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SX69 - Ultimate Love Potion Ch. 16

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Analysis of Sexual Habits of My Harvard PhD Harem
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Part 16 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/01/2013
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This is the sixteenth in a series of stories about a scientist named Edward Vitello who has in his possession a very, very powerful love potion developed in a secret government sponsored research project that, to his dismay, was cancelled. He is determined to continue the research by doing human trials on a wide variety of selected women.

The chemical is called SX69. It is an extract of Bonobo monkey DNA combined with a molecularly altered Oxytocin from the common shrew. Bonobo monkeys use constant sex as a social bonding tool and female shrews mate for life after one whiff of a male's unique Oxytocin. The potion works exactly on human females as it had with animals in the lab.

Do read the previous installments which chronicle the use of SX69 from the first young girl, a sweet young librarian named Sarah to almost a dozen more interesting female subjects. There are many erotic twists and surprising turns along the way.

In this chapter, Edward is analyzing how he and the female subjects have adjusted to the lusty, sensuous SX69 lifestyle. He is having the sex life of a sultan but always keeps in mind that he is conducting a serious human drug trial for the SX69 potion. His motto is, "I have much work ahead of me combining science and pleasure."


Thanks to LarryInSeattle for editing it.

Journal Account of Edward Vitello: September, 2012 General Observations.

It has been two full months since the group dosing at Harvard. I have been living between my castle in England and Harvard on a week-on, week-off basis. In this journal entry, I think it best to summarize how each of the new Harvard subjects in the SX69 drug trial are progressing. Each has her own sexual needs and habits. It is unfortunate that I had not experienced their sexuality before they entered the SX69 trial. This would have given the drug trial a base to measure the transformation. I have now spent a total of four weeks with the new subjects. While a rather short time to make conclusions, I have had sexual relations with each of the subjects approximately forty times in the four weeks I have spent in the Harvard house, once every morning and then periodically during the rest of the day. I also have had a one-on-one overnight private hotel encounter with each subject. I find these personal sessions are a great way to reach deeper intimacy. I note that in each woman's sexual relationship, a mutually sensuous routine is discovered. This expedites the initiation of the sex act since visual and touching cues become obvious and then the actual act achieves its orgasmic conclusion more predictably as each partner travels over their individual erotic landscape.

Just like the women in England, the Harvard group moves about the house totally nude. They have no shyness whatsoever about their bodies or sexuality. I have instituted a rule that every third day the women must wear a dress or blouse and skirt with panties optional. This adds some erotic variety to the environment.

Before I document the sexual habits of the SX69 subjects, I should report some changes in my own psychology and physiology. In looking back at my previous journal entries, from the start of the drug trial about two years ago, I see there have been changes in my way of being and expressing myself. I have been handling the SX69 drug for several years. It is likely that it will effect physical and psychological changes in males as well as females. In females, it focuses their worship of an alpha male. In males, it likely makes changes to the body and mind to become an alpha male. While it is difficult for me to objectively document the changes in myself, I will attempt to do it. Let's look at key areas.


My physique has changed considerably. Before my life with SX69, I was a little pudgy around the middle due to my sedate, nerdy lifestyle. Now I have ripped abs, strong muscles, and virtually no fat. My aerobic condition is excellent. This might be due to the enormous amount of exercise I have by performing sex throughout the day. Or it could be a side effect of the love potion.

My natural hormones might also be causing physical changes. It is a scientific fact that the testicles produce an extra surge of testosterone throughout the bloodstream after every ejaculation. Since I have three to six orgasms a day, my system is flooded with this hormone. Melissa has a PhD in endocrinology and her tests show my testosterone levels are off the charts. Artificial doses of testosterone are one of the key banned drugs in sport because they build stronger muscles. It also affects the primitive regions of the brain to crave and seek out sex. It will be an important test to see if SX69 causes the extra testosterone production or whether it is the frequency of sex. To test this, a group of new male subjects will be physically exposed to the SX69 potion for a month before they live with a group of dosed females. Their testosterone levels and other hormones will be monitored to see if SX69 changes them before they mate with females. The control group of men will not handle the love potion in any way. They will bond with females who have had the dosage administered by a third party. We will discover if the higher testosterone levels are due to a males exposure to SX69 or extreme sexually activity.

