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Supernatural Earth Pt. 12


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"What? You going to shoot me or something?" Tom snickered. "Or just stand there posturing all day. I know my fucking rights. Either charge me with a crime, or let me go."

Raymond laughed. "Son, I'm not affiliated with any kind of law enforcement. So tell me, what happened after you picked her up last night?"

Tom let out a snort of laughter as he recalled the event. "Man, she was already half naked when she stopped me on the road. She practically jumped into my lap when as we drove off. Once I got to my normal hotel stop for the night, I stripped off what was left of her clothes and cleaned her up. Damn, she has one fine body."

"What?" Raymond asked, all levity dropping from his voice as his blood ran cold.

Smiling at him, Tom went on. "Yeah, running my hands all up and down that smooth skin of hers, I was in fucking heaven. I went to the nearby store and got her some clothes to wear; the sexy schoolgirl. Do you know that costume? Sure did look fine on her the next day. Anyway, once she woke up I told her that it was time to pay up for her ride," he said, bragging.

Raymond arched a beefy eyebrow at him as he slid a hand over his bald head. He did not like where this was going. "You... slept with her?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"All fucking night, man." Tom smiled despite the pain in his face. "Mmmm... and a couple of times today too. Paid her for a blowjob... Ohmygawd... the blowjob... holy fuck... damn... that girl could suck start a leaf blower I bet..."

"You... had... sex with her." Raymond couldn't believe his ears. "You had the nerve to not only touch her, but fuck her without my permission?" His voice was steadily rising to shouting levels.

"What the hell is it to you, man?" Tom asked defiantly.

"You had sex with my DAUGHTER!" Raymond shouted, his anger boiling up.

"Your daughter?" Tom asked a moment before it hit him. "Wait a minute, you're that scumbag, asshole father that she's running away from?" It suddenly dawned on him just about how much trouble he was in.

"What did you say?" Raymond asked in a menacing tone.

"You fucking heard me! Shit, after she told me I thought what I did to her was bad. But dude, you take the goddamn cake. Pimping out and fucking your own daughter? That's just plain sick, man!" Tom's head then snapped back as Raymond backhanded him. Raymond then grabbed one of the guards' guns out of their holster, pointed it down towards Tom's right knee and pulled the trigger. Tom howled in pain as the bullet blasted his kneecap to pieces.

"I can't believe that you've turned her into a common whore!" Raymond roared, brandishing the gun in his face.

"I think..." Tom gasped as he managed to sit back upright in the chair. "I think that you've already beat me to that, asshole."

"You fucking have anything else to say, because please say it, I'm interested in knowing how else you've soiled my daughter!" Raymond asked, now pressing the barrel of the gun hard into the side of Tom's head.

Despite the pain in his leg, and much to Raymond's surprise, Tom managed to lean forward in the chair enough to put weight on his good leg. He slowly rose to his full height, now standing a good half foot over Raymond's portly frame. He knew what was going to happen next but he was past the point of caring. At least he could do one good thing to redeem his otherwise shitty life slightly and maybe pay some kind of penance to what he'd put poor Cindy through.

Tom leaned in and spoke softly so that both Raymond and the guards would hang on his every word. "I might've coerced Cindy into sex so that she could hitch a ride with me," he said slowly, giving Raymond an even stare with his good eye, "but at least I know now that it managed get her away from the fucking pervert that you are. I mean, really, your own goddamn daughter? That's just sick!" Tom spat out a glob of blood right into Raymond's face right before he threw his head forward and head-butted Raymond square in the face, breaking his nose in a brilliant splatter of blood.

As the blood flowed from his face, Raymond backpedaled into the wall next to the door. Roaring with anger he put the gun back up against Tom's forehead and pulled the trigger, ending the scum's life in a spray of blood and gore on the back wall. Tom's body jerked back and crumpled to the floor. "Clean this shit up," he snarled at the guards as he took a handkerchief out to hold his bleeding nose with. He tossed the gun back to its owner and stormed out of the room.

He did have to hand it to the guy; Tom sure did show some balls there all the way up to the end. Most people were sniveling little worms when faced with their own demise. Pity. He could've used a man like that as a Hunter.

