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Taming a Brat Ch. 06

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Owen and Olivia discuss their dynamic.
4.2k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 08/08/2023
Created 05/16/2022
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"I think you're masking your feelings, after what happened with Thomas. I didn't want to bring it up at first, but now we need to discuss it. What happened before I showed up?"

She bit her pretty little bottom lip and my cock stirred. I shifted in my chair uncomfortably. I didn't know if her silence was due to the event happening before my trip, or if she was unwilling to share.

"Nice change of subject." She pouted. "He wanted to take me home," she sighed exasperatedly. "He demanded I go home with him."

She shifted in her chair, seemingly unsettled.

"And?" I waited patiently.

"He said he could find me wherever I go, and he'll never stop." She looked down at her hands in her lap.

"Well, we have an incident report regarding him showing up here and putting his grimy little hands on you. Did you ever report him to the police before this or do you have any evidence of his abuse?"

"No, but I have pictures," she whispered.

"Good, I'd like to see them."

"Now?" She looked stricken.

"No, not if it would upset you. Just send them to me if that's okay."

"Why do you even care? You won't even by my dom, so clearly you don't care about me." She looked frustrated, a wild look in her eyes. And here comes the brat.

"I care more than you-"

"Just shut up, I don't want to talk about this anymore. Can I go?" She got up as if to leave and I moved fast, catching her by the wrist.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" Her eyes widened in palpable fear. "For wanting to be my submissive, you're a real bitch to me." I tsked and shook my head.

"Just let me leave, I'm not in the mood," she snapped.

I yanked her towards my desk, pushing her over it, so her ass was nice and perked in the air for me. "Tell me to shut up ever ag-"

"Shut uuuup," she dragged out dramatically.

I was so shocked, I didn't react for a moment, which was my first mistake. I wasn't going to make another, so I raised my large hand and it landed with a sharp smack right on her ass. She was wearing a cute little sundress and I reached down and pulled it over her already red ass. My hand had managed to get both cheeks and the redness was spreading nicely.

"Ow!" she cried. "What the f-"

THWACK. My hand landed on her left cheek this time and sucked the air right from her lungs. She gasped and moaned quietly, as if trying to hide it. She started to melt under me, into the smooth mahogany of my desk.

"Shut the fuck up," I ground out throatily.

She remained silent until my next whack. She screamed out, as I hit her harder than the first two. I hit her twice more, then yanked her dress back down and nudged her aside with my knee.

"Now I think you're ready to talk like a nice little girl, huh?"

"Yessir," she managed. She was flushed, biting her lip aggressively.

"Go sit down and tell me how that day made you feel."

"What are you, my therapist?" Her eyes widened and she smiled sweetly. "Just kidding." Her eyes dashed to mine and back down, looking for approval. She sat back down gingerly, rubbing at her behind. "What do you want to know exactly?"

"Everything." It was true, I wanted to know every little detail about her and her life. I wanted control.

"Well, I was born at 6:30 in the morning on a balmy Wednesday and-" She stopped abruptly when I shot her a look. She smiled sheepishly and fixed her long, silken, dark blonde hair. I've already told you how we met and such, I'm not sure what else there is to say. He forced me to his bidding for a year and a half, and I was stupid enough to stick around." She shrugged her shoulders.

"So, seeing him must have stirred up some real emotions."

"Yeah, I guess. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. But it still shook me up. I'm trying not to let him get to me though, you know?"

I nodded my head and stood. "You're going to have to talk to the police, Olivia. There's no way around it. You may need to testify." I waited, watching her carefully.

She squirmed under my gaze and flushed red again. This time, it was in anger. "I don't want to!" she yelled childishly.

"You have to, Olivia. If you want this piece of shit to see any justice, you must be brave."

She stopped squirming and became eerily still. "You're right. I do want him to see justice. I want him to rot in hell for what he did to me. But I guess prison will suffice." I smiled broadly at her. She was such a good girl for me sometimes.

"I think once you've done this, you deserve a reward. What do you think?" I winked at her.

"A present? What is it, tell me, tell me, tell me!" She was practically vibrating.

"A scene, here."

"No way, are you going to finally fuck me? And in front of everyone? Oh my gosh! Let's go downtown and talk to the cops now!" She stood and bounced on the balls of her feet.

