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Taming a Brat Pt. 11

Story Info
Alias runs into someone from her past.
6.5k words

Part 11 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/07/2022
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*Alias's POV*

The entire week had drug by, and for the first time in a very long time, I couldn't wait for two full days away from this place. I had managed to avoid Kane the entirety of the week aside from Monday when I accidentally locked my keys in my office. He called me at 2 a.m. that morning and just hung up. I didn't bother to ask him why as I assumed it was probably a whiskey filled apology or a butt dial. I also kept my outbursts to a minimum in the morning meeting to prevent any unnecessary interaction with him. Honestly, I just hoped enough time would pass, and we could forget the previous week entirely. Kane wants to keep things professional, I'm 100% on board. Truthfully, I have no interest for personal matters to intertwine with work matters any way. I learned a hard lesson about that a long time ago, but I did want to spend time with Kane and get a chance to explore a new side of life, but he definitely shot down any hopes I had for that. Just when I started to find him attractive beyond his appearance. So much for that too.

My department was thriving from the first time I walked into the office. Everyone was hesitant at first, but I made my own rule for us. It's a requirement to communicate and share ideas for as long as I'm department head. No sitting miserable in cubicles not knowing the persons name 10 feet away from you. When Kane saw Monday, I assumed he'd shut it down immediately, so I had a defense entirely planned out. To my surprise, he seemed to think it was a good idea, though we didn't talk much about it. I had decided to make the best of the situation at hand, so I kept myself busy all week coming up with games and contests for my department.

We were about to draw names of three lucky entry level marketers to work with me on creating a marketing budget for one of the starter companies when I got a text from Sarah. I missed her deeply, but she was doing an amazing job of keeping my office going in my absence. 

Sarah: Hey stranger! Drinks tonight?

Alias: Who is this? Just kidding, you read my mind! Where to?

Sarah: The Tavern?

Alias: Absolutely!

Sarah: I'll have a cab pick you up around 7:30 (:


The day flew by as we spent most of it coming up with ideas to cut costs and new marketing strategies. Things were so much better since I implemented my own techniques, and the employees were so much happier leaving the office than when I first started.

I felt a sense of accomplishment as I locked up my office and made my way to the elevator. I was looking down at the floor, smiling to myself as the doors dinged open. My smile quickly faded as my eyes landed on shiny black dress shoes, which I followed up to meet Kane's eyes. I held in the groan lingering at the top of my throat as I stepped into the elevator. I stood beside him and watched the doors close praying we wouldn't have to converse on the short ride to the lobby. Of course, I was wrong.

"Ms. Star," Kane smiled at me lightly.

"Mr. Rhodes," I acknowledged him nonchalantly. I was still a little angry with him. I mean what the hell were we doing anyway? It's so much easier pretending he's nothing more than the CEO of the company I'm currently working for.

"Plans for tonight?" He tried to make small talk.

"Yup," I tried to keep it short.

"Where too?" He questioned. As if it were any of his business, I mentally rolled my eyes. The elevator ride has never been this long.

"Drinks with a friend," I stated as the doors opened to the lobby. Saved by the bell, literally.

Kane had his mouth open as if he were going to say something else, but I walked straight off the elevator completely uninterested in small talk of any kind with him.

"Have a nice night, Mr. Rhodes," I yelled over my shoulder as I made my way out of the building.

I spotted Damion beside the car, undoubtedly waiting for Kane. He shouted hello from beside the car, and I just waved him off as I continued down the street to catch a cab. I was still a little angry with Damion as well for telling Kane I was drunk in the bar that night. I guess I had no right to be mad considering his loyalty lies with Kane rather than me.

I finally caught a taxi and instructed him to my building. It had been such a time since I started here at Rhodes Inc., and I was much overdue for an actual good time. I planned my outfit in my head as the city lights flashed by. We arrived at my building, I paid the cab driver and halfway ran the entire way to my apartment. I threw off my work clothes as if I couldn't get out of them fast enough.

I chose a silk black maxi dress that hugged my curves and some black heeled sandals to match. I ran the curling iron through my curls that had fallen earlier in the day. Sarah texted to let me know she was sending a cab for me and we would meet at the Tavern. I grabbed a little red clutch to add a pop of color to my look and paired with ruby red lipstick. As I made my way back downstairs, my phone pinged with a message. Probably Sarah letting me know the cab arrived.

