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Supernatural Earth Pt. 12

Story Info
The Werewolf Chronicles 02.
26.5k words

Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/09/2015
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Author's Notes: Current year in this story is 2034.

Reading Order/Timeline:

00 - 1812 - The Crimson Tithe (takes place prior to original Red Riding Hood being written)

01 - 2013 - Vampiress, Mine

02 - 2013 - The Snow Maiden

03 - 2014 - The Creature Below

04 - 2016 - The Creature Below 02

05 - 2016 - Vampiress, Mine 02

06 - 2016 - The Snow Maiden 02

07 - 2016 - The Prison Creature

08 - 2020 - The Creature Below 03

09 - 2020 - Werewolf Chronicles

10 - 2021 - Amazon of Mine

11 - 2021 - Maiden of Summer

11.5-2021 - The Prison Creature 02 (takes place from 2021 to 2035)

12 - 2034 - Werewolf Chronicles 02

13 - 2035 - By Mandate of Heaven (forthcoming - end of series)


"Now, I'm only picking up bits and pieces here, of course. Overprotective mother, forbidden road trip. I mean, this is serious stuff. But let me ease your conscience. This is part of growing up. A little rebellion, a little adventure, that's good. Healthy, even."

-Flynn Rider, "Tangled" (2010)



Keep your head down... Don't make a sound... You should be seen and not heard...

It was these so-called values that kept running through twenty-one year old Cindy's head as she ran for her life. It was a life that was built upon lie after lie after lie. She bolted through the woods as fast as her legs would carry her, heedless of the noise that she was making or the underbrush that she tore through. Sharp sticks, pointy leaves, rough bark, and brambles slashed at her perfect ivory skin and shredded what little clothing she had left on her body. Cindy crossed her arms over her chest to keep the remnants of her sweater there to preserve whatever modesty she had left.

Never question your elders... Respect and obey your parents... Men, especially your father, have the final say...

Her father would never have the final say over her anymore if she had anything to do about it, Cindy vowed as she continued running. Not after what she saw. Behind her, she could hear the hounds and their masters following her trail through the dark. Every so often a beam of light from their flashlights would find her and she would cringe, hoping that they didn't see her and alert the others. Occasionally she would glance back and see the red, glowing, piercing eyes of the hounds as they searched for her in the night.

Maybe it was her imagination, but she could've swore that one pair of eyes kept on finding her in the distance but then would lead its master away from her.

She could only imagine what they'd do to her once they caught her and she had a vast imagination. What would they do? Bend her over and spank her? Roughly kiss her? Cop feels and openly molest her? Put her on her knees and do a circle jerk to make her drink their cum? Force themselves upon her one after the other? Or perhaps let all of their dogs loose on her; those huge, foul-smelling, grey beasts with those silver collars and slavering jaws? It wouldn't be the first time she'd be punished in a sexual way. At any rate it was all child's play compared to what her father would do to her for daring to defy him in such a manner as running away like this.

Even as she ran she could hear his blood-curdling yell as she darted out of the mansion and through the back orchard of their estate. Cindy had hoped that she would have been long gone before her father noticed her missing. Father must've wanted something from her to have checked on her in her bedroom only to find her missing.

Do what you're told... Do not go anywhere unless you are told to... Be the prim and proper young lady that you were brought up to be...

A low hanging branch snagged her dirty-blonde hair and Cindy had to bite down onto her lip to keep from crying out. The Hunters would surely zero in on her if she'd done that. Tears from the pain of the multiple scratches and lacerations welled in her eyes and burned as they streamed down her flushed cheeks. Her muscles ached and burned from running longer, harder, and faster than she'd ever run before. How far had she run now? A mile? Two? Cindy grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled hard to free it from the branch and continued on, ignoring the pain of some strands being torn from her head as she turned to continue running.

Suddenly from her left someone grabbed her on the shoulder, nearly ripping the backpack and her shirt off of her. "Got ya!" the man yelled triumphantly, "Maybe the boss will let me bend you over and fuck you hard as a reward, eh?" He asked, tearing at her sweater to open it up even more. This time, Cindy did cry out in alarm and anguish but she was not about to go back without a fight. As the man leered down at her young, supple body, Cindy reared back with her knee to drive it into the man's groin while scratching at his face with her hand. The man howled in pain. "You fucking bitch!" he snarled, grabbing his now bruised manhood through his jeans. Somehow he managed to keep a grip on her sweater.

