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A Private Lesson You Won't Forget 01

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Miss Scarlet has big plans for her student over the break.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/31/2024
Created 08/24/2024
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Another piece inspired by the amazing content of the lovely Scarlet/ 'fortheloveofgloves'.


Change is important. Change is necessary. It is a natural part of life.

But sometimes, true, lasting change requires more than a little outside help.

A fact you'd come to learn the hard way this semester.

After Miss Scarlet had taken you over her knee like the disobedient child you clearly were- let alone made you lick your cum off her boots when all was said and done, it was as if your entire sense of self had shifted. There was no longer any room for misbehaving, back-talk or the like, and not simply in her class. After all, Miss Scarlet had made it abundantly clear after your actions in Miss Moore's class that she would happily punish you for anything you did outside of her classroom as well.

And so you remained on your best behavior.

Your grades certainly didn't suffer from this abrupt change- if anything, they were better than they'd been in years. But you'd be lying if you said you didn't notice the looks your classmates sent your way every once in a while. Annoying as your antics could be, it was clear plenty of them had grown somewhat accustomed to your tomfoolery, and to see you so suddenly forgo any such things raised more than a few eyebrows as time went on.

Yet you dared not even consider reverting to your old ways, even if you wanted to.

That would make Miss Scarlet rather cross, and you didn't want that.

So you kept your head down, did your work, answered whenever called upon, and generally played the part of the good, attentive student. But all it took was a look from Miss Scarlet or Miss Moore to remind you of your place. A place they would gladly put you in again if ever the need arose.

For a while, however, no such thing seemed to be required. And you assumed that, perhaps, you just might be able to ride out the rest of the semester without any issues.

At least, until the final week before the study break.

It was the day before school let out, and you began your day with Miss Scarlet's class. And as had been the case- especially since the weather had grown rather chilly these last few months, she arrived bundled up in a warm fur-lined jacket, but it was when she removed it that you got your first inkling that something was amiss.

Along with nylon-clad legs, carefully shown off beneath a knee-length black skirt and a rather prim and proper black silken top, she was wearing the most exquisite gloves you had ever seen. Shoulder-length black and red snakeskin wrapped its way along her smooth arms, drawing your eyes to them even as Miss Scarlet's own were locked firmly on you.

After a moment of taking in the sight of her gloves, you noticed her, and though she didn't say a word, you felt yourself melting beneath the intensity of her gaze.

Others in the room may have found themselves staring at her, but none for the reasons you were. There was no lust in your gaze, no desire. Only obedience, and she was well aware of it.

The morning's lesson went on as it tended to, but just as it let up, you noted Miss Scarlet eyeing you intently and, with a motion of her gloved finger, beckoned you to her desk.

Everyone else was gone, the classroom silent, and you found yourself once more alone with Miss Scarlet, your body shaking as your mind raced, trying in vain to think of what you may have said or done to bring about what you could only assume was going to be another lesson.

But not this time.

"Do you have any plans for the study break?" She asked, her tone stern and commanding and her words betraying nothing.

You considered her question for a moment. In truth, you had nothing important on the docket. The usual resting and relaxing to be certain, but nothing that could be deemed 'plans'. So you shook your head, causing her red lips to purse together in an all-too-familiar wicked smirk.

"Good... Then your presence is required over the break. I am in need of a... teacher's assistant for a rather... important project. Can I count on you?"

Something about her choice of words got your blood pumping, as did the slightly seductive look in her beautiful eyes. Even if she hadn't already managed to break you as thoroughly as she had during your spanking, the power she clearly held over you would have been more than enough to get you to agree.

And so you did.

"Perfect," she continued with a smile. "You are to meet me here Sunday evening. Pack lightly, though I must admit I have my doubts that you'll require all that much for this particular project."

Then she sent you on your way, although you'd be lying if you said that you found yourself able to think of anything else for the rest of that day, let alone the weekend that followed. Miss Scarlet's words, as well as the subtext that even you clearly noted in them, filled your mind with countless thoughts and worries and fantasies.

But none of them could possibly compare to what she had in mind.

