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Teenage Fantasy Ch. 02

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A cliche romance between a football player and his nerd.
30.4k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 11/29/2022
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Once again, I'd like to thank LaRascasse for editing this story and providing thought-provoking feedback.

To the readers, thank you for all of the invaluable feedback on Part One of this story. I hope it helped me create a better sequel. Every comment, like, and rating were truly appreciated.

All characters in this story are 18. This is a work of fiction; any similarities to real people are unintentional.

Please, enjoy!


Pulling up to the school, Jake sat in his car, watching the droves of students as they flooded through the doors. It had been a brutal few days of suspension. His dad had made sure of it. The guys in the group chat had let him know that today's practice would be equally grueling. He stared at the brick building, contemplating his next move. It would be easy to ditch like he had done countless times, but today he had a reason not to.

Gathering his backpack, Jake joined the trek toward the school doors. Students noticed his presence and immediately greeted him as he entered. Girls smiled, giving flirtatious waves, while the guys nodded toward him. It was like this every day. People he really didn't care to know were acting as if they were his friends. Jake moved past them, giving half-hearted responses as he walked through the crowd.

His teammates always gathered in the center of the action around the Warriors logo in the foyer. People moved around them as they roughhoused and flirted with the girls in the school. He hadn't seen them since his suspension and knew some of them had animosity toward him for missing the game.

"Edwards!" Josh Felding nodded toward him with a wide grin on his face. "You're alive!"

"Thought for sure your dad would send you to your grave," Aaron Mageo agreed.

"He tried," Jake laughed, acknowledging his friends. Still, he kept walking. "I'll catch y'all in class."

"Where are you going?" Josh shouted behind him. Jake didn't reply; he turned the corner and continued towards his destination.

During his suspension, he had only thought of one thing while pulling doubles at his dad's shop. Right now, she was shifting through items in her locker, oblivious to the world around her. Though the fall day was warm, she still wore a short sleeve baby blue turtleneck sweater that hugged her slender neck. Black skinny jeans completed her outfit, and her red hair was braided down her scalp on both sides, with each braid sloping over her large, suppressed breasts. Jake took her in, smiling as he leaned against the locker next to hers and watched her rummage through the contents.

"You looking for something in particular?"

"Oh, my God!" Mabel gasped, standing straight up and turning towards the deep voice that startled her. "You scared me!"

"Sorry." He couldn't help but smile at her reaction. Her eyes narrowed in defiance before softening as they landed on him.

"What are you looking for?"

"I..." Mabel laid a hand against her forehead, looking at her locker again. "I can't find my Trig book."

"Well," Jake said as he joined her in scouting the small area. It seemed more like a library than a locker. Books were precariously stacked on the bottom and towered all the way to the center. Notebooks, binders, and novels lined the top shelf. "I can see why."

"It's not that bad," Mabel jokingly nudged him.

"Looks like you stole half the library."

She grinned, shaking her head. "Only a couple of books are from the library."

"A couple, huh?" Jake reached over her and pulled a novel from the top shelf, scanning over the cover. "What's this?"

"The Pillars of the Earth; I'm in the middle of that one and a few others."

"A few others?" He repeated, thumbing through the pages. He was still amazed at how intelligent she was. He wouldn't even want to begin a book this thick. Shaking his head, he moved to put it back before seeing a textbook tucked behind the binders.

"Is this it?" he asked, pulling the book out from the top shelf.

"You're a lifesaver!" Mabel sighed, relieved, as she took it. "Thanks!"

"No problem, Miss Mabel." Jake looked down at her. Deep dimples cut into her cheeks as she smiled up at him. God, she was gorgeous.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Mabel shifted her weight.

"Like what?"

Jake towered over her. His large build made her feel smaller than she was. Mabel bit her lip, tentatively taking him in. He ran a hand through his blonde hair. The playful smirk on the corner of his lips failed to hide the way his deep ocean-blue eyes consumed her. It was a look that sparked memories of Friday.

"Like, you're starving, and I'm an entree or something."

Jake chuckled at the analogy while watching the redhead squirm beneath his gaze. Is that how he looked at her? He couldn't help it.

"I could eat," he replied, pressing closer. It had been four days since he'd seen her, but it felt longer. Having Mabel here mere inches away was irresistible. Slipping his hand around her slim waist, he dipped his head to kiss her.

