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TalesfromTheClub - Lila's Awakening

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Lila is new to sub life as she visits the club.
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*Author Note - While the club tales will all be stand alone I do recommend that they be read in the order they are published as you will learn certain things about certain characters at certain times for effect and the plan is that once most of the key patrons of the club have been introduced we will see more of their journey with certain partners or new ones.*


Lila stood outside the club, staring at the door. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably. She had read so much about being a submissive and she longed for the experience, but now that she was here, she was terrified. It was cold and the snow was lightly falling on her head. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to wear, so she had worn a very short skirt, a pair of red lace panties and knee-high stockings with a low-cut blouse, and she was deeply regretting her choice now. She blew warm air in her hands and bounced from one foot to the other trying to stay warm.

Despite the cold, she couldn't bring herself to step inside. A few people slipped past her and entered without hesitation. They seemed like perfectly ordinary people to her. That should have eased her mind, but the fear was in control.

"I can't do this," she muttered.

She turned quickly and bumped square into the chest of a man headed for the doors.

"Oof," she cried out as she fell butt first into the snow.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized, extending his hand to her. "Let me help you up."

"Thank you," she replied, grabbing his hand and pulling herself up.

She noticed he was rather tall with blazing red hair and strong arms and smelled strangely of lilacs. He reached around behind her and brushed the snow off her skirt, then crouched down by her waist and brushed the snow off her stockings as well.

Lila's face was crimson as he touched her so intimately without a second thought.

He noticed the red panties as he stood.

"Coming or going?" he queried.

"Pardon?" she asked, still deeply mortified.

"I presume you were either just at the club or about to head in. Which was it?" he pressed on, noticing her embarrassment and taking a step closer.

She stepped back involuntarily and bumped into the wall. "I'm not sure. Rather, that is to say, I think I am leaving."

"You think or you know?" he pushed as he closed the gap between them and placed one hand beside her cheek on the wall.

Her face grew redder, if it was possible, and she fiddled with her hands, staring at them intently.

"Well, you see, I don't know if I can go in," she finally admitted.

"There is nothing to fear, my dear. If you submit to your desires this night, there is a whole world of pleasure awaiting you inside."

Her breath was growing ragged from his closeness. She felt trapped but not by him. By her insecurities.

"I want to. I really do. But, I don't think I can open that door."

"Then let me do it for you. If you'll let me," he said, taking a step back, bowing to her and extending his hand.

Against her better judgement, she stifled her fears a moment and took his hand. He led her to the door and held it open, waiting for her to enter.

She stared into the building, shivering from the cold and the excitement.

He noticed her hesitance and bellowed, "Enter!"

And she did. It was as if she had simply been waiting for permission or reassurance, perhaps, that she was allowed to be here.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" he teased, rubbing her arms briskly to warm them.

"Now why don't you head on over to the registration desk. They'll get you sorted out."

"Thank you," she replied, feeling that the words were completely inadequate to express her gratitude.

"Maybe I will see you out there." He winked before sauntering off.

She walked over to the desk he had pointed out and approached it tentatively. A short, matronly woman with a warm face and glasses was staring at a computer screen, her fingers hitting the keys rapidly. Lila bounced a little, still shaking from the nervous energy. The woman looked up, noticing the movement.

"Welcome, dear. Come on over."

Lila slowly approached the desk.

"First time or a returning guest?" the woman asked.

"First time," she managed to squeak.

"Dom or sub?"

"Uh, sub," she stammered, blushing deeply.

"Can I just see some ID, hun? I've gotta enter you in the system here and start you a file. But don't worry, hun. We are like a doctor's office. Nobody except the professionals will see it."

"Oh, okay," Lila stammered, her fingers fumbling against the clasp on her purse.

She shakily picked up her ID and dropped it on the counter as it slipped out of her trembling hands.

"Sorry," Lila mumbled apologetically, setting her hands on the counter to still them.

"No need to apologize, dear," the receptionist said reassuringly, patting Lila's hands. "Most people are quite nervous their first time."

The woman noticed Lila's trembling and asked, "Have you done this before with someone else?"

"Umm, no, I haven't. I hope that's okay. I could just leave if it's not," Lila said in a rush, losing her nerve.

