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Suspicious Succubus Streamer

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This streamer couldn't be a succubus with hypnotic powers...
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From the thumbnail, he was surprised that this streamer had zero viewers at the moment; a revealing rose-hued dress that displayed terms of service-breaking amounts of cleavage, long crimson hair, a black headband with devil horns on it, and a cute smile that could light up a room... She wasn't even a vtuber, it was all real! Why wasn't anyone watching her?

He checked what game she was streaming; a singleplayer turn based RPG he had never heard of. Alright. He could work with this. After microwaving some leftover coffee from earlier in the day, he went back to his gaming chair in his bedroom, adjusted his laptop on his desk for the optimal viewing experience, and clicked the stream preview to watch it.

It took a few seconds for her to notice her new viewer, and when she did, she paused the game.

"Oh! Hi!!!! Helloooo!" She bounced slightly as she said it, and as he looked at the jiggling, he was even more confused as to why she had literally no other viewers. Thirst traps worked! Why wasn't this one? Or did she just start streaming one minute ago? Her viewership would probably grow by a hundred thousand percent in about five minutes.

"My username is in the corner right over there, but you can call me anything! I'm a demon girl who plays video games! I'm just doing some RPG gaming today. I hope you'll stay a while!"

Something seemed off about the way she moved and bobbed around. While the thought stuck in his mind, he typed a message in the empty chat.

"hi just got curious about this stream, is the game any good"

"It's great! I hope! I just started playing it today!"

It finally occurred to him what was uncanny. She was moving like she was impersonating a vtuber and their styles of tilting and wobbling and emoting. Although he wasn't entirely sure why she would want to move like that, it had to be a deliberate choice, and he supposed he could respect that.

As she unpaused the game and her pixel art character started walking around in the forest again, he took a moment to look at the background of her streaming setup. It was some kind of very well drawn, anime-like bedroom with bisexual lighting, obviously green screened in, although he couldn't see any green screen failures anywhere on screen, even around her hair; she was good at that.

He started typing something else.

"so i thought you'd get a lot more viewers than this, you look great!"

"Oh, you know how it is. There's a million people streaming at any given time. You're lucky if you get one view! Me, I'm just playing games I enjoy and streaming them. Even if nobody's watching, I'm still having fun!"

"but come on you look GREAT"

"That's just how demons look! We look really cute so we can lure people in. Guess it worked on you!"

He felt a little embarrassed to admit it, but...

"eh... maybe... yeah it worked lmao. im definitely gonna stick around for a while. i dont have much else to do tonight"

"Me neither! So relax and enjoy the stream."

He took a sip of his coffee. Lots of streamers tried embracing subtle horniness, where they'd dress kinda hot and then never mention it ever. Maybe their viewers also enjoyed having that same plausible deniability, or maybe it just lured them in and they stuck around for other reasons like the streamer being genuinely funny. That was fine, but some honesty from her was fresh and exciting. He noticed a growing bulge in his pants and stuffed a few tissues down there.

"Oooh! Finally! Some fights! Die, slimes!"

She leaned in closer to the camera during combat; it wasn't the kind of intense action you would normally glue your eyes to the screen for, but she looked like she was enjoying herself.

"so you said you were a demon?"

"Blizzard Strike! Oh, yeah, see the horns? Being a demon is cool. You can do whatever you want and use magic! I'd show off but I'm a bit busy..."

It looked like she was really early on in the game, so the combat wasn't all that hard; she cleared out several screens worth of random encounters. He also noticed that while she leaned into the camera, he could see slightly further down her cleavage...

This girl's demon roleplaying was kind of fun. It was basically just wrestling kayfabe or the similar things a lot of big vtubers did, and everyone loved that. How deeply did she think this persona through? Maybe she was excited to tell him more.

"so what kind of games do you usually play?"

"RPGs! I love RPGs! I played Final Fantasy 2 when it first came out and fell in love! I do normal demon things all day but then I like to unwind with a good RPG! Even the really bad ones! Those are good too!"

He opened another tab and looked up when Final Fantasy 2 came out. 1988? If she was old enough to play it and enjoy it, she'd be in her forties or something. She was, at most, thirty. Then he remembered the demon persona. Probably a thousand years old or something. He closed it and went back to the stream.