Mabel's eyelids fluttered as her full cherry lips parted. Without thinking, she moved closer, guided by the strong hand on her hip. It took a moment before she came to her senses. Smacking his hand away, she retreated.

Jake stood upright, pulling his hand back. The slap didn't hurt, but her reaction stung. What did he do?

"What's wrong?"

"We're not..." Mabel said anxiously, scanning the sea of students around them. "Together."

Her words smacked him. "We're not?"

"No," Mabel said as she turned to close her locker. "I don't want to be your girlfriend."

"Really? I didn't get that impression," he replied, running a hand through his hair. Friday crossed his mind. The shy girl, naked beneath him, screaming his name as she came on his cock. "Mixed signals, I guess."

"It's just—" Mabel sighed. "I don't think it's a good idea after everything that happened. I feel like it would make things here worse ."

Jake thought about the humiliating video, trying to quell the anger that surfaced at the memory. He hated that Tonya was still interfering with his life, but mostly he despised her for putting Mabel through this.

"Ok," Jake nodded, "that's alright."

"You're ok with that being a one-time thing then?"

A one-time thing? Jake tilted his head and slid his eyes over her frame. He could picture every inch of her without those clothes on and knew he wouldn't be settling for an inconspicuous fuck.

Tucking his hands in his pockets, he bent to whisper in her ear.

"You really want that to be a one-time thing, Mabel?"

Mabel's breath caught. She could feel the warmth of his body. The smell of his cologne melted her brain, and her skin still tingled from when he had touched her hip. Memories from Friday flooded her consciousness. It would be easy to end it here. Maybe she could regain control of how her body reacted to him if she did. His proximity filled her with a burning need that she hadn't experienced until recently. Still, she couldn't deny the truth.

"No." The word came out in a breath.

Relief spread through Jake as he pulled away, meeting her gaze. There was no way this would be a one-time thing. He had too much of her left to explore. Damn, he had really wanted to kiss her.

"Me neither. So, what do you wanna do, Mabel?"


She couldn't think straight with these feelings swirling inside her, confusing her brain. But mostly, she couldn't concentrate on anything but his burning blue eyes as they watched her make a decision.

"How about at school, for now, we go back to the way things were? No kissing in front of anyone. No touching. I won't call you babe. I'll leave you alone."

Mabel thought about what he said; her mind struggled to rationalize his words.

"But after school," Jake continued, "I want you to myself, Mabel."

Mabel took a shaky breath, biting her lip. She thought she had prepared for this moment. All week, she told herself that Friday was a fluke and that he'd be done with her now that they'd fucked.

This possibility would have allowed her to just slip back into the shadows of the school again and wait out the storm caused by the video. She hadn't considered that he would want to continue seeing her.

"You said, for now?"

Chuckling, he nodded. "You caught that?"

"I'm not your girlfriend." Mabel reiterated her statement.

"Yeah, not yet." Jake agreed. "But you will be."

Mabel paused briefly; she hadn't expected this, and it unsettled her. What would happen if people found out? A wave of apprehension caused her chest to tighten. She thought of Tonya; she was even angrier after being suspended for what happened in the bathroom. Dating Jake would only inflame that. She needed to keep him out of this.

"Um, I need to think about it."

"Alright." Jake tried not to let her words get to him, but his brain spun. He thought Friday had been the beginning of their relationship, not the end. Still, he didn't push it. "I'll see you in class, Miss Mabel."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Bye Jake."


"You're late, Mr. Edwards!"

Jake glanced at the teacher and the students around him. Every eye was on him as he entered, and Mr. Williams scowled in his direction.

"Yeah, I am." Jake dismissed the admonishment.

"That's not a good way to start off your first day back from suspension if you ask me." Mr. Williams sneered. He didn't like Jake, and the feeling was mutual.

"I didn't ask you," he replied, meeting the teacher's stone expression.

Mr. Williams' eyes narrowed as the class snickered around them. Jake didn't care; the only feeling he had for Williams was contempt. Embarrassing him in front of the class was just an easy way to express it.

"I'll make sure Coach Miles hears about your insubordination this morning, Edwards. Go sit down!"