* * *


For reasons that she couldn't fathom, Cindy often dreamed about one time her father had given her to one of the men in his organization. It was one of the few times that she could remember that she actually didn't mind being given to someone as a reward.

It was back when she was just about to turn nineteen. Her father had taken her to the special room on the first floor of the mansion over in the servant's wing of the building. She'd seen many a maid brought here for their own punishment and subsequent reward for one of the men on father's staff. On this particular day it was a reward for one of the guards as she'd been told. Being the good girl that she'd been brought up as, she'd done as instructed by her father and entered the room. Once inside, the maids took over by stripping her naked and tying her down, spread-eagled, to the four poster bed that was inside all under the tutelage of her father. After she was ready, her father leered at her while telling her to be on her best behavior as the man that she was servicing had done him a personal service by saving his life which was why he was worthy of this 'honor'.

Cindy stifled a cry as the door was closed and locked. She wasn't sure how long she lay there just staring up at the ceiling in anticipation, but it'd seemed like forever. Finally a second door that was off to the left of the door she'd come through, directly across the room from the foot of the bed, opened up and a large, muscular man walked in. Cindy's first impression was that someone had taken a statue of a muscle man with an impressive hard on and had it bronzed. He was tall and had a well-defined body that wasn't freakishly muscular like she'd seen in some movies. He was totally naked save for the silver collar that was tight around his neck like some kind of choker. He moved with a surprising amount of grace and silence for someone his size.

For a brief moment, Cindy was instantly turned on by his rugged, handsome features. His strong, broad shoulders, powerful arms, and well-toned legs seem to ripple slightly as he walked towards her. His charcoal hair was swept backwards and his piercing, crimson-brown eyes seemed to take in every little detail of the room all at once. Then she remembered what they were both here for and she started to openly cry, especially when she looked back down between his legs to see his semi-erect manhood that could give most men's forearms a run for their money.

"Hello, I'm Seff," he told her in a smooth, gentle voice. "Please don't cry, Cindy," the man said softly as he walked up beside the bed and looked down at her. With surprisingly tenderness, he reached over and brushed the tears from her face with the back of his hand. "I have no intention of harming you. To be perfectly honest, I wish we were meeting like this under much different circumstances."

"You... you do?" Cindy sniffled, looking up at him.

Seff nodded. "I've seen you around many times before even though you have not seen me. I must confess that I've developed something of a schoolboy crush on you since the first time I laid eyes on you?"

Cindy blinked. "You have?" She then frowned. "How come I haven't seen you before?"

"Because it is my job to see and yet not be seen," he said, brushing more tears from her face before giving a bit of a tug on one of the ropes to test its give. It barely budged and he sighed. "As much as I'd like to free you from your bonds, I cannot. They've given me strict instructions that you are not to be freed under any circumstances and I'm bound to follow them," he said. "I'm allowed to be here with you for the entire night but I do not intend on taking you." He shook his head sadly, "not like this."

"But you must!" Cindy said in a hushed cry, her eyes darting to the door. "Father will be furious with me if you haven't slept with me... er... in that sense. He will check first thing in the morning, and I'll be punished severely if you do not! You might be punished as well."

The man glowered at that. "This has happened before?"

Cindy nodded, her blue eyes welling up with tears again. "The man that he rewarded, uhm, swung the other way. So he just laid in bed next to me and slept. The next day father examined me and found no traces of his seed on me or in me so he demanded to know what I'd done. When I told him that he wasn't interested in me; he'd tracked him down to find out why. The man said that he was not interested in women and father told him that he could've," Cindy swallowed hard and let out a sob, "had me up my ass like his kind likes. He then shot the man dead right in front of me, telling me that it was my fault for not turning a gay man straight. He then had me whipped while forcing me to... to watch his body bleed out." Cindy squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head as the memory was fresh in her mind.

"I remember that day... That man was a friend of mine. Your father is an evil man," Seff said, his hands clenching into fists. "I swear that one day I will free you from this."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Cindy whispered dejectedly.

