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SX69 - Ultimate Love Potion Ch. 07

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Sex resort with the girls plus an African beauty volunteers.
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Part 7 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/01/2013
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This is the seventh in a series of stories about a scientist named Edward Vitello who has in his possession a very, very powerful love potion developed in a secret government sponsored research project that, to his dismay, was cancelled. He is determined to continue the research by doing human trials on a wide variety of selected women.

The chemical is called SX69. It is an extract of Bonobo monkey DNA combined with a molecularly altered Oxytocin from the common shrew. Bonobo monkeys use constant sex as a social bonding tool and female shrews mate for life after one whiff of a male's unique Oxytocin.

In the first instalment, he administered the potion to a sweet young librarian name Sarah. The potion worked exactly as it had in the lab and Sarah became a devoted and contented mate, living with Edward. In the second, Sarah introduced Edward to her girlfriend, Mary, from her job at Starbucks. She is brought into the love nest as a second devoted and contented mate. In the third, while travelling in England on business, he seduces his beautiful British lawyer, Gwyneth, to evaluate whether she is a worthy subject for the SX69 trial. Unfortunately, Gwyneth's sexual makeup made him reconsider, and after much thinking, he decided that they were better off without her as a member of their love nest. In the fourth, brilliant British newspaper reporter, Elizabeth, is invited to his castle and then brought into the happy love nest and becomes a contented mate. The fifth had him at Oxford University interviewing two girls of color who were business majors. He chose one, a tiny virgin East Indian beauty to deflower and join his family. In the sixth episode, he teaches his deflowered brown beauty about sex. He finds his women are bickering in the English winter and spanks their bums to teach them a lesson.

In this story, Edward and the girls are off to a tropical sex and nudist resort to relax and get some sun. Two researchers from the disbanded SX69 project team, a geeky Japanese man and a tall black African beauty, join them to observe the effects of the love potion. They end up participating.

Edward is having the sex life of a sultan but always keeps in mind that he is conducting a serious human drug trial for the SX69 potion. His motto is "I have much work ahead of me combining science and pleasure."

Enjoy this episode of his scientific quest!

Thanks to LarryInSeattle for editing it.


SX69 Journal December, 2011 December 2011

We have arrived at an incredible resort in the Dominican Republic. Sunam and Elizabeth did a great job of finding the perfect getaway retreat. It is a nudist and sex resort for the rich and famous. We have a large semi-private beach house with pool about a half mile from the main resort. We can mingle with the other guests or not, whatever we please. There is a great view of the white beach and crystal clear ocean in front with jungle palms and plants at the back. Several huge yachts are anchored in the bay. A small staff of beautiful female cooks and handsome male waiters, all totally nude, cater to our every need. Of course, they will be totally discreet about anything that happens at the sex resort. I am sure they have seen everything imaginable here.

The girls are in heaven. Naked as the day they were born, they giggle and laugh constantly as they play around the pool. I don't want to be the odd man out, so I am just as naked as them. They especially love jumping on the trampoline. It's quite a sight to see their tits bouncing up and down as they jump. The male waiters could not be faulted for getting prominent woodies as they watched. The fellows must be hired for their penis length because they were all very well hung.

I have invited a friend and colleague to be with us to observe the habits of my growing family. The man in question was one of my associates on the government SX69 project. His name is Yoshi Takumi, Ph.D. and he was the chief primate biologist. We became very close friends in the years we worked together. As a child, Yoshi was fascinated by the Macaque monkey, also known as the Snow monkey of his homeland, Japan. He studied and became a leader in the study of primates. His Ph.D. thesis on the mating habits of lowland gorillas is still a classic in that field. He has become the world's leading authority on the Bonobo monkey and heads up a research facility in their central Congo habitat. His English is perfect. We have been communicating about my human trials with SX69. He wanted to observe the behaviour of the girls up close to compare their habits to the Bonobos he has lived with and studied for years. This could be a real boost to the scientific validity of the human trials.

