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Click hereThe VampirTARA Chronicles Ch. 2 : Grandfather
Hello I'm Tara, first let me tell you a little bit about myself , I'm a 40 year-old Funeral Director / mortician, of our families mortuary, that is 5 foot 7, approximately 114 pounds, with long black hair and glasses, that is married with three children.
Well, this is a true story of what happened to me. last December 2014 it was my grandfather's birthday, he was going to be 91 years old and my aunt was holding a party for him at the fire hall. and his gift was to be a stripper. It was something he had always wanted and never had.
It was monday the 1st, my aunt came to me and my sister wives Toni & Kathy asking us to handle getting the stripper to the party that she had made all the arrangements her, because she would be very busy with the party. So we agreed figuring no big deal, as she gave us the money for the stripper.
Well, Fast forward Its Saturday the 13th, 35 minutes before the party. the stripper calls me and my sister wife Toni cancelling. We didn't know what to do understand my aunt is a mega bitch, she would rant throwing a fit In front of the entire family. Saying we screwed it up, she would humiliate us like that. So, my sister wife Toni suggested,one of us disguise ourselves and do the striptease.
well logically, I was the only one with a professional costume that I bought and paid for and never got to use this previous Halloween. It was of the original Batgirl, my sister wife Toni couldn't wear it, her breasts are too big for the suit and sister wife Kathy is too skinny, So I was the only choice.
We figured what's the harm, no one will know they're half liquored up already, Strip real quick and get out of there. Anyways I Wouldn't be missed from the party, I originally wasn't able to attend anyways, because I had a funeral to oversee at the mortuary. Well instead our husband was taking care of that, so quickly Kathy went back to the mortuary and retrieved the costume, as Toni kept me hidden at the fire hall. When Kathy returned with the costume, I got dressed hiding in one of the back rooms, as my two Sister wives were lookouts. Well it came time to go out and strip, I was so nervous, Toni had downloaded the original Batman music. I came out walking seductively shaking my little round ass, they had him sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, as everyone was circled around him.
I first I removed my cape, next I reach behind me, as I danced Slowly pulling down the zipper to the Batgirl jumpsuit. Then slowly sliding it off my shoulders, down over my hips and over my little round ass. Then stepping out of it, I next reached behind and unhooked my black satin and lace bra, as I danced to the loud music with my grandfather and everyone Watching.
Next I slowly slid down my black satin bikini panties and stepped out of them. It was uncomfortable, as my grandfather started touching my naked body. he grabbed my breasts, my ass. He rubbed my smoothly waxed pussy and even stuck his finger inside of it. Thank God the music was over, I thought I was was done, so I quickly was picking up my costume to make a quick exit.
Then that's what my aunt came over saying in my ear,"you're not done are you, I thought we made arrangements for you to give him a blowjob."
I thought immediately,"Oh shit." I didn't want her to start studying me, if I tried to explain why I wouldn't do it and realize it was me behind the mask. I was in a predicament I didn't expect, so I briefly said," I know I wasn't done yet." I then walked over to my grandfather laid my cape on the floor in front of him, it wasn't like I hadn't had sex with him before, it's just been a few years and before he got dementia. So, getting down on my knees and pulling his zipper down. Nervously hoping no one would notice it was me, I reached in and pulled out his hard dick. I hesitated a good minute taking a number of deep breaths thinking, Viagra really does work.
Then I opened my mouth and leaned forward sliding my lips over my grandfather's dick. I was bobbing up and down sucking on his 91 year old dick with the entire room watching. After about 5 minutes, he squirting his cum in my mouth, it was only two tiny little squirts, maybe enough to fill a little over an eyedropper. Then I was done and as uncomfortable as I swallowed the cum.
Next, I got my costume and slipped out quickly with the help of my two sister wives, before my identity was discovered. God I get myself in messes, but Its a secret that only my sister wives Toni & Kathy know...
Now fast-forward six months May 2015, my 91 year old grandfather that has severe dementia, came to stay with us temporarily. The nursing home, he had been staying in closed its doors due to bankruptcy. Until my aunt could take him that lives in another state, the same one that threw him the birthday party.
So, he came to stay with me and my family. The first few weeks went fine, except the doctors had my 91 year old grandfather, on viagra as a blood thinner and he was constantly having erections, that always poked out of his pajamas. Yippee me, if dementia, wasn't bad enough, That's all I needed to see.
