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Teenage Fantasy Ch. 02


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"You feel so...fucking...good."

She moaned her response, sobbing against his neck. Her body trembled in his arms. The walls of her pussy closed around him. Jake shut his eyes, letting the sensation of her overwhelm him. Mabel turned her head, placing a light kiss against the crook of his shoulder. She whispered something against his neck. He could feel her lips moving against his skin, but her words were too quiet to hear. Slowly, he retreated, giving him the incredible pleasure of parting the tight muscles upon entry. A low moan escaped from her mouth, and her words finally became clear.

"Fuck me, Jake."

Fiery desire filled his stomach as he pushed inside her, flexing his hips and driving deep. All week, he hadn't been sure if he would be able to do this again. Now that Jake was inside her, he was going to make sure she felt every single inch of his dick. She was going to know that she was his! Mabel didn't have to admit it to the school; she'd have no choice but to accept it for herself.

Jake crushed her body against his, keeping her sandwiched against the wall as he fucked her hard. The heels of her feet dug into his ass. He could feel her teeth sinking into his collarbone and the grip she had on his arm and neck. Her nails were surely breaking his skin. Mabel's actions only served to reinforce his determination.

Even if her legs weren't wrapped around his waist, she wouldn't have been able to move. He sawed inside her, pulling her hips towards him and away from the wall, and savoring her raw pussy as it massaged his cock. His large frame eclipsed hers, and her body succumbed to the harsh treatment.

Mabel's cries finally cut through his deep haze with clarity. "I'm cummmming!" Her lips were against his ear as she screamed. "Ooooh God!"

Jake pulled back, wrapping his hand around her throat, and pushed her upright against the wall.

"Not God!"

His words were menacing as he brought his lips against hers. He drove in hard, slamming inside her as her eyes rolled back. "You're cumming for me, Mabel!"

"Yessss, Jake!" Her words were strangled beneath his hand.

The fire consumed him, ignited by the pleasure her body provided as she came on his cock. It coursed through his veins, searing the remainder of his senses. He sucked the water from her skin, leaving deep red hickies on her breasts and neck. Jake's balls drew tight as he fucked her maniacally, ready to erupt inside of her. Shoving deep, he felt himself explode.


Jake forced himself to withdraw from her and spilled his cum over her stomach.

"Nnnnnnnoo," Mabel protested, gasping her words.

Jake, panting heavily, laid his forehead against hers. His lungs ached from trying to catch breath. Mabel's hand fell from his shoulder, clumsily grasping his pulsing cock. She stroked upward, coaxing the last of his cum from his balls. Jake grunted at the sensation before kissing her. Finally, his mind cleared. He realized his hands were sore and turned his gaze to the grip he had on her throat.

"Shit!" Jake quickly released her neck and loosened the hold on her ass.

Mabel collapsed against him, taking deep, shuddering breaths, and nestled her face against the crook of his shoulder. Her arm wrapped tightly around his neck as she desperately clung to him.

Guilt gripped his gut. He had gone too far. The hand that was only seconds ago squeezing her throat moved to the back of her neck, and he kissed her temple.

She was trembling in his arms, mumbling his name mindlessly.


She didn't respond; she just kept herself crushed against him.

Jake used his grip on the nape of her neck to pull her back so he could look at her. Mabel's eyes were squeezed closed and her mouth was open as she sucked in deep breaths. His eyes moved to her throat. Red marks lined her skin. He kissed her parted lips gently, relieved when her tongue clumsily played against his.

"Mabel," Jake whispered, "you alright?"

Her head bobbed up and down. Jake planted soft kisses against her neck, where he had choked her. He could feel her pulse racing against his lips as she began to breathe regularly again.

Releasing her, he let her legs fall and slid her down until her feet touched the floor. She was too unsteady to stand on her own, and he kept her against him as he felt the water. It had cooled down, and he adjusted the temperature to reheat it.

Mabel linked her arms around his waist, placing soft kisses against his chest. Jake looked down at her as she turned her head to lay against him. Her eyes were closed, and her long red hair clung to her back. He could feel the occasional tremors in her body, each one causing a soft, low moan from her. She snuggled against him.

Pausing for a moment, his stomach dropped. How could she find solace in him right now? Jake wrapped his arms around Mabel, pulling her tighter against him.