"Why," she reminisced, "I was out and about in Los Angeles looking for something to do one night, and then I saw an NES in a store window, and then I thought, yeah, why not try one of these newfangled machines out, and so I shoplifted one and some games!"

He almost spat out his coffee when she admitted to shoplifting. Of course, she didn't really do that... hopefully.

"How about you? What kinds of games do you enjoy?"

There were a couple of answers he could have given, but he went with the least embarrassing one.

"i also think rpgs are great"

"Sweet! What's your favorite?"

"i don't think i have a favorite"

"Cmon, I don't believe you! And hey, if it's embarrassing... You can share it with me and then I'll delete your message so that nobody sees, mkay?"

He knew it was a bad idea, but...

"okay so my favorite rpg is this uhhh text based game..."

Wait, no... He didn't mean to type that...


"you play as a level 40 human mage..."

He ignored the part of his brain which was telling him to turn back.

"Go on."

"and you have to make it to the end of this maze full of succubi..."

"Ah! Lovely."

"and the succubi try to have sex with you, and if they fuck you, they suck your levels, and more if you cum in them... and if they beat you they kidnap you forever... its a fun game lol even though its really short i played it a lot"

"Oh! Scandalous! I'm deleting those messages now... Hehe, thanks for the secret!"

He stared at the screen in shame. His messages vanished one at a time, until all evidence of his perversion was missing. He still felt dirty. What compelled him to admit that?

"You know, people don't have levels in real life... so I just, oh, did I tell you what kind of demon I was? I'm also a succubus! I keep it on the down low."

"ah sorry for saying all that to you i didn't mean to i wanted to keep it a secret"

"Oh don't worry! I just have that effect on people... they meet me and then before they know it they're telling me all their dirtiest secrets. Teehee!" She jiggled her boobs briefly as if they were the ultimate way to charm someone into giving up their secrets. The idea that they worked on him was extremely worrying.

"I do like a good porn RPG. There aren't many good ones but I like playing as a succubus. Now that's funny; I spend all day doing succubus things, and then to relax, I go home and play succubus video games. That's my day job! Why am I doing that again? Oh, but it's just so fun!"

"they are good... god im still embarrassed lol"

"Don't get embarrassed, get horny! You like succubi, and you're looking at a real succubus! And we all know why I picked this outfit! I have an idea, I'll expand the camera recording a bit..."

She grew the little window of her in the corner until it took up about half of the stream window. He also remembered to hit the fullscreen button; why didn't he do that earlier? Although, seeing her much larger was not helping with his arousal...

"i uh... i feel like i might be here for a while..."

"We can talk about horny things! Just you and me! Actually, screw the game! It's great but I want to talk to you instead!"

She closed the game and filled the whole screen with just the video of her. He was the one leaning towards the screen now. Those were two very, very compelling boobs...

"So cmon, what are you into?"

"well, succubi and level draining... i like being a hero who gets sucked dry lol"

"And that surely can't be it. What other perverted things do you want women to do to you?"

Nothing he could say could possibly make this any worse, so he just spilled his horniness out.

"ahhh mind control is so good, and i like really big boobs, and all the normal sex things, and i like it when girls call me pet and good boy and other stuff, and i like being taunted and teased, and i like it when girls call me a pervert even though its really embarrassing it makes me blush and get all warm and fuzzy... and i like mind control"

"You said mind control twice."

"yeah lol. anything from hypnosis to love potions to charm spells to shady swinging pendants to just... staring at someone's boobs and getting really lost in them and then she can control your mind..."

"In the business, we call that 'titnosis'."

"yeah that"

"I can hypnotize you if you want!"

He stared at her cheerful, lust-filled face, then back at her boobs again. If only she actually had hypnotic powers! Real life was so disappointing in terms of options for being mind controlled. But maybe he could play along and get into a sort of realistic trance...

"ooh, idk, maybe go easy on me, i'm easily hypnotized."

"Oh, I have boobs and lovely words and magic powers... You'll fall victim so easily then!"

"haha... dont make me do anything too embarrassing..."

"I can even give you trigger words so I can do all kinds of things to you later. Would you love that?"

"god my mind is going to get turned to mush isnt it"

"Yep! How does it feel knowing a succubus is going to hypnotize you and do whatever she wants?"

