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Sweet Suitemate Seduction

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Not your typical porno massage seduction.
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Sweet Suitemate Seduction

This short story is submitted for the Pink Orchid 2024 for Women-Centric Erotica Challenge.



Michelle was pissed. All through chemistry laboratory, Hatabi, the professor's assistant, had been hitting on her. It wasn't she disliked the attention; it was that she feared for her GPA if she turned him down. Furthermore, he reeked of garlic. She had fled the lab as soon as she could and stalked off to her dorm. There the news simply got worse. Her credit card bill showed she was maxed out and she knew her bank account was down to pennies. She wondered if she could even go out for a Coke at this rate.

Wearily, she trudged up the stairs to her room. Her room was the only bright spot in her life. She was an amateur green thumb and had plants galore by the window. On that day, however, she was so upset she barely paid them any attention. She sat down to try and plan her evening's studies but kept thinking about that jerk Hatabi. How was she going to get into med school if he gave her a bad grade simply because she turned him down?

The worry began to get the best of her and she felt the beginnings of a major tension headache start right at the base of her neck. She downed two aspirin with a swallow of OJ from her minifridge but the worry and tension were still there. It didn't help she had no one to share her problems with. Her boyfriend had dumped her a few weeks before and her closest girlfriend was gone for the semester to Costa Rica.

Suddenly, there was a clatter next door. Michelle mused yet again how her suitemate Suzanne could be such an athlete and Phys Ed major yet be such a klutz at the same time. Suzanne had evidently come back to the dorm and dropped everything on the floor right as she had put the key in the lock. Although they were not the best of friends, Michelle liked Suzanne's carefree approach to life; Michelle only wished a Pre-Med major could be as carefree.

After the clatter died down, she heard Suzanne in their common bathroom and suddenly she poked her head into Michelle's room.

"Hi, howya doin'?"

"Oh, not so hot. I've got a wall-banger of a headache. That asshole TA Hatabi started to hit on me again and I'm outta dough and I just can't get this headache under control."

"Oh, that's too bad. Here, let me give you a neck massage. It might help a little," said Suzanne.

Suzanne was known up and down the hall as the best masseuse around. She had taken kinesiology as part of her degree requirements and knew all the muscles better than the pre-med Michelle and frequently gave out quick neck and back rubs. All the girls on the floor loved them. She went over behind Michelle and started to rub across the shoulders and neck.

"Man, you're tense as can be. Those muscles are tight enough to pop. And down here along your spine, I can't believe how your lats are so tight."

"Mmmm, I know. I've been getting worse and worse all afternoon."

"Well," replied Suzanne, "What you need is a total body rub. That would take every tight muscle and teach them a lesson. How about it? Interested?"

"Oh, I don't know. I've never had a full massage before. I'd be kinda nervous, I guess."

"Oh, no you wouldn't. Within a few minutes you'd be feeling so totally relaxed you'd be wishing you could have one every day. Come on, let me help you. I'll get ready next door and you come on over after dinner and we'll get started."

Michelle reluctantly agreed and once she had eaten down in the cafeteria, she had a small glass of wine and brushed her teeth. She didn't know what to expect. Was she going to have to take off her clothes? If so, how much? Michelle was a bit proper, though not a prude, and preferred sexual activity and the human body not to be so openly displayed. After a second glass of wine started to kick in, she took in a deep breath and went through the common bathroom into Suzanne's room.

The sights, sound and smells which greeted Michelle were astonishing. The warm room was lit by two small candles perched up on the desk. Suzanne, wearing a loose, thin kimono-like robe, was walking around picking up a few books and odd papers. On the floor was a fairly large futon rolled out. Next to it were a couple of bottles Michelle could only assume were massage oils. On the stereo, soft music played with a background of ocean waves. Incense burned in the round belly of a small Buddha statue. Suddenly, Michelle began to relax a little. Surely the wine was helping, as well.

"Come on," said Suzanne, "Off with the clothes and lie down on your belly on the mat."

Michelle was suddenly embarrassed. She'd been seen naked by other girls after PE classes in high school and more than one boyfriend, but never had she been in a one-on-one situation with a girl. She slipped off her jeans and T-shirt and stretched out on the futon. The air was not as cool as she had thought it would be. Suzanne must have turned up the heat some.

