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Taking Allison Ch. 01

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Young couple tries wife sharing with an older man.
10.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/24/2020
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This work is completely fictional. The first in what is to be a multi chapter series that contains a young late 20s couple wife sharing with an older man.


Adam laid in bed, his wife was Allison between his legs, her head bobbing up and down, sucking on his cock.

"You're almost there..." He muttered to his wife, he was nearing orgasm.

He let out a groan, his wife continued to suck him off as he finally began to cum. Allison released him from her mouth carefully, making sure none of his semen got out.

Adam was catching his breath and looked down at his wife, he smiled at her. "Nicely done." He said with an exhausted breath.

She winked at him, her mouth was shut tightly. She quickly got up to run to the restroom. Adam could hear trickling in the toilet and then flushing. She had spit his load out.

"I tried to swallow this time!" Allison said with a laugh as she returned to the bedroom, she was almost disappointed in herself. She was always happy to perform oral sex on Adam, although she wasnt fond about the taste of semen. "I tried to, but just couldn't, it's icky." She reached down and grabbed her discarded pair of pink panties off the floor, she pulled them up, the cotton fabric hugged her round, peach shaped behind.

"Hey, no worries. You did the deed and that's all that matters." Adam responded with a smile, he was in a post blowjob haze. "Did you like it?"

Allison was putting on a tank-top, covering up her perky breasts "Did I like what? The sex? Of course I did! I always do." She assured him, emphasizing 'always', "I just don't like the taste of cum."

She leaned over her husband who was sitting up by this point and kissed his forehead, she put her light dirty blonde hair up into a ponytail and walked out the room. Adam's eyes followed his wife's round panty covered ass as she sauntered away.

Allison Miller, 27 years of age, exuded confidence and was always always proud of her looks. She easily commands the attention of anybody she would come in contact with. Her striking light blue eyes and light dirty blonde paired with her gorgeous, welcoming smile. Allison had an affinity for fitness, it wasn't uncommon to find her at the gym, or on a run during her free time. Adam often half-joked about her becoming an influencer on Instagram to bring in more money, thought between the two, they were more than comfortable financially.

She worked at an advertising agency where she was quickly climbing the ladder. Her beauty and sharp wit made her a hit with clients, and was liked by those she worked with. She was smart. A problem solver. She was proud of the strides she was making in her professional life.

Anytime Allison went to clubs or bars with her girlfriends, it was a good bet she'd have at least a few men trying to get her attention throughout the night. She'd humor them, maybe even dance with them, but she only had eyes for her husband, Adam.

Adam, at 28, worked a job in sales and like his wife, was successfully finding himself in a good place with his company. In his younger days, he had run track and played on his high school baseball team. He would be the first to admit that he wasn't in the shape that he used to be in, he wasn't overweight, but was certainly a bit flabbier than he used to be, still, his wife would often compliment his handsome face and thick brown hair that he'd often style up. The two were often told what an attractive couple they made.

The pair met during their freshman year of college through some mutual friends. They took to one another instantly, having an immediate emotional and physical connection. They dated steadily all throughout college and got an apartment during their Junior year until they graduated. A few years later, the two were in a good place with their jobs and had just purchased their first home when Adam finally popped the question.

The next morning, Adam sat at his kitchen table with his laptop and coffee in front of him. It was Saturday, but he still found himself responding to clients and tightening up loose ends from the work week. He took a sip of his coffee and looked over to the front door of his house. Allison had left a half hour earlier to go on a jog. Adam minimized his email inbox and opened a new page.

He gave the front door another quick look, then looked back to his laptop. He typed a porn site into the address and hit enter, his eyes browsed scanned over the different thumbnails for each video. The mouse hovered the categories and stopped where it said 'cuckold.' Adam clicked on it and found a video that struck his fancy.

It was an amateur video of a wife and bull in a hotel room. The wife was a young, attractive brunette, reminding him slightly of his wife. The man in the video was slightly older, he was helping the woman undress. The wife and older man would occasionally reference to the person behind the camera, presumably being the husband.

