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Tale of the Alpha and the Loser

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Alpha man hooks a needy faggot-loser.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/12/2021
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Hey, there. My name's Marty. Marty's Construction.... that's my business. Built from the ground up. Well, yesterday, old Marty here collided with a stroke of great good fortune. Here's what happened.

I was walking around the east-side neighborhood that Carter from work told me about. I was dressed casually, but I still stuck out as a well-groomed suburbanite.

The east side is economically depressed. The whole place looked like it needed to be power washed. But I could see, on the other hand, that I was in the right place. All manner of smooth-skinned, pale, males walked past or leaned against buildings. It was the kind of neighborhood where you'd go to get a pretty boy to serve you, and on this day the wares were looking very good, indeed. As I looked into one face, then another, my cock got stiffer and stiffer. Many of them were cute with sweet red lips and disheveled hair. But good looks was not the only factor. The key quality to look for in a personal faggot is not easily discovered. This quality is a bit shy. But one time, in the passing parade of faces, you will see it (or detect it, really. It is subtle): An aura of utter need.

If you should come upon one of these individuals, you will soon see small signs of their discomfort, their craving: a twitch at the corner of the mouth, the suddenly dropped gaze when you make eye contact.

Now, these fags can be any legal age. I know of one, personally, who is 70 years old, and he's been serving his owner for nearly a decade. The owner is a younger man in his forties, an affluent businessman.

It's important, if you want the greatest benefit from the relationship, to find this quality of utter submission. My research has shown that these faggots possess a very deep feeling of unworthiness and self-effacement. And that is the foundation on which a Alpha man may successfully build.

I'd been heading over to the east side of town for the past month, maybe three or four times a week. I'd duck into a bar, have a drink, and just watch. There would be pickups, waifs following timidly behind their "dates". These I took to be fleeting, inconsequential meet-ups. Me? I was holding out for something deeper. Something further out and further down.

Last night I took a chance.

At first, because he was older, I figured the guy was there to pick someone up. But no, it was the other way around. And I saw it. We were at the same street corner and sometimes our eyes would meet briefly. When they did, this man colored a bit in the face. He averted his gaze from me after these awkward encounters. He was a slim older man with receding hair and a handsome face. I found his nervousness very appealing.

I sidled up to him. In the streetlight, I studied the side of his face, judging him to be in his late forties, early fifties. His skin was smooth, but crows' feet were in evidence.

"Nice night to be out." I said.

"Oh! Oh, hello!" the guy said, kind of jumping a bit as he did. "Yes, indeed, sir. Just right." he said, followed by a small nervous laugh.

While I thought about the matter of him addressing me as "sir", I looked down to see that one of his legs was shaking.

"Ah... there's a bench there." I said, pointing to a bench outsidee a deli..

"Come join me." I said, gesturing. I feared he might be unstable on his feet. We took our places on the bench. He turned slightly in my direction.

"I'm... well, I'm sorry. You see, I sometimes get quite nervous and..."

"What? That little shaky leg number you just did? Just a passing thing. See? You're fine now."

We sat in silence and watched the commuters hustle by.

"I don't know about you, but I'm here looking for someone." I said, giving him a glance. "You?"

Again with the nervous laugh and the hung head.

"Me, too." he said. "I'm...., I'm....,"

I could see the guy was struggling, and I wasn't sure what I could do. But then all decision making was dramatically swept aside in the next instant. He looked straight at me and spoke. Though he wasn't loud, his words came across with a muted ferocity.

" Mister, I am a faggot, and I am a loser. That's what I am, it's what I've always been, and what I'll be to the grave. And it's what I'm hoping a certain kind of man will find attractive."

He said these amazing words (which were sheer music to my ears!), then turned away. I could hear soft, controlled sobbing. My instinct was to give him an encouraging pat on the back, and I did.

"C'mon, now." I said, feeling that, if all worked out well, I could sweep this broken person into a bag and take the pieces out from time to time and rearrange them for.... Hell! I guess whatever reason I like. Or no reason at all.

I could all but feel the dankness coming up from the pit of fear and self-loathing I sensed myself sitting beside. I also felt a building hope, an increasing confidence that this particular loser was the one for me. It felt like I'd struck gold!