Well, my husband has been in the hospital for the past few weeks, with a shattered broken leg. It had been weeks that, I hadn't had sex and by the way it looks, it's going to be a while. It was 8:30 a.m. I had finally gotten, everyone out the door to school and just got done feeding our Great Dane. So, I got a glass of juice And my grandfather's medicine. Paying attention to the news on the television, as, I walked into the living room and over to the sofa, where my grandfather was sitting.
It happened so quickly, as I turned leaning forward, with the juice and medicine. I saw, my grandfather's dick in his hand, and two quick jets of cum, squirted out the head of his dick in my face. The first squirted on my glasses, then quickly the second one squirted on my bottom lip and in my mouth, that was slightly open.
I said, "what the fuck grandfather, how fucking gross," as I set down the juice and medicine on the end table. I quickly turned, to run for the bathroom, with cum all over my glasses and on my tongue. I almost tripped over, that big Great Dane of ours, causing me to swallow the cum. I was so grossed out!
I managed to make it to the bathroom, to clean the cum off my glasses and rinse my mouth out. I even noticed some of my grandfather's cum, was on the end my long black hair, that was in a ponytail hanging down in front of me. I cleaned myself up and went back into the living room, to finish giving my grandfather his medicine.
The rest of the day had passed, it was now late after midnight and everyone was in bed. I had just taken, a quick shower and was wearing only my short black satin robe. So, I was helping my grandfather back from the bathroom, as we got in the living room by the side of the sofa, that he always sits on. I stopped him and said, "your TV button must have fell in the sofa, hold on to your Walker, while I get it," so, I leaned over the arm of the sofa.
I then stuck my arm in between the cushions, and it was one of those sofa beds. I had to lift up, the heavy metal frame of the bed with my left hand, and sticking my right arm way down in digging around for the TV button, not realizing, as I was bending over the arm of the sofa, That my short satin black robe rode up, exposing my bare ass and my smoothly waxed pussy. It was no big deal, not like he hasn't seen it before. Hell, when I was 21 College my grandfather took my virginity, when had I offered it to him and wouldn't take no for an answer.
Then suddenly, our very large Great Dane come racing in the room, jumping on the sofa, causing the sofa bed frame to slip out on my hand, pining my right arm tightly in the metal frame. I could not pull my arm loose and with the stupid dogs weight, on the sofa. That big oaf would not move, as I struggled to get my arm loose.
Suddenly, I felt two hands on my ass, grabbing it, not wake anyone up in the house I whispered, "hey stop that grandfather, you're too old for that, okay have your fun while it lasts you old fucker." I continued to try, to push the asshole dog off the sofa and get my arm lose, but all I managed to accomplish was hurting my shoulder. In the midst of it, I hadn't noticed my grandfather's hands had moved to my hips. Then my jaw dropped open, my eyes open wide in shock, as I felt something parting my pussy lips.
For a second I was frozen, like a deer in the headlights. I immediately whispered, "grandfather stop that, someone might wake up and come down and see this." Just as I finished saying that, I felt My grandfather sliding his dick in my pussy.
My 91 year old grandfather, may have had dementia, but it was obvious he still knew what to do, when he seen a pussy. He held onto my hips firmly, Holding my 5 foot 7 and 114 pound round little ass still. My grandfather started to fuck me, with the loud sound filling the room of him slapping against my pale white little round ass. I was praying no one would wake up and come downstairs.
I struggled to get my arm free, but it was in vain. All I could do was, let my 91 year old grandfather take me, so I stopped struggling hoping no one would hear. He was going to town on my 40 year old smoothly waxed pussy. The old fucker was buttering my pussy real good, I couldn't believe it. Now, I hadn't I had sex in a while and it was starting to feel good.
My robe had come open, my breasts were giggling, as my grandfather was fucking my little pussy with that old dick of his. That Viagra is something else, I rolled my hips like the waves of the ocean, as my grandfather buttered my pussy. After 3 or 4 minutes of a 91 year old man giving it to me, it started to build Within Me like steam in a tea kettle. Then it was like an overwhelming tidal wave, I started to orgasm. My head flew back, I arched my back, while my nails dug into the sofa cushion, as my hips were rolling like the waves of an ocean and quietly squealing,"Oh grandfather."