"No need for that, dear. But I think the selection ceremony might be a bit overwhelming for you. I've got someone in mind that would be perfect for you. Let me just see if he is busy this evening. I'm sure I saw him strutting around here somewhere. Hold tight, I will be right back."

Lila watched the woman walk away from the desk down a nearby hallway and suddenly felt severely underdressed. She noticed other patrons eyeing her curiously as they passed and scrunched her shoulders in, crossing her arms over her chest protectively. Lila looked down the hallway impatiently, fidgeting with her hands. People were starting to line up behind her and she felt guilty for holding them up.

After a few agonizing minutes, the woman returned with a smile on her face.

"Master Rudy has agreed to take you under his wing. He's quite eager to meet you. Let's just finish up here and then I will send you down to medical for your evaluations. Master Rudy said he would collect you there when you were done, to go through the paperwork."

"Thank you very much," Lila said, breathing a little easier.


After completing her medical and psychological screenings, Lila waited impatiently by the door. Her stomach fluttered every time she heard footsteps, but so far they all were either entering the medical wing or continuing down the corridor. The minutes ticked away and she was sure Master Rudy had changed his mind. Her heart was sinking. Perhaps she wasn't worthy of being a slave.

"Lila?" a familiar voice asked from behind her as firm hands squeezed her shoulders.

"Yes," she replied, trying to turn to face him.

"Not yet," he ordered, stopping her. "Has that nice ass warmed up yet?"

"Yes, it has," she replied a bit hesitantly as the smell of lilacs hit her.

He cupped her right cheek firmly, making her gasp in shock, and her face grew crimson once again.

She spun around to face him, pushing the bottom of her skirt down with her hands futilely.

"That won't do at all," he said, grinning at her. "But first, let's go through the contract and discuss your boundaries, and then I can teach you some manners."

She followed him down the hall in silence. He stopped in front of what looked to be an interview room with two chairs facing each other across a rather wide table. He stepped in and sat in the chair facing the door. He gestured to the other chair and she moved inside and sat down.

He brought out a set of papers and started going through various kinks, devices and sexual acts and had her select them as allowed, not allowed or unsure. For a few she had to ask for an explanation before deciding, but most she had at least heard of. The majority of Lila's responses were "unsure" as she wasn't sure what she was going to like or how far she would allow herself to be pushed. She only picked a handful as not allowed, which pleased Master Rudy greatly. After the list was completed, they agreed on a safe word of "mercy" and they both signed the last page of the document.

Master Rudy left it in the room for a runner to collect after they left and take it to the monitoring room. He took Lila's hand and guided her to his room. She was still trembling anxiously, afraid of what the night might bring.

"Go kneel beside the bed facing it," he ordered gently.

Lila froze, her heart beating rapidly against her chest as if it were trying to escape.

Blood was rushing into her ears, muffling the sounds.

Master Rudy turned to her, eyeing her scornfully.

"Kneel, slave!" he bellowed.

The strength of his voice broke her from her reverie and she quickly scurried over to the bed and knelt down.

She took a few deep breaths, trying to steady herself. Master Rudy approached her from behind and placed a red leather collar on her neck. Panic swelled in her and she fumbled at it like a caged animal trying to get it off.

"Be still, slave," he commanded. "Place your hands on your lap and do not move them."

Lila obeyed, frantically trying to steady her breathing. Master Rudy knelt down behind her and pulled her into his arms, cradling her like a child.

He placed one hand on either cheek and stared deep into her eyes.

"Look at me, Lila. Do you truly want this? There is no shame in using the safe word or leaving now."

"I do want this, Master Rudy. I really do. But I don't feel in control of myself right now. My body won't listen. I don't know what to do."

"You have too much nervous energy and an abundance of shame, it would seem. We need to unburden you of that. I have an idea. Stand up," he ordered.

She took a deep breath and stood up, facing him.

"Good. Very good. You are a good little slave, aren't you, my Lila?"

"Yes, Master Rudy," she replied, closing her eyes briefly.

"Take off your shirt."

Master Rudy stood eyeing her greedily. Lila fumbled with the top two buttons of her low-cut white blouse.

