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Taking Step-daughter to College Pt. 03

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Things heat up at home during spring break.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/19/2015
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It was late March; I was headed up to Western to pick-up Karen and her roommate Teri. They were forgoing the craziness in Florida for spring break. I promised them a new enclosed hot tub and last week the construction crew finished on time. It was a large sunroom and bathhouse adjacent to the house. It housed an eight person hot tub, a sauna and steam room. In the summer, all of the windows could be opened and be used as a changing area for our large in-ground pool. There was still a little snow on the ground, so the opening of the pool wasn't happening until at least the first of May.

Driving up, I began thinking about getting both Karen and her roommate in that hot tub. I started getting hard just thinking about seeing one of them perched up on the ledge, while the other ate her out and I fucked the one doing the eating. I shook my head and tried to concentrate on my driving. About sixty miles outside of Western, it began snowing. My luck, other than summer and the time Patti and I went up to visit Karen, I was caught in a snow storm, what the hell! Twenty miles out, the entire interstate was at a crawl. We were moving at about fifteen miles an hour. I pushed my voice activated button on my steering wheel and I spoke out; "Call Karen on her cell."

The speaker repeated; "Calling Karen on her cell." It rang twice and a giggling Karen answered it; "Hi dad, where are you? This place is deserted except for Teri and me, the only other people that are here is the maintenance staff. They're starting on the main floor and have begun painting the hallways and re-waxing the floors."

"I just pasted mile marker 92, it says Battle Creek and your exit isn't until mile marker 78. The biggest problem is the weather, AGAIN! Why is it, every time I take you or pick you up, it's a fucking snowstorm. You know you're a jinks for me, don't you?"

"Ah daddy, but I love youuuuuu! Please take it easy, you're right it is snowing like a bitch out there. We were so involved with tidying up and packing, I didn't even think to look out the window."

"So tell me Karen, how does a bitch snow look like? Listen I'm going to hang up now. I'll call again when I hit your exit; otherwise I should be there in about an hour unless the traffic gets worse."

"Again daddy, take your time, if we have to we can spend the night here and hopefully leave in the morning for home."

"Mmmm sounds interesting Karen, I remember the last time I spent the night in your dorm room. I better hang-up now or I might lose control."

She giggled, I love that giggle; "Oh dad, you can be so nasty sometimes, I love that about you, now go and please be careful."

She hung up before I could respond. A mile or so up, we were at a dead stop. We crawled for another mile and there was a pile-up on the right side. Once we cleared that, we were back up to forty and I was at Karen's exit in no time. I called her and told her I was there. She was glad, seeing it took longer than anticipated. I told her about the accident and by the time I hung-up, I was pulling into her dorm parking lot. I ran out, through the blizzard and shook off the snow in the vestibule. I took the stairs to her floor and she was waiting at the opened door. I stopped and looked at her luscious figure. She was wearing short, shorts and a ribbed white tank-top. It was evident, she was braless, her nipples and large aeroules were winking at me like two high beamed headlights.

She threw her arms around me and didn't give me a fatherly kiss, rather her lips descended on mine and as I parted my lips, her tongue slipped into my mouth and fenced with mine.

All of a sudden a voice came from inside the room; "Hey Karen, let the poor man at least get in and get his coat off before you attack him."

We broke our kiss and Teri was upon me just as I tossed my coat onto Gwen's neatly made bed. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pressed her tiny tits against my chest and as she kissed me, I could feel her fingers wrap around my already hardening cock. She moaned into my mouth and breaking the kiss, she nuzzled my neck and nibbled at my ear; "Mmmm, seems like someone is happy to see us Karen."

To make a long story short, we never made it out for dinner. The two of them stripped me and made me watch the two of them play with each other. Afterwards, they crawled over to me and sucked and fucked my brains out. By the end of the night, I came three times and they came countless times. Unable to go on any further, I forced them to sleep alone in their beds. I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

Morning came early, the sun was out and a warm front came through and everything was melting I turned in Gwen's bed and found out I wasn't alone. Clearing the sleep from my eyes I looked at her, she was sleeping on her back, the sheet and blankets had slipped down and her upper body was bare. It was evident to me, she was a true redhead. Her dormant nipples were a rosy red and her huge aeroules were a bright pink. The cool air in the room caused tens of tiny bumps surrounding her nipple to perk up.