Kane: Alias, would you like to grab a drink later?

I scoffed and shoved my phone back down into my clutch. Seriously, Kane? Not only did I just tell him that I had plans, but on top of that, weren't we keeping things professional? He came up with that stupid shit, so honestly, how dare he have the audacity to ask. I swear that man is nothing but a headache. Fuck Kane Rhodes. I was having a good time tonight, and I wasn't thinking about him a single second until Monday morning.


That cab driver dropped me off in front of the Tavern, and I spotted Sarah at the bar immediately. A ginormous smile erupted across my face as I approached my best friend. She held two shots up in her hand, and I burst out laughing knowing they were both for me.

"Two tequila shots for the legend herself!" She yelled over the music. Sarah knew I always started with two tequila shots whether we were celebrating, sad, or just having drinks. It was sort of like my own tradition. I bowed jokingly before taking both shots and downing them in record time.

"Somebody really needed a drink," she bantered.

"Without a doubt, hardest two weeks ever!" I groaned as I slid into the barstool beside her.

"Well, spill everything. It's only been an eternity since we last spoke!" She eagerly leaned in towards me.

I remembered I hadn't told Sarah anything. Not about breakfast, the club, sleeping over at Kane's, a almost becoming his sub, any of it. So much for not thinking about him, hell. I groaned from the deepest depths of my soul before spilling every last detail. Sarah's jaw remained dropped the entirety of the story, all the way up to the text from him right before I got here.

"Alias, holy shit," She had utter shock across her face, "Firstly, fuck Kane Rhodes for tricking me like that. You know I wouldn't have told him anything if I had known the truth."

"No need to apologize, he's damn good at manipulating people," I rolled my eyes, "Hell, I was going to agree to something I had no clue about. Something about that man, but I see him for what he is now. A fucking brat. And do you know, he had the nerve to tell me I'm the brat?"

"Because you don't fall to his feet like every other woman?" She shot me a sideways glance.

"Probably so, who cares!" I shrugged my shoulders, "I did want to get to know him though," I admitted.

"Well, sounds like he has some issues of his own to resolve first," she explained.

"Yeah, definitely. I was intrigued by the club though, I'd like to go back," I sheepishly replied.

Sarah grinned at me, "I wouldn't have taken you for a submissive, Alias. A dominatrix without question, but why do you think you'd want to be a sub?" She raised an eyebrow, still grinning.

"It's like, I am a powerful ass woman all day everyday. I tell everyone what to do, how to do it, when to do it constantly. Maybe I just want someone to tell me what to do for a change. It's such a turn on for me just imagining giving up control to someone else," I sighed at my fantasy because it seemed like that's all it would ever be.

"So find a Dom," Sarah suggested.

"Yeah, let me just google one right now. I'm sure that's a great idea," I laughed at the idea.

"Go back to that club," she stated nonchalantly.

"Are you crazy? I'm like fresh meat, I can't go in there alone!" I exclaimed.

"So, go back with Kane," she raised an eyebrow before bursting into laughter. I joined her in laughter knowing that will never happen again.

"Go back with Kane? He said we had to keep things professional, and I don't think that falls in the same category," I shot her a sideways glance.

"He's a Dom with no sub, I think you could probably play that to your advantage," she winked at me.

"I don't want to use him," I shook my head, "I looked at him as a potential teacher, but he was in serious need of an attitude check."

"Well, you're not trying to fall in love with him right? Keep things professional at work and have fun after hours, if you know what I mean," she smirked back at me to which I rolled my eyes.

"Four tequila shots!" I yelled at the bartender followed with a long groan. I was definitely going to have to be drunker than this to forget Kane.

After a few more rounds of shots, Sarah and I were ready to hit the dance floor. We danced away the troubles of the past few weeks and laughed away all of our worries. We danced for what seemed like hours when my bladder reminded me it needed relief. Sarah, of course, needed a bathroom break herself. We headed towards the bathrooms in a drunken stumble, relying on each other to keep from falling. We were laughing at each other when my eyes landed on an extremely familiar face and I felt my knees go weak. Sarah noticed my demeanor change and tried to follow my eyes, but I pushed her towards the bathroom as fast as I could.

