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Sunshine Relaxation Ch. 01

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A step across the line - her first encounter.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/20/2010
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A break in the sun was just what they needed he had told her. She knew he was right and the chance to relax and unwind was so appealing. He suggested a house in the sun that a friend of his owned, a decent sized house with room to relax with a pool to swim in and bathe by.

"It is near enough to the town for some social activities but far enough away for some peace and tranquillity," he explained. "You will love it there and you really need to just be able to chill out for while. It will do us both good" he said and the positivity radiated from him. For the first time he seemed to really be looking forward to some time away together.

"Will your friend be there too?" she asked.

"Yes but he wont be an issue, he is there often and has a great deal to do. He works in the area and so will not be around too much to disturb us, but we will enjoy some time together. He will show us around a bit and it will give you chance to get to know him."

The first flutter of apprehension fleetingly moved through her, the hairs on her arms prickled and she trembled just slightly. They had spoken on many occasions of making more of their sex life and exploring the fantasy of involving others in their play, was this now the opportunity he was looking for?

"It'll be fine hun," he said as he saw the momentary expression of concern erode the smile from her face. "We will need to fly in separately as I have to be at the conference that week, but I will give you all the information you need and we will meet at the airport and travel to the house together."

She agreed it sounded perfect and the following day the calls were made, flights arranged and the plans set by the time he arrived home from work. He explained the arrangements and said he had given Tom a call and he was really keen to have us over. Just as he'd suggested the night before, she would fly out separately the following Saturday and he would meet her at the airport. His flight was shorter than hers but she didn't mind that, she would have chance to relax on the flight and get her mind into holiday mode.

The following day he left for his conference, she was excited now, she was looking forward to a whole week with him so much. She had checked the forecast and the weather was set to be perfect. She went shopping for a new bikini, some shorter skirts and skimpier blouses than she would normally wear at home. Being away somehow made it ok to be a little more daring, after all she would not meet anyone she knew and the thought of that was liberating.

He loved her to dress provocatively, dresses and skirts that revealed the legs that he loved so much. Tops that were cut to reveal a full and inviting cleavage and much more breast than she was used to. Clothing that gave him the opportunity to slide his hands that little closer to the parts that thus far only he was experiencing. He urged her often to show more flesh, to flirt with other guys in front of him. A strange surge of pleasure rose in her as she thought of the chances to titillate him and please him with her appearance and knowing she would be that little more adventurous with her social encounters when away from home. She adored this man, and exciting him gave her such pleasure. She loved it when she knew he was struggling to keep his mind and hands off of her body.

She concluded her work early on Friday and rushed eagerly to the airport. Travelling alone used to make her nervous, but now she was just thrilled with the anticipation of seeing him, of the time in the warmth of the sun together. The sun always makes her horny and with the liberation of being away she knew they were going to have a week of fantastic sex.

Arriving at the airport, she checked herself and her baggage in and sent him a text to say she was waiting for the plane and couldn't wait for the week to begin. He replied saying he hoped she had bought something nice to wear and joked as to how he was looking forward to seeing 'so much more' of her. She smiled wryly to herself and knew she planned to enjoy every moment. The gate was announced and she cheerfully picked up her bag and boarded the plane.

As the plane took off and began to climb, she thought of that first moment she would see him, the first embrace, the first deep and sensual kiss, his tongue promising the penetration she would enjoy later, knowing that the moment his tongue penetrated her mouth she would want him. She would want to reach for his cock right there in the airport, to just feel the hardness, the girth that would stretch her so exquisitely later that day.

The journey to the house would be sublime torture, touching his hand and looking down at his strong fingers. Even now she could imagine him sliding his hand into her panties, spreading her stance just a little to allow him access to the slit that led to the folds of her pussy. She squirmed just a little in her seat, lost in the moment.

