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Teddy's Story

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His introduction to gay and female sex.
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© Susan England.August 2004 This may not be copied to or published at any other site without the express permission of the author at the link below

I am greatly indebted to Mandymarie, a Literotica Editor, for her professionalism in helping me overcome a writing problem.

Comments and criticism to the author, Susan England at the link below would be most welcome.

I was challenged to write a Male/male story instead of my more usual female oriented stories. This is my attempt and I stress that it is simply a story. There is no basis in fact and the characters are fictitious.All characters are of course of an age to comply with the requirements of Literotica.

What is true is that my grandfather was born in 1900 and was too young for WW1 and too old for WW2. The setting for this first attempt by me to write a gay story is true – Grandpa was an Air Raid Warden, there were Social Clubs for working men. The ‘Blue Lagoon' really did exist. He has talked of it and laughed about it many times. The dress code for boys was as I have described and there were elasticated ‘snake head' belts for the boys.

My husband says my story is too feminine and romantic in its descriptions and I must "try harder." Oh dear, ‘bottom' of the class again!! If you find it so then I apologise. Feedback would be very helpful.


I am bi-sexual, although my family doesn't know of it.

I was born in 1932 and recently celebrated my 72nd birthday. I am very happily married. My wife of 49 years standing is my best friend as well as a woman I have loved since we first met. We have had four children, 2 boys and two girls (who don't come into this tale), but I have had occasional interests with both males and females over the years.

My earliest experience was with a mature man. I very much enjoyed it, but thanks to the intervention of an understanding female it failed to lock me in a world of homosexual loving. Because of her I was able to experience and enjoy heterosexual love and sex, and I've I decided to set down how this came about. I have tried to tell the story with the innocence of wording and expression that I had at the time

Chapter One – Uncle Reg makes a friend.

In England back then immediately after the war it was safe for youngsters to be out late. Looking back I never remember hearing that children had been abducted, or raped or murdered as they are today. I was never warned, as parents must warn today, that there were evil men who would harm us, and that we must be suspicious of anyone we didn't know, that we must not talk to strangers, that under no circumstances were we to go with them, anywhere, at any time, day or evening.

I now know that men who got pleasure from a sexual relationship with a young person were careful to be friendly, especially to be friendly with parents. They were gentle. They knew that if they made certain cautious advances they would be rejected by most, but the advance wasn't such that it could be interpreted as 'abuse' in today's sense. With the right response from the youngster, they knew that they could slowly take the relationship further until they had a willing, perhaps enthusiastic, partner.

Dad was a blue-collar worker for a large public utility company. The firm provided many benefits ﷓ access to libraries, sports grounds, athletic tracks and not least, a clubhouse for employees. The club had in addition to a bar, dartboards, card tables, table-top skittles and such like. In a separate room were two snooker/billiards tables. In the days after the war and before TV, this was an important social centre, and there were many teams, male and female, which competed in various sporting leagues.

My name is Edward – Teddy – and at that time I was small for my age, only 5' 3"tall. My hair was brown and cut ‘short back and sides' in the style of the time and my eyes were blue. I was slim and to my embarrassment, had what were called delicate features. Women would call me a ‘lovely boy to look at' and some would say ‘isn't he pretty?'

I had an older brother, Fred, aged 22 who was in the Navy and an older sister ﷓ Margaret aged 20. Our home was in a terrace of working class houses and had three bedrooms, identical to all the rest of the houses on the neighbouring streets. There was no bathroom; a zinc bath was put in front of the fire during cold weather and was laboriously filled and laboriously emptied. The lavatory was outside – not a favourite place to visit in winter!

In those days there were no jeans or casual clothes of that kind. Boys always wore short, loose waisted grey trousers, buttoned at the fly and held up by an elasticized belt, fastened with an ‘S' shaped clip in the image of a snake.

For my age I know that, compared with the youth of today, I was very naïve, very non-streetwise. I was now ‘a young man' and was allowed long trousers, but in summer (the time of my tale) I wore baggy legged shorts for comfort in the heat.

