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Taking Ownership of Emma

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Drunk truth or dare allows husbands friend to take control.
8.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/27/2023
Created 04/15/2022
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It had taken a bit of effort but Emma had finally managed to get her husband Jason to bed. 'He will never learn' Rob laughed as he and Emma headed back downstairs.

'Aww, bless him, he's been working so much lately, poor thing must be exhausted!'. Although she was putting on a brave face, Emma was pretty annoyed about the whole situation.

Emma and Jason had decided a few weeks ago to throw a house party. A chance to catch up with friends, have a laugh and drink long into the night. It was not even midnight though and only Emma and Rob were left. It was true that Jason had been working a lot lately, he had been promoted at work, but with that came a ridiculous workload. It was also true though that he had been doing shots for the last couple of hours and famously couldn't hold his drink. The result was as predictable as it was annoying for Emma as he managed to insult one of her friends and her husband, spilled a drink on another and threw up in the kitchen before passing out on the stairs. The turn out wasn't great anyway, with three other couples cancelling last minute. Even Robs wife Sarah couldn't make it as she was on a hen night. So once the first few people called it a night, others followed.

Due to Jason's workload, Emma hadn't seen much of him lately, so was really looking forward to tonight, an excuse to dress up and socialize with her husband and friends. But here she was, left to clean up and not even particularly drunk.

'I can't believe everyone left so early!'. Rob sighed as he opened a beer and sat on the sofa. Rob was Jason's best friend, they'd grown up together and were both 39.

'I know!'. Emma exclaimed, grabbing her glass of wine and sitting across from him on the chair, her tanned legs crossed making her skirt rise slightly. 'it was a bit of a crap party wasn't it?'.

Emma was 36. She was the wife that all of Jason's friends lusted after. At 5'6, size 10, with shoulder length brown hair with blonde highlights and green eyes she was a real head turner. Add to that the fact she'd had a boob job when she was 25 and she was pretty much perfect. She had a way of looking gorgeous, slutty and cute all at the same time.

'No, not at all, I thought it was good, Jason was on fire!'. Rob laughed. He had a way of making things just seem better. As a foursome, Emma, Jason, Rob and Sarah were pretty close, they often went out together, whether it was a Sunday lunch or a night clubbing, they'd been on holiday together and Emma really liked Rob, she was more than comfortable spending time alone with him.

'I'm not even drunk, are you?' she asked

'Getting there, but no, I think Jason stole a couple of my drinks, why was he doing shots anyway? I'm sure there was only him doing them!' he laughed.

'Haha, I've no idea!'. Emma had taken the opportunity to dress up, she looked amazing. A loose fitting white silk blouse, tucked into a red pencil skirt with a slit up the back and a pair of high heels. Her blouse was just sheer enough to give a glimpse of the white bra underneath in the right light. She'd even had a spray tan for tonight.

Her outfit wasn't lost on Rob. He'd wanted Emma from the day he met her, not that he had ever been inappropriate with her, aside from the odd 'accidental' brush against her over the years, but given half a chance he'd be all over her.

'Well I'm not going to let them ruin my night, I'm going to get drunk!' Emma laughed, topping up her glass.

'Sounds like a plan, I've got no one to go home to, Sarah's on that hen weekend, so, mind if I join you?'

'Yeah, it's such a shame Sarah's away, I've really missed her tonight, you're the next best thing though, so yeah, to getting drunk!' as she held her glass in the air, Rob raising his beer in return. 'You may as well stay over then, your room is available'

Rob had stayed over quite a lot over the years, with and without Sarah, so often that the spare room was known as 'Robs Room'.

'Yeah, that'd be great, saves me trying to sort a taxi'

'Its a plan, so, do you know any good drinking games?'

Rob was feeling brave tonight, all alone with Emma, his wife staying away in a different city and her husband passed out, he wanted to make the most of any opportunities, 'Erm, drinking games? Not really, we usually just play truth or dare'

'Haha, truth or dare? I haven't played that since university, but I was the QUEEN of truth or dare there!'

'Oh really?'. Rob sat forward, 'Well, I think it's time I took your crown!'

'I think we're a bit old for truth or dare, don't you?' she laughed.

'Well I'm not! It sounds like you're either too old or too chicken to play!'. One of the things he'd learned about Emma over the years is she is fiercely competitive and hates being called a chicken.

'Hey!'. She snapped, 'Ok, fine, I'll play, truth please '. As she topped up her glass again.