Dr. Takumi has brought an associate with him. Her name is Abebe Bacungo. She is a native of Central Congo, from a local tribal jungle village who has worked in the Bonobo Research Station since it was established. She has come to love the Bonobo monkeys and has almost a sixth sense about what they are thinking and communicating. Although she is not a trained biologist, she is a very intelligent technician and her observations will be taken very seriously. Her English is perfect since she was taught in an American Baptist missionary school. Yoshi trusts Abebe completely and he has shared the continued research on the SX69 potion. He is confident that she will keep our research confidential.

Yoshi and Abebe are lounging with me beside the pool. They are wearing bathing suits since they decided it is professionally best. They could not be any different in their physical makeup. Yoshi is short, about five foot three with a thin physique and light colored skin. He is in his mid-forties. He wears black-rimmed glasses and his hair is always askew. He looks like the Japanese nerd scientist that he is. Abebe is very different and quite impressive. She is a full head taller than me, six foot two or three is my guess. I'd say she is about mid-twenties with an incredibly fit body; full firm breasts, six-pack abs, huge muscular African-style butt and strong, long legs. Her skin is as black as the darkest chocolate. It has a healthy sheen. Her face is very attractive with high cheek-bones, full, sensuous lips and a somewhat wide nose, all in perfect proportion. She is beautiful enough to be a model. Her constant, brilliant white smile is infectious. Her hair is in a short Afro that shows off her large, brightly colored exotic bird feather earrings that fall almost to touch her muscular bare shoulders. As she lies back on the pool-side lounge chair, I can see the outline of a large camel-toe notch of her pussy in her blue swimsuit bikini bottoms with a couple of strands of pubic hair spilling on each side. I hope she doesn't notice the chubby she is causing in my crotch.

When I first saw her imposing body in that sexy bathing suit, I had visions of her joining my family. We do need to test SX69 on a woman of black African descent. But she is too valuable as Yoshi's research assistant on the Bonobo Project. Yoshi has mentioned that he is attracted to Abebe but he is so shy around women that he has not mentioned anything to her. I said to him that he should think about using SX69 to have her bond to him. They would both be happier although I think she may break him with her athletic body and her animal lust. I used the argument that we need an African woman of color for the drug trial but he still said no. To him it would be unprofessional to dose a fellow researcher without her knowledge. He also mentioned that she did not seem interested in sex. She had been married in her late teens but her husband had been killed during the Congo civil war and she has not expressed an interest in marrying again. He thought that she likely had her clitoris removed during a female circumcision ritual as a young girl as is the custom in much of Africa. What a shame.

Before we came to this tropical paradise, we had a specialized media company install DVD quality video cameras throughout the beach house and surrounding property. We will use the videos in our research. The girls don't mind in the least. They are amazingly free about sex and nudity. They want sex anywhere and everywhere without the slightest self-consciousness. They can't understand why anyone would be the least bit shy about something as normal and socially bonding as sex. I have gotten into the spirit as much as possible with my un-SX69 brain. Being an exhibitionist, I like to mount and fuck the girls on a regular basis through the day when the staff or Yoshi and Abebe are watching. Yoshi was quite adamant that our family should follow its normal habits when they are around observing us. I couldn't help noticing a tent in the front of his bathing suit when the action got hot. Abebe did not seem to be affected.

One new habit has started over the month with the girls. When I came back from Oxford, I noticed that Sarah and Elizabeth were engaging in G-G sex. G-G is the term biologists use for genital to genital sex in the Bonobo monkeys. Several times a day, the two would lock their bare pussies together like two tuning forks and hump in complete abandon until they each had a screaming orgasm. What an incredible erotic sight. They get an intense look in their eyes and pant, grunt and moan as they reach their orgasm. Elizabeth is such a horny lass and a screamer to boot. I am sure the folks at the resort half a mile away can hear her screams when she cums. I can only imagine that when I was away at Oxford, giving the stable boy his daily blow job and cock-rub must have had her aroused and all juicy. She must have been going half-mad for a good fuck those few days. The lad must have kept his discipline and not fucked her pussy. It would have felt looser if he had opened her up with that horse-cock of his like Sarah's vagina was previously. That lull in sexual stimulus likely started the instinctive G-G ritual. The lack of bareback horse riding was also part of the reduced sexual stimulus. The last couple of month's cold weather did not allow them to ride their horses nude across the fields. This exercise must have been giving them sexual relief when their girlie parts rubbed against their horses for hours. When weather stopped the riding, they discovered other methods to get off. Yoshi noted that the girls never masturbate solo if there are other sex parties around. They always opt for person-to-person sex rather than alone. He says this is the same within Bonobo troops in the jungle. Sex is for social bonding first and pleasure a close second.