His seemed just the kind of damaged psyche I could shape to my needs. I know that sounds dry and pragmatic, but I'm not forgetting the great emotional vulnerability the faggot experiences in a fully developed relationship of this kind; the great risk that he must take.

He must, to succeed in that scenario, be a complete nobody. A worthless turd. And he must love it! Most importantly, he must love what he is. He must inhabit with energy and conviction a part of his psyche that few people venture into.

Just as an assist to the readership, I'll provide a brief but comprehensive definition of what a "loser" is.

The general personality type of the loser is dominated by timidity and self-loathing. He goes about the routine of his day quietly, in the shadows. He has no friends. Because he is devoid of any real worth, he will tend to worship strong, confident men, honoring them from afar.

The loser desires abuse from such men. In most ALPHA/faggot relationships, the man will administer punishment to the loser. A whip may be purchased for this purpose, though the Alpha's belt will normally suffice. The whipping must be severe and long enough to get the fag's attention. Through regular sessions, fear will be firmly established in the loser's heart and mind. This, combined with the his typical helplessness makes for a useful recipe, indeed!

But I digress. Anyway, I began to feel I knew what this guy had to offer.

He was dabbing at his eyes with a tissue and pulling himself together.

"It was very brave, what you said", I told him. "You called yourself a faggot as well as a loser. Sometimes you just have to take a clear-eyed, hard look at yourself and see what's really there, and you did."

"I know. It took me forever to come right out and tell MYSELF just how much of a loser I am and have it really sink in." he said in a shaky voice. "Yeah. I guess in some ways it's brave, but I'm still a nobody." he said. His hands moved in his lap.

"Sure. Sure you are." I said. "I mean, that isn't going away. But look... I want to level with you." I said, and gave his back a rub. A tremor ran through him.

"Yes! Please do, be honest with me! I'm so fucking tired of coming here and meeting people who are not serious, or who want to hurt me." he said, and he seemed on the edge of another cry.

"Okay, I will." I told him, "First, let me tell you what I'm looking for." I began "Age isn't a big factor. An older faggot like yourself will have over the years come to the conclusion that he adds up to very little. He will have wasted sometimes decades of adulthood in confused shame and angst over the perverted contents of his inner life. Anyway, at your age, I suppose you can look back and see the trail of waste you left in your wake. Looks like you're past that mile post, eh? How old are you anyway?" I asked.

"I'll be 57 next month, sir, and yes, I took a kind of inventory a couple of years ago. All my failed attempts at relationship, a long string of restaurant jobs that went nowhere. At the heart of it all, I failed in life because I'm a weak man." he said, his voice breaking.

I reassured him. "Knowing the truth of your weakness is a powerful thing, my friend. Naturally, the people around you, your family, acquaintances, have known or suspected for some time that you're a weakling and a loser. It is a very difficult task, however, to look right into the mirror and see, really see, that loser, and accept that that's who you are. That is the great test. From there, other things may open." I said, sensing, with growing enthusiasm, that this older fag could really fit the bill for me.

"My name's Ray," I said to fill in the silence. "You?"


"Well, Danny." I said, rising from the bench, "Care to take a stroll?"

We continued our talk as we walked up the busy street.

"So, Danny, that was quite a biography you unleashed on me just now. I mean, you definitely packed a very sobering message into just a few sentences!"

"I was embarrassed by it, to be honest. It seemed childish." Danny said, kicking a bottle cap across the sidewalk.

"It seemed real to me, Danny. You know, it takes a lot of digging, a lot of effort, to go to the place where you see what you are, what you've amounted to. And to dig and find nothing but old dirt, mold, and detritus, no mementos of happy occasions, no sparkling memories to unearth; just a sad, incoherent mess hearkening back to the day you were born, That is a serious indictment, Danny. But when the true loser sees that there is practically no meaning to his life, that is the day of his revelation, I would say."

"I think you understand me well." Danny ventured to say.

A swift wind swept by and I turned up the collar of my coat.

"You been a faggot all your life, I suppose." I said, wishing to get the ball rolling.

"Yes, definitely!. I almost believe I was born a cocksucker". Danny noted with a hint of pride.