"No, Silly," laughed Suzanne, "I said take off your clothes, all of them. How can I do a good massage if you are going to wear those panties and bra? I've warmed it up in here so you won't get cold. I'm going to need to slip this off as well since I'll be doing all the work." And with that, she let her kimono slip to the floor.

Michelle was stunned. She glanced away and then down to the floor. Suzanne had been so open about her nudity that Michelle felt embarrassed, not about Suzanne's body but about her own reluctance to slip off her underwear. But she wavered only an instant, turned away from Suzanne, slipped off her panties and undid the front hook on her bra. She let herself down on the futon, stretched out belly-down and closed her eyes.

Suzanne was scurrying around and busy doing some final preparation as Michelle peeked out of half-closed eyes at her. Suzanne was really quite attractive; Michelle could see that. She was leaner than Michelle, something Michelle envied about her. There did not seem to be an ounce of fat on her and Michelle marveled at her absolutely flat tummy. 'Damn!' she thought, 'I would just kill to have a belly like hers.'

Her ass was likewise firm and tight. Her muscle tone was good, something undoubtedly earned in the gym. Michelle even peeked up at her suitemate's breasts and found herself analyzing them as well. They were fairly small but well-shaped, the kind which would look good for years to come, unlike her own which would sag and droop over the next decades.

Michelle felt a rush of warmth in her face, a sure sign she was turning red. She realized she was checking out her suitemate's bod and analyzing it like boys would check out girls. She had a passing thought she even enjoyed looking at Suzanne, but quickly pushed the idea into the back of her mind.

Suzanne turned and faced Michelle, knelt down right in front of her and took one of the small bottles of lotion and began to shake it. Michelle let her eyes close and let her mind begin to wander. Here she was naked in a room with another naked girl and about to receive a sensual experience. She found herself looking forward to it with a bit of nervous curiosity. 'What would it feel like?' 'Will I get turned on like I did when Trevan gently rubbed me all over before he crawled on top of me?' 'Will my nipples get hard?'

Suzanne poured out some lotion and briskly rubbed it around in her palms. She told Michelle she was going to do an all-over body massage and would not talk except to give instructions for when she wanted Michelle to turn over. Otherwise, Michelle was to concentrate only on her muscles, her skin, the incense and the music. She was to let her mind float free.

The experience was like none she had ever felt before. As the hands moved about on her skin, the muscles underneath responded with a tingling and relaxation which was unbelievable. Suzanne began at the small of the back with small circles of massage as well as firmly up and down the spine and out to the flanks. The entire back was rubbed, even the area between each rib was rubbed clear to the sides. Suzanne went so far as to massage all the way around where she touched the sides of Michelle's breasts. For a split-second Michelle was alarmed but figured Suzanne surely would not touch her breasts on the flip side of the massage.

Suzanne's attention then appeared to turn to the lowest back and down to Michelle's butt. Michelle was stunned. Here another girl was touching her on her rear and after an initial tensing, Michelle began to relax. The sensation was wonderful. A tingling tension seemed to move out in front of Suzanne's fingers. Once the fingers massaged an area, a total relaxation set in. Suzanne worked from the crack on out to the sides.

Michelle was in heaven with the relaxation but as Suzanne moved down lower on her cheeks, another sensation began to rise...pure lust. This back-and-forth movement was similar to what Trevan used to do to her when she would straddle and ride him. He would reach up and rub her butt back and forth right around her ass and towards her crotch. She could not get that image out of her mind. She always liked being on top of him, controlling the depth and pace of the thrusting while he rubbed her ass. This massage jangled all the right nerves and reminded her of all the good times she had spent on Trevan. As she was feeling herself get really excited, Michelle felt Suzanne's hand move on down to the tops of the thighs.

The massage continued slowly in tantalizing slow circles. There was still a small tingle produced when the hands went on the inner thighs, but it faded as they went lower down each leg. There was a total sense of a tight wave moving down the legs, blood seemed to be pushed down towards the toes. As she massaged the legs, Suzanne gently spread them apart to better reach the inner parts. This made Michelle keenly aware her friend could easily see her cooch, but the sensation of the massage was so great she willed herself to ignore it. Eventually the calves, the feet and even the toes were each massaged, one by one, and the back and legs were done.

