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Tales of Dick Ch. 12

Story Info
Javi teaches Jason some driving.
6.1k words

Part 11 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/08/2017
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It had been two weeks since Dick and I went on the campus tour. The campus was nice and our guide, Darwin was a great guy too. And it was then and there that I chose to go to PCC. I knew I had other options but I really liked the place and most importantly so did Dick. So I had gone home and told my parents about it, they weren't too keen about it but they eventually caved to the idea. My mother enjoyed it since I would be close to home.

Then a few days later, I told them about my plan to move out. Again, they weren't too happy about it but they quickly came around. My father wasn't too harsh about it, even told me that he was proud. Which was unusual. But something told me that my mother had something to do with it because my father began to be more supportive. Which I was grateful for.

Soon after, Javi had begun teaching me and Dick how to drive. It was a trying experience at first, but in the end, it had worked out. Javi would teach Dick while I was at school and on Dick's days off. Which were in the mornings and early afternoons. Then Javi would teach me after school and the evenings.

Yesterday, Dick and I had taken our written test and passed, all we had to do was practice before the actual driving test.

Today, I was driving again with Javi but this time on the freeway. It was the early evening when we began driving. Javi made sure to guide me on how to get on the freeway and how to change lanes. He even reminded me of the meaning of each lane. With his guidance, I drove on the freeway safely, although I was still a bit nervous.

When we were done, Javi told me to get off the freeway and park on the first side street so we could exchange places. I pulled over to the first street, which was dark. We exchanged seats and as I was putting my seat belt on, Javi turned to me and said. "You did well tonight. However, your breaking can use some work, but other than that you're fine.

I gave him a warm smile, "thanks, I appreciate it."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and returned the smile, "No problem kiddo." He turned on the car and then before moving the Jeep he turned to me, "You still got time?"

I looked over at the clock on the radio and read 6:30, "Yeah, you got something in mind?"

He nodded, "Yeah, there is this place around here I know," then drove the car. We drove for about 15 minutes before we drove up a hill that looked over the city. He parked the car and turned off the engine, "Ain't it nice?" he said leaning forward on the steering wheel.

I gazed at the Los Angeles City skyline, "Yeah, it looks so beautiful." You could see everything. Los Angeles truly looked gorgeous under the starry night. It was the first time I noticed that my city was big and beautiful. I was glad I decided to stay here with Dick and Javi.

"Yeah, I used to come up with some dates," I heard Javi say.

I turned to him, "Get lucky?"

Javi smirked, "Of course, it's where I got my first blowjob from a girl."

"Must have been nice,"

"No, not really, she wasn't good at it. She wasn't like you or Dick."

We both laughed.

I sat back in my seat, "So, I have a question."

"I'm listening kiddo."

"Where did you learn how to suck dick? Or any of that stuff. I was under the impression you were straight but I know for a fact you aren't."

He turned his head slightly towards me and grinned, "We've been friends for months now and this question is barely coming up?"

"Well, you always hint towards it but you never tell us."

"Fair," he then chewed on his lower lip as if he was thinking about telling me. Then after a few minutes, he spoke, "Alright, I'll tell you." He moved the seat back a little and got comfortable, then began to tell the story. "A few years ago, when I was still in the military. My unit was stationed in the jungles of Guatemala. Now, I can't go into detail what we were doing there but let's just say it was an American business."

I simply nodded as he continued.

"One night, we were caught in a firefight with a local cartel which resulted in us being separated. It was myself and two other guys from my unit. We wandered the jungle but unfortunately got lost. I remember it was raining. Oh god, that rain, it was hot and humid and it was annoying." he paused for a few seconds then continued, "Anyways, we seek shelter from the storm and found a small cave. We entered and started a fire. We tried contacting the rest of our unit but with the storm, we couldn't get a signal. So we stuck around the fire only in our underwear because we decided to let out clothes dry."

"To keep the silence away we began to talk and at one point one of the guys, Jaime, brought up his girlfriend back home and how he missed her tight pussy. Lennie, the other guy, who we all knew was gay, offered Jaime a blowjob. Which he jokingly declined, but then Lennie asked again. This time, Jaime was upset about it, insulted even. I did my best to lower the tension and told him, "Hey, he's just trying to help out."