"Let me help you." Master Rudy grinned, undoing the bottom three buttons with ease. He untucked her shirt from the waistband of her skirt and let it hang there, half open. He could see that she wasn't wearing a bra and that her nipples were very hard.

"Take it off and set it on the bed," he ordered.

She complied with a bit more ease this time.

"Now take off your skirt."

Lila shimmied out of her skirt and let it slip to the floor. As he gazed at her hungrily, she felt horribly exposed in just her red panties and covered her breasts with her arms.

Master Rudy grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back. He leaned in close and whispered tersely in her ear, "You will never do that again. You will always offer yourself to me freely. Is that understood, slave?"

"Yes, Master Rudy," she sobbed. "I'm sorry."

"Do not apologize. Just make sure it doesn't happen again. And to make sure it doesn't, I think it's about time you received your first punishment."

Lila shuddered visibly and Master Rudy sat on the bed, pulling her over his knee. He rained a flurry of firm spanks across her ass. She gasped and squirmed, but he kept her pinned firmly down. When he had finished, she sobbed lightly and Master Rudy wiped away her tears.

"Let it out," he urged. "Let go of the fear. You don't need it here."

He sat her upright beside him and she quieted. He stood and crossed the room, fumbling through some drawers until he found what he was looking for. He pocketed it and walked back towards her, stopping a few steps away from her.

"Stand," he ordered.

As she did, he flicked her swollen nipples and she gasped. She clenched her fists at her sides, urging herself not to brush him away.

"Good girl." He smiled at her. "You are learning. Your body is mine now and I will do with it as I please. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master Rudy."

"Good. Now be very still. This will sting for a moment but soon you will long for this."

He pulled two nipple clamps with red tassels out of his pocket and dangled them in front of her.

"Do you know what these are?"

"Yes," she replied, blushing fiercely.

"Then you know you'll want to be very still while I put them on. Can you do that for me, my good little slave?"

"Yes, Master Rudy."

He carefully placed the clamp on her right nipple first. She gasped and tensed up at the sudden pain. He quickly applied the left one, and she whimpered, closing her eyes.

"Very good. Now try swinging your breasts a little."

She did as she was told and sighed a little, noticing the soft touch of the tassels felt great against her sensitive skin.

"Now we are going to go for a little walk. There is no need to fear the other patrons. This red collar signifies that you have been claimed for the evening and that you are in training. Nobody will touch you without my permission."

"Now, hold your hands out in front of you," he ordered.

She shakily extended them in front of her and he bound them lightly together, leaving a length of rope at the end like a leash. He pulled gently on the rope, urging her to stand.

"Now follow close," he said, leading her from the room.

It was easy at first as he led her down the fairly secluded back hallways, but she could soon hear a dull roar emanating from the main atrium and her shoulders tensed.

She drug her feet a little as they passed into the atrium; it was bustling with activity. Her breath caught in her throat as other patrons eyed her hungrily and she moved closer to Master Rudy. Master Rudy looked back and saw her shoulders hunching forward and turned to face her.

"Shoulders back and straighten up. Keep your head up too. I'll be walking behind you now to make sure you obey."

Master Rudy gave her directions, leading her deep into the club. They stopped near a raised platform and Lila stared at it with dread.

Master Rudy placed his hand in the centre of her back and whispered in her ear, "You are going to be on display for a while until we get rid of that modesty. I trust you will do as I ask."

"Yes, master," she replied, her muscles tensing.

He untied her hands and tapped her lightly on the ass as she climbed up onto the platform. Her nipples were aching, she felt cold and tense, and she wished more than anything to be free of this torment. She turned to face her master. She stood stiffly, trying to keep her body straight. Her breathing was ragged and she tried to remember his words. She was safe. Nobody would touch her. They would only look. A crowd started to form, speaking in hushed tones and pointing at her occasionally. Lila closed her eyes for a moment, trying to steady herself.

"Look at me, slave," Master Rudy commanded.

Lila turned her gaze to him fearfully.

"I want you to dance for our guests."

"Oh I..." she stammered. "I can't dance."

"Would you prefer I spank you in front of all these greedy eyes?" he taunted.

Lila blushed fiercely, looking at her hands as she replied, "No, Master Rudy."

