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Teenage Fantasy Ch. 02


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The team knew the question was rhetorical as Coach shot pointed glances their way.

"Well, they decided to fuck over their team because they wanted to have a Big Dick contest in Noble's class!"

Coach's voice reverberated off the concrete walls and steel lockers, echoing in the packed room.

"Your teammates worked their asses off to get us to this Friday!" Miles shook his head. "They had a damn good game! You wouldn't know that, would you?"

"No, sir," Jake replied.

"No, you wouldn't! Because you two were sitting fucking comfy at home while your teammates were busting their asses to get us a win!"

Coach paced in front of the boys, shaking his head. Jake thought of his Friday night.

"Now here we are, two fucking days away from determining if we get to battle it out for the championship, and I have to call practice on a fucking Wednesday when you should be resting. And why is that? Grant? Edwards?"

"Because we fucked up," Jake responded.

"Because you fucked up." Coach agreed. "Now I could just bring the two of you out to the field and make you run drills until I'm tired, but I'm not gonna do that. See, gentleman, even though you two decided to have a royal piss contest, there is one fundamental rule that all teams live by. You know what that rule is, Grant?"

"No, sir," Grant replied.

"It's an easy one; does anybody know it?"

The team was quiet.

"There is no I in team, boys!" Coach clapped his hands, rubbing them together. "Each and every one of you gets to run every fucking drill in the goddamn book until you all fucking collapse or I've decided that Grant and Edwards have learned their fucking lesson! Whichever comes first!"

The guys groaned around them, smacking their teeth in disapproval.

"And who do we have to thank?"

"Grant and Edwards!"

"You're goddamn right! And you are going to keep thanking them. After every drill, every set, every motherfucking pushup, so these two know just how much you appreciate them shitting on you guys on Friday!"

Coach let his words hang in the air as the team scowled at Jake and Steven.

"I want everyone on the field in full gear in five minutes!" He finished turning to take his leave before stopping at the door. "Oh, call your parents and tell them you won't be home for dinner. It's gonna be a long night."

Silence filled the area as the coaches took their leave. The guys finished getting dressed, cutting eyes between Grant and Edwards. As they cleared out, Tex walked up to Jake.

"I woulda let you handle your business. But we need you on the field Friday."

Jake nodded. "I know, Tex."

Tex nodded, clapping Jake on the back before grabbing his helmet and leaving.


The team was panting heavily. Coach Miles kept his promise and had the team thank Grant and Edwards after every suicide, push-up, sit-up, and jump drill. Miles placed Jake and Grant between him and their teammates, making sure they could be seen by everyone. Jake's ribs were cramping long before Coach blew the whistle to halt their actions. Still, he pushed through unwaveringly.

"Get some water, then return to the center of the field. We're running tackles!"

Jake took off his helmet and ran to the water containers.

"Bro, I hope it was worth it." Josh panted, gulping the cold water down. "That was just the warm-up, and I wanna collapse."

"Yeah, I guess it's time for the team to have a taste too," Grant replied, filling his cup.

"You wanna die, Grant?" Josh inquired, glancing over at Jake.

Jake drank his water silently. He studied Steven. In four years, there had always been animosity between them, but he was pushing it too far. He thought about Mabel telling him that football players were asking her for sex. The dollar on the table had drained all the life from her in Noble's class. Him calling her a whore. Everything had built up over time. He could have Tonya, but he needed to leave Mabel the fuck alone.

Jake tossed his cup, pulled his helmet over his face, and ran back to the 50-yard line. The rest of the guys joined him. Though it was autumn, the evening sun beamed down on the team, causing sweat to build on their brows and heating their bodies. Coach Miles adjusted his cap, wiping away his own sweat, before casting his eyes around the team.

"Ok y'all. Tackles. Key is to get a good wrap-around. Drive your opponent back. Mageo. Tex. Come demonstrate."

Defensive lineman versus center. The guys formed a circle as the two boys got into position.

"Don't hurt each other. Save that for the game."

The whistle screeched, and the boys charged. A loud crash sounded from their collision. Tex caught Mageo in the center, but their physiques were so similar that Mageo barely got the upper hand. Pushing from the ball of his foot, he put Tex behind the line. Both boys remained standing, refusing to yield to each other.

Coach's whistle halted them. "Barely, but Tex was pushed back. Who's next?"

"I am, Coach." Jake stepped forward, looking squarely at Grant. He was tired of his bullshit. With a smirk, Grant stepped forward, accepting the challenge.

"Yeah, me too."

Miles shook his head. "Back versus receiver. Y'all really gotta score to settle."

Jake dropped into his crouch, keeping his eyes on Grant. Anger swirled in his stomach, clouding his brain as he waited for Coach's whistle.

Grant met Jake's glower with a gloating look of his own. It was too easy to get under his skin over the redhead.

The whistle screamed.

Jake charged Grant, exploding off the line like he was accustomed to. Both boys were fast due to their positions. Tucking his head in, Jake collided with Grant's shoulder and pummeled him back against the grass.

