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Taking the Consequences


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The second cop withdrew from my used hole, chuckling with his friends as he moved off of me. My head fell back as the cock in my mouth left, too. Dazed and oddly empty, I panted for breath, waiting for the last guy to empty himself inside me. What was one more load of cum at this point?

I felt my legs dragged toward the edge of the bed. The last cop flipped me over. Shoving my face into the pillow, he lifted my hips into the air and plunged in. My grunt was muffled into the sheets. He didn't take long, probably too worked up in my mouth. A few minutes of hard thrusting and his cock jerked against the walls of my overflowing pussy. So much cum poured out of me when he let me go. I really felt like a slut now. Sure, I hadn't wanted any of them to use me, but I couldn't deny how hot it had been or how satisfied my pussy felt. I was as much drunk on lust as alcohol, my brain floating in a languid pool of pleasure. Honestly, if a few more guys had mounted me right then, I probably wouldn't have minded.

As he uncuffed me, one of the cops said, "Hope you learned your lesson. If not, maybe we'll see you again."

As cum cooled between my legs, I found myself wondering how soon I could find another loud party. It couldn't be that difficult.

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AntsinthejungleAntsinthejungleabout 1 month ago

I enjoy this too author, great job.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

are non con stories about rape and the victims feeling good about it?

Philanderson8080Philanderson80803 months ago

Not your best story. Meh

BaztrachianBaztrachian3 months ago

Okay when I say "Fuck the police" that's not what I meant! LOL!

Great story, five stars!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story. Loved it alot.

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