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"You would like that baby, the two of us mauling and possessing your body at the same time. Wouldn't you my little sexy wife? Just like our fantasies," said Jay as he lifted her skirt with his hands and admired the two hard and firm ass cheeks almost totally exposed to his view.

"Please stop teasing me! Please leave right now or this fantasy of ours will turn into a reality and Sherri will be all alone by herself tonight. Try to seduce Sherri with your fantasies at her home and see how far you get. I won't be mad if you get into her pants tonight." She said pushing him back with a firm push of her ass.

"You may be sorry you said that," he jokingly said. He kissed her one more time on the cheek and then left the room.

As Jay left the house he had a strange sensation. He had been with Kelli when she was super horny many times previously but he has never seen her in this much sexual heat ever before. He realized that she was not 100% kidding about a three way with Ian. She fantasized about it too often in bed with him. It was a short cut to an orgasm for Kelli, on any given night when he was fucking her, to whisper in her ear that Ian was outside the bedroom waiting to join them.

Also, they didn't have sex all week anticipating going to the Club on Saturday night. He was so tempted to fuck her as she was grinding against the sink but even he realized that this would have to wait till later in the evening. He wondered what awaited him at Sherri's home. In a few minutes he would be alone in the company of an equally sexy and beautiful woman, who knew how to tease and torture him also. Would she be as hot as Kelli? He started to get hard all over again as he got into his car.

About five minutes later, Kelli heard the door bell chime and looked in the mirror one last time. She felt that she was as hot and sexy as she ever was going to be. She picked up her glass of wine and walked down the hallway towards the front door. "I look and feel like a slut and I love it," she murmured to herself looking into the full length hall mirror one more time and pushing her chest out, noticed the outline of her areolas and nipples.

She opened the door and Ian stood there smiling with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Aren't you the gentleman tonight, Ian," she said as she took the flowers from him.

He leaned into to her as she looked up from the flowers and gave her a simple kiss on the lips, just as he had done numerous times previously when they met socially. However, the kiss affected Kelli differently tonight. She felt the same familiar sexual ping in her lower stomach but it wasn't because of Jay. It was caused by his nearness, the atmosphere of the night and sexual anticipation. She was alone with Ian and her fantasies flashed before her eyes in an instant.

She looked Ian over from head to toe approvingly and said, "Do you want to have a glass of wine with me before we leave, handsome?"

"That's sounds great Kelli. Give me your glass and I'll get you a refill also," said Ian as she handed him her empty glass and he walked to the kitchen.

"You are already being the perfect new husband for me tonight," said Kelli as she sat in the sofa and crossed her sexy long legs.

As she heard the refrigerator open in the kitchen behind her, Kelli recalled the first time she met Ian. It had been at a local industry event about four years ago. She was pleasantly surprised when she was introduced to him by Sherri. Having worked with Sherri for a year at the time and knowing she was married to a much older man, she expected to meet someone older, fatter and more gray or bald. On the contrary, he was quite tall and handsome and looked more in his early forties than his actual age. He was a big man, about six-three but in great shape with just a slight tint of gray around his temples. Surprisingly, she thought that the couple was an ideal match for one another even though there was a two decade age difference. She recalled thinking to herself, on that first night, that if she had met someone like Ian when she was single six years ago, the age difference would not have meant much to her either. He and Jay were different. Jay was handsome and a rock n toll musician and Ian was the suave, well traveled and sophisticated businessman. She was attracted to both types of men and each brought out a different side of her.

"Here you go, Sweetheart, another glass of chardonnay," said Ian as he sat down on the couch about three feet away from Kelli.

He proposed a toast adding, "Here is to my 'wife for the night' and a fabulous and fun evening together. If it is a 'fulfilling' night, I may extend our 'married' relationship for one or two more nights or even a few weeks!"

They both laughed at the double entendres and Kelli started blushing and feeling warm all over again.

"You look absolutely stunning and 'delicious'. When you opened the door, I was speechless," said Ian leaning back on the couch.

