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Surprise Gangbang

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Husband has a surprise for his wife
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This is a story about an adventure that I thought up of early on when my wife first started fucking my frineds and doing orn videos. I thought that these would be a great opportunity since we were soon moving from this neighberhood to a new home that we had purchased.

At about 11:30 a.m. Tracy and I went out in the backyard to sunbathe. Our patio is fairly secluded. As we lay there I reached over and began rubbing suntan oil on her back. I slipped the straps of her bathing suit off and worked my way down her back. I then moved to her legs and then up to her ass. I pealed down the bottom of her suit, exposing the globes of her rear. I continued the massage the oil into her body, letting a few drops go down the cleft of her ass. I rubbed it into her and moved my hand between her legs, rubbing the lips of her pussy. She then began to moan. I continued to massage her entire backside, lingering on her ass and cunt at times.

After about 20 minutes I had her roll over onto her back. She quickly pulled her suit up over her breasts and pussy. She looked around to see if any neighbors were watching. None were. In the past we had put on several intense shows for them.

I then began massaging the fronts of her legs. I moved slowly higher and higher until I came to the juncture of her legs. I then moved to her arms. I slowly moved down her chest and slowly creeping back her suit I exposed her breasts to the open air. She quickly glanced around again for some neighborly voyeur but none was to be seen. I rub a fair quantity of oil into her ample breasts while she enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I pulled her suit down further displaying her neatly trimmed mound. I slipped her one-piece suit completely off, baring her fully nude to the sun. I continued working the oil into her skin.

I then reached for a bottle of sexual lubricant and dripped a stream down over the lips of her vagina. She turned her head to the side and relaxed with a moan. While working one hand over her stomach and huge tits, I began to lightly work the lubricant into her pussy lips. To this, she responded with more whimpers. I was getting very hard by this point. So I reached down and removed my bathing suit, letting my hardening cock bounce free against her side. I moved between her legs and lowered my body against hers. I rubbed my entire body up and down hers, using my hard dick as a third hand. I let it especially linger against her clitoris. Slowly, I slid the head of my cock into the folds of her cunt. She responded by moaning and spreading her legs further. She was so wet from excitement and the lubricant that my dick slid all the way in up to the hilt. I rocked back and forth, feeling the sensation around the shaft.

I had another plan in mind so I slipped out of her and just lay there in the sun next to her. Soon, I checked my watch and told her I had to run to work but that she could stay out here and sunbathe.

I knew she was incredibly turned on, but that was part of my plan. I went inside and dressed for work. I came out and told her good-bye. I then drove up the street to where a neighbor was having a patio put in.

The five workers were just finishing and packing up their tools when I approached. I told them that there was a woman who lays out naked in her backyard down the street and often services men when her husband wasn't home. I told them the address of my house and drove away.

I watched in the rear view mirror as I saw them huddle and look down the street. They suddenly quickened their pace and threw their shovels and wheelbarrows hastily into their truck.

I quickly drove around the block and watched them approach and park in front of my house. They quietly got out and started to walk around to my gate.

I left my car and snuck around the other way and into the house. Through our sliding glass door I could see my wife laying on the patio on her stomach. Through a side window I could see the men sneaking around the other way.

Looking back to my wife I saw her stir and roll onto her back. She looked around and slowly reached down and started to finger her unsatisfied pussy. She reached over and put some more lubricant on her hand and worked it into her lips.

I quickly ran upstairs and loaded up our video camera. I went and checked out a few of the upstairs windows for the best vantage point.

The men had quietly worked their way around the house and were silently taking turns peeking around the corner at my masturbating wife. I went back downstairs and peeked out the window, taking shots of her and her attentive audience. She was lost totally in her activity and didn't notice the men. Some had removed their shirts.

At this point let me describe each of the men. Three were white. One, the supervisor, about 40 years old. The other two were about 30 and 21. One of the other guys was a latino with the stereotypical macho look-very muscular and tanned. The last man was black and about 6'-4".

