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Susie at the Movies

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I take Susie to the movies where things get out of hand!
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We began dating in high school, continued through college and ended up married. Throughout high school and college we had numerous "on and off" periods, but for the vast majority of the time we were a couple, we were "on". And as I said, it all worked out, we are married.

Susie was (and as a 32 year old, still is) about as cute as they come. She's 5'2", 105 pounds and has a fun loving, energetic personality that often led her to be the first person to do something fun, crazy or daring. Whether it was an amusement park ride, jumping off a cliff into the water, driving through the city with her girlfriends in just her bra and panties or teasing boys by "accidentally" flashing her ass, she was first.

We had a lot of fun in high school and college. We drank a fair amount as well, which certainly lowered her inhibitions. We were also quite popular. Both of us were class officers and graduated in the top 10% of our class. I played 3 sports and Susie was on homecoming court and a cheerleader. Coaches, teachers and classmates (for the most part) loved us.

Her body has always been fantastic - nice sized, round boobs, small, trim waist and a great ass. She liked (actually loved) attention. Her skirts were as short as they could possibly be, which I (and everyone else, including the teachers) loved.

After we dated for a while we, of course, moved onto sexual activity, just like most other kids our age. For a long time, we did everything short of intercourse, but my fingers, her hands and our mouths went everywhere on each other's body. After a year or so of sexual activity, I turned her into an exhibitionist, which involved many episodes of tremendous enjoyment and sensual experiences.

It started one night when we planned to go to the movies. We had a few drinks before we went, she more than I because I had to drive. She wore a tight, thin yellow t-shirt and her very low-cut jeans, a very common outfit type for Susie. On the way to the movie, I dared her to take off her bra, which would, of course, make her nipples clearly visible thru that t-shirt. At first she put up an argument, but I could tell she actually liked the idea because as she said, "No... no way... I couldn't be bra-less in this shirt", she actually was smiling and giggling. Turning it into a dare was really all it took to put her over the edge, she did it.

So, right there in the car as I was driving thru town, off comes the shirt, off comes the bra. I playfully took her t-shirt when she was taking her bra off and threw it in the back seat where she couldn't reach it. She yelled, "I can't believe you did that", but she was laughing, too. After all, we were young and in love. As we drove thru town we had to stop at a few of the traffic lights. She would say, "Can they see me?" meaning the cars next to us. I'd tell her that they couldn't, that she was too low in the seat, but I was lying my ass off.

After a couple minutes of this I knew she'd reach over the seat to grab her shirt, which she did. We were coming up to a light that was red, so I was driving slowly anyway. Being 5'2", it was not easy for her to reach the floor in the back seat to get her shirt. She turned around in her seat and got extended, her legs on the front seat and her body from the waist up over the seat to the back. I couldn't resist the opportunity, I grabbed her jeans and pulled them down to her knees just as we pulled to a stop at the light between 4 cars.

Her cute, sexy as hell, pink satin panties were saying "Hello" to the world. I was laughing and I had my arm on her back, not letting her come back into the front seat. She was screaming, playfully screaming I might add, to "Let me up!... They can see my panties!!" A couple of the cars blew their horns.

The light turned green, so we took off. We both laughed, and Susie told me how much of a "jerk" I was for doing that. Then she asked a bunch of questions like, "How many people saw me?" and "How many boys and how many girls?... "The horns were because of me, right?" And "How did my ass and panties look?" I asked her if she was turned-on. She said, "Hell yes, let me have your dick and I'll show you!"

We continued the drive to the movie complex with me playing with her tits and her rubbing my cock over my shorts. I knew that her thin yellow t-shirt would be see-thru, but I really had no idea that her tits would be that easy to see. It was a huge turn-on for me as we walked thru the parking lot with her tits jiggling, her nipples poking almost thru the shirt, and her very her low cut jeans. I (and Susie) noticed a number of guys and girls staring at her tits and her jeans... and her panties sticking out of her jeans. When we got into the movie theater it became a huge turn-on for her as well.

At first, when we were in the bright lobby in the lines for tickets and popcorn she was embarrassed and kept her arms folded across her chest. But I kept coaxing her and daring her to loosen up and inch by inch she lowered her arms until her nipples were "on display" for everyone to see. I got her a little more excited when I said, "Your nipples look great!!"