Robs heart was already racing. He'd fantasised about a moment like this, but he knew he had to play it cool. He had a million dares running through his mind, but they would have to wait, he'd slowly push her boundaries a little more each time and see what he could get away with. 'Ok, truth, let's see, how old where you when you lost your cherry?'. He asked calmly, deciding to set a sexual tone early on.

'I was 15, he was 17, a friend of my brother's'.

'15? Same as me, cool, truth please'

'Ok, which celebrity would you leave Sarah for?'

'Hang on, we need to agree that nothing leaves this room, ok? Whatever is said or done, stays between us, no matter how embarrassing!'.

'Of course, the secrecy of truth or dare is sacred!'. She laughed.

'Ok, then I would leave her tomorrow for that one out of modern family with the big boobs!'

'Haha, good choice, she's sexy, ok, truth please'

Emma trusted Rob completely and he knew it. He wanted to use this against her, but knew he had to tread carefully. 'Whats your favourite position?'

Emma didn't flinch, Rob was playing his cards well. 'I don't know, depends on the scenario, but probably me on top'. Instantly he was imagining her riding him. He knew she was no prude. Guys talk and jason had shared a few stories of things he and Emma had done. But it's even better hearing it from Emma. He had to play it cool though.

'Yeah I love when Sarah rides me, she says she can control the pace better, but I just love looking up at her.'

'Yep.' She nodded, 'it's way easier to control it, not that you always want that though, sometimes you want to be taken control of!'

Jason had told him that Emma loves being dominated, she liked it a bit rough, not whip's and clamp's, just treated a little badly and taken control of. 'Well Jason's a lucky guy!!! Ok, truth'

'If you could change one physical feature of Sarah, what would it be?'

'Her boobs.'. He answered straight away. 'I love her and fancy her, but I'd love her to have bigger boobs.'. This was true, but it was also an angle to get Emma to feel good about hers and see where that path leads.

'Well let me know if she wants a boob job, I think I get a referral fee!'. She laughed. 'i want a gin and tonic, there's some bourbon in the kitchen if you want some?'. She stood to head to the kitchen, the booze hitting her a bit now. Rob nodded and the pair headed to the kitchen.

Soon they returned with drinks and the game continued. Another two rounds of truths with Emma revealing that the best place she'd had sex was in a pretty crowded cinema and she didn't spit, she swallowed.

'Ok, time for a dare I think!'. Rob declared cockily.

'Right, drop and give me 20 press ups.'.

Rob was in pretty good shape and so wasn't fazed, he dropped Infront of her and started pounding them out "14...15...16...'. At 16, Emma put her heel on his back to make it more difficult. Rob felt the sharp point of her shoe and looked up. 'Hey! Not fair!'. He laughed, not that he minded at all. Feeling the point dig into him, he had a great view high up her tanned legs. He locked eyes with her and slowly finished the 20. 'I didn't know you were such a cheat!'. As he shook his head, Emma giggled and asked for a dare. 'Time to turn it up a notch'. He thought to himself. '20 star jumps!'. As he sat back down.

Emma stood up confidently, then realised her skirt was too tight. 'I'll rip it!' as she tried to open her legs a bit.

'Just pull it up a bit'. Rob said nonchalantly, sitting back on the sofa. Emma nodded and pulled the skirt up a bit, then a bit more, then more until it was just longer than a mini skirt. She started her star jumps. Each jump made the skirt ride ever so slightly higher and made her firm boobs bounce in the silk blouse. Rob played it cool, laughing along so it didn't look like he was perving on her, which of course he was.

She finished the set and slid her skirt back down. 'Ok, truth or dare?'.

'Dare again'

'Right, well I'm hungry, so order a pizza but in a foreign accent, no laughing.' Rob took the challenge and ordered some food in a questionable Irish accent. Emma had her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh, it was clear from looking at her that she was very tipsy now. He hung up, laughed and Emma chose dare.

It was time for Rob to turn the screw. 'Ok, well, it's more of a favour, but it's also a dare...'. Emma looked at him intrigued. '...well, you know when I said I wanted Sarah to get a boob job, well we've actually spoken about it a few times, she always says how good yours look. She's thinking of a D cup, what size are you?'. He knew full well her size as Jason had told him.

'Oh cool, im a D, 34D'

'Really? right, well you definitely have to help me now then, you see yours do always look great in clothes and of course I've seen you in a bikini but I tried not to look, so I wanted to have an actual look, to see if I'd want Sarah to get hers done, in your bra of course '. He looked at her, judging her reaction.