Slowly each of the men moved out from their seclusion and formed a circle around my wife. They watched intently as she neared her peak. Soon she gave a low moan, tensed, flushed red and shook uncontrollably. She then laid back and relaxed. In a moment she slowly opened her eyes.

Shocked, she saw her audience gathered around. She let out a small scream and reached for her bathing suit.

The men approached and surrounded her as she fumbled with the suit, trying to find the openings. They knelt next to her enclosing her in their circle. All the while they were complimenting her on her performance.

It was obvious she was panicking, because she took a long time to even begin to get her suit on. In the meantime she kept pleading for them to leave, not paying much attention to their comments.

At this point I thought that maybe she was afraid of being alone. All the other times I was right there are within hearing distance when she was being fucked.

Soon one of the men reached out and stroked her arm. By this time her suit was almost back on and she started to stand up. The men stood around her not letting her leave the patio despite her appeals. By this time they each were rubbing some part of her body, her arms, legs, neck, or back. They stayed away from the more private areas.

Tracy tried to force her way out of the ring but doing so only brought her in contact with one or another of the men. They kept begging her to stay saying that they wouldn't hurt her. That they only wanted to talk.

She looked around but could see no escape.

Again she push against one of the men but he only embraced her, rubbing his bare chest against her. After a few awkward moments one of the men embraced her from behind. Two others on each side of her each grabbed a leg. Together the three men laid her back on the patio.

She struggled trying to break free but this only caused the other two to each grasp an arm. They held her down as she struggled. After a few moments she tired a little and each man held a limb in one hand while stroking her legs, arms, or neck with the other.

The man at her head cradled her against his crotch as he sat cross-legged. She continued her verbal pleas but slowed her physical resistance. The men continued massaging her gently.

Despite her objections she began to relax and obviously enjoy the ministrations the five hands were giving her.

When she was fully relaxed they loosened their grips with their other hands and soon ten hands were caressing her. They passed around the bottle of oil and began to smooth it over areas of her exposed flesh. The man at her head began moving his strokes from her face and neck ever so slowly, millimeter by millimeter onto her upper chest.

At the same time the men working on her legs moved higher and higher up her thighs.

The men on her arms soon stroked their entire length pausing at the straps on her shoulders.

The large black man had her right arm, the latino her right leg, the supervisor her left leg and the two others her left arm and head. They kept their touching away from her private areas which helped her to relax further.

Soon they prodded her to roll over onto her stomach. She did this with a look of concern and curiosity. They continued to massage her legs, arms, and back. They worked the oil into her gently. She closed her eyes and moaned softly.

The men working her legs moved higher and higher and soon began stroking the exposed areas of the cheeks of her ass. Slowly they moved her suit aside little by little until more and more of her ass was exposed.

She looked back over her shoulder and tried to reach back to pull her suit out of her crack but her arms were gently restrained by the men working her upper body.

They were soon massaging her cheeks gently and sensuously. She again relaxed and closed her eyes.

The men working her upper body slowly pulled aside the straps of her suit so they could have unimpeded access to her shoulders. Again she tried to oppose the action but was gently stopped.

They pull her straps further and further down her arms until the top front of her bathing suit pressed against the ground stopped its progress. At this point they tugged a little harder until it began to slide down over her breasts which were against the pavement.

This caused her to move her arms up in an attempt to push herself up. This only caused her to loosen the pressure against her body and the bathing suit and allowed the men to pull it down clear to her waist, exposing her breasts against the patio.

She immediately dropped back to the ground, attempting to cover herself. She moaned a scared, almost crying response.

The men further reveal her back to the sun and had greater access to her entire back. Her suit now just barely covered her waist and down her crack. The men continued their massage now almost having full access to her entire backside. She soon again relaxed and slowly closed her eyes.

This continued for about another 15 minutes. They then prodded her to turn over onto her back. She reached down and brought her suit up over her breasts and began to turn over.