Just then the man's hound with jet black fur caught up and bowled him over. The man flailed about head over heels as the sweater came off of Cindy's body and went flying. The hound hovered over its fallen master while barking incessantly at her. Not bothering to wonder why it wasn't tackling her instead, Cindy used the opportunity to run off in the woods with nothing more than her bra, skirt, and shoes on with her backpack in her arms. Shit! The book! She thought in alarm as she realized that the zipper had popped and the huge black tome was gone. It must've come out in the scuffle. No time to go back for it though.

Never do anything that you wouldn't do in church... Modesty is a prime virtue in young ladies... To show too much skin is to show your immoral behavior...

Out of habit, more than anything else, Cindy crossed her arms across her chest, hugging the backpack to her again to keep the prying eyes away from her womanly assets. She let out a haughty, ironic laugh about the prospect of being modest ever again. Her father would surely put her into one of the machines for this... or maybe into that monstrosity that he kept under the estate that she heard rumors of. Cindy had never been in one of the many machines that he used to punish the members of his all-female staff, but she'd seen and heard them enough times to know what was in store for her. 'Painful Pleasure' was her father's motto when it came to women and discipline. According to him, a woman should feel privileged enough to service a man and she should feel blessed to feel any pleasure at all when it comes to sex. So by way of punishing his staff he'd force them to orgasm while openly whipping, caning, or spanking them. And that was all before he let the men have them for the night.

For the truly wicked, there was the pool. It was a deep, dark indoor pool that was in the massive subterranean basement in the lowest part of the mansion some five stories underground. Cindy had no idea what went on with the pool and she could never get any specific details out of the staff. For running away and openly defying him, would father put her in the pool? Who knew what unspeakable horrors lay in THAT room. She'd heard the rumors, of course, but who knew for sure what it was.

Cindy crashed through a thicket and tumbled down an embankment into the shallow water of the stream beyond. Water? she thought numbly as she tried to clear her head from the fall. Her skirt was now torn, dangling in pieces and being held over her waist and thighs by the elastic band. One of her bra straps had caught on something on her way down and got cut in two as it now hung limply down one of her full breasts, partially exposing it. Her sweater was in tatters, not even able to call itself a piece of clothing anymore.

It then hit her where she was at exactly; the stream that was near the highway that ran by her father's property. WATER! She shrieked in terror as she splashed through the stream to start clawing at the embankment on the other side. Despite what her father was and what her father did, he instilled into her a healthy fear of natural running water. Natural bodies of water are the tools of the enemy, my dear, you mustn't ever go near any water not made by man without one of us with you to protect you.

As she scrambled up the far embankment while listening to the Hunters and their dogs draw closer to her scream, she remembered asking her father why she couldn't go into the water. 'Monsters live in the water' was all he ever said in a somber voice before walking out of the room. She did not know what kind of monsters they were, but it was enough to keep Cindy from going near any water that wasn't piped in or bottled for all twenty-some years of her life. Off in the distance, a couple of the dogs howled in that high pitched yowl that reminded her of that of a wolf's howl.

The sound of the Hunters at the embankment she'd just fell down spurred Cindy on faster. She ran flat out now, not caring about the state of her clothes or her partial nudeness. She could hear the occasional sound of a car driving by on the road ahead. Soon she could see headlights as they drove by the woods. Cindy dared to hope that she might actually make it out of this horrible place and get out from underneath her father's oppressive thumb. Practically hurling herself out of the woods and the next slope, Cindy half ran, half slid down the wet grass to the road. She could now feel the light falling rain.