Once we were on the other side of the door, I exhaled a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding in. I walked over to the sink and used my arms to hold me up as I stared into the porcelain bowl.

"What the fuck, Alias? Are you okay?" Sarah asked frustratedly, but also compassionately.

I couldn't find the words. I hadn't seen him in years. Not since the night I left him. The man who tore me down to nothing but tiny pieces that I had to pick up one by one and glue back together myself. I didn't want to tell Sarah he was here because she would absolutely cease the opportunity to finally give him a piece of her mind. I felt a familiar feeling of helplessness creep up as I considered how I would get out of here without him seeing me or raising any more suspicion with Sarah. Fuck, what if he already saw me? A million scenarios ran through my mind. Calling a taxi wouldn't be fast enough and I couldn't risk standing outside trying to catch one. As much as I dreaded it, I pulled my phone out and texted that last person I wanted to see tonight.

"Earth to Alias? Care to clue me in?" Sarah asked, definitely becoming irritated.

"Hey, I just started to feel sick. Too many tequila shots maybe?" I nervously laughed trying to play my lie off.

"You want me to call a cab?" She asked concerned.

"No, no need. I just asked Damion if he could come pick me up," I smiled sheepishly. I hope Sarah won't be mad, but I really didn't want to deal with the situation at hand.

"You asked Damion or Kane?" She smirked.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, I texted Kane because I don't have Damion's number, but"

"Oh, no need for buts! Ditching me for a boy toy, you should have just said so!" She goofed. She was so incredibly wrong, but I decided to let her have her fun.

"Busted," I nervously laughed. Kane texted back to let me know Damion was about two blocks away, so I headed toward the bathroom door. I swung it open and turned to say something to Sarah when I collied with someone. With him.

He caught me by my elbows and I felt the color drain from my face. I froze as the only sound I could hear was my heartbeat ringing through my ears. I felt sick to my stomach as a devilish smirk crept up on his face.

"Alias Star," He towered over me, "Thats a name I truly miss saying."

Before my mind could formulate words, Sarah stepped around from behind me with pure rage. She tried to jerk his hand away, but he only dug his fingers into my arm, reminding me of the pain I endured for so long.

"Hey asshole! Let go of her! You know damn well she doesn't want shit to do with you," she gritted her teeth as she yelled.

"Sarah, always lovely to see you," He smirked knowing she hated him.

I knew Sarah well enough to know she would cause a scene and all I wanted to do was run away as far as possible. I tried to pull my arms away, but he only held on tighter. I looked up at him, trying to plead with my eyes.

"Alias, you know you can't wiggle away from me. Let's go somewhere and talk," He pretended as if he were asking. I knew him well enough to know either I said yes or he would carry me out of here. Sarah continued to curse him from beside me, demanding he let go. My body started to shut down as memories flooded of similar instances.

"Ashton, please. Please let me go," I managed to mutter out the words.

"Look at you being sweet," he was so smug. His condescending words made me sick to my stomach.

"I don't want to talk, please," I pleaded with him.

"I think I deserve a conversation after you fucking left without a word, don't you? I deserve an explanation after you packed up your shit and left our home, don't you think you owe me that much?" He spat. His nails dug deeper into my skin causing me to wince. I realized Sarah had disappeared, probably to get security. I just had to keep cool until they got here.

"Ash, you know why I left. Please don't do this here," I tried to calm him down knowing his temper is unpredictable.

He shoved my back against the wall and let out an evil laugh. His eyebrows scrunched and his eyes darkened. The look right before he snaps. I knew it all to well.

"Please, just let me go," I closed my eyes and braced for impact.

"I don't think so, you're not getting away this time," he jerked my arm, spinning me around back toward the club. I felt tears pool in my eyes and fought them back as best as I could. I knew I couldn't escape him. My eyes were on the floor when I spotted a familiar pair of shiny black dress shoes. I raised my head slightly, trying not to look so damn helpless. How did he know I was back here? More importantly, why was he here?

"I believe she said let her go," Kane crossed his arms, blocking the path.

Ashton scoffed. He was never intimidated by anyone, especially no man trying to stand up for me. I wanted to literally disappear.

"Move, man, I'm just taking my girl home is all," he laughed trying to play it off. My blood boiled hearing him call me that. I tried once more to snatch my arm away, but he didn't let it budge. I was definitely going to have a bruise, but that was the least of my concerns. Here I am, standing between two men I despise for reasons of their own.