"Then dance for me, poppet. Don't look at them. Just look at me. Forget they are there. Think of your favourite song and dance."

She focused on him, trying to ignore the hungry and amused glances, and began to dance. She swayed her hips and gyrated, losing herself to the song only she could hear. Master Rudy smiled at her, and her heart stilled, and she smiled back. As she finished her dance, he clapped for her and hopped up onto the stage.

"Thank you, my very good girl," he whispered in her ear. "Now for a reward."

He slipped his right hand down her red panties and rubbed her clit lightly. It sent electricity through her whole body. She stared at the audience with her crimson cheeks. He kissed her neck and stroked her clit with growing intensity. Her clit was already swollen and was extremely sensitive to his touch.

"Everyone is watching," Lila whispered in fear as she gasped and sighed under his expert touch.

"I know." Master Rudy smiled.

Lila was helpless to resist as he teased and tormented her. Her breath was growing more ragged with desire and she closed her eyes, panting heavily. Her pussy was dripping with excitement as Master Rudy pulled lightly on her left nipple clamp.

Lila moaned and sighed, rocking her hips against his fingers. She let out a deep moan as she came all over his waiting hand. He pulled his hand out of her panties and brought his wet fingers up to her lips.

"Be a good little girl and suck these clean for me," Master Rudy teased.

Lila greedily sucked at his fingers as all the tension drained from her body. The gathered crowd hooted and cheered, but this time Lila hardly noticed. She stared at Master Rudy hungrily, curious of what else he had in store.

"Down on your knees," he urged.

She blushed looking out at the crowd then back to Master Rudy. She kept her eyes on his as she knelt down in front of him.

"Good girl," he said caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "Now unbutton my pants."

Her hands trembled slightly as she fumbled with the button but she managed to get it undone.

"Now unzip it for me my good little girl."

She did so shaking a little as she did.

"Very good. I think you know what I want you to do now."

He smiled down at her and she blushed fiercely.

"Yes master."

She looked out at the gathered crowd again and quickly turned her head away, afraid of the prying eyes. She rubbed his cock through the fabric of his pants and he looked down at her appreciatively. She pulled it out of his pants and stared at it for a moment longingly. She reached a single finger out to it tentatively running it up his length. She took a deep breath and licked the tip. She took him into her mouth a little unsure of what to do. She bobbed her head a few times then came up for air. She gripped the base of his cock and ran her tongue up and down it. She then sucked him some more moving her tongue a little this time. He sighed and pulled her face away with a fistful of her hair.

"That's enough. I have something else I want you to do now."

She looked up at him expectantly as he put his dick away and did up his pants.

"Get on all fours with your ass to our audience."

"Yes, sir."

She assumed the position and closed her eyes as the blood rushed back into her ears.

He leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I'm going to let someone else spank you. I'll be right beside you the whole time. Do you understand?"

She took a deep breath feeling both aroused and scared at the same time.

"Yes," she finally replied.

"Thank you my very good girl," Master Rudy praised, running a finger down her spine.

She sighed at his touch longing for more.

"Who would like to spank this fresh little sub?" Master Rudy said addressing the gathered crowd.

He saw plenty of raised hands but one caught his eye.

"Mistress Anne. I didn't know you were still joining us on occasion."

"Mostly to watch," she grinned. "But I could do with a little excitement."

"Then come on up and join us."

He moved to the edge of the platform and reached his hand down to her. She was in her late 50s but didn't look a day over 35. She had long blond hair and her green eyes danced with excitement. Her long legs were toned from the black stiletto heels she had worn almost every night for far too many years. Her dark red leather corset supported her heavy breasts which had lost their natural perk. Mistress Anne used Master Rudy's strong grip to guide her gracefully onto the platform. There were a few claps and cheers for her as a founding member of The Club. She bowed to them winking at a man in the front row who was eyeing her breasts.

She approached Lila slowly and crouched down to her level at her side turning her head gently to face her. Lila shook lightly as she met her gaze.

"There's no need to fear me girl," she whispered. "I'll be gentle."

"Ok," Lila stammered.

"Ah the sweet innocence of youth," Mistress Anne smiled.


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