Cindy picked herself up, getting drenched from a wall of water being spewed her way from a passing car. She rushed out into the middle of the road and started frantically waving her arms about and screaming to flag down the next set of approaching headlights. A black SUV rolled to a stop right next to her. Cindy hugged herself, the coldness of the rain water now getting to her. The driver's side window rolled down to reveal the face of a leering man. Cindy didn't care, let him look. "Please, sir, you have to get me out of here!" she panted, now shivering. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the shiny black paint of the SUV. Her brownish-blonde hair was tattered and matted to her skin, her blue eyes were red and bloodshot from all of the crying, she was muddy all over with grass stains all up and down her thighs, and her skin was bright red in places the braches had caught her, and her backpack was caked with mud.

"Certainly, I'll give you a ride," he said, looking her up and down, "provided we can work out a deal of course," he added with a waggle of his eyebrows.

A proper lady will not go places with a stranger... One must always be properly introduced... Proper language is essential for a young lady to always use, especially in the company of those you don't know...

"Whatever...I'll do whatever the hell you want me to do. Just get me out of here!" Cindy cried, moving to the back passenger door and yanking it open. She jumped inside and slammed the door closed.

"Sure thing sweet cakes," the man said, not believing his luck at having a practically naked girl hop into the back of his car. Who cared if she looked like she'd just gone through the wringer? That's what showers were for. He put the SUV into gear and drove off, wondering what the hell was going on with the sudden appearance of a bunch of guys with dogs on the road in his rear view mirror. "So where you going, sweet cakes?" the man asked, glancing back.

"I don't care where you're going, just GO! Preferably as far away from here as possible..." Cindy grumbled, curling up in the back seat. She'd found a blanket back there which she used to cover herself up with.

A lady should never sleep with a man on the first date... One must maintain an air of mystery to-

"Shut the fuck up, mom," Cindy mumbled to the feminine voice in her head as she felt suddenly tired from all of the exertion. "Your damn rules never did you any fucking good." Sure, she probably just sold her body out to a total stranger just to get away from that wicked place that she used to call home, but she didn't care. She let out a big yawn as sleep overtook her, not bothering to think about what this guy would have her do to pay for the ride.

After all, father would've probably let the guards all have her anyway. What was one stranger getting his rocks off with her as opposed to ten to fifty guys gang-banging her like she's one of the maids? Fair trade in her book.


Raymond Tillis' stood ramrod straight with his hands folded behind his back as he started out the large bay window of his study waiting on word from his Hunters. When the door opened behind him slightly and one of his maids gave a polite cough to let him know that she was there, his eyes narrowed. He could smell the fear on her as she tentatively informed him that his Hunters had returned. "Send him in," he said gruffly, knowing deep down that this would not be good news. "And put yourself down next to my desk," he added, pointing a beefy finger over to where she should kneel. The maid let out a strangled cry and he caught the reflection of her giving him a polite curtsey as she fetched his Chief Hunter.

Moments later the door opened fully as the maid came back in with the Chief Hunter. Doing as she was told, as she knew that it would be far worse if she tried to hide, the maid knelt down on the floor submissively next to the desk while the men discussed business. The Chief Hunter strode up to desk, wondering how his boss was going to take the news. Raymond didn't keep him waiting. "She got away," it wasn't a question. He continued looking out the window, keeping his back to the Hunter.

The Hunter swallowed hard. Failure was not looked down upon with favor. Ever. "Yes sir."

"Give me one good reason not to kill you where you stand." Raymond said, his anger simmering just below the surface. He had to take a few calming breaths to keep from shooting him before the guy had a chance to explain his failure."

"We have the license plate number, as well as the make and model, of the vehicle she hitched a ride in. Also, she was carrying this," the Hunter dropped a black tome down onto the desk that was caked in mud and dirt now. "She dropped it out of her backpack after she went over the back wall of the grounds when we started chasing her."

Raymond glanced back and arched his eyebrow. His daughter had more ingenuity and intelligence than he'd given her credit for. That book, had it gotten out to the wrong people, could've totally screwed his plans that he had for the future. A single word of 'Arlyeth' stood out on the cover. He gave the Hunter a curt nod. "Okay, so that commutes your death sentence, but you still let her get away. Feed the damn mutts and put them in their kennels yourself tonight, then report to the pool. My science geeks tell me that the thing needs more seed to continue making our seekers and drones."

