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Tales of Jason Ch. 14

Story Info
Jason meets an old friend in the library.
5.1k words

Part 14 of the 23 part series

Updated 01/18/2024
Created 08/24/2019
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*****Everyone in this story is fictional and are 18 years old or older*****

Chapter 14

It had been a few weeks since I uploaded my latest video, which was the one where Steven fucked me in the bathroom of the building where his friend worked. The video was successful, but for some reason I had stopped. I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was fatigue or worry that my next video would not be as good as my previous ones. I loved doing the videos but I felt like I was going too fast. Maybe I needed to slow down a bit. So I took a little break. Steven and Xavier understood. I just wanted some time to think over what to do next. No matter what I did next, I knew it had to be good or at least as good as the previous videos.

On a warm day, I was in the basement with Xavier, when he had asked, "So what is your next video idea? They've all been pretty successful." It was the second time he asked me this in a week. It seemed he was eager to get back to it.

I shrugged and sat down on the bed across from him "I don't know yet. The latest one has become my most successful video. People are really into the public thing. So maybe another public video?"

"Like a theater? A store? A parking lot?" Xavier said, listing off examples.

"Maybe. Like I said 'I don't know,' I also don't want to burn myself out. I've been at it for a while now. And it's fun, but at the same time I don't want to become stale."

"True. I'd say take your time. But not too much time. You don't want people to start to forget you."

I held myself up on the bed with my arms and looked up at the ceiling. He was right. I shouldn't take too long. There were so many options. So many locations to do things like this. Although my last video was a public video, it was a staged one. Doing an actual public one would be risky. But worth a shot.

I looked at him and said, "You got a point, Xavier. Let me figure something out. The last video was staged and I'm not sure if I can pull it off again."

Xavier adjusted himself in his seat. "I hope you do soon. I know your viewers are itching for a new video."

I smiled, "You seem to be enjoying it."

Xavier grinned and said, "Well it is fun. It's sex after all. I may be enjoying it but I think Steven has gotten way too into it. He's the one that is in love with this."

"For sure. He's practically made a whole new persona. He's also done some research into it. Using their terminology. It's a bit crazy. I think he thinks he's the star of the videos."

The two of us laughed.

"So when are you planning to start making some money? You have some spare time now because Dick sold the shop."

A few weeks ago, Dick dropped the bomb on all of us that he was selling the location of the shop. At first I wasn't happy about it, but I quickly got over it. As it was his store and he also assured me that I still had a job. On top of that, he told me he would open the store back up somewhere closer to the house. Which was nice. Unfortunately, Dick would probably not be in one of my videos as the person he sold the store to was now his boyfriend. At first we thought Dick was seduced by him but it's quite clear the two are madly in love with one another. Which made me happy for Dick. He needed someone like Liam in his life.

As for making money off of this porn project. It was never my goal. It was just a fun idea that kind of took off. Steven really enjoyed it and so did Xavier. And I enjoyed the success of it all. The fact that so many people enjoyed looking at my videos. Turning it into a profit did come into my mind from time to time. I just didn't know how to go about it. As there were many avenues of doing so. The porn site I used did have a partnership program, but there were also donation programs where people could just donate. Even if it was just a dollar it would go a long way and would show me that my viewers were willing to pay for the content.

"I don't know about that yet." I began to say, "I know people like it but at the same time I kind of just want to have fun with it right now. Maybe in the future I can be a partner or even open up a donation account."

"I mean you can start with the latter and see what happens," Xavier suggested.

"We'll see."

Our conversation was cut short as the door to the basement swung open. Steven stood at the doorway for a brief second before galloping down the stairs wildly. He stopped right before us and greeted Xavier then turned to me, "Come on, loser! We have some learning to do!"

It seemed he was quite energized. Made me wonder how many energy drinks he had this morning.

I smiled, "Someone is eager for education," He looked very jumpy.

"I had some of Dick's coffee." Dick had started drinking espresso coffee so he could go jogging with Liam every morning.

I got off the bed and said, "Oh dear, I guess we should head out. Catch you later, Xavier."

"Have fun at school! Keep an eye out on Steven!" Xavier said.

