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Sundress Fun

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Wife shows off in new sundress to call husband's bluff.
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For over ten years my husband, Dave, and I owned a timeshare on the island of St. Martin in the Caribbean. We loved going there for two weeks every year and enjoying the beaches, shopping and great dining. For us, the first week was more active, while the second was pure relaxation. We spent a lot of time at the beaches at Cupecoy and Orient Bays, which are both clothing optional, and we've enjoyed working on our all-over tans. Like many men, Dave has encouraged me to adapt my wardrobe to show off more of that tan skin when not at the beach too. I do listen to some of his advice.

This year, during our second week were planning to go to a topflight restaurant on the French side of the island by the harbor at Marigot. I had somehow forgotten to pack the sundress that I bought a while back specially for this trip. I'd had a lot of daring fun while trying on that dress, so it was extra special to me. In fact, that shopping experience is a story in itself. So, I was left with shorts and tops, and while some were probably dressy enough for most St. Martin dining establishments, I really wanted a dress for this one. Dave suggested I look for dresses in downtown Phillipsburg, since they have a lot of shops with a good selection. We went shopping for one that would be dressy enough for our dinner but would also be cool and fun for our other times in the tropical weather. I wanted to find one similar to the one I'd mistakenly left at home, so we looked at all kinds of sundresses at any number of stores.

Of course, Dave liked the ones with halter tops or little straps and lots of "exposure," while I preferred a little more conservative styles that weren't too short and with a little less chest showing. I tried on five or six dresses from pretty racy, to quite modest. While my first choice was a halter-top like the one I'd forgotten, it was in a color that just doesn't flatter me at all. We finally compromised on one with "spaghetti straps" but not as low cut as he would have chosen, though still bare enough to preclude my wearing a bra, unless it was strapless. It did have buttons all the way down the front, which meant I could be more daring if I chose to be.

When it came time to get ready to go out, of course Dave kept encouraging me to be bolder, starting with the suggestion that I forgo wearing not only a bra, but any panties as well. While I wasn't sure about that idea, it did ignite an element of sensual playfulness with me. He pointed out that we were in St. Martin where we'd been nude among all kinds of people on the beaches, some of whom could easily be at the restaurant. So, I did leave a couple of buttons undone at the bottom to show a little more leg when walking or sitting. Not having brought a strapless bra, I was a little self-conscious about the top being too low and too loose for my being braless, so I found myself pulling the front up by tugging on the straps. But the more I thought of other men potentially seeing my bare breasts, and with the blousy material brushing against my sensitive nipples I found myself experiencing an arousal I certainly hadn't expected. That pretty much ended my worrying about the top of the dress.

When we got to the restaurant we had to wait in the bar and sit at a tall table with equally tall barstools. This gave me an opportunity to show off my now nicely tanned legs as well as my "Caribbean Sunset" polished toenails. From our place I could see four younger guys sitting near us in the restaurant eating area that was a step or two down from the bar level with a shorter tables and lower chairs. This meant their eyes were at about the very same level as my knees. That gave me some playful and tempting ideas, and in case they hadn't noticed me, I started toe-dangling my sandal and let it fall to the floor with a soft thump to assure I had their attention. Even men claiming to have to have zero foot fetish interest wouldn't be able to resist looking at my extended leg and now bare foot.

As I watched surreptitiously, I could see them re-arrange their chairs to face more directly toward me in order to admire my legs and be ready for some potential up-skirt views. They weren't being subtle at all and must have figured when I got on or off the chair or crossed or uncrossed my legs, I'd have to show them not only lots of my legs, but also whether I was wearing panties. My dress was a navy blue, Swiss-dot pattern, so my bright white panties would likely be quite a contrast and very visible to my new-found admirers.

I soon noticed that the two guys with the best angles were blatantly looking our way now and then, especially when I changed positions in my chair. My fancy footwork appeared to have been tasty bait. For my newly forming plan to work, I knew I needed to look a little uncomfortable with this situation for Dave's sake, and a little "hard to get" for my audience.

Soon, Dave had noticed my (faux) discomfort since I was again rearranging my dress both at the bottom and at the top. As I was tugging on the hem of my dress, he asked me if there was a problem, and I let him know in no uncertain terms that these guys were trying to get an up-skirt peek at my panties. He tried to be funny and reminded me that if I hadn't wanted these guys to see my panties, I shouldn't have worn any. Ha-ha.

His attempt at humor did remind me that we were now both open to some good-natured sensual game playing tonight. That did put things into better perspective. So, I decided to continue my plan with Dave and put myself more in control of the situation. I was having a lot of fun now too and decided to up the ante on our conversation. I put on my most serious face and asked him if he had just teasing about my foregoing panties or was it a challenge? He's never been a jealous or possessive type and he sure likes it when I "show off" a little, but I wanted him to say for the record that it would have been OK for me to have left my panties at our room and offer these guys a proverbial beaver shot tonight. He told me that not only would it not bother him, but it would turn-him-on knowing these guys found me sexy and desirable. At that I muttered something about how "you better be careful about what you ask for."

As we ordered another drink, I subtly undid another button, this time at the top of the dress. As we waited, I crossed and uncrossed my legs a few times as I turned in my chair more toward my admirers. I surprisingly found myself relaxing and enjoying myself more as the night progressed.