"Sir?" The Chief Hunter was aghast.

"Did I stutter?" Raymond snarled, whirling around and glaring at him.

The Chief Hunter stiffened up to full, ramrod attention. "No sir!"

"Option A is still on the table." He said, pulling a gun from his desk and placing it on the top. "No? Then get out of my sight." Raymond continued glaring until the Hunter had retreated out of the study, slamming the door shut behind him. He then looked down at his maid. "Bend over the desk, bitch," he growled at her.

"P-P-Please, Master Tillis," The maid blubbered, tears welling up in her eyes as she complied with the demand. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"You brought me bad news," Raymond said, rubbing her bare ass with one coarse hand while he whipped his belt out of the belt loops of his pants with the other. He forbade all of his female staff from wearing panties of any kind underneath their French Maid uniforms. It was easier to get to their pussies that way which were required to be kept either bald or trimmed at all times. "Bad news is always punished." He said, ignoring her crying and her pleading as he brought the belt down across her ass. The leather struck her hard and caused her to wail in pain and anguish. He felt himself get hard at the sight of her wiggling ass as she actually tried to avoid the blows. Sure, it was the equivalent of shooting the messenger, but what else were fuckmeat maids good for aside from keeping the house in order?

Raymond undid his pants and let his erection spring free. He walked up behind her, spat on his hand, and rubbed himself a few times before grabbing the maid by her brown hair to force her to arch her back properly. He then drove his fat cock into her tight pussy hard, causing her to scream in pain at the sudden penetration. At least the bitch had the decency to get lubed up a bit right before he plowed into her. Raymond leaned into her so that she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck. "Feel privileged that it's just me taking it out on you and that it's only a spanking and a rough pounding, cunt," he hissed at her. "You could've been sent down to the creature with my ex-Chief Hunter."

The maid's eyes widened at that thought. "Y-Yes master. T-T-Thank you master..." the maid whispered, closing her eyes as Raymond proceeded to grab her by her curvy waist and fuck her long and hard throughout the night. She didn't complain any more about her boss using her body as she thought about the poor Hunter that was sent downstairs.



When Cindy finally woke up she was in a bed somewhere and it was still nighttime. From the reddish tint of light coming in from the window by the bed, she guessed that she was at a motel somewhere. The man that she'd hitched a ride with was nowhere to be found. Pulling the sheet up around her now bare breasts, she noticed that she was totally naked. Had the sleeze had his way with her already? Cindy slid a tentative hand under the sheet and down between her legs to feel inside of her shaven mound. No cum. Okay, so maybe he wasn't a total scumbag to have his way with her while she slept.

Cindy then proceeded to check her body. The minor scratches had already faded and the deeper cuts looked like nothing more than mere paper cuts now. She'd always been a super quick healer and she never knew why. Father just always said that it was the way she was born and that she should be thankful for the gifts that she'd been given by God. Usually, though, that was right before he'd beat her for whatever thing pissed him off that day.

The door opened up, startling her, and Cindy fought down the urge to try and bolt past the man standing there. She'd instinctively pulled the sheet up over her chest and then relaxed a bit when she saw that it was the same man that had given her the ride. He gave her a charming smile. "Oh good, you're awake," he said, kicking the door closed. He was carrying a bag, which he sat on the small round table under the window. "I hope that these'll fit you. I had to guess your shirt size off of what was left of your bra."

Cindy blinked. " got me new clothes?"

"I hope that you don't mind," he said. "There wasn't much left of what you were wearing and I doubted that you would want to be riding in my car tomorrow in just that old blanket of mine. Anyway, you were so out of it that I brought you in, stripped you down, and cleaned you up before heading out to get you these."

"Uhm... thanks." Cindy said, getting up off of the bed with the sheet wrapped around her like a toga now. She glanced into the bag and fought down the urge to roll her eyes. Inside was white lace matching bra and panties along with a sexy schoolgirl uniform complete with knee-high socks and black high-heeled shoes. A receipt sitting on top of the clothes indicated that he'd gone to a local adult sex store to get them. Cindy sighed. At least it would be better than riding shotgun naked with him all day tomorrow.


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