Then came a gentle nudge and a murmured "Turn over." She rolled over, half limp from the massage. Here she was, bare-naked and letting a girl rub and touch her front. Michelle no longer cared or was embarrassed. She was enjoying to the max all the sensations of the massage.

Suzanne started at the head. First she moved in tiny circles on the scalp, reached behind to redo the neck and slid slowly down to the face. Firm but gentle circles were rubbed into the forehead, around the eyes and the cheek bones. The cheeks themselves, being softer, received the lightest of touches. Michelle was surprised at how even the lips felt good when rubbed gently. Next were the chin and neck.

Then Suzanne started massaging firmly on Michelle's upper chest. She suddenly began to panic. Was Suzanne going to rub her boobs? Was Michelle going to be able to handle such attention without again being excited? Just as such thoughts ran through her head, Michelle felt Suzanne turn her attention to the arms. Each arm, from arm pit to fingertip, was gently but firmly dealt with as had been the legs. At the end of each arm, she felt a total relaxation of the limb.

Suzanne began on the chest anew and Michelle's fears roared back. The massaging was definitely firm on the muscles of the chest, but then she felt softer touches over the breasts as well. Circles of gentle thumb and fingertip stroking began at the outside of each breast and slowly tightened up until the fingers were on the nipples. Michelle again felt inner jolts of lust even as she relaxed under the careful attention of her suitemate. Suzanne kept rubbing the outer rims of each nipple and eventually they tightened into tiny nubbins of excited pink flesh. Michelle had to fight to keep from squirming, but she felt her mouth partly open so she could breathe more freely. As she was truly getting warm and excited, Michelle felt Suzanne give each nipple a soft twirl with thumb and fingertip before the breasts were left alone. Michelle was not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. 'What's going on here?' she thought. 'Why am I getting turned on by a girl? I'm hetero, through and through. It must be because it has been so long since Trevan made me feel so good.'

Suzanne moved on down the lower chest with again firm strokes on the ribs and followed by softer strokes across the belly, always using the same circular motion on open areas and linear strokes along the muscles themselves.

As the rubbing came ever closer to her pubic hair Michelle again began to worry. Was Suzanne going to do her crotch? Would Michelle get turned on if she did? The probing, kneading fingers rubbed closer and closer. Finally, the tension was partially broken when Suzanne moved slightly off to the side and started on the upper thighs.

The legs were gently pulled apart and Suzanne began to rub all the way up to the crotch. Michelle went wild inside, but didn't let on how she felt. That tiny little hollow area on the upper, inner thigh, just beside her lips, was her weak spot. Trevan used to gently rub this area for hours, it seemed, before he started stroking her sex. She couldn't get the image of this out of her mind as Suzanne attended to the same area. Fortunately, these strokes were a bit firmer than Trevan's had been, which kept her from truly expressing her excitement. Right as she started to ooze moisture, the rubbing turned south, moving gently along the muscles down the thighs, then the shins. Eventually the feet were the object of her attention once again. Every inch was covered with tight, tiny circles and finally each toe was rubbed, one by one.

Michelle was totally relaxed. The headache and worries of the day were absolutely gone. She felt wonderfully alive and at the same time totally relaxed. Once Suzanne had left the hollow of Michelle's thighs, she recovered from her excitement. The relaxation swept over her. The music lulled her. Sleep pulled at her consciousness. She felt herself slip deeper into slumber. Her suitemate remained silent as Michelle drifted off.

One of her final conscious thoughts was a sense of stirring next to her and something gentle and light on her lips. 'Was that a kiss or was I dreaming it? It had to be a dream. After all, she's a girl.' And with the little question drifting through her mind, Michelle slipped quietly into deep sleep on her suitemate's futon.



Suzanne was feeling great. The air was warm. The water inviting. The gulls calling over tidbits of food by the coral lagoon. And best of all, Pierre was giving her loving caresses as he applied the sun cream. The touch was gentle, almost tentative and he kept repeating himself by applying the cream to the same areas on her back. Over and over, always on the low back, above her bikini and never up to her bare, strapless back. Although it felt so good, she stirred slightly. She wanted some of that attention elsewhere, maybe even up front if no one was around.

