hi and the difference she had made in my life. He smiled and said that he thought it had to be something like that. He was happy for me.

Sun-hi's daughter finally returned for a visit. She had been the focus of Sun-hi's life for so many years and remained a very important part of it even now. I could see that the two were more than mother and daughter; they were also best friends. Kira had also brought her boyfriend back with her to meet Sun-hi. I suspect that she wanted her approval also as Sun-hi wanted her approval of me.

Kira and her boyfriend arrived on a Wednesday and we had dinners together each evening. We had previously arranged for her boyfriend to stay with me so that they wouldn't have to rent a separate room for him at the hotel. So I got to meet and know Chris quite well. The more time I spent with him, the more I felt that Kira had chosen well. He seemed considerate and thoughtful, intelligent and bright.

I confided my feelings about Chris to Sun-hi on the phone during the day that Friday as we were making arrangements for dinner that night. She laughed, "You know that Kira said the same thing of you!" I told Sun-hi to remind me to thank her later. I suspect that Sun-hi also wanted her daughter's blessings before our relationship went further also. So Kira's comments regarding me were welcomed.

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