I laughed, "We can't right now, sweetheart. I'll make some calls and arrange a time, alright? Sit tight until then. You think you can manage?"

"Oh, I have lots of toys. But how long?"

"Sometime this week, I'm sure." I assured her.

"Okay. I like it when you call me names," she said under her breath and looked down shyly.

"Yeah? Noted."

She spun on her heel and left my office, looking like a little girl on her way to Disneyland.

I sat down and made some calls.


I ripped open my closet door once I had got back to the house. I searched for my favorite vibrator and went to town. I had almost cum, when my door flew open and I screamed, scrambling to cover myself with my blanket.

"Ohhh, what are you doing, Liv?" It was Camilla.

"N-nothing," I stammered.

"Is someone being a naughty little girl?" She climbed onto my bed and laid next to me. I froze, not knowing what I should do. She snuggled close to me, and I caught a whiff of alcohol.

"Camilla, have you been drinking?"

She hiccupped and giggled, "Maybe."

I pushed myself up and grabbed my phone, sitting against the wall with my legs crossed. She stayed laying down, thankfully. I shot a quick text to Owen, 'SOS.'

"Will you fuck me? I've always wanted to fuck you," she slurred.

"Camilla, you've been drinking you don't mean that."

"I do!" She sat up and rubbed at her bleary eyes. "I do fucking mean that."

She crawled closer to me and put her hands on my legs, trying to pry them open.

"Camilla, stop. You're drunk."

"How many times you gonna tell me that? Let me show you something, please."

I almost did as she said but caught myself. "This is getting weird, Camilla, seriously."

"So, you're just not going to cum? I know you need to."

She did have a point there and I opened my legs for her slightly, with her help. She was shimmying my shorts down when Owen bust through the door.

"Olivia are you al-"

He stopped when he saw Camilla between my legs.

"What the fuck is this?"

Camilla jumped up and almost fell off the bed. I blushed and pulled my shorts back up awkwardly.

"Nothing," I said, embarrassed.

I felt like a kid getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"Doesn't look like nothing. Get out, Camilla. Now."

Camilla scampered off and he slammed the door shut behind her. He kept eye contact with me while he stalked towards the bed. He stopped and stared down at me. My heart was pounding in my chest, the anticipation killing me.

"Next time you text me for an emergency, make sure it's an actual emergency worth my time."

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what got into her.... Or me."

He made a sound of disapproval and left the room. I bounced up out of bed and bounded after him. "Owen, please!"

He turned in the hallway and shushed me. "Goodnight, Olivia."

I sighed and followed after him downstairs and into his office. Kat was there, typing furiously on a desktop. Her eyes widened as she watched us enter the room.

"Go back upstairs, Olivia." Owen ground out between clenched teeth.

"No. I'm a grown woman and can do whatever I want." I crossed my arms and jutted my hip out dramatically.

Owen sighed and put his face in his hands, then he growled. He actually growled at me. He moved fast enough that I was unable to dodge him. He grabbed my waist and pushed me against the wall roughly. In my peripheral, I saw Kat flit out and past us. She closed the door after her and I'm not sure it would have mattered either way. He got nose to nose with me and clenched his jaw.

"You want your pussy ate that bad, huh?" He ripped my shorts off and got to his knees, spreading my legs open.

"Owen I-"

"You want to argue when you're finally getting what you want?"

I snapped my mouth closed and shut up. I wanted him more than anything, but it was so unexpected. He pulled my panties aside and started drawing his finger up and down my slit. I moaned, unable to stop myself.

"I haven't even started, already going to cum?" he snickered.

He dipped his finger in past my folds and at my entrance, scooping up the wetness and sliding it over my sensitive little nub. I was writhing under him, his other hand digging into my waist to keep me steady. He slid his finger back to my entrance and pushed gently, entering me slowly. I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming his name. I was so over sensitive, it felt like I was going to burst from one finger in my pussy.

He took another finger and added it into my pussy, stretching me open slightly. It felt amazing, to say the least. Sliding in and out of my soaking wet pussy, I felt myself already going to cum. It was building despite my greatest efforts to subdue it. I started to shake and shiver from head to toe. I burst so violently, my knees gave out and Owen caught me in his arms, holding me on the floor.

He brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked off my juices. "Mmm, you taste like candy," he said throatily in my ear.

"What about you?" I asked.

"What about me?"