Once in a seated position she began to reinsert her arms into the straps of the suit but the men gently forced her back and pulled her arms away from the straps. She again moaned her disapproval.

She started to say something but realized it would be of no avail and lay back against the pavement. She had, however, recovered her breasts.

The men again began their sensuous massage. This time the men on her legs became a little more bold in their movements along her legs and up her thighs.

Occasionally they would bump up against her crotch and indirectly rub her cunt with the side of their hands as they rubbed her upper thighs. The men working her arms and upper chest became also more daring and reached more and more under her bathing suit top toward her breasts.

In doing so they pushed further and further aside the material of her bathing suit. Soon she relaxed and again slowly closed her eyes.

The man at her head lowered it to the ground, got up and disappeared around the side of the house. About one minute later he reappeared-naked. His cock slowly rising in a semi-erect state.

He approached quietly and tapped the black man on the shoulder. The naked man reached down and took the place of the black man who got up and also went around the corner of the house.

The naked man positioned himself so Tracy's arm and hand were between his kneeling legs-her hand inches below his dangling balls.

The black man reappeared sporting a huge member, also semi-erect. He approached and tapped off the man on her other arm. The black man then place himself in a position similar to the man over her right arm. Each man took his turn disrobing around the corner.

Tracy was totally oblivious to this activity. All the while the men continued their boldness in exposing her breast and rubbing her crotch through her suit. It was obvious that despite her objections she was enjoying the attention.

By the time the men were all naked her suit had been pulled down almost to her waist and the men working her upper body had full access to her stomach and breasts. She was breathing deeply and her chest heaved slightly with each breath-a noticeable sign of excitement.

The supervisor, who was working her legs, reached up and moved aside the crotch over her suit. This caused my wife to open her eyes and try to reach toward her exposed cunt. This action only brought her in contact with two excited cocks. She looked left and right and all around and surveyed the situation.

Seeing all these men naked and in various states of excitement caused her to struggle more violently to escape. The men in turn held her tighter. She was not going to escape until they all had their way with her.

The supervisor grabbed the sides of her bathing suit and said, "O.K. Enough of the appetizers. Let's get to the main course."

With that he quickly jerked down the suit totally exposing her fully naked body. She tried to kick and squirm but to no avail. She moaned half crying. The supervisor then reached over to the sexual lubricant I had left behind and drooled a large amount down on her pubic hair and over onto her cunt lips.

He gently reached forward and rub in into her lips while two of the men held her legs apart. He rubbed her clitoris for a minute or two and then slowly worked his middle finger into her vagina.

"Boys, she doesn't need any lubricant. She's wetter than any I've ever felt."

He reached down and stroked his own cock with lubricant back and forth until it stood totally erect.

He then told the other men to lift her up. Each man cradled a part of her body, controlling her squirming.

They brought her up to waist height. The supervisor then stepped forward between her legs and rubbed his cock up and down her moist slit.

She begged him not to fuck her but her pleas were not even heard. The supervisoer asked the men at her upper body to lift her head so she could see his cock parting her lips.

Slowly he began to insert just the tip a little bit at a time into her vagina. Moving back and forth he lingeringly entered her. After a few minutes of this teasing he was fully inserted.

The other men began to rock her back and forth on his turgid cock. He commented on how great it felt. Tracy looked down between her legs watching intently. She appeared as if she didn't know whether to enjoy it or to fight back. She slowly began to respond.

The supervisor moved her legs up over his shoulders until her knees were locked up over them. He signaled the others to lowered her to the ground.

Once back on the ground he began his own rhythm-back and forth-slowly and deliberately. She braced herself against the ground still fighting slightly.

Two men at her side, the black man and another placed their cocks into her outstretched hands. At first she tried to pull away but then they kept forcing her to make contact. Deftly they worked their cocks into her palms. At first she didn't respond but soon she tightened her gripped slightly. She turned her head to the side relaxed and closed her eyes. The supervisor still worked away between her legs.