'Oh, erm, yeah, I guess so.'. She replied, not wanting to be awkward when he was asking for her help and he did seem nervous to ask, plus he has seen me in my bikini already, she reasoned to herself. She put her drink down and unbuttoned her blouse, trusting Rob completely.

Rob couldn't believe she'd gone for it. His cock hardened instantly watching her unbutton, he sat forwards to hide his erection. 'Can, you, erm, come closer? Too much drink for my eyes to focus over there.'. Emma nodded and stood Infront of him, her blouse now fully open, her white lace bra housing her perfect tits. Rob put on a serious face, pretending to analyse them scientifically for his research as he reached out and held her blouse open.

Emma was a little unsteady in her heels and put her hand on Robs shoulder for support. 'They look great, really great, I can't really see them from the side though, take your blouse off a second so I can see better.' To Emma this made perfect sense and she took off the blouse. He looked nervous to ask, so to show she was comfortable, she tossed her blouse onto Robs head. It broke any tension and Rob laughed 'Right, you dont get that back now!! Ok, turn to the side a bit'. She did as he asked. After he could 'examine' no more, he thanked her and asked for a dare.

'Ok, hang on' she giggled as she disappeared out of the room, before returning with a pink bra. 'For your research!'. She laughed, 'put this on and let me take a picture!'

Rob caught the bra, noting three things. She had forgotten to put her blouse back on, she was comfortable enough with him to toss him a bra and she was clearly pretty drunk. All these didn't help his throbbing cock. Eager to keep the flow going, he took off his shirt and put on her bra, it was tight but he got it on. 'Ok, where do you want me?'

'Over by the fire, let me get my phone!'. She giggled looking at Rob in her pink bra. Rob obliged and stood by the fire, hands on hips, pouting for the camera. 'Brilliant!' she laughed as she took a few pictures.

'Ok, now a selfie of us, bra sisters'. Rob laughed holding his arm out to her. She nodded and stood next to him as he put his arm around her. She snapped a few selfies then made a honking sound as she squeezed one of his cups. Now or never Rob thought to himself as he laughed then did the same to her.

'Hey!' she laughed

'You did it first!'

'It's hardly the same.'. She wasn't in the least bit mad, she knew he was just having fun, the fun she was so desperate for all week and that her party didn't deliver.

'Well, it is the same, you went honk on me and I went honk on you'. With that he gave her boob another honk to demonstrate. Again, she just laughed at what was, in her eyes, harmless fun. 'I mean if you don't want me to honk....' as he did it again, ' shouldn't honk me!'. She just giggled and went to get her drink from the table.

'Truth or dare?'. He asked.

'I think we're just on dares now.' she replied.

'Ok, well here's one for you, QUEEN, the pizza guy will be here in a minute and you're going to answer the door.'. As he waved her blouse at her.

"Haha, not like this I'm not!'

'I know, of course not, you're going to lose the skirt!'

She paused for a minute, checking to see if he was serious. 'What?? No way!'

'Yeah thought so, chicken! Guess I win then, hand me my crown wench!'

'Hang on, you don't win, that's not a proper dare, give me a proper one!"

Rob smiled, he knew he had her where he wanted her, now to reel her in. 'Why is it not a proper dare? You'd be answering the door with your bits covered, basically in a bikini, but I get it, the queen has lost her crown, such an easy dare too.' as he shook his head feigning disappointment.

'Well, it's slightly different to a bikini, plus, it's, well, it's just different.'

'No worries, I win, I'm the king, how long where you queen for? You must've had some tame dares at university! Rob, king of truth or dare, I like that!'

She was smiling but her competitive spirit was boiling up inside, seeing how smug Rob was being was driving her mad. 'Fine, ok, I'll do it, it'll take more than that to get my crown!'

Rob played it cool. 'Ok, but I still don't think you'll actually do it' he smirked. He heard a car pull up outside and looked through the curtains, 'Ok.... Showtime!' he grinned.

Emma's heart was racing, but no way was she losing this one. Taking a deep breath, she reached behind and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. 'Revenge is gonna be sweet!' she grinned, trying to hide her nerves.

Rob tried to keep a poker face as he took in the woman he'd so often masturbated over now standing in front of him wearing just a white lace bra, matching white lace thong and high heels. 'Dont get too cocky, you haven't done it yet'. Smirking again, knowing his smirking was pushing her to prove him wrong. 'And remember, you can't tell him it's a dare or you lose.'