Upstairs, before I could even ask Steven anything, he was out of the door. I grabbed my backpack and followed him. I didn't want him to run into the street and get hit by a car or something.

The two of us got to the train station and hopped on the train to campus. We sat at the very end of the train cart where it was mostly empty. Which was a bit of a shocker since it usually had a handful of people. Steven sat next to me staring out the window. His left leg wouldn't stop moving. I was starting to get worried about the man. I didn't want him to have a heart attack or something.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked in a worried tone.

Steven turned to me and said, "Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, your leg won't stop moving."

He took notice and placed his hand on his knee to make it stop moving, "See, I made it stop."

I sighed and said, "How many cups of coffee did you have?"

"One cup from Dick's coffee stash. But it was too bitter so I put some creamer in it. Or at least I thought it was a creamer. It was all black. After like three of those. I went to the fridge and got some milk and sugar. "

My eyes widened in shock. Not only did he drink espresso coffee from the black can that Dick had, but the black creamer wasn't creamer. It was actually espresso shots.

I facepalmed, "The coffee itself is an espresso and you poured more of it in a syrup form. No wonder you're off the walls!

"Oops," he shook nervously, "I think I'll be okay though. I just have to burn it off, right?"

I shook my head, "You're going to crash hard!"

"I'll be okay," Steven repeated.

I stared at him as he looked out the window again. The man was well caffeinated. I knew he would be alright but he was hyper. Really hyper. I would definitely have to keep my eye on him. He might even crash during class.

When the train came to a complete stop, I heard Steven say "I'll race you to the campus!" Which was a quarter of a mile from the train stop, and he took off running.

It would've been easy for me to catch up as I used to do track and field but I honestly didn't want to run. So I let him take off. It would definitely help burn off some of the caffeine.

When I finally got to campus Steven was jogging in place, "What took you so long? You no longer fast?"

"No, I just didn't feel like running. We have different classes. Don't embarrass yourself too much.." and before I could continue, Steven was gone. He ran to his classroom. I sighed and went to mine.

The school day came to an end and it was actually a pretty chill day. It was mostly note taking while the teachers gave out their lectures. I hadn't been in contact with Steven since this morning. But I hadn't heard anything about a crazed lunatic on campus yet, meaning he was fine. For now.

After my last class, I wanted to get a start on some homework so I went to the campus library.

The campus library was pretty big. The center of it was this large rectangle shaped desk where the librarians were stationed. The library also had a second floor. But more importantly a lot of privacy. Which was good if you wanted to study in privacy. The library was big but it was small compared to the Los Angeles Central Library which had multiple floors. I went up to the second floor and sat at the very back of the floor. Behind some bookshelves. Which housed a row of books on geography. No one was in sight. I grabbed my book and notebook and quickly got to studying.

An hour flew by and I decided to take a little break. I checked my phone and saw no messages from Steven. I prayed he was alright or at least sleeping somewhere.

"Jason?" I heard a voice say. I quickly looked up from my phone and saw Alkibiades standing at the end of the aisle. He wore a white dress shirt that was tucked into his pants. Which showed how thin the man was. Most of the time I saw him he wore loose clothing or a robe. He looked good.

"Hey, it's been a while. How have you been, Alkibiades?" I said.

He smiled, "I've been great. How about you?"

"Great, just doing some studying. So what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm here with a friend," Alkibiades walked to the table and pulled out the chair across from me and said, "May I?"

"Sure," I closed my text book as he sat down.

Alkibiades brushed his hand through his wavy hair, "So I see you've picked up an extra activity."

Confused, I said, "What are you talking about?"

Alkibiades smiled, "Come on, Jason. I thought we agreed to stop lying?"

Nervousness swarmed my body as I spoke, "You're talking about the videos, huh?"

He closed one eye and pointed at me, "Bingo!"

How did he know? Did someone tell him? Did someone at the house see one of my videos and pointed it out to him? If so? Who? So many questions flooded my mind. I was never expecting anyone to recognize me in these videos. But there was one saving grace, it was Alkibiades and someone at the house who saw me in the videos and not a relative.

I leaned forward, "How did you know?"