Shortly one of the men suggested that she be fully pleasured first. He recommended he make her come first. The supervisor withdrew and the man who made the suggestion dropped between her limp thighs.

He began to vigorously lick her cunt, especially her clitoris. After about a minute she began to respond. First she moaned and then gripped the two cocks tighter and began to stroke them almost subconsciously. The man between her legs carried on his motions. Tracy soon began bucking and stroking the cocks faster and harder.

The man licking her inserted two fingers inside and continued his tongue thrashes harder and faster. After about five or six minutes she tensed and moaned a deep guttural sound as her cunt began to pulsate rhythmically. She relaxed and turned her head to the side-stopping all movement.

The action stopped for a few minutes as she rested and then the supervisor resumed his position between her legs and slowly reinserted his tool.

This time Tracy laid back and relaxed. Soon she even began to respond to his movements. She resumed her tight grip on the two cocks in her hand and slowly began to pump them again. This again triggered the hardening process.

The supervisor pump harder and faster and soon was obviously well on his way. He reached down and locked Tracy's knees in his arms and pulled her legs up over her shoulders-allowing total deep penetration. She moaned and bucked in response. Soon he rose up on his arms groaned and tensed the muscles of his legs and ass and poured his sperm into her waiting pussy.

She moaned and froze in an effort to feel each squirt of his cock. After about thirty seconds he dropped onto her chest and lay there until his softening cock fell onto her lips.

The men in her hands had pulled free and the black man had moved to the lawn, laying on his back. He called to her stroking his cock and invited her to come over and ride it.

At first she hesitated. I don't know whether it was because she was beginning to feel guilty and did not want to continue or because she was fearful of the size of his monstrous cock.

It stood up against his stomach, extending about eight inches from its base. She looked at it for a minute as the other men prodded her to try it. She then crawled over toward the awaiting erection.

At this point, I could see come oozing from her cunt. The entire inside of her thighs were coated and it dripped down toward her knees as she crawled along. I zoomed in the camera to get a close-up.

As she approached the sable colored penis she reached forward and touched in gently. She examined it thoroughly. I think she was testing to see if it would bend.

Many times if I used a dildo on her that size she later complained that it hurt because it didn't bend like a real one.

Then curiously she bent over and began to taste the huge cock. She worked it all over. In the meantime, the others approached and began rubbing her back and ass.

Two men again began rubbing her dangling tits. The latino man moved in behind her and slowly insert his hardened cock into her cunt. To this she responded by glancing back to see who her visitor was and then went back to work on her ebony rod.

As the man pumped her from behind she moaned. She was experiencing for having two real cocks enter her body at the same time. She continued to suck and lick the cock in her mouth, pausing occasionally to feel more completely the penis in her vagina.

After about five minutes the man in her cunt exploded and pulled her tight against his loins. She stopped sucking and closed her eyes, again trying to feel each streaming jet of sperm entering her. He came for almost a full minute and then withdrew.

Tracy then move quickly astride the black man and positioned her cunt above his dick. She rubbed the lips of her cunt against his cock, spreading a mixture of her juices and the semen from the two other men over him.

She then whispered, "Put it in but please go slow."

He reached down and she raised herself up slightly. She looked down between her hanging breasts and watched as he place the head against her entrance. She began to lower herself, savoring each millimeter of the large cock invading her. She moved up and down slightly, each time taking more and more of the immense unit. After about two or three minutes she finally hit rock bottom. Their pubic bones hit. Tracy threw back her head and closed her eyes, sitting still, feeling the experience of this mammoth tool. Slowly she began to move. Soon she was really getting into it.

The other men again surrounded her and began to stroke her body. She continued to pump the large cock hard and fast. After about five minutes she suddenly got off and urged the black man to do her doggy style.Her favorite position. He pumped her solidly as she let out little squeals and moans with each thrust of his hips.


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