Friday turned to Saturday and Saturday bled into Sunday, and the school cleared out of all but a few students and faculty who seemingly had nowhere else to go over the course of the break.

And you?

You found yourself counting the hours until you were expected to be waiting outside the building in which Miss Scarlet taught.

Eventually, you set out, arriving by the doors with a small bag. Unsure of what was expected of you, you packed a few changes of clothes, basic toiletries and the like, and waited patiently for her to appear.

The door opened several minutes later, revealing Miss Scarlet dressed much the same as she had during class, your eyes immediately drawn to those magnificent gloves just as they had been the first time you'd seen them coiled around her arms.

But she was not alone.

Someone else was standing beside her. Someone you had not expected to see again outside of their own classroom.

Miss Moore.

She too was well-dressed, both for the weather and likely for whatever they had planned for you. A pair of wrist-length brown leather driving gloves covered her hands and the brown leather ankle boots you'd been forced to kiss after your spanking peeked out from the bottom of her tight black jeans.

Though she did not say a word, Miss Moore still gave you a rather cross look- still somewhat salty from the actions which had led to your previous punishment. But more than that, she pointed at her boots with a gloved finger, and after a moment, you realized precisely what was expected of you.

As there was no one else around, the idea of doing this was not nearly as humiliating as it could've been otherwise. Even so, it took you a few seconds to lower yourself in such a way that you could press your lips against the cool brown leather, kissing each boot gently on the toe before doing the same to Miss Scarlet's knee-high black leather pair.

"Very good," Miss Scarlet said, pushing you back with the toe of her boot. "Now come along. We have a rather long drive ahead of us."

Pushing the door behind her open, she pointed with a red and black gloved finger. "Be a dear and carry our bags."

Inside, you spotted three rather large suitcases. With a sigh, you slid your own bag over your shoulder, then carefully took hold of them and followed the already moving Miss Scarlet and Miss Moore down the steps, away from the building, and into the school's parking lot.

Again, you were thankful that no one else was around, with nearly everyone on their way home or on trips for the week. There was no one there to witness your continued subservience, let alone the beginning of the next stage of your submission. You breathed a sigh of relief, even though your mind continued to reel with concern and curiosity about just what it was you had agreed to.

For one thing, you hadn't expected Miss Moore to be involved in whatever it was, and now that she was there, you could only assume that whatever was to follow would be... Well, a continuation of what had come before. And although you couldn't conceive of what you may have done to bring about such a thing, you knew there was really nothing you could do about it.

Especially once you reached Miss Scarlet's car, placed the bags in the trunk, and slid into the back seat.

Miss Scarlet and Miss Moore slipped into the driver and passenger seats respectively, and with the turn of a key the car sprang to life, and you could only stare out the window as it began to drive away from the school, as well as the world you'd known before.

For the first little while, you sat in silence, even as your mind practically screamed out question after question. Where were you going? What were you going to do there? Why were you needed for whatever it was?

Yet as much as you wished to ask those and plenty of others, you didn't dare speak out of turn.

How things had truly changed.

After about an hour of driving through the city and the countryside, you found yourself unable to hold back. But you don't blurt out your query- instead, you quietly raised your hand in the back seat, and waited for Miss Scarlet to spot it in the rearview mirror.

"Yes?" She asked quietly, her eyes moving from the mirror back to the road.

"Where are we going?" You whisper, deciding that question would be the best one to ask.

Perhaps it was due to your patience, or the simple fact that your voice was as quiet as could be, but Miss Scarlet smiled warmly at you in the rearview mirror before stopping the car and looking back. "To a very special place. It's private, so we shan't be disturbed... It belongs to Miss Vera, a close acquaintance of mine. She was quite happy to provide it once she learned what sort of lesson plan I had in mind..."

Something about hearing her refer to whatever you'd agreed to as a 'lesson plan' sent shivers down your spine, and your face seemed to betray your emotions seeing as Miss Scarlet giggled at your reaction. "Don't fret, I have nothing planned that you can't handle... Besides, you aren't the only one who'll be learning something this week.":

Before starting the car again, you noticed Miss Scarlet glance over at Miss Moore, who smiled as well, although you didn't understand just what they were getting at. Not that it mattered- there were no further questions, nor opportunities to ask them, and the remainder of the drive was spent in silence.