Alkibiades placed his elbow on the table and rested his head on the palm, "Despite me being married and having plenty of access to sex, I still watch porn. Mostly to just look at it, but sometimes I do 'rub one out' as you kids say. And well, you upload on one of my favorite sites. And have been quite successful, if I may say. I'm definitely a fan."

My face grew a smile, "Thanks, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I give credit where credit is due. However, it has been a while since your last upload. Having issues?"

"No, it's just..." Before I could continue my phone vibrated. It was a text from Steven asking where I was at. Swiftly, I responded to the text with my location and then turned to Alkibiades to continue our conversation. "It's just I have taken a little break to think of some new stuff."

"That is fair. You have been uploading consistently. A break was bound to happen." He placed his hands on the table. "May I suggest something?"

"Of course, is it me finally having sex with you?" I joked.

He smiled, "No, not that. I suggest..." That's when the two of us heard the sound of feet coming towards us. We turned towards the noise and saw it was Steven who was sprinting towards us. He came to the table out of breath and said, "Hey, Jason!" Then he turned to Alkibiades and said, "Hey! I know you! You're that sex guru guy! All Kill Be Adds? Or All kill bears? What was it again?"

Alkibiades let out a laugh, "Alkibiades. How are you doing Steven?"

I interrupted, "Better question, why are you all sweaty?"

Steven grabbed the chair next to me and sat down, "I just did a run. Like around four times."

"Oh dear," I turned to Alkibiades to explain the situation, "He had several shots of espresso today. So he's pretty hyper."

"Oh dear, indeed," Alkibiades said.

Steven turned to both of us and said, "I'm fine. I'm actually feeling pretty sle..." then he sat back, closed his eyes and immediately started snoring.

"I believed he crashed," Alkibiades said.

I clicked my tongue, "Yeah, I believe so too," Not wanting Steven to have a neck problem when he woke up, I moved his upper body to the table and folded his arms so he could rest his head on them. The man was out like a light. Snoring, but thankfully not too loud.

"Anyways, what were you going to suggest?" I said to Alkibiades.

Alkibiades smiled and said, "Actually, I think I have a better idea."

"It better not be me doing stuff to Steven while he sleeps. I had consent in the video to do so."

"No, not that. I think I got something a bit hotter," he took out his phone and began texting. A few moments later a guy appeared from one of the aisles and came to the table.

"Jason, this is Sam," Alkibiades said, introducing the guy. Sam was a bit shorter than me, but had brown skin and short black hair with no facial hair at all. The guy wore a blue Dodgers shirt with tan pants.

Sam put his hand out and said, "Hey there, Jason. Nice to meet you."

I greeted him back and turned to Alkibiades.

"Sam is also new to the college. And is a potential candidate for the position Khauther left open."

"Oh, that's cool," I said. I forgot that Khauther left House Achilles leaving an open slot that was supposed to go to me but my dumbass made a few mistakes. I didn't really regret it though. I'm glad they were able to find a new person.

"Samuel here has told me he is a virgin. So I was wondering if you'd want to have sex with him?"

I raised an eyebrow to Alkibiades then turned to Sam who had been looking at him in shock.

"I don't know if I am ready for that," Sam protested.

"You gotta start someday. I mean if you don't want to, you don't have to. It was just a suggestion. I think it would be a good video for his porn channel. Of course, your face, Sam, would be blurred out. And from what I was told, Jason over here is a pretty good cock sucker"

I was flattered, "Really?"

"It's what the boys said at the house."

Sam turned to me and said, "Is that okay with you?"

I sat there in silence for a few seconds not wanting to answer. I didn't know what Alkibiades' plan was, but it involved Sam. Maybe he was going with the virgin angle? If so, how would that work? Anyone could say they are a virgin and people on the internet would believe it.

"Sure, why not. But what's the story line? And more importantly where are we going to do this?"

Alkibiades carried a grin on his face, "Oh, you see, Jason. That's the best part. You'll do it here in the library next to the unconscious Steven."

I leaned forward. Sam even looked in shock at Alkibiades. "I'm sorry, what?" I said.

"Yes, in this library. You'll suck Sam's cock next to your cousin. Think about how hot that would be for a viewer. It's equivilant to having sex with your friend at a sleep over while the others are asleep."