As the plane pushed through the increasingly dense cloud she continued to think of his fingers rolling across the bud of her clit, pausing to squeeze and press momentarily. She felt the urge to be penetrated course through her body, his fingers now moving expertly to the entrance of her soft moist cunt, sliding his fingers, first one, then two deep inside her. He would instinctively know that special spot, and on would go the pressure to make her cum as he had so many times before.

As she ran the images through her mind of gushing to his touch, cum running between his fingers, her breath caught and she found herself bearing down into the seat of the plane.

The guy beside her had no idea, but sat beside him was a very dirty girl, one who right now as he turned the page of his magazine was cumming right beside him. She felt the contractions, the pulsating of her cunt, the rigidity of her clit and again she bear down... the surge of wetness unnerved her. She had cum there in the seat of the plane, her panties now soaked. The sensation brought her winging back to reality. She raised her leg as though to shift position and she slid her hand discreetly between her thighs, and just as she feared her thin linen trousers were wet. She knew that this would be visible, she had no change of clothes in her bag, she would just have to hope that they would dry before they landed.

The flight was uneventful and she mused about the time away, she was looking forward to lazing in the sun, to roaming around the city and beyond. It would be good to see Tom, she had only met him fleetingly once before. She liked what she'd seen of him and spending some time over dinners and such with him would be fine she thought. Keith would be able to chat and relax and catch up on the events in Toms life, but she secretly hoped Tom wouldn't be around too much. She didn't want to be robbed of her time with Keith, time which could be so much better spent working on his cock, pleasuring him as much as he could bear. Her previous apprehension at the thought of his friends presence had been allayed and now didn't cross her mind.

As the imminence of landing was announced, she again felt at the crotch of her trousers. They were warm and now gone from wet to damp, but she knew the altered fabric colour would be visible. Once landed, she rose from her seat and tried to position her bag so that the others would not notice as she left the plane. She turned her phone on as the bus travelled from the plane to the airport, expecting to receive a message from Keith but there was no signal. She collected her baggage, Ok, I have to change she thought to herself and headed to the bathroom.

The air was warm and she thought she would change into the little flowery dress she had bought earlier in the week. The fabric was light and almost translucent and the skirt moved beautifully and fell to a couple of inches above her knee, the neckline plunging and revealing her breasts, but not indecent. She changed and made her way to the bar.

Still no signal so she moved to another area, she looked at the arrivals board and just has she glanced up his flight showed as landed. The perfect outfit she thought, he would love to see her waiting for him in this, correctly positioned on her stool the skirt fell from her thigh. Her instinct was to correct it, but hey, this is liberation time so she let it fall. The message alert pinged and she reached for her phone, heart racing.

As she read the words etched before her, she slid from the stool, her stance reducing with the plummeting of her expectation and gross disappointment. The message explained that he had been caught up with his client and could not get the flight he had scheduled. He was now booked on the early morning flight and would be with her before breakfast. She should go to the house and Tom would be there and would entertain her this evening.

As she read those words her emotions and thoughts collided. Disappointment, frustration, helplessness. How could this happen? Not this week of all weeks surely? A moment passed then came those words again across her head "Tom will entertain you this evening."

Surely not, he wouldn't, this wouldn't be intentional? she questioningly mused. She hit the dial button and tried to call, but no reply. She sat with mind racing. I have to go there alone? It'll be fine. But what if? This must be out of his control, he wouldn't do this. She tried again to call and again it rang but no reply.

She made her way to the taxi's, her mind still racing, switching wildly between disappointment, anger and apprehension. She handed the driver the address and tried to smile. He watched as she tucked her legs into the back seat, her thighs exposed and as she turned the fullness of her breast clearly viewable, she corrected her position and and he shut the door. As they drove, she tried his number again, this time straight to answer phone. "The phone you are calling is switched off." The message was received by her loud and clear, you bastard she almost said aloud.

