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Taking the Shoot Ch. 05

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A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot.
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Part 5 of the 12 part series

Updated 01/22/2024
Created 10/19/2023
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Chapter 5

A model takes a part in a FF bondage wrestling shoot

Sharon still had this funny look on her face. I tried to categorize it as an actor. Her smile just went... crooked or something. Like she was staring at me like a piece of meat. No! Not meat. My brain clicked to the right word. Prey! My pitiful gagged queries to be let go only seemed to increase the oddity of the looks that flitted across her face.

"MppphFF! MFFFF!" I garbled through the tape on my mouth.

She just grinned more uncertainly.

"You were really good today, MJ. I'll give that to you. You have talent. You made this film better than almost any others we have made." She looked thoughtful. "Lisa is exploring new horizons upstairs so we have some time, I think. How about we see about exploring new worlds for you too?"

I froze completely when she said that, trying to get my head around what she meant.

I found out almost instantly.

She bent, grabbed the drag handles of the mat I lay on and pulled forcefully with her legs. The mats were coated in plastic. They slid easily and she pulled it, with me still on top of it, to a nearby door which she opened forcefully with a hip.

"Mmmm! Mmmm! Ngggn!" I yelled surprised, but suddenly fully aware that I was completely helpless on that mat.

I tried to roll sideways off the mat. Too late.

She folded each corner of the mat up in a flash so that I now looked like a hot dog in a bun. With a strong series of yanks, she dragged the whole kit and caboodle of me and the mat through the choke point of the doorway and into the next room. She flicked on lights and I realized the room there was rigged similarly to the room we had just been in. This room though had thick white panels on all the walls, the door and the ceiling too. She slammed the thick looking door shut and as I watched through wide eyes, she threw a heavy bolt to lock it. No one was coming in without a battering ram.

She turned and looked down at me with an ironic look.

"So... don't worry about anything lass. This room is different from that room only by the soundproofing. The house's owner was a musician and wanted to record his music pure without background noise. No noises escape from in here either. It is just you and me and we won't be disturbed. You can yell a lot...I've... eh...tested how well it works a couple times." She smirked this last bit while I stared at her helplessly with wide eyes over a sea of gray tape that covered my lower face.

"Of course, this room is only for selected cast and crew after the last film of the day. This is where we film the special parts to our little movies. The second part as it were. Part deux. After regular filming is the best time when we can arrange some alone time with a model. Congratulations! We have chosen you." She said brightly. "Don't worry, MJ. You will get paid in full for your first performance...and then again also for any sequel filming like this, dear. We are honest. I pay double rate actually for sequels just so you know. A nice chunk of change for you!"

She went to the camera tripods and obviously activated them along with the photography lights while I squirmed about. I lifted my head at the neck and yelled urgently at her through my gagging. She ignored my muffled shrieks and any restless twitching about I was managing.

Then she turned back, pulled my mat to what was obviously the hot shot spot and then stood above me grinning down.

Then she looked up straight into the Camera.

"Of course, we all know MJ here has learned her lesson by being forcefully bound and gagged. But that isn't all she has to do to make things up to me. MJ as a few other tasks to perform before we make up from our... earlier disagreement. But we will! We will. Even though MJ is bound and gagged and helpless, we are going to find some common ground and learn to stay friends here in Lesbian Housewives Wrestle Bondage -- Part Two!" She ended brightly.

She gave her most cheeky grin and then reached back and casually untied her own top and let it drop to the floor. Her breasts were in full view now and her brown nipples were hard little pebbles that poked out. Without hesitation, she hooked thumbs in her bikini bottom and she pulled it down too and stepped out of it in a fluid motion.

Unlike most regular models she wasn't completely shaved and had a neat triangular bush.

"Oh look!" She said in mock astonishment to the audience. "I am completely nude! How could that have happened? Frankly it is hot and sweaty work wrestling old MJ here to the mats...and tying her up. She gave me quite a fight." She hesitated a moment. "Oh! And gagging her too! I like to relax a bit after working so hard. Well..." She shrugged broadly."... fair is fair. I feel that MJ here shouldn't be dressed when I have to go around naked. Do you?" She spoke directly to the camera. Then she looked right at me. "After all, she lost the bondage challenge. And losers don't dictate the terms of their surrender, do they? Time to strip her!"

She knelt and deliberately rolled me onto my side. She meant it. I arched my body back and forth frantically in protest while she gripped my shoulder and held me there so the whole world could watch.

"MmmmF! Mmmmm! MMMMMF!" I cried as she very slowly and deliberately untied my bikini top between my shoulder blades and the back of my neck. She eased it off me through the blocking ropes and pinned limbs.

I was shaking my head and yelling 'Ngn! Ngh!" As my top came free, I felt my tits settle to the side as I lay there. They were not huge and as a model I felt they would still look great in that position, but it was hard to concentrate on professional considerations while some woman was stripping me against my will.

She let me flop onto my back again then.

My breasts were now on full view of the cameras. To be frank my pink nips on them were hard too, though how much was fright and how much was how I had enjoyed some of the things that had happened before, I could not say. I have long nipples and they looked obscene poking up at the sky like two thick pencil erasers.