As she stirred, she sensed darkness and suddenly....she was awake, back in her room, curled up on a futon. The gentle rubbing continued however, always on her low back in lovely, soothing circles. Suzanne was confused, almost turned to see who was there, when she remembered the night before. It was Michelle, who fell asleep on her futon, who must be giving her a mini back rub. It felt so good she didn't stir, lest Michelle stop for good.

The massage had been great. Suzanne had never had anyone so in her control. She had never done such a thorough job, even massaging breasts and near the pubic area. Although it was not meant to be sexual, merely sensual, Suzanne got the idea Michelle was perhaps more than simply relaxing with the massage. Suzanne could easily tell what Michelle's pulse was doing and even saw small gasps of air when the breasts were massaged. But nothing was like when she had massaged her inner thighs. Somehow she felt Michelle had almost lost it at that point. Suzanne had moved on down the legs quickly, but was intrigued.

She knew Michelle was fully straight, at least she always dated guys and had never come on to any of the girls in the dorm. If she had, word would have spread like wildfire. As Suzanne lay there feeling the smooth gentle touch of her suitemate, she began to wonder if perhaps Michelle was playing close to the edge. Or maybe she just felt so good she wanted to return the favor that morning. Whatever was going on, she was going to relax and enjoy. Besides, she'd had fun last night and enjoyed her power over Michelle.

Suzanne realized she was still totally naked. After the quick, sisterly kiss, she had snuffed out the candles, curled up beside Michelle and was sacked out in no time flat. Giving a real massage was actually hard work and she was tired from it, too. Now she lay on her side, upper leg pulled up towards her chest, lower leg out straight. This must have presented Michelle with a full view of her ass, but she wasn't embarrassed. After all, she exercised and had a good figure with the right bit of fat in all the right places.

Eventually, Michelle's back rub moved up to the mid and upper back. Gentle strokes covered her across her shoulder blades and up to the neck. They were slow, gentle, unhurried. Lucky thing it was Saturday because Suzanne wanted to stay this way all day.

The hand moved out from the middle of the back and to the side and flank. Now this was getting a bit interesting. Suzanne felt Michelle rub alongside of the torso, slowly up and down and reaching a bit more forward. If she had had breasts the size of Michelle's, certainly her back-rubbing suitemate would have felt the outside edges of the breast. As it was, Suzanne realized all Michelle felt was more lean muscles over ribs. There was no slowing or breaking off of the rubbing. It continued leisurely, without haste. Suzanne felt the hand move down to the low back again and then to her ass.

'Whoa!' thought Suzanne, 'This is getting interesting. Not only nice, but also kinda sexy.' She savored the sensation however and didn't move a muscle. She wished Pierre had been so patient. By now he would have flipped her over and been on top, whether she was ready or not. Not that she was "ready" now, but in an odd sort of way, she was feeling warmth in her low pelvis, a sure sign of impending excitement. The rubbing was first on the upper buttock, smooth and slow strokes. Occasionally the hand drifted down low toward her crack and even lingered there a few times. This felt almost teasing and good, to boot.

After what seemed like forever, Michelle's hand dropped across the crack and started on her lower buttock. This one was down on the futon and couldn't be as easily reached, but still Michelle seemed to take as much time on it as she did the upper one. As the hand started to move again it went down the exposed inner part of the nearer, straight thigh. This too felt wonderful. The hand went down and back up, down and back up. On each up sweep the hand seemed to creep a tiny bit closer to her crack again, but this time from below.

Suzanne became almost frantic. Was she going to touch her there? How should she react? A massage on the pubic bone in the hair was one thing but gentle touches further up from the thigh were something altogether different; openly sexual and openly inviting.

The hand crept closer and closer with each stroke. It now touched her own little hollow, right where she had massaged Michelle to her obvious delight. Suzanne had to admit it felt good, close to her sex, but still not touching even a hint of her lips. It felt so good she even felt the first tingle of moisture forming inside of her. 'I'm getting turned on,' thought Suzanne. 'Saturday morning in the dorm, a girl's with me and I'm getting turned on!' The hand never touched her lips. It moved about in the little thigh hollow, but never went any further. Suzanne eventually wanted more, wanted to feel touches on her and in her, but she still tried to keep still and breathe smoothly and evenly.


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