He was right. That sounded really hot and something I wished I was able to do back in my younger years. It actually reminded me of a video I once saw where these two guys had sex in the bunk next to their fellow roomates. I was pretty sure the sleeping roommate was pretending to be asleep but it didn't matter. It was hot.

"But don't you think we'll get caught?" I said, with concern in my voice.

"Don't worry about that, I'm in contact with all the librarians. Plus I can send out a mass text to have people stay away from this area."

"Of course you can," I said sarcastically, "Do you also own the people at the Starbucks?"

Alkibiades chuckled, "Maybe. Anyways, so are we down for this? I'll do the recording. I have plenty of experience."

"Plenty of experience" I thought to myself. It made me wonder what hot videos Alkibiades had on an external hard drive somewhere.

Sam turned to me and broke me from my train of thought, "Jason, are you down?"

I simply said, "Yeah, fuck it. Why not?"

Sam turned to Alkibiade and said, "Alright, I am down too."

Alkibiades put his hands together and said, "Perfect! Jason, give me your phone. I know it ain't your camera, but it should still do good."

I gave him my phone and Sam moved behind me. I moved closer to the end of the table as Sam grabbed a chair to sit between me and Steven. He placed the chair then sat down. Alkibiade then spoke, "So, I'll record from the side and move the camera where it's needed. Sam can pretend to read the textbook while...actually, Jason. I'll just record it. You got this. It's your video after all."

I gave him a nod, then turned to Sam. Who gave me a nod back saying that he was ready. The textbook was open before him while the notepad was open in front of me. Alkibiades started to record and my next potential hot video was being made.

I pretended to write something on the notepad while occasionally looking at Sam's crotch. It was something to give the audience some sort of authenticity. Sam looked at me and gave me a smile then went back to reading the textbook. I put down the pencil and began to move my hand under the table. Alkibiades followed with the camera, recording everything. My hand made it to its destination, which was Sam's crotch. The moment my hand made contact his body reacted nervously. It was obvious that he had never been touched by another person, let alone another man. Which made me wonder what his sexuality was. Alkibiades never mentioned it.

Slowly, my right hand caressed the bulge of his pants. Which after a while calmed Sam. This was further indicated by his member growing and pressing against the groin of his pants. It looked big and I was really eager to see it. So I took the next step. Using both hands I undid his pants and opened up the flaps. The underwear he wore were white Hanes briefs. I couldn't believe guys still wore tighty whities, especially around my age. But that didn't stop me from playing with his bulge.

Sam had stopped looking at the textbook and was now looking at me as I stroked his erection through the fabric of the underwear. All the stroking led to spots of precum on his underwear. Which told me I should proceed. Sam lifted his bottom up and pulled down his pants just past his knees and sat back in the chair in just his tighty whities. I bent down further and hovered over his crotch. Alkibiades with camera in hand moved under the table to get a good view. I opened the underwear and his swollen cock sprung out. Sam was uncut at about seven inches in length but with a girth of about six inches. He was pretty thick.

I wrapped my fingers around the brown shaft of his cock and gently pulled back the foreskin revealing the rose colored tip. Then I pursed my lips and pressed them against the tip. The mere contact sent a jolt throughout Sam's body. It was his first time after all. My mouth began to open as I began to take his cock in. Making sure to keep my lips wrapped around the shaft. When the tip of his cock touched the back of my throat, I held it there for a few seconds then slid up. Sam whispered, "Oh fuck!" Then I continued to give the man his very first blowjob.

After a while, Sam began to let out a flurry of soft moans. Trying to remain as quiet as possible. Even though Alkibiades assured us that no one would disturbed us, we didn't want an audience. Well at least not a real audience. This video was going to be uploaded to my porn channel after all.

Sam's hands naturally fell atop my head where he began to guide me. At first it was slow, but then he sped up. He was really into the blowjob but then again who wouldn't? Sam pressed down and held his cock deep in my throat. For the next few seconds, the muscles in my throat massaged his thick cock. Then he released his cock from my mouth and let out a satisfying gasp. Which allowed me to rest for a few seconds.

While I rested a bit I stroked his saliva covered cock. The head of his cock shined with the layer of saliva that covered it. I licked the top which caused him to jolt once more. He clearly was a sensitive guy when it came to the tip.


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