My sense of smell has heightened remarkably. The scent of the pheromones given off by a female vagina in heat is extremely strong. I can smell a moistened pussy across a room. This is the case with both females that have or have not been transformed with the love potion. This is very handy when I am with my women since it identifies which one is horny for sex. It can also be a problem. For example, I met an old friend recently at a trendy New York bar popular among young professionals and I was overwhelmed with the scent of so many horny female pussies. I had to leave. It was making me crazy with lust.

Another physical change is that my penis has grown longer, thicker, and more sensitive. Before the SX69 experiments, my penis was a bit longer than normal and relatively narrow. Now I am a good nine inches and as thick as a baby's wrist. It could be that such a large number of extremely strong erections has affected the cell structure in some way. But I think we will find that the Bonobo DNA transforms my sexual equipment to that of a true alpha male in my species. It is also true that my erections are very stiff and never soften when I am fucking one of my females. This is a truly unusual feat that must be analyzed on other future males that use SX69. We need to determine if these alpha stud physical qualities are fostered by the drug or by exercise and natural hormonal functions promoted by having a large harem of cock-hungry females.

It is very abnormal that a human male can have as many orgasms each day as I do over such a long period of time. I suspect some aspect of the SX69 drug allows this physical ability. More testing is required.


After dosing with a small amount of SX69, the female brain takes on the social and sexual mating habits of the Bonobo monkey and the bonding habits of the Common Shrew. The drug is an extract of their DNA. Since I have handled the drug so often, it has possibly made changes to my brain as well. Following are a few personal observations.

When I was a teenager, I seemed to walk around in a fog of sexual lust that would envelope girls that were close to my physical space. It was nearly impossible to look at them or talk with them without this small but powerful envelope of sexual urges surrounding the girl beside me and shutting out the real world. Gradually as I matured, this sexually charged space gradually disappeared to where I could interact with women as people rather than just objects of desire. This phenomenon was not gone, however. When I had real sex with a woman, this envelope of primitive instinctive urges would surround us and shut out the world while we were in the fog of lust and performing the ritual dance of touching and fucking. Since dealing with the drug SX69 and the dosed females, the envelope springs back again, more rapidly, larger and more intense than ever. My senses of touch, smell, hearing, and taste soar as the typhoon of lust envelopes my immediate surroundings. Aggressiveness also rises. The slightest hint of blockage or delay between me and the pussy in my cross-hairs makes my anger surge. Also, as I am fucking my woman, I feel a welling up of aggressive dominance over her and any female around. Sometimes I am quite rough. I was worried about how the women felt about my aggressive, dominant actions during the sex act. But each said they loved it and it made them feel secure in their bond with me as their master. Further research with new males in the SX69 trials will discover if this is dominant posturing is due to the drug alone or the supercharged sexual lifestyle the love potion stimulates.

My sexual instincts towards females have become fine tuned. As I move among women, I am keenly aware of when they are open to sexual advances. I see their most subtle physical, visual, sexual displays. Then this envelope of lust and instinct I described above, surrounds us, the real world disappears and I feel a rush of pleasure sweep over my body as it anticipates fulfillment.

I have become incredibly casual about sex. After SX69 dosing, females immediately prefer to carry on their lives in the nude but it has taken me much longer to gradually become a confirmed nudist. It may be the drug working on me or just me opting for the shear convenience of not having to undress to have a quick shag. An example of my world of casual sex is that many times a day, as I move among my nude females and as I talk with them, I feel the urge to have my cock in their warm, wet vagina. As we continue to talk, if I sprout a woody, I casually touch their hips as a signal to turn around and bend over. They naturally comply, and I hump them while we continue our conversation and then part as if nothing has happened. This all seems so normal now but I think back to a time when this would seem unbelievable. It is impossible to say if these changes in me are from handling the drug and it changing my brain or whether the changes are from simply being in the company of so many women who worship me and are sexually available.