I began to salivate and I was unable to resist. I slipped the blankets lower and saw a tiny patch of dark red hair framing her equally pink pussy. I leaned over and let out a puff of hot air cover her one nipple. I followed up with a puff of cool air. I watched as the flat nipple began to perk up. I smiled and repeated what I just did and it grew stiffer. She shifted slightly and as I did it again, the nipple was now completely stiff and a tiny moan escaped her lips. I lowered my head and slowly ran my tongue around the pink and red tip. I heard her moan louder and as I flicked my tongue back and forth, all of a sudden, I felt a pair of hands clutch at my head and press it harder against her tit.

My hand slid down her peaches and cream body and I slid my finger through that red bush. I parted her tight lips and as I dipped my finger into her moistening hole, her legs squeezed my hand and held it there. I wasn't about to pull it away. I sucked harder on her stiff bud and moved over to its partner and gave it the same treatment.

Gwen rolled her head from side to side, her long red hair tangled about her face and she looked down at me, those mesmerizing green eyes sparkled and urged me on.

I released her tit and began peppering her milky white skin, now flushed with excitement. I scooted down and replaced my hand with my mouth. I was spun around and I threw a leg over her shoulders and slipping a little higher, I positioned my rock hard cock above her parted lips. I let that be and attacked her pussy, it was now wet as can be from my fingers and I resumed my assault on her pussy with my lips and tongue. As I darted my tongue in and out I stopped and tensed up as I felt her lips close around my cock and felt her lips slide further down my length. I held my breath and tensed up as her tongue got into the mix as she flicked it around and about. I let out a groan when she stabbed at the hole at the tip of my cock.

I had to take my mind off what she was doing or I'd lose it, Karen was right, she was an expert cocksucker. I flicked my tongue up and down her slit and coming up to her clit, I uncovered the hooded clit and softly drew it between my lips. I flattened my tongue and began taking long, slow swipes up and down the stiff bud. I felt her tighten her legs around my head and thrust her hips upward at the same time. I felt her let out a long sigh and suddenly my mouth was flooded with her tasty cream. Her legs relaxed and suddenly I felt her mouth speed up. I was not going to last long with what she was doing. She used only her index finger and thumb, but tightening it around my shaft, she began stroking me like a house afire. Her lips closed around the upper portion of my cock and bobbed faster and she sucked harder. I let out a long groan and started filling her mouth with my cum. I could feel her swallowing and take all I could give her.

After a minute or so, I rose up and popped my cock out of her mouth. Kneeling up, I spun around and flopped down beside her. I looked up and saw Teri and Karen on Teri's bed; their heads were buried between one another's legs, sucking one another to an orgasm. I looked down at Gwen and swept some of her hair from her face; "You know Gwen, one of these days we're going to have to fuck. This is the second time we got each other off orally. I'm beginning to wonder if you even like to fuck."

She let out a breath of air, chuckling at the same time; "Oh don't you worry John, ask your daughter and Teri, they'll tell you, I live to fuck, but that again will have to wait. I have to be heading home. I tried last night, but had to turn around. The interstate was closed down and I barely made it back here. From what I see out there now, we should be okay to get out of here."

"Listen Gwen, what are your plans after graduation? What's your major and what are your ambitions once you get out of Western?"

"I'm working at a criminal justice degree. When I get out of here, I'm hoping to go to U of M and get a degree in law."

"You know I graduated from there, do you have a job lined up for the summer?"

She shook her head; "No I was looking to clerk somewhere near home, but no luck yet."

"Oh sorry to hear that Gwen, where is home?"

I'm from Columbus, no prospects there for the summer."

"Ugh Ohio, why didn't you try your luck at Ohio State?"

"I wanted the best and U of M is the best in the area, you know a wolverine is mighty vicious."

I chuckled; "Yeah I know, Ohio State a Buckeye, who names themselves after a useless nut? Well let me check, I might be able to get you a clerking assignment at my firm, no promises, but I'll check. If I get you the job, maybe you could stay at our place and room with Karen again."

She hugged me and rained kisses all over my face; "Oh thank you Mr. Phelps; that would be great."

I laughed; "What's with the Mr. Phelps all of a sudden?"

She giggled; "Well if I'm going to be working under you, Mmmm that sounds yummy, I better use your formal name, don't you think?"