"Don't you need to cum?" I squirmed out of his embrace and tried to fondle his crotch through his pants. He slapped my hand away. But not before I felt the girth and size of him. My eyes widened. "Holy shit," I breathed.


"You're huge, Owen."

He pushed me off him and stood, holding his hand out to help me up as well. "Time for bed."

I grimaced, but walked past him, flipping my hair. "Whatever. Goodnight. Thanks for the orgasm."

He remained silent.


She was going to be the death of me. I adjusted my painfully erect cock in my pants and sat behind a desktop to get some work done. It proved to be difficult, as I couldn't stop thinking about her taste. Her smell. The way she sounded when she came. The way she collapsed into my arms from a simple fingering. I could only imagine what she would sound and act like if I fucked her properly.

I mentally shook myself. "C'mon Owen, stop." Flashes of that damned red and purple collar flashed through my mind for the first time in days. That dirty blonde hair and smooth milky skin. Those dark eyes. But it morphed into Olivia's face and that startled me, genuinely scared the shit out of me. I put my hands over my face and sighed heavily. I could not be her dom. I wouldn't destroy her like I did before to others... I couldn't fail her. But what if I didn't? What if I succeeded and she was happy?

I had to do something about the whole situation before I spontaneously combusted from lack of sex or mental instability. I took my phone out and texted Olivia.

Me: Olivia, we need to discuss our relationship tomorrow. Do you work?

I stared at my screen for minutes before getting a response.

Her: Yes, I work at three, we can talk after?

Me: That's fine. See you then.

She must have been close to subspace since she wasn't being a brat. I wanted to see her fully emerged in subspace more than anything. I wanted her to melt for me. I didn't expect her to text back when I heard my phone chime on the desk where I had placed it.

Her: Goodnight. Thank you for making me cum, Sir.

Me: You're welcome. Night.

Her: Can I make you cum next?

Me: Who says there's going to be a next time?

Her: When you see me tomorrow, I don't think you'll be saying that. See you tomorrow, old man. ;)

There was her usual bratty self. I laughed and set my phone down. I wondered what she meant by seeing her tomorrow, what would she wear for me? I got up to go home and aggressively masturbate.


I woke up early to prepare myself for the day. I started with some orgasms of course, but they weren't anything compared to what Owen gave me the night before. He only fingered me, and I exploded in ecstasy. I couldn't even stand. I wanted more so badly, it hurt.

After I showered, it was around noon. I knew it would take hours to get myself all done up the way I envisioned. I was doing my makeup elaborately when there was a soft knock at the door. I called out for whoever to enter and it was Camilla. I stiffened slightly.

"Can we talk?" she looked anywhere but my face.

"Camilla, you were drunk, it's fine. Don't sweat it, okay?"

I got up and gave her a big hug.

"So, this isn't going to ruin our friendship?"

"Girl, no. Sometimes shit happens. It's over and done with. Can you help me with my makeup though?"

She gladly obliged and helped me apply perfect cat eyes with some eyeliner. She even helped straighten out my unruly hair. When she was finished, it was like silken honey. I slipped into a black ensemble, adorned with lace and glitter. I applied some skin oil, making my legs and arms shine and glow.

Camilla's eyes sparkled, she looked to be in awe. "Holy shit, you are going to blow his mind."

"How do you know?" I looked away, embarrassed.

"It's so obvious. You're in love," she stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm what?" I flushed.

"You're in love, Olivia. I know it when I see it, trust me."

"I don't know about all that," I chuckled dryly.

"I do. Well, I gotta go. See you later?"

"Sure," I said, flustered.

She left my room and I sat down heavily on my bed. I thought about what she had said. Did I really love him? I'd never quite felt the way I felt about him. I'd never let anyone elicit such desire and drive from me. I mentally shook myself and stood, slipping into my black stilettos with red bottoms.

I finished the look with some cherry red lipstick. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror on the wall and smiled brightly. I looked fucking hot. I click-clacked my way down the hall and took a car to work.

I drew tons of longing looks, which boosted my confidence and made me feel like I was on a high of some sort. Owen remained upstairs, seemingly busy with work. I wanted desperately to see him, and my shift couldn't go by any slower.

Finally, it ended, and I quickly made my way upstairs. I knew we'd be discussing our dynamic and I was so excited, I could burst. I was nervous also but tried to shake it. I stopped in front of his office and took a deep breath. I smoothed out my dress and adjusted my bra, making my boobs a bit perkier. I knocked twice.