"Jaime had told me, that he wasn't a fag and that Lennie should keep his dirty thoughts to himself. Now, to be honest, I wasn't against getting a blowjob from Lennie. I mean Dick had given me a blowjob in the past so I wasn't new to the idea of a guy giving me a blowjob."

As Javi told the story I was imaging the three in the cave in their underwear. The idea got me aroused. So I bent over and began to undo his shorts. He clearly wasn't against it as he lied back and continued to tell his story. I took his cock into my mouth and began to bob my head up and down.

"So, I told Lennie that I would take up his offer. It had been a while since I had sex and I was pretty horny. Jaime had looked at me with disgust but eventually as Lennie sucked me, he caved. That night Lennie had sucked us both."

Javi placed his hand on the back of my head to guide me then continued. "The following day, we decided not to tell anyone, and we went back to looking for help. A hours later we had found a house and phoned for help. When we got back to the base, I tried getting another session going but Jaime was against it. Lennie, on the other hand, was still down. So that night, we met up, he gave me a blowjob then I felt inclined to return the favor. Then that night, he taught something amazing, a rim job."

Javi gasped as he held my head down with his cock in my throat. For a few seconds, my throat muscles massaged the tip of his member. I did my best to breath through my nose before he released me. I went back to working his member as he continued the story.

"So anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, rim job. So he gave me a rim job then I gave him one, then we fucked. It was the first time I had fucked a guy and it was at that moment that I realized that I might be bisexual like my brother. Or at least, I enjoyed having sex with a person regardless of their sex. After that night, Lennie and I would meet up almost every night for sex until we returned home. Jaime knew of course but decided to let us be. Unfortunately, when we got home Lennie went back to his home in a different state and we haven't seen each other since."

At that moment, I heard Javi's voice break. I pulled off his dick and looked up at him, "You okay?"

He looked down at me, "Yeah, just miss him." He then told me to sit back in my seat as he leaned over to me and undid my pants. He quickly took out my erection and shoved it in his mouth. His warm covered my entire member and moved up and down slowly, making me tilt my head back when he reached the tip. He continued this for a few more minutes until I felt my load shoot into his mouth.

When he was done, he sat back up and told me to put my seatbelt on. I protested by saying I hadn't finished sucking him. But he turned to me, "Don't worry about it."

I decided not to insist on it. I knew that telling that story hit a nerve. Which nerve? Not sure, but clearly one that killed that mood.


It was 7:30 when Javi came home. I was in the kitchen finishing up the dishes and I noticed that he was alone. I assumed he dropped off Jason and came straight home. He came into the kitchen and said "Hey" before opening the fridge door and pulling out a bottle of beer. He opened it, took a sip and sat down at the counter.

It was clear something was up so I had to ask, "So how did it go?"

"Fine," he said in a serious voice.

"Doesn't sound fine,"

He turned his head away from me for a second before turning back to me, "I told Jason the story."

It must have been the Brohawks story. A story he had told me a couple of years ago. It didn't end well for them. "The Brohawks story?"

He nodded.

"I see."

"I didn't tell him the actual ending though. He was sucking my dick and I knew it would be a complete turn off if I told him that Lennie died."

Javi had told me that he and Lennie became really good friends. Not only was Lennie the person who taught my brother his sexual skills, but he was a brother to him. They had been in countless firefights and always had each other's back, or at least they did. He had told me that Lennie was killed in an ambush in the city.

I remembered when Javi came back he was in pieces, it took him months to open up to me and tell me what happened. I honestly felt helpless when I tried helping him because I never knew anyone who had died before. But I was able to help him and got him moving forward. It was the first time in a while that we were that close.

"Yeah, it would have. Do you need anything?"

He shook his head, "Nah, this beer will do well."

I decided to join him on the beer and sat down with him. My brother really didn't want to talk about it, so we decided to talk about something else. He had told me that he might have found a place for us to move into. It was a house in Glassell park which was farther North. It would require me to drive to work from now on, something I wasn't too keen about. He did tell me though that we would probably need a fourth person to help with the rent.