After our drinks arrived, Dave was again surprised to find another button had somehow come undone and now there was a pretty good gap at the top of my dress. It wouldn't take much to get a peek at my tits now. This was not to be missed by our waiter or our now intently watching foursome, as they obviously were discussing what they were seeing. I suspect they were wondering if this was accidental, for my husband's benefit, or for theirs. I knew Dave had figured what I was up to now.

Next, I took my purse and excused myself to the restroom as I slowly slid off the chair to the not-so-subtle stares of my small fan club. By their reactions I could only assume they were treated to an even better "leg show" when I left, and most likely another unobstructed peek at my white panties. By now I was really getting into the verbal "sparring" with Dave as well as the excitement of the scenario at hand, and I was again unexpectedly amazed by how much I seemed to be enjoying and aroused by our little game.

When I returned, I again had to back up to the stool and mount it, this time slowly one leg at a time under the even more watchful eyes of my spectators. I was again amazed how unabashed these guys were in watching me and wondered just how much they had actually seen since I needed to spread my knees fairly wide when getting reseated.

After we finished our drinks, I opened my purse to get my lipstick, and Dave could clearly see the panties I had worn to the restaurant. It was obvious to both of us that the four guys couldn't have missed the difference between seeing my white panties and now the darker pubic hair framing my pussy.

Dave now knew that I had gently called his bluff and that maybe I was enjoying this game as much or even more than he was.

He couldn't take it anymore and just had to ask what was up with the buttons and the panties. "That's what you wanted isn't it?" I replied with a smile that loudly said "gottcha." This he certainly could not deny, and the fact that I'd lovingly "one-upped" him took nothing away from the moment. In fact, it made me happy and excited. He had to do a little sorting out of emotions before he realized that if he wasn't ready for me to have as much fun as he wanted with this little fantasy, he shouldn't have started it in the first place. This experience was the real beginning of more fun like it, where we both were on equal levels.

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mikeswivesmikeswives5 months ago

Justifiable praise. Other comments give the encouragement of the storyline, but I would add that the writing is very good. More than that, the pace of the story adds considerably to the impact. Keep it Up !

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

My in-laws went on a trip with us to Florida many years ago. We stayed at a hotel on the beach. My wife, father-in-law and I went out to the water and were letting the waves roll in and over us, as we played in the surf. My FIL was standing about thigh-deep in the water watching us and others who were in the water. My wife was wearing a skimpy two piece bathing suit. The waves were rolling in and my wife went under from the force of the waves and she pushed herself up out of the surf, and as she did so, her top came off and she leaped into the air completely topless. It was amazing seeing her pretty tits bouncing up and down. And, there was her dad (and everyone else) looking at her beautiful naked tits and hard nipples. She started to walk toward the shore topless, unaware of her nude condition. Her dad suddenly got an instant full erection and I saw it, and so did she. I got one, too, but I leaped over to where she was and caught her top as it was floating on the surf, and helped her put it back on. When she realized she was topless her face got as red as a beet. We tried to act like it was nothing and continued playing. Later, back in our room, she said, "I can't believe I made Daddy's dick hard. Did you see it?" I laughed and said, "Well, you did, and I guess you gave a lot of other guys one, too."

TonyMA70TonyMA7011 months ago

Loved your story. I have talked my wife into going out without panties or a bra many times. She began to enjoy the near naked sensation too much. I had to tell her she had better wear her panties and bra when we would visit our families as they are very conservative.

We have been married over fifty years and we still enjoy showing my wife off. By the way she looks to be in her fifties not over seventy.

My feeling is the fun times has kept us young!

Keep on promoting your wife's commando antics!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Many years ago, my wife and I were traveling down an Interstate. She was wearing a dress with no panties. I asked her to get up on the full bench seat on her knees and suck me as I drove. As she did, I pulled her skirt up over her bottom and exposed it. Her naked bottom was exposed and her wide-open hairy pussy was easily seen from behind. As some cars and trucks went by she asked if they could see her pussy. I had been looking, and told her "yes." I told her if she wanted to show more and make sure they could see her, we should roll down the window. She did. And, she backed up to the window opening. Guys were passing us slowly and getting an eyeful of her pussy from behind. She asked again, "Can they see my pussy?" "Yes, definitely!" I said. She started rubbing herself, and had a huge orgasm, and was dripping all down her legs. She showed her pussy for miles.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I encouraged my first wife, many years ago, to only wear stockings and garter belt under her dress as we went out shopping in a mall. We went into a store that had merchandise on two levels (ground floor and a raised level that was accessed by about three or four steps). If you were standing on the ground floor you could easily see the people and merchandise on the next level up. I asked my wife to go to the next level and look around. She did. Then, I motioned to her to squat down and look at some merchandise and turn toward me while she did so. This put her squarely at eye-level to me and all others who were on the main floor. I then asked her to open her legs while looking at the merchandise. She did. She opened her legs and I clearly saw her naked pussy wide open and her full bush. At about that time, a young salesman in the store came walking past me and looked up. He got a total beaver shot of my wife! He kept walking a few feet, then suddenly, turned around and came back for a second look! My wife was taken by surprise. She realized he was getting a full beaver shot, and she stood up quickly, thus stopping the pussy show.

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