As the taxi rolled through the countryside, she talked herself down, telling herself to be calm and not to overplay this. She was a grown up and was able to be in control, and Tom would respect that, after all if he posed any threat, Keith wouldn't have left her in this position. By the time they reached the house, she had calmed herself but still felt the pangs of apprehension

As the taxi door opened, so did the house door and Tom came walking out to greet her. She stepped out the taxi and Tom came round and took her bag. "Great to see you" he said, "I got the message from Keith that he's delayed, come on in and make yourself at home, I'm sure you could do with a nice glass of wine." He was so relaxed and welcoming, just as she'd remembered from their previous meeting, she wanted to maintain her distance, but it was immediately hard not to feel relaxed.

He showed her to their room, an average sized room, with marble floors, an en-suite bathroom and a huge bed right in the centre of the room. Either side were two large lamps and the most exquisite flowers in a tall glass vase in front of the window. The simplicity of the room was stunning and just for a moment she imagined rolling on the bed in Keith s arms. "Hope this will be ok for you both" Tom said, and the sound of his voice jolted her back from her mental image.

"Its ... er ...stunning" she said quietly, "Thank you, I'm sure we'll be very comfortable."

"Ok, settle yourself and freshen up if you wish, I'll pour the wine and meet you in the kitchen. I'm cooking he said cheerfully. Red or white?"

"Um red would be good" she said, again somewhat quietly, "Thank you."

"Great catch you in a bit, the kitchen is down the hall, first on the left" he called as he left the room. It was hard now to feel anything other than relaxed, what did she have to fear? Tom seemed nice and she had a lovely room. She would have dinner and wine with a friend of her partners and then sleep, Keith would be here before breakfast. She freshened up and made her way to the kitchen.

As she loitered in the doorway she watched him as he prepared the food, she couldn't help but survey the man in front of her. He was tanned, broad and had a strong jaw line. Not remarkable in his looks, just an average looking mid 40's guy, but as she watched him dicing the food she noted his strong forearms. She loved forearms, watching the muscles roll with the tendons across the bones, she was never sure why that had the effect it did, but jeez it always turned her on. He had large strong hands but used them deftly. She entered the room and he looked up, smiled and directed her to her wine on the side.

As she picked up her wine and sipped from the glass he started to chatter, nothing specific, just informal chit chat about the area and the layout of the house and how he had come to live there. He explained that he would be around until tomorrow but would then be away all day, so Keith and her could relax by the pool. She slid herself onto the worktop and watched and listened and chattered, all the time surveying the image before her. She enjoyed watching a man cook, she thought perhaps it was linked to the whole provision perspective, but whatever, she was quite relaxed.

Within 15 minutes the meal was prepared and looked delicious, they walked through to the dining room and sat down. A meal, several glasses of wine and an ever widening range of conversation had relaxed her completely and she was now laughing and not missing the odd innuendo or two thrown her way. It would be nice to have a new friend, to widen her social circle, perhaps that is what Keith planned for her.

They had moved to the lounge and she sat on the couch as they chatted. As she lifted her feet onto the couch, her skirt fell from her revealing the full but smooth thigh that Keith loved so much. Tom was sat opposite her and she was aware that he scanned her legs as they spoke. For the first couple of times, she repositioned her skirt, but whether with the sense of comfort, or the increased amount of wine she consumed, she gave up and let the skirt fall. She felt flirtatious and was beginning to respond to Tom's charm, wit and obvious pleasure at his view. At one point she even crossed her legs to enable the skirt to fall lower, now revealing the full expanse of her thigh, inviting his gaze.

She found herself quietening as thoughts of Keith and the wine began to take over, and a stillness fell on the room. Not sure how long had passed, she felt the approach of Tom, he stood beside her legs, towering over her and as he slid his hand down her thigh, the lightest of touches made her quiver. "You are missing him huh?" he said. She looked up and nodded. "Not quite the night you had in mind?"

"Not really" she said quietly once more. She watched as his hand stroked her thigh in a reassuring way.

"He'll be here soon he said."

"Not soon enough" she replied.

He was looking deeply into her face now, and as one hand slid down the outside of her thigh, he slid the other down the inside. She immediately straightened up and sat more upright, playing inadvertently straight into Toms hands. As she moved closer he firmly placed a hand around her waist and with one swift movement he pulled her to him. The other hand cupped her head in her hand and although she had no idea why, she couldn't resist letting it happen.