He submerged them both and grabbed her loofah, pouring body wash into it. Moving her hair, he ran it down her back, slowly lathering her body with the sweet-smelling soap.

Jake unlinked her arms and guided her to turn around. He rinsed off her stomach before running the loofah over the rest of her body.

Setting it aside, he wrapped his arms around her, taking a moment to just hold her. Mabel leaned her head against him, closing her eyes and enjoying his warmth. She slowly came out of her daze but remained against his strong body. Though her mind felt far away, Mabel craved his contact. In this moment, everything felt right. She listened to his heartbeat as it slowly returned to normal.


Bringing her eyes to his face, she grinned up at him. "Yes, Jake?"

Her smile caught him off-guard. He tucked his finger under her chin, gently turning her head to study the marks on her throat. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" she asked, her smile dropping.

"This," he replied, skimming the back of his fingers over the marks.

Mabel watched his eyes scan over her neck.

"Jake," she said softly, "I'm not hurt. It's ok."

Sorrowful blue eyes met hers.

"I did hurt you." Jake disagreed.

"No, you didn't!" Mabel replied earnestly, "I would tell you if I was hurt. You know that."

Jake swallowed. "The water is getting cold. You should rinse off before it does."

"You believe me, right?" Mabel needed to know that he did. "I wouldn't lie to you."

"I believe you," Jake replied, "it's just...even if you had said something... what if-"

"You would have stopped." Mabel cut off his sentence. This time, Mabel guided his eyes back to hers by resting her palm gently against his cheek. "I know you would."

How could she be so sure even though he wasn't? Jake couldn't conjure an answer. He turned to kiss her palm before bending to place a gentle kiss against her lips, holding her hand in his. As always, she opened to him, pressing her body against his and letting him explore her. Breaking away, he kissed her forehead.

"Rinse off before the water gets cold."

Sighing, Mabel pulled away from him. Jake stepped to the side, watching her move under the water. He scanned his gaze from her bare feet over her thick thighs. They rubbed together and held her hand-printed ass up high. His eyes followed the path of her hands as they roamed over her body. Closing her eyes, she looked up into the spray, letting the water drench her. The fiery strands darkened as they grew longer in the water and brushed over her ass. He committed the moment to memory.

"See something you like?"

Mabel glanced over her shoulder at Jake. His eyes were on her butt, and the mesmerized look caused her to grin. She turned slowly back toward him. Her pink nipples were still stiff, and the water flowed off of her breasts like mini waterfalls. With a coy gleam in her eyes, she took steps to close the distance between them.

"Very much."

Jake's gaze locked on her. She crossed one arm under her breasts, holding the other with her hand. The action squished her boobs together without hindering his view. He wondered if it was on purpose. Mabel had a naive innocence that made it hard for him to tell. Lifting to her tiptoes, her eyes moved to his lips.

"Then kiss me."

Jake's hands trailed the path hers had just taken. Starting at her shoulders, he grazed his palms down her arms. Her skin was smooth beneath his calloused fingers. Unfolding her arm, he slid his hands down until her palms were in his. Compared to her slender hands, his looked comically big. Chuckling, he brought her fingers to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

Jake's eyes connected with hers.

Mabel's gaze had never left his face. His touch captivated her even when his gaze couldn't. She glanced at their hands as he moved to kiss her other one. It looked like snow on a summer beach. His fingers blanketed hers effortlessly.

Jake placed her hands against his chest before continuing to explore her. He slid down the slopes of her torso, skimming his thumbs over her stiff nipples. He circled over them, watching her eyes close to enjoy the sensation. Still, his mind darkened, conjuring images of her face when he twisted them. The mixture of pain and ecstasy when her eyes finally opened on Friday was intoxicating. Jake fought the urge to see that reaction now and chose to lightly toy with her tits.

Why did he want to hurt her so much? His hands skimmed down to her hips as the thought pressed to the front of his mind. His eyes moved to her neck.

"Jake." Mabel stepped forward. She ran her hands up his chest and pressed her body against him.

"I told you to kiss me."

Jake smiled at her, resting one hand on the small of her back and the other on her ass. He brought her to her toes with his grip.

"I'm gonna learn everything about you, Mabel."

He licked her bottom lip before easing his tongue into her mouth, feeling her relax into the kiss as they tasted each other.

Reluctantly, Mabel pulled away, sinking back down to her height as she kissed his chest, circling her tongue against his skin. It was salty from his game earlier.