Jake scoffed, shaking his head as the class giggled behind him. He made his way to the back, where his friends sat. The first period was bearable only because of Felding and Mageo. They were seated in the back corner, Aaron to Jake's right and Felding directly in front of them.

"As I mentioned before Edwards interrupted... "

Indignation nestled in his gut at the teacher's attitude. Pressing hard on the back of his chair, he pulled it out, causing a loud, high-pitched screech that cut Williams' sentence short. If Williams was going to bitch about him interrupting, he might as well actually do it. All eyes were back on him as he met the angry teacher's gaze. He sent his backpack thudding to the ground before sitting down. The look on Williams' face was priceless. Red began covering the bald spot on his head.

"Are you quite finished, Edwards?"

"Yeah. Continue." Jake answered sarcastically. Aaron laughed beside him.

"Jeez, Edwards, we're trying to get an education here!"

"My sincerest apologies, Mr. Mageo," Jake retorted, laughing at his friend. He met the teacher's gaze again. "Please tell Mr. Williams he can continue."

Aaron was a large guy; his overwhelming build, attributed to his Samoan ancestry, was the only thing intimidating about him. Off the field, he was a goofy guy who could joke about anything, but on the field, he was a defensive tackle who had injured his share of quarterbacks.

"It's all good, Mr. Williams." Mageo looked at the now entirely red teacher. "Jake's done with his shenanigans!"

"I will send both of you to the principal's office if you continue with your disrespect! Now pay attention!"

"Hey! I'm on your side, Mr. Williams," Aaron defended.

"That's it!"

"Ok! Ok, we're done." Mageo laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender. The class laughed around them. Mr. Williams cleared his throat, scowling at the two boys before continuing.

"What's up, man?" Aaron grinned, dapping up Jake.

After acknowledging his friends, he chose to drown out Williams' dreary voice with his own thoughts. Jake replayed his earlier conversation with Mabel. She had been adamant that she wasn't going to be his girlfriend. He understood why. He remembered how Mabel had looked the day it happened. The embarrassment she'd suffered at the hands of Tonya had impacted her greatly.

She probably wanted to fade into the background of the school again. If she dated him while the video was going around the senior class, the spotlight on her would grow brighter. He had spent the last two weeks trying to mitigate the video, deleting it when it popped up around him. Still, he'd heard the conversations around the senior class.

With Tonya, he had always been publicly affectionate. It wasn't just because she was hot. Grabbing her ass, kissing her hard, and marking her with hickeys made it clear that she was his. Most of the guys in the senior class wanted to fuck Mabel now, and the thought boiled his blood. He wanted them to know she was off limits and that he would deal with anyone who tried her.

Thinking of Tonya made his gut burn. They had only dated for a couple of months, but if Mabel started to date him after being called a whore by his ex, it would just add fuel to the fire. He wouldn't put her through that. Not with everything she was already enduring. He would respect her decision, but damn, he didn't expect it.

Friday had surprised him immensely. He hadn't imagined the shy girl he had come to know was so fucking incredible in bed. The way she wrapped her lips around his cock, swallowing his load and cleaning his dick, had been playing on repeat in his mind. Even more alluring was the pure, unadulterated grin that she had after licking his cum from her fingers. He had burned that smile into his memory. Mabel was intoxicating.

Yet, it wasn't just the sex. Spending time with her felt effortless; she had a genuine personality, was sarcastic and honest, and spoke her mind. Her intellect never ceased to astonish him, and he enjoyed being around her. Somehow, she believed he could actually succeed here; her conviction felt foreign but sincere. He cared for her more than he'd ever liked Tonya. All those things made him want to show her off to the world. His little redhead. Jake smiled to himself at the thought. Mine.


Grant's nose was swollen and purple. Two thick pieces of tape were laid horizontally across it. He glared at Jake as he walked in. Jake smirked, seeing the damage for the first time. He smugly nodded towards him before scanning his eyes across the room.

As always, she was sitting at the table in the back. She seemed distracted and absently thumbed through one of her books. He made his way over to her pulling out his chair and breaking the trance she was in.

"Hey," she said with a smile.

"Hey," he responded, plopping down.