"Well, you know, I wanted to look my very seductive best for my new husband since we are going to a sex club on 'our first date'," Kelli seductively cooed to Ian as she subconsciously pulled down her skirt, unsuccessfully, over her upper thighs.

Thus began a dialogue between the two that would be a bit teasing, a tad seductive and 100% flirting all the way.

They talked for a few more minutes, while drinking the glass of wine, about sex clubs in the Far East and the ability of a couple to act out sexual fantasies in places like Bangkok or Rio where sexuality was wide open and part of the culture. Kelli was starting to feel the effects of three glasses of wine and caught herself a few times blurting out a few comments that she ordinarily would not have said if she had not been drinking and so turned on sexually. However, it didn't stop her from asking a question that she had been hesitant to ask Sherri in the past week while at work.

"So, tell me Ian, have you ever been to a sex club before?" She asked as she moved closer to Ian on the couch and gave him a sexy and seductive smile as she took another sip of wine.

She noticed that he quickly averted his eyes from her gaze for a second and when he looked back, he said, "Look, when you get to my age, you have just about experienced everything. I'll be honest with you. Yes, we have been to lifestyle clubs both here in States and in Europe. We prefer the ones in Europe and have very limited experience with the clubs here in California."

"Did I hear you say 'WE', Ian?" Kelli said catching Ian's slip and leaned a little closer till their knees were almost touching.

Ian was starting to feel hot. The warmth and seductiveness of the beautiful woman only inches now from him was intimidating. Her perfume was intoxicating. Realizing that he had just made a slip of tongue and if they sat on the couch another five minutes, he or she or both of them would be tearing each other's clothes off, he slowly stood up, offered his hand to Kelli and said, "Let me help you up and let's get going to the club. We can talk about this in the car on our drive."

She took his offered hand and not getting up immediately said, "I have already guessed that you and Sherri have had a few wild adventures before. But, if you don't feel comfortable you don't have to give me any juicy details...I'll just get them from Sherri."

With this comment they both laughed.

She stood up and faced him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. As he looked at her he knew that she almost up for almost anything tonight. He knew if Club Noir was anything like some of the swinger clubs he had visited with Sherri that Kelli would be an immediate object of attention of most men and women, no matter their age. He also noticed that her top was somewhat see through. "What a tease," he thought to himself as he imagined those legs and ankles resting on his shoulders as he fucked her...

As she walked away on those tall heels and her hips swaying back and forth for his benefit (she knew he would be looking), he knew that he would find a way to fuck her tonight. The connection between the two of them was boiling over and both of them knew it. He also knew that Sherri would be softening up Jay before the two of them arrived at the club, per their discussions earlier in the day. No man alive could resist Sherri if she was determined to seduce someone.

When Kelli finished locking up the house they walked down the steps with Kelli's arm in Ian's. They were laughing about what the neighbors were thinking at that moment when Ian's mobile phone rang. It was Sherri calling and she explained to him that she had to go to the druggist right away and drop off a prescription for her grandmother. Her nursing home had called and said that they needed the drugs right away. She said that she and Jay would be a little late, maybe an hour at most, and that they would meet them at the Club. She asked to speak with Kelli and Ian handed her the phone as he opened the passenger door of the Jaguar coupe for her.

"I want you to know that Jay looks super hot tonight, you lucky girl!" Sherri said to her friend. She added, "Is Ian behaving himself? Jay told me what you are wearing (or not wearing) and Ian might not be able to resist you tonight, especially since you will have an extra hour alone with him."

"I'm doing my best to seduce him but he keeps resisting, girl. I may need your help with him later on!" Kelli said excitedly as she laughed together with her friend. She looked directly at Ian in the driver's seat while talking.

"Just keep him warm till we get there, and in the meantime I'll keep Jay very excited as we spend a couple of minutes at the nursing home!" Sherri said with a laugh to her friend.

Although Ian's eyes alternated between the road, Kelli's legs and semi see through blouse, they arrived in a little over forty-five minutes despite the leisurely driving speed. During the ride, Kelli was asking questions about Ian's and Sherri's past. Questions, she would never ask in the presence of her husband or even Sherri for that matter. She felt like she could talk to Ian about anything and get an honest answer from him.