"Come in," came Owen's voice.

I opened the door to see Owen behind his desk, with Leanne and Kat in both armchairs. Kat rose and directed me to sit where she had been sitting a moment before. I took a seat and looked to Owen questioningly.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Owen was frozen, mouth slightly agape. He looked me up and down and licked his lips. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Olivia," he rasped, clearing his throat again. "I'd like to discuss our dynamic, if that's okay with you?"

"Okay," I said wryly and looked at Leanne.

"She and Kat are here as witnesses. Instead of a paper contract, it's verbal and they're here to witness your consent. I thought it would make you feel more comfortable," he admitted.

"Sure, okay." I fidgeted. If only he knew it did the opposite, it just made me more nervous.

"I'd like to do a sort of trial run dynamic with you. I'd like you to be my submissive. You'd live with me for three months. After three months, we would reevaluate the dynamic and see how things are going. How does that sound?"

"That sounds fine. What about the scene you promised me if I talked to the cops?" I wondered aloud.

"That will be happening as well. I made some calls and you're scheduled to meet with a detective at my place next week. The scene will take place the day after. You'd be moving in with me tomorrow, if you agree."

"Can we have sex tonight?" I blurted.

He shifted his gaze from me to his desk, to Leanne, Kat, then back to me.

What the fuck.

"During the three months, there would be no copulation between the two of us."

"Fucking, you mean no fucking." I put my hand to my forehead and sighed. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I felt sick. "I'm out then. Sorry." I stood and headed for the door, giving Kat a dirty look. She could have fucking warned me. She could hardly look at me, she looked stricken.

"Olivia, please let me finish," Owen pleaded. I had never heard that tone in his voice. But still, it didn't stop me. I was furious. He had just wasted my time for weeks. I felt heartbroken and unwanted.

I ignored him and walked out of his office, swaying my hips a little extra so that he could see what he was missing. If he thought I'd be his little slave while not even getting fucked, he was sorely mistaken.

I took a car home and texted Camilla. I wanted to go out, and this time not have my time ruined by Owen. I wasn't going to tell Kat or anyone else where I was going. To hell with the both of them.

I waited for Camilla to get ready, while pacing my room. I didn't want to cry and ruin my makeup, so I just stayed furious. I was getting laid tonight no matter what and Owen wasn't going to stop me.

I picked an upscale bar a little ways away and hoped no one would think of it if they came looking for me. So, Kat didn't worry, I texted her and told her I was staying at a friends house and would be back the following day. She texted back immediately wondering who it was I was staying with. I ignored her.

Camilla met me in my room, and I had to say, she looked drop dead gorgeous. I wouldn't mind fucking her if it came down to it. Although, the other day was kind of weird and sudden, I did find Camilla attractive.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Is this even a good idea?

I ignored my inner dialogue and walked out to the waiting car with Camilla. We chatted about this and that on our way to the bar. She asked about Owen, and I simply said, "Fuck him."

"What did he do?"

"Nothing, I honestly don't want to talk about it or him. Let's just have fun tonight, okay?"

"Fine by me." She smiled dazzlingly and winked.

We arrived at the bar, Nox Lounge, and rushed inside to get a table. We were lucky enough to snag one in the back corner. We took out jackets off and headed to the bar to order drinks. I scanned the room, looking at faces that I didn't really see. I was checking for external value; I honestly didn't care who my victim really was. I landed on a handsome tanned face. I realized immediately he looked sort of like Owen. He would do. I would take my revenge out on this poor, unsuspecting stranger.

"He's hot," Camilla chimed, bumping me with her shoulder.

"He should do nicely." I smiled widely.

We ordered drinks and I followed Camilla back to our table, where I kept an eye on my target. He was chatting with some buddies of his, it looked like. He was speaking animatedly and smiling a lot. He was quite the catch.

"Want me to go get him for you?" Camilla asked.

"No way. I got this, girl."

I finished my drink and stood to get us another round. I purposely walked right into the perfect stranger on my way to the bar.

"Oh, I am so sorry," I apologized to him.

"No worries sweetie, you're all good. Very good actually. What brings you in tonight?" He leaned his elbow on the table, while his buddies chuckled and kept chatting.


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