"Fine," Seff said, cupping her chin and pulling her face around gently for her to look at him. "Then I will at least promise that I will never hurt you. I'll keep you from harm as much as I can." Cindy blinked through her tears and managed a shaky nod. Seff let out a sad sigh as he looked down upon her naked, quivering body. His cock stiffened in response from taking in her perfect nudity. He noticed that her ivory skin was almost in stark contrast to his tanned flesh. "I guess that we should get on with it lest they come in to find out why I haven't had you yet, hm?"

Cindy nodded again. "Yeah, that would be best."

Giving her a sad smile, Seff climbed up onto the bed between her legs. He ran his powerful hands up her thighs, around her small waist, and then down again, feeling up her nice, round bottom. His nostrils flared as he took in her scent, and it reminded him of strawberries. Seff brought his hands back around to her smooth, shaven sex to find that she was already dripping wet from all of the anticipation. He managed a humorous smile this time as he arched a playful eyebrow at her. "Already ready for me?" he asked.

Swallowing as she viewed his massive cock so close to her pussy, Cindy nodded. "Well... I... uh... uhm... I do find you attractive," she managed to say with a slight blush. "I mean, you ARE hot!"

"Well that is good as the feeling is most definitely mutual. Try to relax a bit for me, please. I don't want to hurt you when I enter you."

"O-okay," Cindy said, her voice shaky as she tried to relax.

Seff continued smiling down at her as he reached down to stroke his impressively large cock a few times with one hand while fingering her with the other. He then gently parted the lips of her pussy while shifting his hips forward to ease himself in. Rocking his hips back and forth a few times, he slowly entered her inch by inch until he was fully entrenched inside of her hot, tight sheath.

Cindy was gasping with pleasure as she felt him fill her up like no man had ever been able to do to her before. Seff was by far the largest cock she'd ever had inside of her and the feeling was wonderful. It was even more so since he was taking his time to be gently with her. Most of the men that her father put her with were all over her within seconds giving her a hard, rough, rape session. The fact that Seff was being loving and gentle put him miles ahead of the other staff who'd had her before. She couldn't help but glance off to the side to see their reflection in one of the mirrors; her small but curvy frame was being pinned under his large, hard body and it turned her on even more. She let out a long moan of pleasure as she strained to move her hips up against his.

Giving her a quiet shush, Seff instructed her to remain still and allow him to do all the work. Cindy bit her lip and nodded, luxuriating in the feel of him between her thighs. Seff allowed her a moment for her body to fully accommodate him before he began to move inside of her. Cindy arched her back and let out a deep, guttural groan as his massive cock invaded and retreated from the deepest parts of her loins. His pubis seemed to grind against her clit in just the right way and Cindy pulled against her bonds, suddenly wanting to wrap her arms and legs around him as much as possible. Then, she felt his mouth on her right breast, covering her tip and feeling his tongue roll around her taut nub. His hand found her left breast where he proceeded to gently brush his thumb over her nipple.

Unable to contain herself, Cindy started to whimper. "Oh my God, please... please Seff..." she breathed while bucking against him.

Hearing his name called out by her was like music to his ears. "Please, what, my dear?" he asked, coming up from her breasts briefly to look at her. He wondered what she wanted from him.

"Please, please sir, may I cum?"

Seff arched his eyebrow in confusion as he cocked his head. "You have to ask?"

"YES!" Cindy screamed at him. "Yes, I have to ask my master, whoever that is at the time, for permission every time!" she wailed, frustrated that he'd stopped long enough to ask.

"Then feel free to cum as many times as you want. You never have to ask with me," Seff said, bringing both hands up to her tits to gently knead her large mounds and brush his thumbs across her nipples. "Since we have to do this, I want to feel you cum many times tonight."

"AHHHHH!" Cindy then cried out as she went over the edge. Seff had drove back into her after granting her permission and it was the single, most wonderful orgasm in her entire life. Her body involuntarily jerked in her bonds, repeatedly smacking up against his body as she went into a convulsing fit. The fact that she was tied down only seemed to enhance the mind blowing pleasure that she felt. Her pussy gripped his solid cock like a vice as the orgasm seemed to go on forever.