All she could say was, "Can everyone really see them?" I told her to look down and to the window for her reflection. She did and just said, "!!... Oh, look my jeans are way below my panties, too."

Her jeans were low enough, and her shirt was short enough, that you could see 2-3 inches of her flat tunny between the jeans and her t-shirt. And if she didn't constantly pull up her jeans, which she didn't, you could see the top of her pink panties without any effort. Of course, when she sat down her panties from the back were even more visible. I loved walking next to her whenever she wore those jeans because when I put my arm around her and rested my hand on her ass or her side, I was always touching her panties and that drove me (and Susie) crazy.

In the theater lobby she was getting plenty of attention from the guys and their girlfriends. I'd watch their eyes as they would flip between her boobs and her panties and panties and boobs, which I loved. The girls were all jealous as hell. As Susie got more comfortable (and confident) with showing-off, she got friskier. I jabbed her in the ribs and poked her in the side which made her squirm and made her tits jiggle. That made her nipples harder and kept her from grabbing her pants which were getting lower and lower, showing a good 2 inches of her panties, at times. The best was when we finally got our food. She used both her hands to carry popcorn and candy, I used one. But I put my other arm around her waist and my hand on her hip. As we walked I teased Susie by sliding the tip of my fingers into her jeans on her side and gently pushing her jeans lower. To my delight, Susie thought this was funny even though her jeans were a close to 3 inches lower at her right side which created a great view of the panties from the back and the front.

As usual, the theater was packed because it was a weekend night. We found seats that were 6 in from the isle, so there were going to be people seated on either side of us. To get to our seats, we had to squeeze past the 3 couples sitting in our row. Susie went first, facing the people in our row, carrying the popcorn. This put Susie's tits, her "very low cut" jeans and, of course, her bright pink panties right in their faces as we tried to slip by. Because I had lowered her jeans when I was teasing her as we walked into the room, her jeans were still almost 3 inches below her panties in the front. As Susie went in front of the third couple, the girl reached out and snapped the waist band of Susie's panties just above her pussy. We all laughed, as did the people sitting in the row in back of us. The girl said, "I wish I had your body and your confidence to show off like you." That just about made Susie cum right there.

As the lights went down, Susie looked to me and "sort of" whispered, "I can't believe she actually touched my panties... how many people do you think saw that?"

I said, "Probably 10 or so... did you mind?"

She said, "Well... not really, it turned me on, thank god she didn't pull my pants down because my hands were full."

I said, "Oh ya... that would have been soooo bad. We, including that guy sitting next to you who was staring at your tits and panties as you were going thru the row, would have loved to have seen that. And, by the way, I think you gave the girl's boyfriend a hard-on."

Susie said, "Really? Gave him a hard-on? Wow!! Gosh, I hope I don't have to get more popcorn later, I'd have to walk right be them again," and she giggled.

As the previews and movie started, our hands began to slowly move over each other's body as we were both pretty horny from Susie's displays in the car, parking lot, lobby and as she walked thru the row we were sitting in. Susie was really excited, she moaned, "I wish we were in the car right now." But, hell - I wasn't going to the car; this was too good to be true, showing her off and her loving it!

We weren't being obnoxious, but for anyone watching us it was obvious what we were doing. I played with her tits with my left hand from the outside of her shirt for the first part of the movie which made her moan at times, especially when I lightly pinched her nipples. I was sure the guy sitting next to her could hear her, as I surely could. He definitely knew what was happening, I could see him glancing at Susie's tits and nipples and my hand massaging them a number of times and I saw Susie glancing at him and licking her lips numerous times.

After 20 minutes or so, I moved my hand under her shirt which made her moan even more. Every few minutes I would lift her shirt over her tit for a half a minute or so, and our guy next to her didn't miss a beat, he saw it every time. So did the girl sitting to my right, the girl who snapped Susie's panties. Suzy was clearly getting very turned-on so it was not a surprise to me when she put her hand in my lap and began slowly rubbing my cock over my shorts. I put my hand on top of hers to try to hide what Susie was doing, but I am sure the people next to her and me knew she was playing with my cock. I didn't mind and neither did Susie.