She smiled at me and then kneeling again she put her hands on one of the bikini bottom ties at my hip and pulled the knot open.

"Oops!" She said mockingly, looking right at my glaring face. "The knot came undone. You can see the naked flesh on your hip. Wow! Hope the other knot is OK. Let me check it for you..." She reached across my hips, clearly intent on untying the bow on the other hip. I pulled frantically on my tied wrists. Nothing new happened. I had a small amount of give in the ropes above the balls of duct tape where my fists should be and I wiggled them to hit weakly at her hands and discourage her. Utterly ineffectual, but the only protest I had. It only made her giggle and move to sit down on my lower belly. She reached up slowly, gently and delicately and staring into my eyes as she untied the knot on my left hip "Oh-oh! Wardrobe malfunction!" She played to the camera. "Looks like MJ's bikini bottom has come loose. Let me help her fix it." She began to methodically extricate the swim suit bottom from under that damned crotch rope. It wasn't easy. There was a lot of rope down there and I was trying with my duct tape fist mitten hands to block her the whole time. I wriggled my whole body in protest and made muffled pleas for her to stop all the while. Intensely aware of the gusset material as it dragged across my labia and clitoris.

I was wriggling and going 'Mphf! Mphf! Mphf!' again and again trying to stop her.

Eventually she had my bikini bottom free and held it up by the waistband triumphantly to let the camera 'see' it.

I couldn't think why.

With my legs bent so that my ankles almost touched my ass, the whole world would be staring at my pink lips down below and not at my cloths. I was completely shaved down there. Modern model style. They would be looking at my little pink girl cootchie with only ropes to block people's view.

The idea scared me and I jerked and pulled desperately at the ropes. I could do nothing else with my fingers immobilized in their balls of tape. I already knew none of her knots would give, but I was desperate. I clapped my legs, slapping my and positioned my feet closed to mask my labia from the camera.

I groaned, shaking my head in public denial that this was actually happening to me.

Sharon smiled sympathetically.

She leaned in and stroked my forehead sympathetically.

"Poor, MJ." She cooed. "You are so tied up. So helpless. So very helpless. "

I could only lay the panting rapidly though my nose.

She moved her hands to my cheeks on top of the sides fo the tape gag.

"It's OK, MJ." She said looking into my eyes softly. "I know that losing a wrestling match and being bound and gagged are difficult for you. You think I will be mean to you now. Don't you? I won't. I'll be very gentle."

I wanted to cry then in the worst way, but I couldn't. My nose was the only way I could breathe and I knew that filling it with snot would be fatal. I admit I scrunched up my face though and looked up at her with wet eyes and the best puppy dog look I could muster.

"Aww!" She said looking half sympathetic. "I know. I know. You feel so helpless. Out of control. So unable to free yourself. You need my help, but are too proud to ask for it. I will try and motivate you." She dropped her hands to my breasts. She caressed them ever so gently. Ran her fingertips like feathers across them. Delicately pinched the nipples, pulling them softly with her fingertips and then smiling up at me...leaned down ever so slowly until her mouth was hovering over them.

I grunted and jerked hard. It was hopeless. Worse, I suddenly became uncomfortably aware that she was using me like a chair. Her legs straddled my hips and her buttocks were planted on my bent thighs and my wrists, bound to the bottom of my belly were pressed up hard into her crotch.

A naked crotch.

A naked female crotch.

Out of sheer straight woman instinct I jerked on the wrists at the realization. Then again. Then again. Fighting the idea that my breasts were being teased by a non-male.

She had been arching her body forward until them, but raised up then with her eyes hooded half closed and a quiet little 'Oh!' of clear delight. She had enjoyed the movements of my taped fists! I realized that my moving my hands around I was jerking her off by trying to free myself! Dragging duct tape across her spread labia.

I froze solid, staring up at her with a stricken look on my face. Balanced between my only mode or protest and the fact that she was going to enjoy herself if I continued.

She opened her eyes again and looked down at me rather lovingly.

"Oh hooooh! You naughty little thing." She said. "You knew that would excite me. That felt kind of nice." She sat staring down at me as if curious.

I shook my head violently from side to side in denial.

"Keep it up for another couple minutes and I will untie you."

I shook my head more violently at her then. I couldn't do something so overtly lesbian.

"Uhh uhhh!" I cried through my gag.

She just grinned.

"OK... Don't say I didn't make you an offer to make it easier on yourself though!" She leaned forward then puckering her lips she ever so gently sucked my left nipple into her mouth. She did is slowly so that I had to watch as the pink nub went between her lips. The watch more as the lips ever so gently pulled on the nipple. Then watch some more as her teeth nipped it...just grazing it. I whimpered. I had thought that my nipples were hard, but now they soon stood up like cannons. Then she tongued first one and then other using just the tip of her surprisingly long tongue.

As a straight woman I was used to men.

Some of them are good.

A few are very good.

Sharon though was better than anyone I had ever had tease my breasts. Men tend to hurry. She was deliberately slow and endlessly gentle. It was softly erotic. A total contrast to our recent wrestling match when she had been tough and unforgiving while she trussed me up.