My language has changed. Readers of my journals must have noticed this. It has been such a gradual thing for me that I only realized it when I re-read my journals recently. I used to talk very scientifically about sex. Now I use terms like fuck, cock, pussy, cunt, and the like rather than terms like copulate, penis, and vagina. Science is cold and distant. When you are in the envelope of sexually-charged, erotic passion as I am so often, the penis becomes a cock, a vagina a pussy, and an anus an asshole, pure and simple. Slang terms convey the best way of describing sexually charged things when it is not cold and distant but hot and close up.

Research into linguistics has discovered that swear words are formed in a different part of the brain that normal words. The SX69 drug has likely affected this language function in some way in my brain. This should certainly be tested.

I am looking for ideal males to be test subjects in two control groups. Both groups would then live with the female subjects for one year. These males will be given a full physical examination before and periodically throughout the test period. This will monitor any physical transformations. Psychology tests will also be given to find if their thinking changes. We can then analyze any differences between the groups.

One possible test subject I have in mind is a young university student I taught named Keith MacLean. He was one of my keenest and brightest students. He is certainly no Don Juan. I keep in touch with him periodically but have not met him since my university teaching days two years ago. I remember him as tall, somewhat awkward, and a bit overweight but very good natured. Picture a person like an intelligent, Seth Rogen of movie fame. I will contact him and hopefully bring him into the SX69 project. Future journal entries will follow his progress if he agrees to be a candidate. I can't envision any red-blooded man not wanting to test SX69 on a group of attractive girls. Of course, he must be willing to keep the SX69 project totally secret.

There is a lot of research to be done on the affects of SX69 on male as well as females. The brilliant scientific research team in Harvard is perfect for this important aspect of the project.

Here is a short sexual synopsis of each Harvard female in alphabetical order;

Davies, Angela; PhD. in Biochemistry. Angela is a 29 year-old woman who is as lusty as she is intelligent. Her skin is an iridescent deep black color that oozes healthfulness. Her hair is braided in corn rows with multi-colored beads at the ends. Her face is attractive with large eyes and impossibly long eyelashes. Since her SX69 transformation, she has taken to wearing deep red lipstick that highlights her lush, sexy lips and radiant smile. She stands five foot nine and has incredible 38 double D breasts that are a few shades lighter in skin tone. Her hips and buttocks are classic Afro-American, large size and firm with an uplifted shape. She shaves her pubic hair. I have found that all of the Harvard women have had very little sex for their age even though they are attractive with fit bodies. As a result, they all have very tight vaginas. My guess is that they must have been studying and working too hard on their academic life to have amorous relationships.

It has become my habit to cup a cheek of Angela's firm ass in my hand whenever I talk with her. I can tell she likes that because when I slip my hand to her butt, she stops talking, closes her eyes, and a luxurious big smile of pleasure crosses her face.

Angela has a strong character and can be very abrupt when discussing scientific matters with the other women, but with me she is totally compliant and deferential. I like that. She is always ready and willing to have sex. When I look at her across the room she has a habit of looking deeply into my eyes and then licking her full lips seductively as she pulls her shoulders back to lift her breasts.

Hers is the most overt sexual display within the group but I have noticed all the women give off sexual signals on a frequent basis. As I get accustomed to the mating habits of each of the females, I can surmise when each is particularly horny and in need of a sound fucking. Many have very subtle clues, maybe a flick of the hair or a seductive, humble dropping of their eyes. Of course, I can usually smell the odor of any pussy moistening in heat. With Angela, she is obvious. Because she knows I love her ass, she makes a half turn and displays her bottom and gives it a seductive wiggle. Then she breaks into a big 'come fuck me' grin that lights up the room. I almost always oblige by bending her over the nearest piece of furniture and mounting her from the back. She is able to have a strong orgasm in less than twenty solid thrusts. I try not to cum every time I fuck any of the females but because Angela is so erotic, I have deposited more of my love juice is her satisfied pussy that any other. It is often impossible to stop.