As the movie played on, I rested my had on her tummy and began to lightly rub her tummy. I did this to sort of "take a break" and to cool us down, so we wouldn't get too "hot and bothered". But, as I placed my hand on her tummy I felt a little bit of the top of her panties. I was in heaven. As I slowly rubbed her tummy, she could tell by the size of my cock that I was fully aware of what I was touching. I worked the tips of my fingers under the front of her jeans and panties. I had about two inches of my index and middle fingers inside her low cut jeans. She looked at the guy next to her, then to me and again "kind of" whispered, "Do you think he knows?"

I said, "I think so, do you want him to?" She answered by squeezing my cock tighter. I knew she was excited, very excited, but then she told me she wanted to use the rest room. I had a feeling she just wanted to walk by the guy with the hard-on. So she stood up, but then bent over a little so as not block the view of those behind us. As she did, you could easily see 3 or 4 inches of her panties...and of course those wonderful nipples. And her ass was foot away from the face of the guy who was sitting to her left. What a view he had! He couldn't resist, he reached up and snapped the waist band of her panties above her ass. Susie turned her head to look at him and giggled. My cock got even harder.

As she began to walk down the row, bent over, the girl who touched her panties said, "Hey cutie, sit here for just a second", and she motioned to her boyfriend's lap. Susie sat down on his lap. She said, "You have beautiful tits. Look at your nipples, you are one hot show-off."

Susie sort of panted, "Really... you like... them?" Looking at Susie, I saw the girl take her finger and she began to circle Susie's nipples, causing Susie to close her eyes and moan... while her boyfriend took his hand and slowly put it on Susie's tummy. He then moved his fingers down inside the front of Susie's jeans, just like I did.

Susie loved it, she was starting to lose control, she was slowly grinding her ass into the boyfriend's crotch while she moaned, "More... ahhhh... more... come on". With her right hand, she held onto the wrist of his hand that was in her jeans and panties. She put her left hand under her ass, which put her hand right on his dick. This "encounter" happened very fast, it had lasted maybe 30 seconds, but it was clearly getting out of hand, especially in a packed theater.

So I said,"Hey guys... that's enough for now, Susie, you gotta get moving". She opened her eyes, regained some focus, stood up, bent over and weekly shuffled down the row, with her pants almost below her beautiful ass.

Five minutes later Susie returned and started thru the row. When she reached the girl, the girl whispered to Susie, "You are so fucking hot, I'm wet all over" and she pulled her mini-skirt up to show Susie her panties. They were small white panties that looked like nylon. She then grabbed Susie's hand and put it on her panties and held her hand there. I knew this again was going to put Susie "over the limit" so I grabbed Susie and pulled her into her seat. Thankfully, Susie's seat was not next to that girl, that's where my seat was, so I didn't have to worry about the girl playing with Susie (damn it) for the rest of the movie.

Playing it "cool", I returned my hand to her tummy. I kept my hand there for quite a while, moving my fingers slowly into and out of her panties which continued to keep us both "simmering". She looked up to me and said in a very broken pace because she was near an orgasm, "She put my hand... on her panties... and her pussy. Ooohhh...She was playing... with my nipples in front of... everyone. Her boyfriend touched... my pussy and had part of... his finger in me. He whispered to me, he asked for... my panties. Oh... god... in the restroom... I actually took my panties off... because I want to... give them to him... but I chickened out... and put them... back on. The guy... next to me... also touched... my panties."

I said, "Go ahead if you want, give him your panties, maybe you can get hers to wear."

Susie said, "Oh my... ahhhhh... God that... is really a... hot idea."

With that I slowly unbuttoned her jeans. This wasn't the easiest thing to do using just my left hand and trying to be very casual about what I was doing. But I persisted and finally unbuttoned her jeans. Susie looked at me and said, "Thanks, I was hoping... you'd do that" and she giggled, again. For the next 5 minutes or so, I worked the zipper down so that her jeans were wide open, again not easy for a right handed guy to do solely with his left hand. So her jeans were wide open in the front but nobody could really see much because my hand was resting on her zipper area, partially blocking the view.