"She's definitely not your girl," Kane laughed, "Looks more like a kidnapping if you ask me."

Goddamn it, Kane. Ashton never took lightly to jokes. I knew immediately that this situation was about to go from bad to worse in a matter of seconds. Ashton released my arm, only to walk around me and straight up to Kane. They were about the same height and stature, so they stood eye to eye.

"Mind your damn business," Ashton spat at Kane.

"She is my business," Kane smirked. He didn't seem the least bit intimidated.

"The fuck she is," Ashton scoffed. He glared at Kane and balled his fists, ready to swing. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"What, is this some sort of intimidation tatic?" Kane chuckled lightly, unfazed. "Alias, let's go." He reached an arm out to me only for Ashton to shove it out of the way. I couldn't bare to watch. I slipped past them both, almost in a full sprint. I should have run sooner, but my mind forgot how to make my legs move up until this point. I heard Kane and Ashton yell after me, but I didn't bother to look back. I ran through the crowd, past the bar, and out the doors of The Tavern straight onto the sidewalk. For a moment, I panicked as I tried to figure out the best way to run. My eyes landed on a Sarah and Damion who seemed to be in a heated discussion.

I ran to Sarah and she wrapped me in her embrace. I pulled away slightly and she gave me a knowing look. I wanted to cry, but we both knew I wouldn't. Not yet, anyway.

"Oh, Alias, are you okay? I came to get help and this prick wouldn't let me go back in!" Sarah exclaimed worriedly.

I couldn't help but chuckle a little as she referred to Damion as 'this prick'. I nodded my head letting her know I was as alright as I could be.

"Alias, I would have gone in too, but this firecracker here had to have someone physically prevent her from raising hell," Damion explained jokingly.

"That's quite alright, Damion. Thank you for coming," I tried to smile, but my entire body was still in fight or flight mode.

"Where is Kane?" Damion asked peering around my shoulder towards the doors of the bar.

"I'm not sure," I replied quietly, "I didn't expect him to come..." I trailed off.

"He almost made me wreck trying to get here. He was worried about you, rightful so, I suppose," He tried to make light of the situation.

About that time, Ashton came out the doors with two security guards behind him. He spotted me immediately and again I froze.

"I'll be seeing you, Star," He spit on the ground towards me. My heart sank knowing the lengths he would go to punish me for this. He started to walk down the street when Kane came out the door. He walked over to me with pure anger across his face. I thought he might be angry with me for asking him to come, but his face softened as he got closer to me.

"Alias, are you alright?" He asked with concern. He looked as if he genuinely cared.

"I'm fine, can we go?" I really didn't want to talk about what just happened.

"Absolutely. Sarah, shall we drop you off as well?" Kane asked.

"Depends. Alias, you're not going home right?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I was," I replied, "He doesn't know where it is."

"Alias," Sarah said sternly.

"I know, I know," I dropped my head. Ashton's father was a dirty cop here in the city who would track my apartment down probably before I could even get there. When I left Ashton, I waited months before signing my name to a lease. I hoped and assumed he had forgotten about me.

"Alias, you're welcome to stay at my place. I can get a hotel in the meantime," Kane interjected. I nodded in consideration.

"Where will you go?" I asked Sarah. She was in the same danger I was. Ashton knew if he couldn't find me, Sarah would know where I was.

"You know me," She winked, "I'll just tell you the way!" She told Damion. Sarah would take advantage of the luxury hotel points she had saved, so I knew she would be alright.

"Stay at Kane's, Alias. That's the only way for now," she said to me quietly.

I looked at Kane who nodded slightly agreeing to let me stay. Though I didn't want to be around him, he was definitely the lesser of the two evils.

We all climbed into the car and everyone settled in an uncomfortable silence aside from the occasion direction from Sarah. We arrived pretty quickly at a nice hotel on the outskirts of the city. Sarah came around to my window before walking into the hotel.

"Alias, we can get through this again. You and me. Just like last time. You are a strong, boss ass bitch. But tonight, be a smart bitch and stay with Mr. Rhodes here," she motioned her head towards him.

"Sarah," I shook my head and smiled.

She looked at Kane seriously. "Take care of her, or Ill kill you myself," she said as she turned to walk into the building.


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