He placed his lips on hers, softly at first, and as he met no resistance he kissed her more deeply, his tongue now probing her mouth. Swirling his tongue with hers, stopping as she began to suck his tongue firmly but not too hard, rhythmically sucking as she did with Keith. The sucking motion simulating the thrusting of his fingers or cock inside her. Toms hand roamed to her breasts, releasing the right one over the top of the cup of her bra. He cupped and massaged her breast stopping to pull and tease at her nipple, pinching and pulling enough to make her stop kissing and throw her head back. He swiftly moved his mouth down her neck, kissing all the way down until he reached her nipple. Holding her breast firmly he sucked and bit at that rosy bud, hard and engorged.

She moaned as the sensation linked directly to her clit, to her pussy. She squirmed as she felt the wetness that she had felt on the plane begin again. Sensing her groinal tension, his hand swiftly slid down her abdomen and to the hot triangle of body meeting her thighs. Just for a moment she tensed, and he stopped, whispering, "Let go, you know you need this."

As his words entered her head, her legs parted. He massaged the mound that was covered by the sheerest of panties. Within moments she was squirming and his fingers lifted the fabric to slide beneath. Just as she had imagined earlier, strong fingers slid down the slit of her completely hairless pussy. Waxed to perfection as Keith loves it that way. Tom let out an earthy groan as his fingers sensed the smoothness of her lips and slid between them. He did not pause at her clit, instead sliding his fingers straight inside her cunt as deeply as he could reach. She raised her butt to meet him and arched her back as she began to moan, pleasured by the invasion of this stranger in her cunt.

Tom could resist no more, he pulled at her panties hard and the material ripped as he tore them from her body. She bucked and as her pelvis rose he buried his face in her pussy. He pushed her legs wider apart and began to lick her tracing her clit with his tongue, opening up her tiny clit now with his fingers, pushing back the hood to expose the most intimate and sensitive bud. He raised his head only to say "You have a beautiful cunt and you know I AM going to fuck you."

Again her hips rose and again he met her with his mouth. With true expertise he licked that tiny bud and drove his fingers deep inside her hole. As he probed her tunnel he began to pressure that sensitive front wall, still working with his tongue on her clit. She felt the heat of the intense excitement centre at her core. She began to shudder and started calling out "Make me cum, God yes please make me cum."

Tom intensified his movements, harder and faster, deeper and rhythmically until she began to buck and scream. "Yes, yes, oh God yes," and then a gutteral animalistic groan exuded from deep within her and escaped from her mouth. She arched and screamed, he stopped tonguing her and just forced more fingers into her. Four buried deep inside her now and as the orgasm overtook her she dropped down and impaled herself deep on his hand, pushing, grinding and gushing all over his fingers.

With his other hand he swiftly undid his trousers and released his cock. He pulled her from the couch, she was still in throws of ecstasy. He spun her to her knees and pushed her face down into the couch, using he other hand to force her legs apart. Quick as a flash his hard cock was slamming into her cunt. He thrust like a man possessed. If she had wanted to stop him she couldn't have now, but she just pushed back all the harder. She wasn't thinking now, she just needed cock, needed to get fucked.

He was now pounding her cunt and had slipped the fingers that were so wet from her earlier cumming, into her arse. There was no escape and she pushed back hard with deep groans as he slammed into her, forcing her face down into the couch. "Fuck me" she screamed, "Yes fuck me, fuck me harder you bastard, take me, fill me with your cum."

One hand on her neck now, holding her down and the other on her hip holding her tight. He pounded harder and deeper, she screamed as she felt his thick hard cock almost tearing her apart. "Fuck me" she screamed again and his rod began to pulsate. He began to shoot his hot cum deep in her, she felt the hot liquid spurt inside her, hitting her walls. The final thrust forward from him and the final one back from her and they held still just for a moment in silence.


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