Adam watched the video then looked one last time to the front door. He pushed the hem of his shorts down and took his penis out, hoping maybe he could finish by the time Allison got home. By this point, the man in this video had the wife bent over with himself fully engulfed in her.

The woman in the video was screaming as the bull pounded into her. Adam stayed focused on the video, furiously pumping on himself. Just then the front door opened. Allison asked a question, but Adam didn't hear. He quickly stopped the video and put himself back in his shorts.

"What?" He asked, his breath was heavy.

"I asked if we still had any coffee brewed." Allison said with open skepticism. "What were you doing in here?" She asked him as she slipped off her running shoes. She walked over to the table.

"Nothing. I was responding to a work email and you startled me."

"No you weren't." Allison accused with a grin, "You were watching porn, weren't you." She was amused. Adam turned beet red, her blue eyes widened, her grin grew larger.

"Oh my god, you were! Ew, you pervert!" Allison was snickering. "I heard something coming in, but couldn't be sure. What were you watching?" She was standing over his shoulder.

Adam couldn't find the humor in the situation like she had. He was embarrassed.

"Nothing." Was all he said, he knew he wasn't going to win this battle.

"Show me!" She took control of his laptop's trackpad. The mouse pointer moved to the minimized webpage on the task bar and clicked, the page immediately popped back up.

She studied the web page for a moment, the paused video screen showing the man and woman having sex. She read aloud the video's title. "Wife gets fucked by bull with huge cock." Her amused tone turned to confusion. She looked at the screen for a minute. "You're gross." She told him before walking out the kitchen.

Adam sighed and closed out of the webpage. He was embarrassed to not only get caught, but get caught with something with such an unusual subject matter.

Later that night, the two were in the car, driving home from a night of dinner and drinks out with a group of friends. During the ride home, two chatted about their night, talking about some drama one of their friends was involved in and some other gossip another friend shared. When a lull in the conversation occurred, Allison finally asked. "So what was the deal with that video you were watching earlier? The porn video."

Adam was silent. He was hoping she wouldn't press the issue again and it would be forgotten. "What do you mean? You were gone and I watched porn, It's not a big deal." He said curtly.

"Do you normally watch videos of wives getting banged?" She asked promptly. "Look, I'm not mad, I'm just...curious."

Adam's eyes stayed on the road, he sighed. "Sometimes, look, I don't know. It was on the porn site, so I clicked it."

"Is that how you want to see me?"

"No. Absolutely not." Adam barked. He couldn't believe they were having this conversation. Why wouldn't she just drop it? Allison placed her hand on his leg and squeezed it.

"Adam, you don't have to get snippy with me. I'm not mad at you, I'm just trying to get an understanding." Her tone was gentle. She could tell her husband was uncomfortable, but she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

The car stopped at a red light. Adam turned to look at Allison. "Look, I don't know. Okay, I kind of think cuckold videos are hot, but that doesn't mean I want to see you with someone else."

Allison raised an eyebrow, "Cuckold?"

Adam sighed. "That's what it's called. It's like, a wife fucks another man, and the husband watches. Can we just drop it?"

Allison looked ahead. "I'm not mad." The car accelerated when the light turned green. The rest of the car ride, Allison thought of the word 'Cuckold.' What does that even mean? Did her husband secretly want to see her with somebody else?

Later, Allison laid in bed and casually browsed on her phone while something played on the TV that hung above the dresser. She googled cuckold, a word that she had just learned about a half hour prior.

The first thing to come up was the definition:

Cuckold, noun, a man whose wife is sexually unfaithful, often regarded as an object of derision.

She swiped up on the phone's screen, skipping over links leading to porn sites. She tapped on a Cosmo article and began to read.

Adam entered the room wearing only a pair of boxer-briefs. He lifted the covers and got into bed next to his wife.

Allison locked the screen of her iPhone and turned to place it on the dresser. She returned over to her husband's side of the bed and snuggled up against him. Adam wrapped his warm around his wife. Allison reached up and planted kisses along her husband's neck, he closed his eyes, smiled and allowed her to do so.