Finally, she asked one more question while placing her hand on Ian's knee and leaning seductively on the center console, "Do all men who take their wives to swinger clubs like to see other men fucking their wives?"

Ian felt his cock stir at this question and the feel of her hand on his leg. He explained that it was a common fantasy that many men had in private but when faced with the reality of an imminent situation with another man and their wife, most men could not handle the jealousy and perhaps a sense of inadequacy.

Pressing further, Kelli asked him, "Do you think Jay would like to see me with another man tonight?"

Ian replied, "You are in a better position to judge that scenario than me. But speaking for myself, it wouldn't bother me to see Sherri with another man tonight, including your husband Jay, if they both wanted that to happen."

"Would it bother Sherri then, if you and I made love tonight?" asked Kelli moving her hand up Ian's thigh.

"She would be mad only if I didn't try to make love to you! You are one of my fantasy women," he exclaimed and started laughing.

"Oh my God! I never would have imagined that she would say that, ever!" Kelli said, aware that her pussy was getting very wet and her hard nipples were showing through the shirt.

Ian noticed her state of arousal also; her flushed face and erect nipples were on display for his gaze. She was too dazed and dumbfounded to continue the discussion any further as they pulled off the freeway.

She thought to herself, "I can't believe that he wants me also. I knew he was attracted to me but he has Sherri and she is so beautiful and sexy. Maybe swingers have it right...you can have more than one person in your sexual life."

November 26, 2005 – Saturday Evening – Club Noir - Part 1

The last couple of minutes were pretty much uphill and as they pulled into mansion they were rewarded with a nighttime view of the twinkling lights in the valley below. There appeared to be no homes in the immediate area. A valet was waiting for them as they pulled up the circular driveway to the front door.

The valet, leaned over and speaking through the driver side window, said, "Good Evening. I'm Eric and welcome to Club Noir. May I have your names so I can verify that you are on the reserved couples list for tonight's party?"

"Ian and Kelli...my wife spoke to the hosts during the week and made the prepaid reservations," said Ian, as he looked over at the beautiful and sexy Kelli, who was checking out her makeup in the passenger mirror one last time.

The valet verified their names on the clipboard and opened the door for Kelli. They both walked up to the huge doors of the Spanish styled mansion arm in arm. There were torches surrounding the walkway. They heard laughter and music in the background. Once inside they were greeted by the hosts, Samson and Brigitte, standing in a two story entrance hall with a winding staircase in the background. Both were in their early forties and looked like they belonged in a photo spread of Town and Country magazine except for one thing: The way they were too sexily dressed for that publication.

"Welcome to Club Noir, Ian and Kelli," said the handsome Samson, looking like a version of the 1980's Burt Reynolds.

He added, "I am Samson and this is my wife Brigitte. Also welcome to our beautiful home which tonight is open as Club Noir. For us the lifestyle and our social life are one and the same. And I must say Ian, that your wife is beautiful and most enchanting."

Ian thought immediately of the couple who ran the lifestyle resort in Costa Rica that he and Sherri had visited six years earlier. They were Swiss and he immediately felt comfortable with the continental flair of this new couple. He looked around and noticed the art work and the quality of the furnishings in the reception hall.

Samson was about six feet tall and had a barrel-chested and stocky build. He was wearing a type of black lounge wear ensemble with sandals except this outfit looked like it cost about a $1,000 and had gold stitching on the sleeves and a multi-colored dragon on the back of it. He had graying black hair, small mustache and was very tan. His wife Brigitte, a former Playboy Playmate from the 80's, looked like she could do another photo set in the same magazine 20 years later. She was dressed in a skin tight pair of white, very low cut bell bottom pants with at least 5 inch heels. Her top, which emphasized her DD cup obviously enhanced breasts, was a simple wrap around which emphasized her toned and tan flat stomach and the ample cleavage. Her look was typical California: blond hair, huge boobs and the little nips and tucks that guaranteed male attention no matter the age and female envy at all times.

