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Taylor's Locker Room Gangbang


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Jen agreed, "Go ahead Tyler. You worked for it. Now you know what we go through. You earned, just swallow it."

I wanted it over with so I agreed with Jen and encouraged Tyler, "Go ahead baby. It's not that bad. Just swallow it."

Tyler squinted, then closed his eyes and very reluctantly swallowed Bailey's load. He winced and shook his head in disgust. Everyone applauded like they had just seen a play.

Just then we could hear the coaches talking outside while some yelled, "It's the coaches! Let's get out of here!"

Everyone was scrambling around. Even the guys who were naked or half naked grabbed their clothes and took off for the two back doors. Tyler and I grabbed my clothing and followed the masses out just before the coaches entered the locker room. We went home so worried this was going to get out on social media. I took a shower for what seemed like an hour just to scrub myself and my orifices clean from all the DNA.

Thank goodness it didn't surface online the rest of the school year and more importantly, I didn't get pregnant from Jackson or Karl. Unfortunately, the day after we graduated, there it was and the horror had begun. On Twitter, Facebook and YouTube was the entire scene. There was me taking three loads of cum in my pussy, one in my ass, and two in my mouth and face not to mention Tyler swallowing Bailey's cum. All of us had graduated so we couldn't be punished and any underclassmen who were present got suspended from school the next year for first 5 days. Tyler and I have had issues trying to put this behind us. I love Tyler but that day as a used slut, haunts him from wanting to marry me. The most shameful part is on certain days, I am almost glad it happened. Yuck!

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jellydoughnutjellydoughnutabout 1 month ago

Every person taking part in what happened to Taylor would be charged with rape and sent to enjoy their own gang bangs in prison. Tell me Tyler didn't wait for Karl to get faced and beat the crap out of him with a bat. A guy like Karl will make life miserable for everyone near him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story why stop?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

2 parts arent enough. Let Taylor realise shes a whore and run with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved it, the boyfriend was a whiny bitch though.

Sweetnothings77Sweetnothings77over 2 years ago

I liked the story cause it some time happens that way. I been at parties when I was younger in school and things got Crazy like that. My boyfriend would start Kissing on me or touching me or just some guy would when I didnt go with a boyfriend and then we would go to a room and before you know it the doors open and other boys come in and put there cocks out or want some of me next. I use to Dance for a Living and at some the Bachelor Parties or just Parties things got Crazy and the Mens would want me to Suck Them while Others got up behind me. The more I DID at them Parties the More $ I made. So yeah I been Taylor and had my share of Mens like Karl and Jackson and Bailey.

QuarterWater25QuarterWater25almost 3 years ago

I liked the story except for the social media part.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Definitely not real lol

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