The next morning I woke up, got changed and left my house. I walked down the street passing by a few houses to see Javi parked in the corner. It was something we did so we wouldn't cause suspicion to my parents. As far as they were concerned, my high school friends were giving me rides to school. They also didn't know I was getting my driver's license.

Javi was standing next to the Jeep wearing a blue shirt with beige cargo pants, he tossed me the keys and told me I was driving.

Thankfully, I made it to school without incident. I hopped off the Jeep and Javi left.

As I walked to my first-period class, I ran into KJ. "Sup, bitch," he said landing a soft punch on the shoulder.


"So, graduation is really close by. Was wondering if you wanted to do something special for graduation?"

"Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know, an orgy or something."

I thought about it before answering him. An orgy would be pretty nice, it would most likely consist of me, Dick, Javi, and KJ. It would also be the first time KJ and Javi had sex together.

"Sure, sounds like a plan for the 4 of us."

"Just 4?" KJ turned to me.

"Yeah, who else? Sean?"

I noticed KJ was a bit triggered by the name by his facial expression. I had forgotten that they had broken up recently, and it actually hurt KJ. He was good at hiding his feelings. The day it happened I wanted to console him but instead of talking about it, he just asked me to fuck him.

"I'm sorry, I brought him up."

"Don't worry about it, Jason. I'm over it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he said in a serious tone. It was clear he didn't want to talk about it. "Anyways, I think I can find a fifth, maybe even a sixth."


"Yes, just leave it to me. I'll find us, someone."

After that conversation, KJ and I went out separate ways to class.

During lunch, I was in the garden finishing some homework when I was interrupted by Jenny. I did my best not sigh and greeted her, "Hey, Jenny."

She towered over me, which was an unfamiliar feeling since she was shorter than me. "Hey, there boo," she said smiling at me.

"Um, don't call me that please."

She sat down next to me and hugged my arm, "But you're like my boo."

"Are you on crack? I am not your boo."

She moved her hand to my crotch and gave it a light squeeze and whispered in my ear, "Come on, Jason. Fuck me."

"Can you stop?" I nearly yelled.

She stared at me with a grin across her face for a few seconds before releasing my crotch and she sat straight up. "Oh, Jay. I was only kidding. You're so fun to mess with."

"I don't find it fun," I spat out.

She let out a small sigh and turned to me, "You know, I've jerked off to the video of you and KJ. And honestly, I've become quite bored with it. I need a new one or..." she grinned, "You can fuck me."

How long was this going to continue to happen? I thought to myself. If I gave her what she wanted she might leave me alone or want more. She could become a bigger problem for me, but at the same time, what could it hurt?

"I mean don't you want your first time to be with someone you love?"

"Heck no. I'd rather be experienced when I have sex with my first boyfriend than be a total noob."

I let out a long okay, then she continued, "Look, it's clear you've never fucked a girl. So wouldn't it be best to practice with me? I mean you're going to college soon, you're not only going to fuck other guys but girls as well. Might as well go experienced."

I hated to admit it but she was right. My only experience came from Dick and the other guys. I had never had sex with a woman before and it wouldn't be so bad to do it with Jenny. I figured it would be better to have sex with a friend than with a girl from college who might have had a better experience prior.

"Fine," I sighed, "I'll do it,"

"Really?" she nearly screamed.

"Yes, but we do it when I say so."

She nodded, "Of course, also I'd like for you to teach me how to suck a dick properly. I've kinda never sucked one before."

"Uh, that shouldn't be hard honestly,"

She pressed her hand onto my crotch and said, "Why not give me that lesson now?"

I gasped as I felt her hand lightly squeeze my crotch.

I looked around and saw no one was looking at us, everyone else was distracted by their own thing. However, it wouldn't be wise to do it out here in public. Instead, I grabbed her hand and told her to follow me.

Together, we walked to the abandoned building. The same building where I sucked Kyle and the same building Jenny caught me, KJ and Sean. We entered the building and walked up to the second floor. I looked around and saw the floor was empty. I turned to see the eager Jenny standing there. She seemed a bit nervous, I placed my hands on her shoulders, "Relax."

She smiled and stopped. "Alright, get on your knees," I told her. She complied and knelt before me.

I undid my pants and opened the flaps and stroked my growing member through my briefs. I could see on her face that she was eager to see it. "You've never done this, right?"