Girls always wore dresses or a skirt and blouse. Older girls who worked in the factories because the men were at war were allowed to wear long trousers. Boy's underpants had baggy legs and a girl had elastic around the legs to keep her private places firmly hidden from view!

We lived close enough to the club for it to be an easy walk and as Dad was a member of several teams (he particularly enjoyed cards and snooker) we would go there frequently. Fridays and Saturdays were the regular evenings and my Mum would sit with her friends (there was a 'ladies corner') and have a good chat. Dad would sit with his mates and play cards or dominoes, and of course snooker.

Friday was usually fairly quiet I remember, and I would watch the men and try to understand their play. One of them was named Reg, a friend of my Dad's. He was so much a friend that I called him ‘Uncle Reg.' Family relationships and respect for older people demanded a proper form of address


Reg was single and lived with his sister, also single, in a street quite close to ours. As we walked to the club he would come out and walk with us, and was always very pleasant and would buy the first drink when we arrived. He always got me a large soft drink, and whenever he saw it empty, he would buy me another.

He was kind in other ways. He would sit patiently and coach me in some of the domino and card games, and I thought of him as an adult that I liked and who treated me pretty well.

Drinking so much soft drinks made me continually need to pee and often Reg would go at the same time.

The ladies had indoor 'facilities', but males had to go outside and along an unlit gravel path to a slate topped urinal. This consisted of a trough in the floor, and one peed against a tar-coated wall. There were also three lavatory stalls. It was quite roomy to allow for the times that the place was crowded, but it was lit only with a dim blue bulb that was a hangover from the war years. No one had bothered changing it for any brighter light. I think the men might have objected anyway, because the blue dimness gave a uniqueness compared with other clubs. It was a masculine joke. It was known throughout the sports leagues. No other could compare with theirs.

The blue﷓light﷓illuminated urinal was known familiarly as 'the Blue Lagoon.'

As we left the rear of the club and crunched over the gravel path, Reg had started to put his arm around my shoulders and I accepted this as natural.

When wearing my shorts I never undid the flies of my trousers. To pee I simply pulled up the baggy short leg and pulled myself out of my equally baggy underpants. If I wanted them down, I unclipped the snake belt and pulled the loose trousers down over my narrow hips. Providing there were no other men in the urinal Reg would normally stand right next to me. He would very deliberately unfasten the buttons of his fly, pull apart his trousers and take out his cock. With a little more fumbling, he pulled out his ball sac and stood, turned slightly towards me, his fingers moving softly on his manhood.

At first I tried to look away but I couldn't resist trying to see what a grown man looked like out of the corner of my eye. He didn't say anything; merely had his pee, then pulled hard on himself, shook it, and slowly replaced it in his trousers. Then he would look at me and smile and I would smile back. This continued to happen for several evenings.

One night I went out followed by Reg. His hand on my shoulder was gently caressing and he pulled me to him as we walked. There was no one else in the Blue Lagoon. As usual Reg stood close to me.. He took himself out and by this time I no longer made any effort to look away. In fact I blatantly watched as he pulled on himself. I finished my pee and let my trouser leg fall. I was about to turn away when his hand reached down and rested on my far hip. He pulled me close. I made no effort to move away as his fingers curled under the leg of my trousers and lifted them up. His fingers slipped inside my underpants and he wiggled them about, brushing my prick. He said "tickle, tickle, tickle" and indeed it did. I giggled and hunched myself. He took his hand away and again caressed my shoulder. We walked back inside the club.

For the rest of that evening, each time I went out he would follow. He was I suppose very careful not to make it obvious, but he must have had a watchful eye out for me. If another man were there, he would stand well away and would chat in a natural way. If the man left quickly, he would move to my side. Each time he would lift my trouser leg, and his fingers would dance lightly over my prick and balls. Each time it became more pleasurable for me, and each time I felt myself swell under his touch, and I stood still and let him do as he wished.

"Is that nice?" he asked.

I whispered "yes."

"Do you like what I'm doing?"

"Yes" I gasped as he pulled gently on me.

All the time he was touching me his other hand was pulling on his cock. Even in the dim glow I could see that it was thickening and swelling.

"Can you see mine growing?" he said softly.

I could only gasp out that I could.