I turned to Karen and Teri, they were just finishing up and they nodded, Karen smiled at us; "That would be great, we could really have a blast during the summer together." Teri grabbed her by the hand and the two of them hurried to the bathroom to shower. I turned back to Gwen; "Looks like we have some time, what about that fuck now?"

She smiled and patted me on the chest; "I'm heading home alone, I'm out of here. Just to let you know I love driving right after cumming. I can smell my freshly orgasmed pussy and I can taste you on my lips and tongue. That will hold me till I get home to my boyfriend." She hopped out of bed, jumped into a pair of jeans and a bulky knit sweater. Pulling on a pair of calf-high boots, she leaned over gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered; Next time I'm going to ride your gorgeous cock until you flatline!" She patted me on the head and picking up her coat, she ran out the door.

Several minutes later Karen and Teri came out of the bathroom; their lush bodies were wrapped in towels. They walked sexily toward me on the bed. They dropped their towels and stood beside the bed. As they slid onto the bed, I leaped out and ran into the bathroom and locked the door and yelled out to them; "No more Karen, get your ass dressed and when I get out we're heading out to breakfast and them back to the city. Your mother is waiting, so get dressed."

When I got out, I was surprised; they were dressed and sitting demurely waiting for me. I grabbed my clothes and slipped into them. They watched and smiled as I fumbled into my shorts and pants.

We packed the car with both of their suitcases and headed out to breakfast. Things got back to normal and we laughed and talked about everything under the sun. Climbing into the car we headed back to the city, talking and singing all the way we were soon pulling into the driveway.

Karen and Teri ran from the car, the city was snow free and it was warming up. Not warm enough to open the pool yet, but I had the hot tub running, along with the steam room and sauna all set to go.

Patti opened the door and Karen jumped into her arms and they hurried into the house, leaving me to empty the car.

Teri and Karen were in the kitchen. Patti was making sandwiches and she was smiling from ear to ear when she saw me. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hot kiss; "Thanks for bringing my baby home!"

I heard Karen let out a groan; "Mom, I'm not a baby and if you continued to do that, get a room or let Teri and I to join in."

Patti pulled away and held her hand to her mouth; "My god Karen, how about a little decorum. Please behave yourself, especially in from of your guest."

Karen giggled; "Give it a break Mom, Teri knows what happened and if you're lucky, you will get a sample of how good she is too."

Patti turned red and her jaw dropped; "Oh my!" She stopped, smiled and looked to me; "Well Karen, maybe we'll just have to explore that later. I think this is going to be the best spring break ever" She came over and swept her hand through Karen's silky ash blonde hair and cupping the back of her head, lowered her lips to her daughter's and gave her a short, but very hot kiss. She turned to Teri and did the same to her. Pulling her lips from Teri's she ran her thumb along Teri's ripe lower lip; "Mmmm, I think you're right Karen, she is very, very sweet."

When she turned around Jimmy was standing in the kitchen doorway. He was grinning from ear to ear; "Oh don't tell me you've all started without me already?"

Patti smiled at her step-son; "Don't you worry Jimmy, nothing has happened...YET!" She walked over to him and placed her hands on his chest. She looked back to me and I nodded. Her hand slid down and opened his pants and fished his cock out of his pants. She started stroking it and looked over to Karen. "You know John and I came to an agreement. We're now one happy family. How about you coming over here and make it a complete circle?" She held her hand out to Karen, but Karen wasn't ready for this yet. She shook her head and looked to Teri; How about the two of us get our suits on and head out to the hot tub?"

Teri followed Karen upstairs where I already dropped off their suitcases.

I moved over to Patti and took her by the hand; "Come on, why don't the three of us head out and hop in the steam room. I have to say after going all the way out to Western, that winter storm really kicked my ass."

She nodded and the three of us went out into the sunroom. We stripped and stepped into the steam room. Patti came over to me and just clung to me, resting her head on my shoulder. Jimmy could see we wanted to be alone and he stood up; "I'm going to try out the sauna. Right now I think three's a crowd." He turned to Patti; "Thanks for trying with Karen, but she never liked me and I think it's a lost cause."