Mabel surveyed Jake; her mind was reeling. Throughout the first period, she had their earlier conversation on her mind. Mabel considered telling him no. Emotions were confounding her brain, so she weighed the logic of it. It couldn't last; they were incredibly different. What if she got too attached to him? Most importantly, she didn't want to drag him into what was happening with the video. It was her problem, not his.

None of the reasons were that she wanted to stop. Just the opposite—one touch from him and her body melted. Her pussy was still weeping from earlier. That was also terrifying. She felt too out of control as if her body wasn't even hers anymore.

He wished he could read her mind. She studied him with an analyzing expression while chewing on her plump top lip. Even her little mannerisms made her irresistible to him. Having Mabel here at his side and keeping his hands to himself would be a challenge.

"What're you thinking about, Miss Mabel?"

She blinked, breaking out of her thoughts. "Um, this morning."

He lifted an eyebrow, folding his arms as he leaned forward, closing the distance between them and balancing against the table.

"I'm intrigued."

Mabel's eyes met his. Jake recognized her expression. She was unsure. Their earlier conversation passed through his thoughts. Was she upset about the girlfriend thing? He shouldn't have pushed so hard on that subject.

"Mabel, I-"

"Ok class!" Noble's voice boomed. Mabel turned away, looking towards Mr. Noble. Jake wanted to continue their conversation but tore his eyes away from her to look at the teacher.

"Our journey with Shakespeare was fun and no doubt memorable." Noble glanced purposefully between Grant and Jake. The class laughed. "Now we're nearing the semester finals. We're going to be doing a lot of reviewing over the next couple of weeks. But first, we'll start by discussing your reports."

Jake glanced at Mabel with no doubt that she didn't need to review anything. Zoning out, he leaned back in his chair. Until this morning, it hadn't crossed his mind that they weren't together. When he threw out the proposition, it was to try and save any chance of that happening. But he could see the hesitance in her eyes when she looked at him.

She had said she didn't want to stop, so why did she look uncertain? He listened to Noble ramble on and wished he would break the class off into groups already. He needed to know what she was thinking. Then it dawned on him: what if she broke off everything? Not just fucking, but her helping him graduate, and them hanging out? Would she just not want to see him anymore?

"In conclusion, you need to start thinking about what you want your writing to convey and what you're trying to get the audience to understand. Anyway, there were a few reports that stood out. Our A+ groups are: Sophie and Joanna, Luis and Esmerelda, and this group actually surprised me. I think they surprised everyone, Mabel and Jake."

The class glanced their way briefly.

"So, now we're moving on, but before we do, we should have a class discussion."

Jake groaned inwardly as Noble continued talking. Glancing at Mabel, he watched her scribble notes in her notebook.

Jake leaned forward and skimmed his finger along Mabel's arm to get her attention. He couldn't stand not knowing what was going on in her mind.

Mabel felt Jake's touch and held her breath. It triggered the same response. A craving. She wanted him to touch her, but mostly she wanted to ravage him. It was hard to concentrate on anything! Her mind kept conjuring images of Jake. How hot he looked, jean-clad and half-naked, standing in her bathroom doorway. His hands gripping her body possessively, easily lifting her. The way he kissed her.

She found herself wondering if she'd ruined everything by making him fuck her that night. If they stopped having sex, would he not want to hang out with her anymore? Is that what she wanted?

She enjoyed his company, the conversations they had, and his sense of humor. Would all of that be null and void? She heard Noble ask a question she could respond to and chose to ignore Jake, not wanting to think about that right now.

"It's about perception," she said. Noble turned towards Mabel.

"Indeed, Ms. Humphrey. Please elaborate."

"In 3rd-person stories, the reader has an omnipotent view of the characters' thoughts. They can see and understand the internal dialogue and how it relates to the people in the story. A skilled author can distort the reader's view by altering what their characters perceive as real."

"Excellent!" Noble smiled. "That is exactly right!"

Jake leaned over as Noble continued to talk.

"Have I told you how incredibly smart you are?"

"You might have mentioned it."

"Then I'm sure I don't say it enough."

Taking a breath, Mabel turned to Jake. "Can we talk after school?"

"I want to," Jake sighed, "but I have practice."

"It's Wednesday?"

"Me and Grant are coming off a two-day suspension. Plus, the championship qualifier is on Friday. I'm gonna be practicing all week."

"Oh, that makes sense. It's ok, it can wait."


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