I think it is a great thing that my women can satisfy their primal urges and reinforce their family bonds. I also know they much prefer a stiff erection. Whenever I am nearby and get turned on when they perform G-G, they immediately notice and draw me in to a manage-a-trois and end up with a big O with my dick buried balls-deep in their hot pussies.

Yesterday, I saw Mary and Sarah playing in the ocean with Abebe. They were all having a great old time. Mary and Sarah are so touchy-feely that they are constantly hugging and stroking all persons around them. So Abebe was getting a real touch-fest as they bobbed in the ocean waves. She was clearly enjoying all the physical contact. When they left the ocean and lay on the beach to soak in the sun, Mary and Sarah locked their pussies together G-G style and pleasured themselves. I could see them implore Abebe to join them but she simply accepted their stroking of her body as they brought themselves to a delicious orgasm. I could see a brief look of longing cross her face as she watched the girls enjoy their carnal delights. It is too bad that all women can't free themselves with SX69 and live a more social and physically pleasurable life.

Yoshi, Abebe and I have a research meeting on the upper deck of the large beach house. I am nude and Yoshi is wearing his swim suit. Abebe is going European-style topless with just a bikini bottom and bare breasts. She jokes that she is going National Geographic-style not European. Her breasts are magnificent. They are firm 38 DDs but in perfect proportion to her tall, perfect large figure. I think the girl's free sexual spirits are rubbing off on Abebe. We have a glorious view of the ocean and the gleaming white beach with four laughing, beautiful, nude girls playing beach volleyball. Yoshi is ecstatic about the effects of SX69 on the human subjects. He thinks it could be a great leap forward for mankind. He does have a number of concerns that need further research. He wonders if the SX69 wears off over time. I tell him that I have not seen a decline in the bonding I have with the girls or the frequency of sex. In fact, sweet tiny Sunam, my brown beauty, has increased her neediness and now begs to be screwed three or four times a day. Thank goodness she is a sound sleeper or I would never get a good nights rest. Her pussy has loosened up a bit which is a good thing. For the first few weeks after I took her cherry, it was so tight that it was often painful when we fucked, especially missionary style. Abebe says that she will take the DVD recordings and make a baseline reading of number of touches, vaginal intercourse, oral sex, G-Gs, etc. This will be valuable to compare future observation statistics to see if there is a drop-off in activity. Yoshi also wants to design a test to find out how long an SX69 woman would stay faithful to her alpha male who was absent before bonding with another male. I tell him about Sarah having sex with the stable boy when I had not been with her for a week. He responds by saying female Bonobos in the wild can stray within days.

Abebe has a serious look on her face when she says to us, "I have made a decision to have the SX69 potion administered to me and bond with Yoshi." She turns and looks Yoshi in the eyes, "Yoshi, I care and respect you more than any man I have ever known. Even though you have not told me, I know you care deeply for me as well. Since I met you, I cannot envision being with any other man. But it is also true that I have not been physically attracted to you. You likely have guessed that I have had a female circumcision as a young girl. All the girls in my tribe have this ritual. This dilemma is why I have not told you my feelings. But I see that SX69 might be perfect to give us a happy life together. I have seen that Edward's four women are very happy. They are strongly bonded to him in every way. They enjoy sex very much. SX69 has heightened their body's sensuality incredibly and it may awaken my sexuality. This is exactly what I want in my life. Before coming here and being with these wonderful women, I suspected SX69 might have made them into dimwitted sex slaves. But what I have seen is that they have maintained their brilliant mental capacity and SX69 has simply freed up their sensuality and social instincts. I have studied the Bonobo monkeys and I have always felt that we humans could be better off if we had inherited more of their sensual and social DNA. So, dear Yoshi, if you will have me, please let's bond this evening."