After nearly two hours, Miss Scarlet drove the car up a long path, into the driveway of a rather large, opulent mansion quite a ways away from the nearest town or village. Wherever you were, it was certainly private, and even once the car had stopped, you found yourself completely and utterly taken aback by the sight of where you'd found yourself.

Without a word, you opened your door and, instinctively, did the very same to the passenger and drivers for your teachers.

Miss Moore stifled yet another laugh with her gloved hand, but Miss Scarlet simply smirked. Your face went as red as her gloves- unsure as to what drove you to do such a thing, yet unable to take it back. Perhaps it was simply further proof of the effectiveness of Miss Scarlet's previous lessons, you couldn't be certain.

The popping of the trunk pushed aside all such questions, and you carefully removed their suitcases as well as your pack, then followed them up the path towards the mansion's front door.

While you waited for Miss Scarlet to open it, you briefly took in the sight of your surroundings. The mansion really was quite secluded, though you could see a small building in the distance, as well as a large garage and the fencing of a swimming pool in the backyard.

After a moment the door was pushed open, and the three of you stepped inside. Once again, your eyes widened as you drank in the rather ornate surroundings within. Marble floors, chandeliers, expensive artwork and the like filled the main floor, and for a moment or two, you question just why Miss Scarlet would bring you or anyone to a place like this.

Then she shut and locked the door, and you immediately found out.

"First things first," she began, turning her attention to you. "While we are staying here, you won't be needing any clothes. Strip down and put your things in your pack. Now."

For several seconds, you could only stare wide-eyed and slack-jawed at her command, but Miss Scarlet's stern gaze was all it took for you to realize that she was deathly serious. And, much as a part of you didn't want to, you quickly did as you were told, slowly stripping off your coat, shirt, trousers, socks and boxers.

Before you knew it, you were stark naked in front of Miss Scarlet and Miss Moore, the latter eyeing your exposed form hungrily. Beneath their gaze, you slipped your clothes into the pack along with everything else you'd brought, and once that was taken care of, look to Miss Scarlet for- approval?

Yes, approval. Which she gave with a small nod before walking over to one of her suitcases. Unzipping it, she removed something small and black, then zipped it back up and walked towards her.

Only once she brought it to the light did you manage to see exactly what it was, as well as understand the meaning behind it.

In her black and red snakeskin gloves, Miss Scarlet held a black leather dog collar.

One with your name on it.

"Put this on," she said firmly, handing the collar to you and just barely allowing you to feel the touch of her gloved fingers. "And wait by the stairs while we settle in. Miss Vera promised to leave behind plenty of food so we shall have a small dinner, and then I will explain precisely what is expected of you over the course of the week."

Then the two teachers picked up their suitcases and slowly made their way up the long staircase, and only when they were out of sight did you truly consider the collar in your hand. You'd seen such things before of course, but the thought of wearing one yourself never once crossed your mind.

Then again, neither had standing naked in a strange house in the middle of nowhere with two of your teachers.

Well, perhaps that was a lie. But such fantasies were from a different life, and held a much different outcome.

Here, they were in charge. And the moment you slipped that collar on, you knew there would be no turning back.

But then, had that not been the case ever since you'd foolishly chosen to mouth off in Miss Scarlet's class? Had this not been the path you'd paved for yourself with all your tomfoolery and wrongdoings all those years?

This was inevitable. You knew that now.

And with a sigh, you slipped the strap of leather around your neck and clicked it shut.

Then you walked over to the stairwell to wait.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LeoLewinskyLeoLewinsky12 days ago

Subs or soon to be subs who shall put their collar on by themselves is a nogo. It totally destroys the magic of the moment where the ownership is celebrated. Its well written, but a lot of text for simple situations. For now, not more than ***.

DragonLadDragonLadabout 1 month ago

Very good! Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

HotAss4UHotAss4Uabout 1 month ago

Wonderful start. I look forward to a long series.

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