She nodded not lifting her gaze on my crotch. "Alright," I pulled down my briefs and popped out my member.

"Oh, man, it's been a moment," she said as she reached for my member but before she could touch it, I told her, "No, hands-free. Just take it in your mouth and watch the teeth."

After the quick blowjob with Jenny, we departed ways and I went to my 5th period. Jenny wasn't bad at sucking dick, then again it wasn't hard. She didn't make me cum so I had to stroke myself to get there. She did swallow though, which was impressive.

During class, my teacher told us about our final project which would be a paired up project. People would split up into pairs and together tackle an issue. Unfortunately, we didn't get to decide who our partner was.

As he read off the names, I looked around to see who was still left. I knew the majority of the class so it wouldn't so bad I told myself. However, I had spoken too soon. When the teacher got to me, he looked at me and said "Jason and Ares."

I gulped, I knew Ares Lewis by name mostly. We never had spoken to each other much. He was the on the soccer team and honestly, quite attractive. But from I heard, he was a douchebag and lazy ass fuck. KJ had told me once that the reasons why he was still on the team were because he paid for people to do his homework and apparently the coach was paid off by his parents.

KJ had also told me that once in the shower he saw his dick and that it was thick flaccid. Although the thought of me being on my knees before him crept into my mind, I had to ignore it as, one, I need to pass this class and two, he was straight and would most likely punch me in the face if I ever tried.

Looks wise, Ares was the attractive guy. He was always clean shaven, had short spiky blonde hair. Ocean blue eyes. He was tall, probably around 6 feet tall.

The rest of the period was spent with the pairs grouping up. I sat next to Ares and began to talk. "So, what topic you wanna do?"

He didn't say anything at first, he just stared at one of the girls across from us. They began to exchange looks. That was when I spoke again to him, "Hey Ares, come on. We have a project to work on."

It was the first time he actually looked at me. He looked annoyed and he wasn't the only one. The last thing I needed was someone lazy like him to work with.

After staring at me like he was going to punch me he finally spoke, "I don't know man. Pick something. I really don't care." He went back to staring at the girl.

I sighed, "I can pick a topic but whether you will do your part is another story."

He quickly snapped his head at me, "What's that's supposed to mean?" he nearly shouted.

Some of the students near us noticed it but quickly went back to working with their group.

I leaned in and whispered, "I know that you pay people to do your homework."

He glared at me angrily. I felt like I was moments away from getting punched in the face by him. But I held my stance.

After the long silence he spoke, "How about after school you come over to my place and we work on it?"

I smiled, "Sounds like a good idea. But we need a topic."

"Fine," he spat out. We spent the rest of the period looking up topics with him becoming more compliant. We eventually came to the decision to do the project on the Cuban Missile Crisis.

When the bell rang, he gave me his address and a time to meet him, then we split.

After school, I went straight to Dick's house. I wanted to ask them a few questions about having sex with women.

When I got there, I saw Javi lying down the couch with Dick in the kitchen. We all said hi to each other and then I got quick to the point. "So, I have some questions."

Dick came and sat on the couch, "Lay it on us,"

I sat down between them and began, "Well, remember my friend Jenny?"

They both nodded.

"Well, she sucked my dick today."

Javi lightly jabbed my shoulder, "Nice one champ."

I laughed it off, "Well, she wants me to fuck her."

"Oh really?" Dick said.

"Yeah, and well I've never done anything a girl before."

"Ah, so you need the talk?" Javi said with air quotes. "So, she is your girlfriend now?"

"No, it's more like..."

"Friends with benefits," Dick interrupted.

I nodded.

Javi wrapped his arm around me and brought me closer to me, "I have a friend like that,"

"Oh yeah? Who?" Dick asked.


"Big booty Laura?"

"Yes," Javi replied with a wink.

Javi began to tell me some things about him and his friend Laura. Dick also told me about his previous encounters with women. I mean, to be honest, not much information was needed. I had seen plenty of porn before, so it was pretty simple to do. I just didn't want to fuck up my first time with a girl.

When I got what I needed from them, I thanked them. Javi gave me some condoms that he stored. Telling me to always wear my rubber ducky.


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