As she continued, every now and then I could not help myself. I would jerk my wrists or kick my legs the inch or two they could actually kick inside the limits of the rope. It was the only protest I had left to me. I wasn't that what she was doing felt bad. I was simply that I was a straight girl and she was doing lesbian stuff to me. I couldn't believe it! I guess some corner of me expected Lisa to come in and save me. She was my back up. My safety net. But the door was locked and we were in a soundproof room.

There was no way Lisa would even know I was in here. Not that in my heart of hearts I really expected her to show up. She was upstairs. With Fred. Fred the stud. Who Sharon intimated was into this bondage thing. I tried to envision her coming to save me, but the picture of her as avenging angel shifted quickly into something that was probably closer to reality. A vision of her lying hogtied upstairs while a naked Fred pounded away his hard penis in and out of her from behind as her fat rounded ass cheeks wobbled away and she screamed out in pleasure.

And then the image went away and I was left here with a woman teasing me. No hard cock for me to night. I had knocked her hair clips off earlier and by now her long brown hair had cascaded down. Each time she moved her head the hair dragged across my skin, raising goose bumps. It was like being feathered or caressed with silk scarves.

Just between you and me it felt good.

I couldn't admit it, but it did.

I jerked my poor helpless wrists again and I felt Sharon's breath catch and she moaned a bit. She was turned on! I moved my duct tape balled hands and felt them scrape across her inner thighs. Bumping them into her naked slit.

"Oh! Yes!" She said, then returned to moving her lips and hair lower along my ribs.

I shook my head.

"Ngh! Lmmm gggh!" I yelled into my gag as her lips reached the area of my bound wrists, tied to that belly rope.

She looked up at me. She grinned that grin.

"You want me let you go?"

I nodded my head sharply in agreement.

She laughed.

"Sorry love. Not for a while. You have to earn it see? I like your nipples though. They are adorable. So hard. Beautiful! I could chew on them for hours, but I imagine you need to really give in to make up for losing our match!"

Honestly, while she had been teasing my breasts, I had kind of forgotten that the cameras were on. When she delivered that line, it suddenly crashed back in on me. I was being molested by a lesbian on video!

I whimpered and shook my head frantically from side to side. I so wanted to cry, but didn't dare.

"MppphhhhhhhhhhhH!" I screamed into my gag and shook my head more and more in frustration. "Mpph. Mppph. Mppph!" I kept grunting again and again in denial.

She just smiled serenely at me.

"You are really excited, aren't you?" She giggled. "Of course, the source of your excitement isn't yet where we want to be coming from is it?" He hesitated looking thoughtful, the snapped her fingers. "I've got it. I can think of something that will increase your excitement.

I stared up at her in doe eyed disbelief.

She got to her feet, went over and fetched her bikini bottom... then deliberately picked up mine for good measure. Then she walked back over to where I lay naked and suddenly feeling utterly vulnerable. She smiled down at me, but I knew she was carefully positioning her body so the camera would catch her front on. Then she stepped over me and stood there with bikini bottoms clenched in each hand and balled into fists on her hips. I was staring back up the length of her body again. This time, with no bottom on I was staring right into her hairy naked crotch. Her lips below on clear view. She saw me looking and winked at me. She leaned down and forcefully rolled me onto my side to that the cameras would get a full on shot of my naked and bound body. I whimpered and tried to roll onto my front to hide my breasts and privates, but she held me there with little effort while I strained in shame. I craned my neck around and looked up at her pleadingly. She smiled yet again, carefully put one knee on the mat on either side of my body even with my tits and shoulder blades at the back. The move pinned me on my side then so I couldn't roll one way or the other on my own.

It should have worried me, but didn't because I was too distracted by something else. She had settled a fair amount of weight onto me and I was suddenly aware that her labia were mashing into my upper arm. I could feel another woman's pussy against my flesh. It freaked me out a little.

"Mmmh! Mmmh!" I cried into that damned duct tape gagging me and kicked my legs as best I could. Then I stopped because I suddenly realized it would look like I was humping my nude mound right at the camera audience purposefully.

I craned my head back up to look at her, pleading with my eyes again. She actually dragged her hips forwards and back on my arm. Then again. Then again. She did it deliberately. I could feel heat and wetness slicking my arm. I moaned. She was getting off on humping on me!

She twisted her body toward the camera.

"MJ has this thing for my smell. My scent!" She improvised staring at the audience buried in the camera. "I like to help her out. I am kind to her -- spreading my scent on her." She held up her bikini bottom by the elastic towards the camera. "If you watched Lesbian Housewives Wrestle Bondage Part 1 you know this was my bikini bottom. That wrestling match was hard work. MJ put up quite a fight. I was sweating the whole time pretty hard. I imagine it smells pretty strongly of me." She looked down at me then. "I imagine it smells of my crotch too." She dropped her voice into a seductive bass. "I imagine it is a smell that MJ longs for now. Don't you girl?"

I shook my head frantically from side to side, but I really had no idea where she was heading. Then she solved the mystery.

She leaned forward and in a swift move she stretched the elastic of the bottom and dragged it over my head.

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