"You are making that happen to me; it's because of you that it's getting hard. Would you like to feel what you are making it do?"

I didn't say anything. I just stood and watched his manhood grow in front of my eyes.

Still feeling my stiff cock, his other hand took hold of one of mine and placed it on himself. His fingers wrapped around mine and he moved my hand, up and down, up and down.

I could hear his laboured breathing and he said, "That feels good. That's very, very good. Your fingers feel so nice on me. Can you do it without me holding your hand? Can you, Teddy?"

"Yes, Uncle Reg" I whispered back and I continued to move my hand along his hard, hot shaft.

It felt as nothing else had ever felt. Silky smooth, very hot, and as I pulled it, I felt the skin jump over the glans of his knob before the skin covered the end of it.

He put his hand back over mine and began to rub faster, harder. Then he was making a soft grunting noise and his hips were jerking backwards and forwards. The cock in my hand was throbbing and pulsing, and after a minute he let go of me.

"Have you got any on your hand?" he asked.

"Any what?" I whispered.

"Is your hand wet and sticky?"

"No, Uncle Reg"

"Ok, you go back inside. Don't tell anybody what we've done. This is a secret between Uncle Reg and you. Just a secret between men, hey?"

I put my hand in my pocket and held my hard prick against my leg as I went back in the club, so that no-one would see it sticking out.

Later that evening he was playing cards with my Dad.

"I've been talking to young Teddy, Jack. He's interested in the night sky, and the planes we used to look out for. I'm going to bring my binoculars next Friday and show him some stars if it's OK with you." My Dad was quite happy with that, it seemed innocent enough.

Uncle Reg and Dad had been Air Raid Wardens in the war, and used to patrol the streets during the blackout. Then Uncle Reg became a 'Spotter', looking out for enemy planes and reporting by phone to an AA gun battery. I was thrilled that I was going to be shown how to use the powerful binoculars.

The following Friday there was almost no moon and the sky was clear, the stars brilliant in the darkness. Uncle Reg had his binoculars with him and I was desperate to see through them. I was pretty excited, not sexually, but at the thought of what I might see through them.

The men were laughing at my excitement and eventually Uncle Reg said, "Oh come on then. I'll never get any peace until you've had a go."

We went out together into the club yard. He led me around the far side of the club where crates of empty beer bottles waited, ready in a small yard behind a fence ready for collection. It was quiet and very dark, well away from the path to the Blue Lagoon. He opened the gate and we walked into the yard. He closed the gate behind us and put a couple of filled crates against the gate to stop it from being opened.

"Now listen to me, Teddy. These are very expensive glasses. I'm going to keep the strap round my neck so that if you drop them, they won't fall. You'll have to stand on a beer crate so you are high enough."

I stood on the crate with my back to him and he put the strap of the binoculars over my head. I took hold of the glasses excitedly and the crates wobbled slightly under my feet. He put his arms around my waist to steady me.

My back pressed into his chest and stomach and with one hand he showed me how to adjust them to my eyes. His other hand was now around my stomach and resting lightly on my hip.

I was aware of his left hand as it slipped gently down over my hip. It brushed on the outside of my upper thigh. It slipped lower, still with a stroking movement. His fingers had now reached the bottom of my trouser leg and dipped inside. Then they were gliding up inside my trousers, now inside my underpants and I knew again the excitement in my groin as his fingers began to stroke and pull at my prick and balls. I stiffened in his fingers and he massaged me gently.

His right arm was around my waist holding me close. His breath was warm as he panted against my neck. My breathing was getting ragged and my body began to tremble, my mouth dry.

He moved slightly away from me but still fondled my hard cock. His right hand was now between us and I could feel his hand in the small of my back as he fumbled with his trousers.

Then both of his hands were at my waist. I realised he was unclipping my belt. It was undone and he began tugging at my shorts, pulling them down over my thighs. My underpants went with them and I knew the chill of the night air on my bare skin.

One hand now cupped my naked cock and balls and he used this hand to pull me close to him. I felt his other hand between us and his hot hard man's cock being rubbed up and down the cleft between my cheeks.