He left and Patti and I just sat there breathing in the warm moist air. She nearly fell asleep and I now realized why they said never to go into one of these alone. I shook her and she looked up at me; "How about we get out of here, it's getting a little hot, how about trying out the hot tub?"

She nodded and I guided her out of the steam room, the cool air of the three season sunroom hit our hot, naked bodies. I stopped dead in my tracks.

In the hot tub, or should I say halfway in the hot tub, Jimmy was sitting on the edge of the tub. In his hands, he was guiding Teri's dark haired head up and down on his cock. Her ass was up in the air and an equally naked Karen was behind her, her face was buried in Teri's slender ass cheeks; she was slurping wildly at the cunt that was being pushed into her face.

I was instantly stiff as a pipe and climbing into the tub, I lined my cock up with Karen's naked pussy. I pushed and it slowly slipped into her cunt. She let out a loud grunt and lapped away at Teri's cunt even faster. I gripped her hips and began pounding into her. I was making some serious waves in the hot tub and Karen let out a shriek as the waves splashed against her face and washed over her mouth as she tried to eat Teri.

I looked over at Jimmy. He had urged Patti over to the edge of the tub and having her lay out flat, he ate away at her pussy while Teri continued to suck his cock. "My god Patti, I never realized how hot Karen was. Seeing her eat pussy, I can't wait to fuck her and see her eat your cunt. Teri here isn't so bad either, she sure can suck cock."

"Jimmy, just shut the fuck up and eat my pussy. Seeing all of this sex, I can't hold off too long!"

I slowed my fucking of Karen's juicy pussy. I just took in all of the sex going on and I knew this was going to be a nice long spring break. Just then I heard the doorbell going off; "Fuck, who could that be now?" I patted Karen on the ass; "Don't go anywhere Karen; I have to chase away whoever is at the door!" I pulled out of her and it was like pulling out of a rubber glove. I held my breath and shaking my head, stepped out of the tub.

Over on the wall, Patti luckily had several long, plush terrycloth robes. I slipping into one and secured it with the wide belt. I patted to the front door, whoever it was, was very persistent; "Hold your horses, I'm coming!" I threw open the door prepared to give whoever was there hell. I stopped dead in my tracks as Patti's mother pushed past me.

"God damn it John, it's about fucking time, it may be getting warmer, but I'm freezing my fucking ass off out here!"

I tried to stop her but she threw off her coat and rubbed her hands together. "Where the fuck is my daughter and grand-daughter? I know you went to Western to pick her up. I wanted to say hi. I haven't seen her since Christmas."

I first have to describe Nancy; she had Patti when she was fourteen. That makes her forty-nine, just let me tell you she could easily pass for Patti's slightly older sister. If you ever saw Nina Hartley, the blonde porn-star, well Nancy makes Nina look like Nancy's mother. She's really a cross between Lisa Ann and Darla Crane. She had the body and allure of Lisa Ann and the demeanor of Darla. Her long light brown hair is as long as Darla's and it was resting on her huge fake tits, down past her tiny waist and all the way to her tight wide ass. It was made for fucking and that ass matched Lisa Ann's. She was wearing a wrap-around dress that hid very little and when she started looking around the house for Karen and Patti, I tried to stop her; "Nancy, this isn't the right time now. I wish you would have called before coming over, you know how Patti gets upset about you just dropping in. Oh by the way, you wouldn't be so fucking cold mother-in-law, if you wore something warmer and something that covered those humungous tits of yours!"

She came over to me; "Why should I John, you're always staring at them, I thought I'd let you get a good look at them! Now where the fuck are they?" She brushed past me and went towards the back of the house. She stepped over to the door to the sunroom and stopped dead in her tracks and I could a loud intake of her breath. She just stood there and watched what was unfolding before her.

Teri was sitting on the edge of the hot tub, she had her head thrown back and Patti was between her wide-spread thighs. She was lapping away at her tiny, juicy pussy. Patti was bent over and Jimmy was behind her. He was creating waves in the tub the way I was when I was fucking Karen just a few minutes ago. Karen was standing beside Jimmy, her hands were sliding all over his body and at the same time, she had her face buried in his neck, kissing and licking away. She would throw her head back every once in a while as Jimmy dipped his idle hand between her thighs to finger he pussy.

Nancy was still standing there, her breathing was coming now in gasps and I knew was the time to strike, when the iron was hot, steaming hot.

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