"We have some Irish Spring if you don't want to smell like strawberries. I can grab it for you."

"Alright." Jake released his hold on her.

"I'll be right back." Mabel kissed his chest again before opening the shower door and stepping out. Jake watched her towel off through the clouded glass before she left.

He moved to stand under the now-cold water. Jake placed his hands against the wall.

One thought plagued his mind as he let the water spill over him. He had choked her. The action weighed heavily on him as he recalled the faint red marks around her neck. Having her body under his control felt visceral at the time. Yet, it gnawed at him now.

Spanking was one thing. You couldn't spank someone to death. With Tonya, he hadn't been this reckless. He never lost control of himself like this. With Mabel, sex felt different, more primal. Regardless, he couldn't let himself fall victim to it. He hadn't even been able to register what she was saying to him. He could've hurt her.

"Here you go."

Turning, he took in the towel-clad girl. She wasn't wearing her glasses. He couldn't decide if he liked her more with or without them. It didn't matter.

She held out a bar of soap and a washcloth, smiling up at him. Jake took the items, bending to kiss her.

"I'll be there in a second."



Coming out of the bathroom, his eyes immediately scanned over her. Mabel sat on the bed with her legs crossed out in front of her. She skimmed over her textbook, chewing lightly on the end of a pen. Damp red hair fell over her left shoulder; she wore grey plaid shorts and a cut-off t-shirt.

Mabel looked up at him as he walked over to his duffle bag. Water dripped from his hair, ran down his muscular chest, and soaked into the towel that was wrapped around his waist. Watching him rummage through the duffle bag, she couldn't help but wonder if she was fucking some type of demi-god.

Jake dropped the towel and stepped into black basketball shorts before turning back to the girl on the bed.

Hazel eyes raked over his body.

"Those aren't going out clothes."

She smiled as he collapsed on the bed beside her. His long arms stretched over her, spanning the width of the entire mattress, before he folded them around her waist, laying his head on her thighs.

"This is how I dress to go to parties," he replied, kissing her thigh. His tongue darted out to lick the soft flesh.

"How indecent."

She brought her hand to his back, running her fingers lightly along his skin, before turning her eyes back to her book.

"Is that AP lit?"


"But you're in English with me. You do both?"

"Well, I wasn't supposed to, but I had a study hall that period, and the reading list for English Literature had books I loved, so I just took that class instead."

Jake gazed up at her. She was so nonchalant about how smart she was, but her brilliance never ceased to amaze him.

"You wouldn't have been in class with me if you hadn't."

Mabel looked down at him, thinking about the events that led her to this moment.

"Yeah. I guess not."

"I'm glad you did."

"Are you sure about that? It's kind of been hell. I mean, you got suspended."

He laughed and agreed. "Yeah, but I'd punch Grant again."

"You would, huh?"

"I think it was one of my better decisions."

"You must make some questionable decisions."


Chuckling, Mabel rolled her eyes.

"But I'd say," Jake continued, "ending up where I am right now was worth it."

A large grin brought out her deep dimples as she looked down at him and laughed as she ran a hand through his hair.

"You're so corny!"

Looking up at her, he couldn't help returning the smile, but he knew he meant it.

"You really were amazing out there today."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I do! You're gonna go pro once you get your technique down."

"My technique? What do you mean?" He replied, cocking his head.

Mabel met his gaze. "I'm not trying to offend you."

"I'm not offended. I'm curious."

Chewing her lip Mabel contemplated her words. She'd watched him throughout the game, taking in every detail.

"You're explosive off the line. You read the defense like a storybook and plan your routes accordingly. You get a good separation between the cornerbacks. Plus, the ball just lands in your hands. I mean, your talent is incredible."

Jake grinned at her words, narrowing his eyes playfully and asking, "But?"

"It's little things." She continued. "Besides your pigeon-toe. Take your pad level, for instance. You're too high off the ground, and your torso isn't angled correctly. It's why that asshole today could take you down so easily. He's able to get a full wrap around your body. If you went lower on your takeoff, you'd put yourself in a better position to move farther up the field."

"Damn Mabel," Jake said as he tightened his grip on her waist. Her analysis impressed him. "I don't pigeon-toe."

"Yes, you do," she laughed, "you just don't notice. You're wasting movement off the line."