"good lol"

He still couldn't believe what was happening, but he was extremely into it.

"Now stare into my boobs..."

She pulled her dress down slightly more, just enthralling him even more now that he had a good view of her. Her chest was lovely... It was already working.

"i'm looking, if i spell anything wrong its because im typing without looking at my keyboard lol"

"Good boy. Let them fill your mind as you listen to my words..."

He obediently stared and listened.

"Think about your mind. Think about how easily swayed it is... Think about how much you want to be controlled and played with. Think about your arousal, which makes you weak willed and obedient..."

It certainly did. He spilled his perverted secrets when he was just a bit turned on by her. Staring at her now, he felt the arousal burning hotter. And there was a fuzziness in his head... What could she command him to do?

"Now watch as I sway my chest left and right. Left, and right... That's it. Slowly follow along..."

His eyes moved on their own, watching her gently swaying chest.

"Good boy."

He shivered.

"Let your arousal build as you stare, hopelessly lost in my breasts... All you want to do is look left, and right... left, and right... Every time they sway, your mind grows foggier and foggier. Every word you hear, you grow more obedient. Every second you watch, you feel closer and closer... Imagine their warmth, their comfort... You want to rest your face in between them, but not yet..."

He did...

"And simply watch as I count down. As I count from ten to one, your mind will grow sleepier and more and more lost in my chest... and when I reach one, I will snap my fingers and tell you to sleep, and you will be so lost in such a lovely, deep trance..."

His mind fogged over as his awareness started to dim. Her voice felt so natural, so soothing... He could trust her. She could do anything to him...

"Ten... Simply relax."

"Nine. So hopelessly lost..."

"Eight. And there's nowhere you'd rather be."

There was nowhere he would rather be.

"Seven. Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy..."

"Six. You're so cute watching me... I love watching you stare. Every little movement your eyes make... You don't want to stop. All you want to do is stare..."

"Five. Your mind is so simple. Horny, horny, horny... ah, I can sense it... Simply keep staring."

Mindlessness was starting to set in. His head tilted slightly to the left, and her eyes followed it as it slumped over.

"Four. Good boy. Gooood boy. Good boy, good boy good boy. I just wanna kiss you for obeying so well. You're so mindless already, and I haven't even snapped my fingers yet."

Thoughts of being sweetly kissed filled his rapidly emptying mind. Boobs and kisses. Obedience and mindlessness.

"Three. I love you, hehe..."

"Two. You didn't even finish your coffee... Don't worry, I'll show you something much better."

"One." She snapped her fingers. "Sleep."