Yoshi is overwhelmed. He rises, goes and kneels before her and places his hands on her knees and looks up into her eyes. "Abebe, you have made me the luckiest man on earth," he says. "I love you so much. Of course I will have you. It is my honor to be with such a wonderful woman as you."

They stand up and hug. It is a touching but a bit unusual sight due to their difference in height, black and white color and body size. He wraps his hands as far as he can around her waist and due to his shorter height, mashes his face between her huge, bare chocolate boobs. I don't know whether he can breathe in there. What a sight. I can't help thinking it is going to be something to witness the sex romp later.

She turns to me and says, "Edward, I wanted to say this with you here so you would know it is completely my decision."

I reply, "I am so happy for you guys. This is great. I have some SX69 lotion with me and we can find a good spot for you guys to bond. It has to be done with no other man around since a female subject bonds with the first male she sees."

Abebe breaks in. "I want this process to be recorded in detail. I want this to help further our research into the effects of SX69. Even though my instincts now are to keep this bonding and sexual awakening private, I know from observing the other women that I will have a totally more open attitude after my transformation. As we go through the process, please ask me what I am thinking. This will be a valuable record of what a subject is experiencing."

"Spoken like the research professional you are. Let's prepare!"

The Journal Entry of Dr. Yoshi Takumi December 23, 2011 These are my recollections of the previous evening when SX69 was administered to Abebe Bacungo in an effort to bond her to me. I did make several notes immediately after the event but please excuse any lack of scientific detachment since rather than being an impartial clinical observer, I am also a participant with all the emotional baggage that comes with that. We had set up a large bedroom with cool fluorescent lighting and eight HD quality video cameras. I, the male participant and Ms. Bacungo, the female were alone in the room. Dr. Vitelli was observing a video feed in an adjacent room. The balance of this journal entry will be from a personal, rather than a scientific perspective. I want to record the feeling and experience of dosing a female from the male's personal point of view. Dr. Vitelli's observations might be from an independent, more scientific viewpoint.

We enter into the SX69 union to become bonded lovers forever. So this is a personal sacred ritual. But we are scientists as well and therefore we have agreed to verbalize the entire process as it is happening. With Abebe being a trained observer of Bonobo monkey behaviour, this is a unique opportunity to delve into the mind of a subject at the time of transformation.

Personal Observation of Events

Abebe is amazingly radiant as she enters the room. I am sitting on the bed wearing beige khaki pants and a matching safari shirt. She is wearing a traditional brilliant multi-colored African wrap that leaves her strong black shoulders bare, covers her breasts and extends down to just below her knees. The bright red, orange and yellow colors dramatically offset her coal black skin tones. She is barefoot. The end of the dress material tucks in above her breasts. It seems so tantalizing that a simple move to release the end of the material will unfurl a naked sexy woman. Her hair is covered in a swirl of the same brightly colored cloth making a headdress that peaks well above her head. With the headdress, she is an imposing seven foot tall sensuous beauty. Long earrings and a necklace made of dozens of animal claws give her a wild, primitive look. She wears no makeup and needs none. She is simply a natural, exotic African beauty.

Abebe has an intense, determined look in her eyes as she crosses the short distance to the bed and sits down on the end. If she is nervous, she is hiding it well. Sitting, cross-legged at the head of the bed, I am very nervous and I hope she doesn't see it.

She takes out the small vial of SX69 that Dr. Vitelli had given to her earlier. He and I have determined that a large dose of about 20 milligrams is required for such a large woman. She places the lotion in the palm of her hand and buries her face and nose in it, inhales deeply and sits back and waits. Edward had told me about the transformation but what happens next is simply amazing. She freezes with a quizzical look on her face for fifteen minutes with her eyes closed. I understand that this is when the female brain is rewired with the Bonobo monkey DNA and the unique Oxytocin of the common shrew. So far, so good. Suddenly her eyes with their deep brown pupils surrounded by white shoot open and stare blankly at me. This sends a chill down my spine. I believe this is when she imprints on me like a newborn bird imprints on the first thing it sees. Next her pupils go from pinpoints to dilated to pinpoints and back to dilated many times like a pachinko game in Tokyo's Ginza District hitting a jackpot. Then she breaks into a broad, white toothy smile of pleasure. It appears all is well. The transformation is complete.


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