She reached her hand under the covers where Adam's penis was already beginning to stiffen, she stroked him through his boxers and continued working on his neck. Adam let out a pleased sigh. Allison released her husband's cock and was stroking it, two shared a passionate kiss.

"Hold on." Allison broke the kiss and rolled over to the nightstand to grab her phone, Adam watched his wife, wondering what she was up to.

On her phone, she went to the web browser and typed in a porn site. She searched cuckold and found a video. She tapped on the screen and casted the video to the TV screen, then hit play.

Adam sighed when the video appeared on the TV. He had hoped the subject would be dropped permanently and was growing more and more annoyed by his wife's refusal to let it go.

"Allison..." He began to say.

Allison scooted back over to her husband. "Just watch the video." She directed. She began stroking him once more and kissing on his neck.

The video started with an attractive blonde wife who appeared to be in her 30s having sex in missionary position with a musular man on what was obviously a hotel bed. The wife in the video was moaning heavily and telling her husband who was working the camera how good the man felt inside her.

Allison had stopped kissing her husband's neck by this point and watched along with him. She continued to stroke him, he was stiff as a board and the head of his penis was glazed with precum. She knew he was aroused. "Do you like watching that?" Allison asked in his ear, she was stroking him off quicker.

Adam finally admitted, "Yeah."

Allison smiled and kissed her husband's cheek, she turned her head to the television. The wife on the screen was riding the man reverse cowgirl. She was screaming out to her husband how much bigger and better he felt. Adam gasped as he unexpectedly shot a small stream of warm semen, hitting onto his wife's hand and his stomach. Allison was shocked, she could never make him cum so quickly. She continued to slowly stroke her husband and noticed, his penis wasn't returning to flacid, it was still hard.

The sounds of sex from the TV still filled the room, Adam flipped his wife onto her back and crawled on top of her and quickly plunged himself inside his wife. Allison moaned as she looked up at her husband. She was surprised by what the video was doing to her husband.

The two spent the next hour having sex in various positions, watching various videos until the two finally fell sleep.

The next morning, Adam woke before Allison. He slipped out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. As the coffee dripped down into the pot, Adam thought about the night prior. What did this mean? Adam certainly never expected he'd be sharing this with his wife and he certainly never expected her to seem so interested in it.

Adam heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Allison walked into the kitchen wearing a thin silk robe with a tank top and a pair of red cotton panties.

"Morning honey." She said in a sleepy voice. She walked to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup.

"Morning." He responded and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Mmm, didn't you get enough last night?" She asked with a grin, Adam pulled her close. "Never enough." He told her, before planting a few kissing along her neck. Allison smiled and closed her eyes, she tilted her neck to allow access.

"So...that was...fun." Allison said.


"Mhm." She hummed with a slight nod.

"So...what do you think then?" He asked, he took a step back and looked at her.

"I don't know...what do you think?" She responded, both of them trying to choose their words carefully.

They had just spent the end of their night watching wives submitting to other men, and they both liked it, but they both knew mixing fantasy could be dangerous.

"It was fun...it was hot." Adam admitted, Allison nodded,

"I agree. I didn't get it at first, and I still don't really, but I have to admit, the videos...and the whole idea of that is...kinda hot. She confessed. She took a sip of her coffee before speaking again.

"So...would you like to see me like that? With another man?"

Adam stood in silence for a few seconds. "I'm not sure...maybe.It might be hot."

"Well then...maybe this is something we can think about. Do some research, talk over." She took another sip.

"Okay." Adam nodded slowly. "We'll think it over."

"Okay." She said, nodding as well. There was a moment of silence, the two not completely sure as to what they've just agreed to. "So, let's try to get to the farmers market by 10:30, ok?" She said as a way to break the tension.

Later that day, Allison was on her laptop, browsing social media and doing some online shopping. She opened a new tab, pausing for a moment, she googled a swingers site and clicked the first result.

She took the laptop downstairs to Adam, who was in the living room watching TV. "So...I found a site." She announced.

"A site?"

"Yeah. For finding...people, a person."

Adam was puzzled for a second, but then it clicked.

"Oh. A site."