Oblivion took him, and horniness was all that was left...

~~~~~ ~~~~~

He floated in his trance, lost in her chest, completely blank and empty and mindless.

"Let everything around you fade away... Let me take you to me. Your surroundings are melting... They do not exist."

They did not. There was only a foggy, happy floating...

"And from here, you can see my whole body... Yet for now, only focus on my chest."

He could see it... Her black and white thigh-high socks, lack of shoes, and the bottom of her dress, a tiny skirt that showed off her legs. He saw it all. And it just made her chest even more beautiful...

"And since you're so hypnotized, I'll make you even happier, my lovely little pet. Let your body be transported to my bedroom... You're naked, laying on my bed, drooling mindlessly..."

He was. Her bedroom was his reality. The lovely pink and blue and purple lights surrounding him, the so, so cozy bed that cradled his bare skin, the pillow beneath his head, the shut curtains and closed door which told him that it was just him and her... And she was right there in front of him. She shut off her webcam and climbed out of her chair. As soon as her breasts were visible again, his eyes locked onto them.

"Be a good boy. Let me play with you..."

Her clothes, except for her striped socks, started to shimmer and glow before winking out of existence. Seeing her breasts, huge and captivating, only deepened his bottomless devotion to her. Her headband had vanished as well, but the black horns still jutted out of her head.

"If only you were awake... You'd still do this anyway. But this is so much more fun! Your brainless little head would agree. You're even cuter when you can't think!"

She climbed onto the bed and started to crawl towards him as he kept staring at her gently swaying tits...

"Now, I want you to focus not just on my boobs, but my whole body..."

He obeyed, becoming aware of every detail, from her gorgeous hair to the tips of her arms and legs. His gaze passed over the slit between her legs, and he could do nothing but crave to be inside it.

"Maybe if you were awake, you'd come up with some silly reason why this couldn't be happening. But you're lost in mindless obedience. Why question anything?"

She climbed onto his thighs, sitting right in front of his erection.

"Now, be quiet. Be still. I just want you to enjoy this."

She ran a finger across the tip of his erection, and it twitched at her touch.

"So hard, so hot... I'll slide it in and see how much I can squeeze out of it. You'd love that, wouldn't you?"

She raised her hips, holding her wet warmth above his erection. She reached down with one hand, making sure it pointed straight up, and then she slid herself onto it. Pleasure overwhelmed him. Even in mindlessness, he could still enjoy himself.

Her pussy fully took in his erection, and it was more heavenly than it had any right to be.

"Ah, nice," she said. "Now, I want you to cum as fast as you can, okay? Cum for me."

Arousal spiked through him as his body obeyed her commands. Every movement of her hips burnt pure horniness through him, and his erection twitched as his whole body lit up with pleasure...

He was moments away from coming, and incapable of thinking about it; all he could do was enjoy.

His erection erupted, releasing into her.

"Good boy, good boy, good boy... Keep letting it spurt out. Let your body empty everything it can into me..."

If he were able to move, the pleasure would have paralyzed him anyway. His orgasm didn't die down; the mindless excitement just kept going, and going, and going...

"Good boy. More... As much as your body can make."

His orgasm kept going on and on, happily shooting everything it could into her. Nothing spilled out; it all went into her body.

"My hypnotized pet just loves making so much for me... you're such a good boy..."

Completely ignorant of anything but what she commanded him to do and feel, he kept lying there in pleasure as so much fluid left his body. Pleasure seared into his mind.

"And while you're coming... I want to tell you a few things."

He listened obediently.

"I really do love you... You're so cute. I don't just like you for your semen, I promise... And when you wake up later, please drink a lot of water, okay?"

Finally, although his orgasm kept going, the fluid started to slow down, yet it didn't stop. His body kept spurting out whatever it could, even as her stomach started to slightly bulge from how much she had taken from him.

"And I'll milk you until it stops..."

His twitching, flailing cock couldn't help but release whatever it could. Sometimes more would spurt out unexpectedly, but more and more, his twitches released only drops...

"Ah, so delicious... Just a little more, okay? Can you make a little more?"

She ran her hands across his chest, playing with it as her wet warmth held still on top of him, taking in whatever droplets remained in him.

Finally, nothing else came out, and only pleasure and mindlessness remained.

"I'm so happy you gave me that much! And you're still cumming, even though you can't release anything... I'd like you to stop now. Let mindless bliss and obedience be the only thing in your mind."

It stopped, and he was just as happy.

"I'll put you to sleep with a kiss, okay? When I kiss you, I want you to fall asleep and have some sweet dreams. Then you'll wake up as normal after I take you back home... and you'll remember every single thing I did to you in as much detail as your mind will allow. And don't treat this as a hypnotic suggestion, but please drink plenty of water. You'll need it."

She kissed him on the lips, and true unconsciousness took him.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

He woke up in his gaming chair with his clothes on. His head hurt. His chest hurt. His balls really hurt. His dick hurt. Everything around his groin felt like it was sucked completely dry.

Wondering if it was a wet dream, he looked into his pants and saw no mess whatsoever. His dick was completely dry, even devoid of the juices from her wet warmth...

He looked at his computer, which was off; when he turned it back on, he couldn't find that streamer, or anything resembling her presence. Her stream wasn't even in his viewing or browser history.

With some difficulty, he got up, and he was about to make some more coffee when he remembered her last words. Alright. Water it was. Three glasses would probably do the trick. He felt a cramp in his balls and decided that it would be four.

"Worth it," he said to himself before he chugged his first glass. He walked around drinking water and trying to get his joints accustomed to moving again, when he saw a little note in his kitchen.

The note simply read, "Text me whenever you want more or just want to talk about video games," with a phone number written on it.

He knew what he was doing tonight... definitely the video game talk. He'd probably turn into beef jerky if she fucked him again tonight, but maybe in anywhere from one to a few days he'd be up for it again.


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