Seff continued to move in and out of her while she came to prolong the moment as much as possible. Even after she relaxed and was in the throes of the erotic aftershocks, he continued on in his steady pace. Then, when she became too sensitive, she started to whine. "Too much," she breathed, "It's too much." Her nipples felt like they were on fire and her breasts felt heavy while the fire built up in her loins again. "It's so good it hurts," she cried

"I know, my dear, I know," Seff said gently as his cock started to become engorged inside of her. He picked up the pace slightly as his own passion built up. His gently caresses on her breasts became hard squeezes as he built up to the point where he was outright pounding her. Cindy's screams of ecstasy eventually became incoherent as she flopped underneath of him like a rag doll, unable to control herself.

Right when Seff's cock blew its huge load, Cindy's head lolled around and she let out another deep, guttural scream, the loudest she'd ever let out before as she felt his huge cock bulge and then spew forth it's seed deep into her womb. His thick cream filled her up to the point that a tiny part of her brain told her that if she hadn't been on birth control already, she'd more than likely be pregnant with this man's child before the end of the day. At the same time, he leaned over and clamped his mouth over the left side of her neck, giving her a little bite and sucking slightly. While he was doing this, Seff seemed to cum non-stop as his cock continued to pump and pulsate inside of her.

After what seemed like forever, Seff's cock finally let out the last of his seed. Cindy felt delirious from the intense back-to-back orgasms. "Oh my God..." she whined, nudging her head against his. "That was incredible."

"Hmmm," Seff smiled as he released her neck and licked at the nape. "And that's going to be only the beginning for us tonight, my dear, sweet Cindy," he said, nuzzling her neck. "We've only just begun."

There was a tap on the door and Cindy frowned. That's not what had happened next. She looked up at Seff and he was saying something. "Miss, are you okay? He asked in someone else's voice. "Miss, are you okay in there?"

Cindy frowned. That's not how that night went. They made love many times and she actually looked forward to the next time that her father was going to reward Seff with her body. What was going on? She whimpered and shifted.

The next series of high-pitched taps were on glass and Cindy woke up with a start. She groggily looked around, trying to remember where she was at and then it hit her; she was still in the driver's seat of Tom's SUV wrapped up in that blanket of his. She'd pulled off the road to sleep once night hit. Cindy had driven all the way through Metro, not stopping once until she was close to Newhaven. She'd faded out and pulled off the road and into the woods a bit to hide the SUV as she wanted to sleep and be rested for when she went through the customs checkpoint at Newhaven.

And now there was a policeman... no... Sheriff... peering in at her from outside in the early light of dawn. Shit. How long did she sleep for?


Seff woke up with a start. He'd been dreaming of her again; dreaming of the first time he'd officially met Cindy and made love to her. He rolled to his back and let out a long resigned sigh as he thought about her. She wasn't anything like her father and he wondered why. While part of him was sad to see her go, another part of her reveled in the fact that she'd managed to do what he, his brethren, or even those poor women down in the Prison Creature, hadn't been able to do yet.

She'd managed to escape.

Being forced to remain in their bestial form and the chase over the past two days had been draining on both him and the rest of the pack... what twenty of them remained. Thankfully, he'd managed to convince them all to hold back in pursuing Cindy just enough for her to get away yet not make it too obvious that they had been doing that. On any other day a fleeing prisoner would've been easy to capture; especially one making as much noise and leaving her scent all over the place as Cindy had. The pack deferred to him on this matter as he was now the Alpha and it was he that bore the brunt of their master's wrath whenever he was in a bad mood and needed a dog to whip.

Using a hind leg to scratch, Seff clawed at the silver collar around the scruff of his neck. Not for the first time in his life he cursed the miserable Magi that had imbued these collars for Raymond Tillis. It was bad enough that Werewolves were regarded as second class citizens throughout the world after the war with the Vampires had ended. It was a war that they'd been suckered into starting and in the end it was the joint alliance between Humans and Vampires that spelled their doom. With the Supreme Alphas of North America both slain, betrayed by the very Vampire that had played both sides to start the war, the Werewolves were too separated and disorganized to mount a proper defense. Whatever dens could do so, sued for peace and went back to the wilds where, in popular opinion, they'd belonged.


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