When I am servicing one of my females sexually, one or several of the others usually hears what is going on and they come over to get some loving, too. The house, though substantial, is small enough that a love hungry woman will hear the moans of one of their friends being fucked. They have different habits as they wait their turn. Some nurturing ones suck the nipples of the person getting done to heighten her friend's pleasure. Gerda, the German, prefers to get on her back and finger her own pussy aggressively beside us. What a horny sight that is. Most find pleasure in pleasing me, so they do things like stroke my skin, cup my sensitive ball-sack, or kiss my nipples and my ears while whispering loving words. Melissa, the cute Canadian girl, has a habit of poking her tongue in my asshole while I am screwing but I had to stop her from doing that. It made me cum too quickly. I still allow her to rim my anus but the rule is not when my cock was in someone's pussy. She was initially a bit disappointed but has complied for the most part.

Simon, Gerda, PhD. in Molecular Biology. Gerda is 29 years old. She has a handsome Aryan face with short blonde hair and alabaster skin. She is an outstanding physical specimen, standing 6'2" tall with a muscular but feminine body. She weighs about 140 pounds, perfect for her stature. She has womanly hips and her firm, pert breasts are a 38C cup with small pink areolas. She has light blonde pubic hair that allows a nice view of the camel toe notch of her crotch. This is my favorite type of beaver. One with a nice thatch but still has visible pussy lips when standing in front of me. That slight camel toe notch conjures up the thought of the pussy lips below that will be split with the head of my penis and then drilled into the hot love canal within. Erotic instincts like this are how the human race succeeded when other species went extinct.

Gerda is serious and direct in her nature. When she is horny and needy, which is very often, she simply comes up to me and says, "Sir, could we please have sex?" There are no subtle sexual physical displays. She just marches up and asks with a somber look in her eyes.

Sex with Gerda is extremely relaxing and luxurious. I always use the missionary position because her body is very long and strong. I can lay on her with my entire weight with no fear of hurting her in any way. It is a truly grand fuck. She gets extremely horny when we make love. She wraps her strong legs around my thighs and grinds her crotch into mine for maximum friction. She used to hug me with her strong arms but her strength made it difficult to breathe so I had to tell her to grab the cheeks of my ass instead. So I just lay on her with her firm breasts mashed into my chest as she does all the work. Soon she is screaming German words in my ear as she has a huge orgasm. I roll off and she gets up and walks away like nothing has happened. It will be interesting to find out in future when I dose another German female, if this is a national trait or hers alone.

Stewart, Melissa, PhD. in Endocrinology. Melissa is a 33 years old Caucasian that stands 5'7" tall. She has a very pretty face with fine features and long brunette hair. She has a slim, athletic body with 34B breasts, my favorite size. Melissa has a delightfully cheery disposition. She has so much energy that she brightens up any room she is in. Even though she is the oldest, she acts the most like a little girl. When she is horny and wants to get laid, she'll put on a girlie act by looking down shyly as she sucks on the end of her finger. She turns her toes inward and shifts from foot to foot to continue the little girl act. I fall for it every time and get an instant woody that begs to impale her bald girlie parts.

When Melissa is having sex, she is very vocal. It is the last thing one would expect from such a prim and proper looking young lady. She swears a blue streak that would make a sailor blush. But it turns me on amazingly.

My favorite position with sweet Melissa is cowgirl with me on my back and her upright, impaled on my cock. This frees my hands to massage her perfect globes. She seems to love it as I tweak her nipples and cup her tits. Many times when I lay down on my back to initiate sex, she will go down and suck my stiff cock. Her real goal is to spear my asshole with her tongue. Her dirty little mind really gets off on rimming my anus. I oblige by grasping my knees and pulling them to my chest to expose my wide open crack to her wet hot tongue. It is a big turn-on for me as well. Her pussy is virtually dripping when she stops and mounts my rock-hard pole. The erotic foreplay has her cumming in no time and she soon falls down onto my chest panting and gasping out her thanks.


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