Then I surprised Susie, I pulled my hand away and started to eat more popcorn. I wanted to see what she would do. And to my delight, she left her zipper and pants wide open exposing her panties. My cock got about 5 times harder.

She simply smiled and grabbed some popcorn. The guy next to her and the girl next to me could easily see her open jeans (as could people further down the row) and the front of her bright pink panties and they obviously loved the view. After 20 minutes of this, I put my hand back on her panty covered pussy and she returned her hand to my cock on top of my shorts, which I again covered with my hand.

As the movie played on, I began to move my fingers little by little down her pussy lips. I used my middle finger to rub between her lips, but I always kept my fingers on top of her panties, I didn't go under them. I used small, slow movements, very gentle strokes, up and down, up and down. Susie was in another world, "quietly" moaning and squirming in her seat while she squeezed my raging hard on. She was also moaning, trying to whisper the words "Pleeaaassee... come on... pleeaaassee... just do it" over and over again. She wanted me to finger her right then and there. She was begging and begging me to stick my fingers into her. The guy next to her was enjoying every second of it, to say the least, and Susie seemed to love that fact. Susie would moan and stare at him, I think she was trying to encourage him to touch her.

Susie had her head tilted back in her seat and she was squirming and slightly humping my fingers, trying not to go too crazy in the theater. But, she was clearly on the edge. She then brought her left hand up and raised her shirt over her left nipple and began massaging her own tit. I couldn't believe it, it was crazy. She had one had on my cock, the other on her tit and was exposing it to anyone who looked. Her jeans were open with my hand rubbing her pussy slit, which by now was getting very wet, over her very visible panties. I was rubbing her pussy, between her lips and every minute or so I'd grab the top of her panties and pull them up into her lips. The guy next to her and the girl next to me loved this; they couldn't take their eyes off Susie. I really couldn't believe the guy next to her didn't put a hand on her. In fact, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have minded at all, in fact I bet she wanted it, the look in her eyes was begging him to touch her.

She then took her right hand off my cock and grabbed the right side of her jeans to pull them down while she continued to mumble, "Pleeaaassee... come on... pleeaassee." But, I wouldn't let her pull her pants down any further than they already were.

At this point I knew we were getting in too deep, so I wanted to slow it down, but not before I rubbed her very wet slit a few more times. I could tell she had an orgasm, maybe two. So I learned over and quietly asked her to button her jeans. She replied, "Why? A lot of girls... wear their jeans unbuttoned, I... ohhhh... can too." Who was I to argue? So I kept my hand in her lap providing a partial block until the movie ended and we finished the popcorn and candy.

Everything sort of returned to normal, or as close to normal as it could with my girlfriend braless in a tight shirt, nipples hard and with her jeans unbuttoned and pulled open. Finally, the movie ended and some of the lights came on.

Susie stood right up, smoothed out her top, and we walked out of the theater. Her jeans were unbuttoned and her zipper was down which made her jeans very loose. By the way, her nipples looked like they were going to pop thru her thin t-shirt. As we walked, I had my arm around her waist and I was holding her jeans up. Of course, I didn't hold them up as high as they would have been if they were buttoned. I was again holding them about 3 inches lower than the top of her panties. Susie didn't care, she loved the attention she was getting and she was really turned-on. I'll admit it, it was sexy as hell.

As we walked out of the theater and entered the lobby, we saw the girl and her boyfriend who were sitting next to me. Teasing Susie, I put my finger in her mouth and said, "Now is your chance, Ms. Hot-as-shit-show-off, if you really want him to have your panties... and you want her panties".

She didn't hesitate; she walked over right over to them, taped the girl on her shoulder and said in a real sexy voice, "Your cute boyfriend wants my panties."

The boyfriend leaned over and said, "I'm going to screw her tonight while she wears your panties, how's that sound to you, you amazing dick-teaser. Does that idea make you wetter than you already are?"

Susie said, "You already had your hands in my panties and in me... and by the way, thanks for that, you shouldn't have stopped. But I need a trade, I need her panties. After all, I love white panties. So, how's that sound to you?"


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