"I run 40 in 4.46."

"You're taking extra time to move your foot. Your rolloff needs to happen naturally, Jake. It can't when the first thing you do is adjust your stance."

"You telling me how to play football, Mabel?"

"I'm not telling you how to play. I'm telling you what you need to work on."

"And how do you know so much about it?"

Mabel glanced back toward her book. "My mom is a sports analyst. I learned a couple of things."

"That doesn't surprise me," Jake grinned, kissing her other thigh, "you're the smartest person I know."

Mabel smirked. "So, how are you feeling?"

Jake studied her for a moment.

"Why do you do that?"


"With compliments, you brush 'em off."

She narrowed her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. "I don't do that."

"Yeah, all the time."

"I didn't notice. Maybe it's like your pigeon-toe thing."

Jake grinned, shaking his head. "It's not like my pigeon toe because I don't pigeon toe."

"Whatever you say," she grinned, turning her attention back to her book. Jake laid his head down on her thigh as she continued playing with his hair.

Mabel said softly, "You didn't answer my question."


"How are you feeling? You took a big hit."

Jake shrugged. "I'm alright."

Mabel hooked her finger under his chin, lifting his head. Frowning, she studied him.

"You sure?"

Her expression made him pause. The concern wasn't artificial or brief. It filled her eyes as they narrowed with worry. "I'll be okay. I'm cleared for concussion."

Mabel skimmed her gaze towards his ribs, where a bruise was forming, and shook her head.


"Take some ibuprofen."

"I'm alright, Mabel."

"I know. Take some."

Closing her books, she reached for her nightstand. She handed him a glass of water and some medicine before setting aside her study materials.

Jake sat up to take the pills while watching her clear the bed.

"Round two?"

"No," she laughed, "lay on your stomach."

He leaned in to kiss her, his hand running up her thigh after he replaced the glass. "You sure?"

"Yes," she breathed, biting her lip. "C'mon, lay down."

Mabel set a pillow under his head, sitting up on her knees.

"You're bossy," he replied sarcastically, rolling back onto his stomach.

"So are you," she laughed, straddling him just above his hips.

"Whatchu doing, Miss Mabel?"

"Trust me. Just relax."

Mabel reached over to her table, grabbing a dark purple bottle.

"What's that?"

"Didn't I say to trust me?" she laughed. "It's lavender body oil."

"I'm gonna smell like flowers," he replied, laying his head back on the pillow.

"You got a hot date?"

Mabel poured a good amount onto her palm before rubbing it in her hands.

"Now, I don't wanna make you jealous but-"

"Then be quiet."

Jake grinned, turning his face into the pillow. Mabel ran her hands over the sore muscles on Jake's back, spreading the sweet-smelling oil around. She lightly traced her fingertips over the bruise on his ribs.

She began pressing firmly at the base of his spine, rolling her thumbs over the muscles around it, and working her way up his sides to his shoulder blades. Jake sighed contentedly, enjoying the sensation as she added more pressure with the palms of her hands. It felt insanely good; her hands were soft but firm and skilled, and the smell of the lavender was surprisingly calming.

Mabel lost herself in the massage.

Each muscle in Jake's back was well-defined. She took her time, tracing over every inch. Her fingertips explored his skin, adding pressure to the strong muscles and kneading out the tense knots. The repetitive task put her in a semi-meditative state. Every now and then she'd lightly trace the bruise that had formed on his ribs.

Reaching for more oil, she started the process over again, this time working from the back of his neck and rolling her hands down his long arms. She took the time to ease the tension down to his fingertips before once again moving to his shoulder blades and the tight muscles along his spine. It took a while for her to notice the change in Jake's breathing.

Pausing, she leaned down; Jake's eyes were closed, and a calm snore sounded from between parted lips. Mabel bent forward, placing a soft kiss against Jake's temple.

"Jake, are you asleep?"

A deep snore was her response.

Mabel smiled against his skin, kissing his shoulder blade.

Lifting herself off of him as carefully as she could, she gathered her books, moving them from the bed. Taking her favorite throw blanket from her small couch, she laid it over Jake before turning off the bedroom light.


Darkness surrounded him. A soft fur blanket was wrapped around his body. Reaching over, he felt the spot where Mabel should be. She wasn't in the bed with him. He rolled over, glancing at the clock on her bedside table. It said 1:47.


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