His hand left my cock, gripping me tightly round the middle. He lifted me slightly and his other hand tugged my legs apart on the crates. I now stood with legs straddled, the night air between my legs.

Still holding me tight his other hand was now back on his cock. After the coolness of the air it seemed to burn against me. It was so hard it could push my cheeks apart and suddenly it was gliding up and down in his hand, up and down, rubbing all along the join between my legs. I knew it was wet, I knew it was slipping easily along me. Each time it passed my bottom hole I felt myself twitch.

He stopped rubbing along me. He held it still against my bottom while his hand began to beat up and down along the length of his manhood. There was again the low grunting, again the thrusting, jerking of his hips. Hot wetness spurted against my tight hole and began to run down my legs. He was gasping and so was I. My cock was so hard it was almost hurting.

"Oh, Teddy. That was the unbelievable. Are you OK?"

"Yes, Uncle Reg, but I'm aching down there."

"I know what you need. Let me play with you and see if it gets any better."

He held me with my back to his groin and as he started to jerk my cock, he kept pressing himself between my cheeks. I could feel his prick swelling against me once more. He let go of me and I could have cried with need but he pulled my cheeks apart, put his dick against my bottom hole then pulled me close and started to fuck at me while he jerked me off.

I could feel my thighs tingling, my prick was harder than it had ever been, there was fullness in my balls and then my cum spurted out as if I was emptying my whole insides. My hips were jerking and making fucking pushes in time with Uncle Reg fucking at me. It almost hurt when my cum jetted out, I was so tense. Then he cum again against me and I felt his knob end spurt against my ass hole.

We stood gasping. Then he said, "We'd better go in but first we'd better get you cleaned up."

He pulled a cloth out of his pocket and started to wipe all around my bottom and down my legs.. He was very careful between my cheeks and asked if he could make sure I was dry.

He told me to stand with my side towards him and to bend over. When I did he felt between my legs, all the way to the back and then his fingertip touched against my bottom hole. He pressed gently and I tightened against his touch.

"Another time, another time," he said so quietly I only just heard what he said.

Then he fastened himself up and said we should go back into the clubroom.

"Would you like another go with the glasses one night?" he asked.

"Yes please Uncle Reg."

His teeth showed in the semi darkness as he smiled down at me.

After that, every Friday and Saturday night he would take me outside, close the gate behind us, take off my shorts and underpants and rub his cock between my cheeks. He would jerk on my cock and make me cum and finally he would put the end of his on my bottom hole, hold my hips and thrust at me until his cum spurted on me. I always had to bend over so that he could wipe me clean, and he always felt me there and pressed on my bottom.

Then he began to make me bend over before he wiped me, and I could feel the smooth wet stickiness of his finger sliding along me. One night he pressed harder and I felt his finger tip go in me. He massaged my hole and smoothed his sticky cum over and in me. At first it hurt a little bit, but he always tried to be gentle and asked me if it was hurting too much. I always said "No" Uncle Reg. Then he asked if I had liked it. I always said "Yes" Uncle Reg."

Chapter Two – Teddy learns the hard way.

One Friday night my Dad had forgotten his favourite darts and asked me to run home and get them. Nobody locked doors then so when I got home I opened the door and went to the cupboard where he kept them.

Suddenly I heard a noise from upstairs and my sister's voice. Then I realised there was the noise of bedsprings. I knew about that noise because I had peeked in my Mum and Dad's room when I heard it and I saw him on top of her and I knew what they were doing. But Mum and Dad were at the Club so I was curious and crept quietly up the stairs. I went down the passage to my sister's room and the door wasn't closed. I looked in and she was naked with her soldier boyfriend lying on top. Her legs were spread wide and he was pushing and pumping at her with his hips just like Uncle Reg did to me. I heard him say "Maggie I'm cumming" and she cried out "Take it out, take it out" but he didn't and he gave an almighty push and collapsed on top of her.

My sister said, "Get off me you fool you promised to take it out" and he lifted up and I saw she was all hairy between her legs and there was a hole there and it was wide open and creamy, white stuff was running out of her hole. I crept away and went to the Club and Uncle Reg took me outside and I saw stars again.

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