With a flick of her hair, she turned casually and headed into the hallway and there it was, possibly Emma's best feature, her incredible arse. It took all of Robs willpower not to reach out and smack it. Her legs were incredible, her tits amazing but it was her arse that always drew the most intention, her small frame making it look even bigger and rounder than it was and a thong and heels was the perfect way to show it off.

Emma walked quickly to the front door before she chickened out, answering the door before the pizza man had had chance to knock. He stood there, his eyes wide, mouth open. The cold night air hit Emma's flesh as she looked at him. He was mid to late 50's, slightly overweight but with a friendly face. She was a little taken aback at his age, he wasn't how you would picture a pizza boy. Neither of them spoke for an awkward few seconds before Emma composed herself. 'Oh hi, sorry, I was just... erm... sorry'. Blushing bright red as she tried to cover herself a little with her arms.

'Oh no worries'. He smiled, sensing her obvious embarrassment, 'That'll be 17.50'.

Her purse, Emma had forgotten to pick up her purse! She didn't even know if she had any cash in it now she thought about it. 'Oh yeah, great, could you, erm, could you come in a sec, I've left my purse in the living room and don't really want the neighbours seeing me like this!'.

'Of course'. He smiled, unable to believe his luck, 'for my eyes only!'

The comment could've gone two ways but luckily Emma laughed and some of the awkwardness was broken, 'come on in, it's just through here'

Rob had been peaking through a crack in the living room door, taking in her amazing arse as he gently rubbed his bulge. As they headed towards him, he darted to the sofa and picked up his drink, trying to act casual. The pair walked in, with the pizza man surveying the scene, he was more than a little disappointed to see Rob, but managed to hide it as he looked at Emma's skirt on the floor, her blouse on the sofa and a pink bra on the table.

Emma also noticed the scene and felt like she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't have been. In an attempt to try and normalise it, she pointed towards Rob, 'This is my, my husband, Rob, we were just having a few drinks, it's our anniversary.'. Rob smiled at her, and she gave him a look indicating for him to play along. Rob was delighted at this unexpected turn and stood up, walking over to them both, 'Hi, I'm Rob, nice to meet you.' as he held out his hand, 'yep 6 years married to this one today!' as he put his arm around her waist pulling her next to him.

Emma knew exactly what he was doing, he was trying to make her lose. He was trying to make her crack and break this whole charade, well not a chance, she was the QUEEN for a reason, she would make him crack.

'Nice to meet you, I'm Tony'. He smiled, shaking Robs hand, pleasantly surprised that this guy didn't seem to care that his wife was dressed like this Infront of him. 'Congratulations, you're a lovely looking couple, looks like you've had quite a party!'

'Yeah, we had a few friends round, it was nice to celebrate with them.' Emma smiled, showing Rob she wasn't fazed.

'Glad they're gone though'. Rob laughed, 'been dying to get my hands on this one all night haven't I babe?' and with that he gave her arse a slap. It felt just as he'd imagined it would, soft skin on a firm ass, after the slap he left his hand on her cheek.

Emma jumped a little as he did, but she remained calm, she had no intention of surrendering her crown. 'I forgot to take my purse to the door babe, I don't even know if I have any cash, do you have a twenty on you?'

Buoyed by her lack of reaction to him having his hand on her ass, Rob grew in confidence, he knew that as long as Tony was there Emma would try and keep up the pretence that they were married. 'Yeah honey, I think so, hey Tony, won't you have a drink with us, help us celebrate?'.

Emma's eyes widened, she also knew that Tony being there gave Rob the license to keep pushing her, to try and get her to lose. 'Oh that's a nice idea babe, but I'm sure Tony has lots more deliveries to make.'

'Actually, you're my last one, it's my shop and you're on my way home so I thought I'd drop it off, you sure you don't mind me having a drink? I could murder a beer!'. Tony smiled inside, there was no way he was going to leave any sooner than he had to.

'Of course mate, go grab yourself one from the fridge.'. Rob pointed to the kitchen and turned to grin at Emma when he left. 'Hey wifey' he whispered.

'I panicked!'. She whispered back, 'Im dressed like this, there's clothes everywhere, you were just sitting there, it seemed like the obvious thing to say, and I know what you're doing, but it isn't going to work, no way am I losing this one now!'

Rob knew she was competitive, but he was surprised by just how much she was. Here she was, in her lingerie, Infront of him and a stranger and she was more determined than ever, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. 'I don't know, you're looking a bit nervous there'. He teased, 'not sure he believes we're married, and if he realises this is a dare, you lose!'.

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