"Okay." Allison sat down on the couch next to him and placed her laptop on her lap. Adam looked at the screen. "So should we do it?"

"I mean...I guess there's no harm in signing up...we can just make an account and see where it goes. We don't have to do anything we aren't comfortable doing." Adam assured her.

"Right. Okay, let's do it." Allison smiled, though she was nervous.

She created an account with the username Allison_and_Adam.

"I put my name first, because, who cares about you." She told him with a playful smirk.

She clicked on Couple Looking for Male and then entered in their zip code. The two spent about 20 minutes browsing the site, and perfecting their profile. Allison uploaded a picture of the two of them from a wedding they attended in the prior fall as their profile picture. In the photo, Allison wore a black dress that did a fantastic job showing off her curves. She uploaded a few more photos of just her, some pictures including a decent look at her cleavage, but she overall tried to keep it modest and wait until they had a good match to show more.

Throughout the day, Allison received many messages. Some of the men she found attractive and many others she did not. It was almost overwhelming.

She had been with Adam for so long. The two had met in college and have been together since. She missed out on dating apps like tinder and bumble, so she wasn't used to this much attention in one spot, though it was overwhelming, it was fun to her as well. It was just different than what she was used to.

A couple hours later, Allison received a message from a man named Jake.

The message read "Hello Allison and Adam, my name is Jake. Wondering what brings you two to the site? I hope to hear back soon."

She studied his opening message before finally going to his profile where she found the 61 year old man with short dark grey hair, he had a bit of white stubble on his chin. A man of his age was never somebody she would go after if she was single, but she found him handsome and intriguing, so she decided to respond.

"Hey Jake, this is Allison. My husband and I just signed up...never done anything like this before, but just figured we'd see where it goes."

The two exchanged messages throughout the rest of the day, keeping it light and casual. Allison learned he was recently retired, he had been divorced amicably for some time and had no kids.

Allison told Jake about her life and her relationship. She found him polite and charming. She had never thought of being with someone so much older than her, but there was something about him.

Later that night, the couple laid in bed. Allison grabbed her laptop from the nightstand. "So...I found someone on the site...a candidate, I guess." She opened her laptop, Adam looked over at her, anxious as to who she would show him, their experiment felt like it was already moving fast.

Allison opened the site and turned the laptop to show him Jake's profile.

"61 years old." Adam read aloud. He was shocked to see the age.

Allison looked at him "I know, he's a bit older, but he's been really nice...and I think he's cute." She admitted. The idea that she was showing somebody to her husband for her to potentially have sex with felt weird, she almost felt wrong being so candid.

"I see. Well, ultimately this falls on you. I trust your judgement." He continued to study the page.

"Nothing set in stone yet. I'm just letting you know." She told him with a smile before going in for a kiss. "Goodnight." She said, and turned off the light.

Throughout the week, Jake and Allison exchanged messages. She began looking forward to hearing from him. She knew she loved Adam, but this was fun, it was exciting. Adam and Allison continued having sex to cuckold porn, the two would talk dirtier about the subject while they made love, only burning the fuel that drove their new fetish.

Jake was always polite, but over the week would get a little more bold, he'd throw innuendos, dirty humor and compliments here and there. Allison would return the favor, she would try to make sure she didn't go too far, but would humor his attempts.

Allison and Jake finally exchanged phone numbers, Jake shortly after texted her what she was up to.

Allison was walking out the door for a run. Allison raised the camera above her head and sent Jake a picture of herself. She was in a sports bra and matching spandex pants, her hair was up in a ponytail.

"About to go for a run :)" She included in the message.

"Well you certainly got my blood pumping ;)." Jake responded.

Allison typed back "You behave ;)" As she walked out the door.

The entire time the two texted, Allison made sure to keep Adam up to speed as to what was going on with the two of them. She wanted to make sure that although she was flirting with another man, Adam was still her husband whom she loved dearly.

Adam would get surges of jealousy, but also arousal from seeing the messages. It was weird to him to see someone openly with his wife and it weird to see her return the favor. He almost felt like he was catching his wife in something despite her being so open about it.


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