The couple was staring with lust at Kelli. Ian knew the look and had seen it many times in similar situations with Sherri. The Europeans had a term for it, Freish-Fleishe or translated into English, Fresh Flesh!

"Let me get you both something to drink and I'll let my beautiful wife Brigitte give you a tour of the place and explain the dos and don'ts of the evening. Don't worry; it is very relaxed and 'laid-back' here. 'Laid' being the operative word," he chuckled and continued, "However, we are also very picky about whom we allow to visit us on Club Noir nights. When we received the e-mail pictures of yourselves and the other couple, Jay and Sherri earlier this week... we were very impressed with the beauty of the two ladies. Assuming that you enjoy yourselves tonight, we would hope that you would consider joining us by purchasing an annual membership. But we can discuss this before you leave. In the meantime, I have to stay here by the front door and greet our other guests. We expect over 20 couples tonight and only about half of them have arrived as of now."

Brigitte handed the couple of glasses of wine to Ian and Kelli. She immediately grabbed Kelli's hand and they started on the tour with Ian following close behind. He was content to look at the two beautiful asses in front of him swaying back and forth and the two women started to engage in small talk.

As they entered the pool area about 50 feet to the rear of the house, he noticed Kelli and Brigitte coming to a halt. They were looking at two couples who were in the shallow end of the heated swimming pool. The men were sitting on the steps while the two women, a red head and brunette were kneeling in the water giving both men head. All were completely nude.

"We are very open on 'Club' nights." You can have sex anywhere you want as long as you follow a few rules for health and cleanliness purposes such as condom use and disposal. Otherwise you are free to do as you wish with whomever you wish in any of the orifices of your choice," said Brigitte with a very slight French accent.

He noticed that Brigitte's hand was feeling Kelli's ass through her micro skirt as she was talking. After a few more minutes of talking about Brigitte's experiences in the lifestyle with Samson, they watched one of the couples starting to fuck only a few feet in front of them. The red headed woman had gotten on her knees on the steps of the pool and a bald well built man young man was mounting her – doggy style.

"Fuck me hard, you bastard," they heard the women say as the man entered her. The man started to give the woman hard and long strokes and within a minute of hard pounding she was screaming that she was cumming.

"Ooooh, ooooh, I'm there, I'm cumming, Don't stop...Keep doing it, Keep doing it!" the woman yelled into the nighttime air, shaking her head back and forth and side to side in orgasmic bliss.

Kelli's wine glass was almost empty after only a few minutes. He noticed that her tongue was licking her lips as she was watching the group sex in the pool. When she turned to look at Ian, she grabbed his hand tightly and her palms were wet. He saw the lust in her eyes and her pupils even more dilated than normal. The other woman's hand was working its way under Kelli's skirt. Kelli apparently didn't care about Brigitte's hand taking liberties with her body, at all. On the contrary, she was acting like she was enjoying the attention.

The other man in the pool noticed the three of them standing there and waved for them to join them.

"Maybe later," said Brigitte. "We have to give finish our tour...Ciao," she added and started walking around the pool towards a free standing structure about hundred feet way with Kelli's hand back in hers.

"I have to show you the Pavilion. Almost everyone ends up here at one time or the other during the night," Brigitte said as she turned around and looked at Ian following them.

She added with a seductive smile, "Ian, are you enjoying the view and I don't mean the lights in the valley below?"

Ian smiled and continued following the two women now with their arms around one another. It had never occurred to him that Kelli could possibly be bi-sexual. He never saw any indication of it during the times the couples spent together over the years. An image of Kelli and Sherri kissing formed in his mind and he started smiling to himself.

They entered a free standing circular building, about 800 - 1000 sq. ft. It was already very warm inside the building and there were numerous raised mattresses and couches scattered throughout. There were also two sex swings and a few sexually oriented pieces of equipment nearby. It looked like a room made for orgies with large posters and murals depicting various sex acts.

Ian walked over to the devices and one appeared to be a wedge type of device on a roller and the other a black seat with a dildo pointing straight up beneath it.

He looked back Brigitte and said, "How do you use these devices?"

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