Then, a minutes later, as my body trembles from my orgasming. I felt that old fucker cum starting to squirt inside of me, I realized it was my fertile time of the month. I could feel the warm liquid heading down towards my uterus, that's when the asshole of a dog jumped off the sofa releasing my alarm. I pulled my arm out, but it was too late, my 91 year old grandfather was squirting cum inside of my pussy already. So, I let him finish. Seconds later, I then pulled away and his old dick slipped out of me.
I wanted to kill the old fucker for choosing to do this when people were in the house, but I knew he had dementia, he didn't know any better. He and I had just gotten a much needed relief, so I fixed my robe and helped him to the sofa. I tossed his TV button to him, then went across the living room and sat on the love seat in shock that I just had sex with my 91 year old grandfather and it was my fertile time of the month. * there's a picture on my profile of me in the Batgirl costume when I was trying it on at the store before I purchased it.
This was fun, never mind the negatives. We are reading this sort of story because it's fun or sexy, hopefully both, not as a piece of literature.
Of course it would be easier and less disruptive to read if the commas, spelling, capitals, grammar, etc.were edited out. But most of us should be able to read through the story and get the gist - and yank, stroke, laugh, do whatever we like to do when we read one of the stories here.
One thing that this made me think about is whether Viagra will help me not only have decent fuck-worthy erections when I'm 94, but also if it will help me be able to come in gobs the way it helps this grandfather. I can only hope! Fortunately I have 40+ years before I have to test that.
Well done Tara, keep going.
Great story, I like where it's heading. So many critics it would seem, ignore the muppets. I pay no heed to professional critics in the general media so I pay even less to the anonymous ones here.
To answer your question no I did not, I don't believe in anonymous comments such as yours. I don't claim to be an Edgar Allan Poe ,nor am i as rude as you are to leave someone such a comment. if you didn't like the story fine, I will not lose sleep over it. it's easy for you to run your mouth acting like you could do so much better, hiding under anonymous name. either way you have a good day.
The Anon who wrote: "loved your storie please keep writting, hope their are more chapters to Taras story"
You are as illiterate as Tara. Did you log out to post this anonymously?
loved your storie please keep writting, hope their are more chapters to Taras story
Surely you intended this to be read as comedy! Laughed my ass off all the way thru! Keep up the good work! Just don't include the Great Dane! LOL!
Good festive touch and nice story. Short, sweet and got the job done. Too many people ready to slag off someone's work. Positive criticism, yes a few spelling and punctuation mistakes, but whatever. Was it legible? Yes. Kudos to you for a good story. Keep up the good work.
Merry Christmas!!!
You didn't need to tell us the grandfather was 94 six times. Also the word "seen" should have been "saw".
Really enjoyed the story, hope this is part of a series.
Keep up the good work, superb for a first effort.
This was my first attempt At writing a story, some comments concerning errors are correct and well noted. some others though seem to come acrosss snotty like they are in the category of authors like Anne Rice, and as for the comment of going to school on the 24th of December, I live in Pennsylvania where snow days are made up, because the students must attend so many days out of the year. my children have gone on Christmas Eve. The comment made Why the story have to be On Christmas, I guess no one is supposed to mention Christmas in a story, humbug to you anonymous Ebenezer Scrooge.
Some schools do have classes on the 24th. It depends on many things, including how many inclement weather days they've already taken. My guess is the anonymous commenter never or rarely saw snow days.
Lost days impact attendance, and if too low, can cause issues with passing the students to the next grade. If it's a couple of days, they might extend the final school day, but it's too many days, those with summer jobs will have problems (possible contract violation with the teachers), so they will shorten it elsewhere, even including a shortened spring break.
The comments about finding an editor or even a reader are valid. I'll hold off voting to avoid dinging the story.
It is an unusual and interesting premise. The Non-Consensual tag should have been added, as she did not want the experience, even though physically it made her feel good. She was lucky; with the viagra, she could have been worked over for quite a while.
Skill at writing takes practice. Look at how the stories you like are put together, and seek out that elusive editor/reader; sometimes they can be difficult to persuade as they work for free. That said, having posted, you are now published, so count that as a feather in your bonnet. Not so many people can say that. Keep on writing! Good luck.
I enjoyed your story. Made for a good read. The only thing that jarred me was the school on Christmas Eve. Keep writing!
Lots of redundant statements, a large number of redundant and extraneous commas. Edit it and it'll be decent for a non-con.