"You like having your mouth full of warm dick, I suppose." I said, turning to him. "I mean, that's more or less numero uno for most fags. Cock is right there at the top of the list! I mean, you guys really share a one-track mindset: 'Keep the cocks coming!'." I said, giving him a playful punch on the arm. Danny chuckled. He seemed to enjoy the attention, but he still seemed very guarded and scared. What made the difference with him was that Danny was frightened at what he might learn about himself, at how low he might ultimately descend, yet he stuck with it.

"you're quite right, sir. I love the taste of cock." Danny confided.

"I gotta tell you, Danny boy, " I said as we walked along, "I think men who get on their knees and suck cocks are lowlifes. No offense, mind you!"

"No, no. None taken. It is true, after all."

"Oh?" I said, wishing to hear more. Danny took a deep breath.

"Yes, I feel like a whore sometimes, loving cock as much as I do. In fact, all I ever really want in life is to have a, bulbous, stinky cockhead inches from my face, while I watch it swell and subside with excitement, watch the shaft jerk about. Oh! And watching the balls moving around in their sack! These are magical, sacred moments for me." Danny continued.

It seemed it was getting easier for him to talk about his disability, his weakness. I could only think of that as a good sign. In a good Alpha/faggot relationship, none of the fag's psyche can be kept hidden. It's necessary to go to certain depths to uncover the origins of his disease. Once the whole picture of the loser is sketched out in detail, then the rebuilding begins. ( with the Alpha man in total control, naturally! ).

We came to a park, and it was good to get away from the hubbub of the street. We walked down a path beside a pond.

"Danny, how would you like to be my faggot?" I said suddenly. Danny stopped in his tracks and looked at me. I knew from the get-go that he needed a strong stable man to mold and guide him, so I was ready for an enthusiastic 'yes'. But the proposal seemed to render Danny speechless.

"The offer isn't good forever." I said, feeling a bit irritated at his hesitancy.

"Oh, sir! I would like to try. You honor me, truly. I realize I'm good for nothing, I..."

"Hey, let me decide what you're good for, okay? That's my job, alright? I think you are very good for something. Do you know what you're good for?"

"I..., well, I can't really think of..." he said, looking confused.

'Whoa! Don't strain yourself!" I said. "I can tell you."

We stopped at a hill overlooking a playground. Below, while their charges ran about screaming with delight, mothers chatted and watched over them from benches. I turned to Danny.

"Get on your knees, you queer piece of shit." I said in a low voice. He immediately dropped to his knees with his head hung low. This was an important moment. Public humiliation is an excellent test for a potential loser boy.

One of the women turned toward us, and her hand flew to her mouth. She hurriedly whispered something to her friend beside her, and they both looked our way.

"Kiss my feet, cocksucker." I directed, and Danny at once bent low to the ground and began planting feverish kisses on my shoes. Excellent!

The two women who had been watching jumped up from their seats.

"You can't do that here!" yelled one in a quavering voice. It tickled me to see that she was rattled.

"It's okay, ma'am!" Danny called down to her, much to my surprise and my delight. "He's my owner, and I'm just showing him that I respect him. Don't worry, ma'am." he said, then continued his attention to my shoes.

"Clean 'em up good, Danny-boy." I encouraged. "That's it. Good boy! Lick them clean." I said as I enjoyed the look of wide-eyed disbelief and shock on the woman's face. I looked down to see my shoes glistening with Danny's saliva. We were off to a good start!

We continued our walk.

"I'm gonna want you at my place probably three or four nights a week." I told Danny. " I'll find space for your stuff, and I'll try to give a heads up, but, you know, things can just, well, happen... You'll have to be available 24/7." I said. My Danny was lapping it up.

"Certainly, Sir.!" he chirped, clearly excited at the prospect of having a true owner.

"Sky's the limit, buddy.' I told myself, observing this enthusiasm. If ever a loser was ripe for the plucking, here he was. Now I just needed to carefully reel him in and shape him to my needs.

To be continued.

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MichaelfantasiesMichaelfantasies9 days ago

The Alpha/Faggot Relationship? I wouldn't call a faggot a "loser" necessarily! However, Danny in this story sounds like one! Begin called a loser or being publicly humiliated is not for me. Interesting story, though.

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