Grant's lungs felt like they were on fire as he collided with the ground. Jake stood over him, grabbing his face mask.

"Leave her the fuck alone! Got it?" The words weren't yelled. They were barely audible on the field, but they were hard and unyielding as he stared down at Steven.

Grant squinted, trying to inhale. "What the fuck?"

"You proved your point, Edwards. Let go. Who's next?"

Jake released the helmet and stepped over him, going back to his side of the circle and leaving Grant on the ground behind him.


"You coming to my game tomorrow?"

Jake met Mabel as she was inputting her locker combination.

"I didn't plan on it," she glanced up at him, "why?"

"It's the qualifier for the championship; everyone is going to be there."

"Oh, I don't really go to the games."

"You should come to this one."

"Really?" Mabel asked with a smile. "And why is that?"

A few folded pieces of paper fell onto the floor as she opened her locker. Sighing, she bent to retrieve them.

"What are these?" Jake asked, picking one up for himself.

"Since that stupid video, people have been leaving notes in my locker." Mabel shook her head.

Jake unfolded the piece of paper. "'Nice tits!' What the fuck?"

Mabel shrugged, "I don't know. I just ignore them."

Jake took another note from Mabel.

"Roses are red; violets are blue. Your hair is red, and I'm... " Jake read the note, glaring at the piece of paper. "...in love with you. T'."

"That's actually not a bad poem!" Mabel gave a sarcastic laugh.

Jake didn't share her humor. He tried to guard his reaction, but he couldn't help but think of the group chat comments when the video first came out. Jake reread the poem before looking up and scanning his eyes over the students in the hallway. "Who the fuck is T?"

Mabel looked up at Jake, observing his response. His eyes were narrowed and his jaw was set as he looked around and crumpled the papers in his hand. Mabel glanced around as well. "I'm not sure. Most of the notes are anonymous, and I've never seen anyone put one in here. I just find them in the morning."

Her voice brought him back from his thoughts. He glanced down at her before looking at the other papers in Mabel's hand.

"How many are there?"

"Just a few."

"From different guys?"

"Maybe." Mabel took a bag from her locker, throwing the papers inside. "Just ignore them. I do."

"Is that more of them?"

Jake's gut burned as he watched her hang the grocery bag back in her locker. He tried to swallow the stone in his throat. How many guys were trying to get her attention? Looking at her as a quick lay based on a fucking video?

"Yeah. I'll just dump them when it gets full." Mabel shook her head. "I really can't wait until this is over."

Glancing at Jake caused her to pause. He didn't seem to be listening to her words; his eyes were focused on the bag in her locker, and his hand twitched at his side. The reaction surprised her. They were terrible notes written on ripped pages. Most were scribbled so swiftly they were illegible. It was nothing to be upset over.

"Hey. What's wrong, Jake?"

Clearing his throat, he worked to calm his anger. He didn't want to accidentally take it out on Mabel. Her brows were furrowed with questioning concern as she looked up at him. This was a girl who had never even been to a football game. Now guys were writing her letters about her tits. He wondered how she was remaining so calm, seeming unphased by their actions. He looked down at the papers in his hand.

"Have you told Blancher about this?"

"Yeah," Mabel replied, "My mom brought it up, and Tonya got suspended for a bit. It's been dealt with. Don't worry about it. It'll blow over."

Jake watched her pull books from her locker. He couldn't control the fact that this video put her front and center as spank material for the senior class. It dawned on him that she really didn't know. Mabel was so used to hiding in the background that she didn't understand how stunning she was. Hell, he hadn't even realized it until he ran into her that morning. Being with her at the lake had quantified how he felt about her. Friday night felt like she was his deepest fantasy come to life. It changed everything. He wanted to deal with the guys who felt entitled to her after seeing her half-naked and humiliated. He looked at the note: Signed T.

Guys like Triston.

"Jake, it's ok!" Mabel placed a hand against his forearm, trying to bring him out of whatever thoughts had him glaring at those notes. The last time she had seen him this upset was when he fought Grant for her. He couldn't possibly think this was the same thing.

Stupid satirical love notes in her locker weren't as bad as being publicly humiliated. Still, she could see the anger that he was trying to hide. She ran her hand down his upper arm, sneaking her slender fingers into his palm to pull the wrinkled papers from him. He closed his fingers around hers, keeping her hand in his.

She smiled at him, her bright eyes lighting up as she softly spoke his name, reassuring him that everything was fine. What could he do? How could he tell all these guys to go fuck themselves without breaking his promise and revealing their relationship?

"I just... I need to protect you. These guys..."

He tried to find words.

Mabel scoffed sarcastically. "Why would I need protection from some assholes who find it funny to put notes in my locker?"

She thought they were making fun of her. "Mabel, they're not joking."

Mabel glanced away. He noticed a brief change in her expression. "I think you're reading too much into this."

"Mabel, you don't understand how-"

The bell rang, cutting him off. Pulling free of his grip, she tossed the papers in the bag, closed the locker, and turned back to him.

"Look, I'll see you in Noble's class. Try and let it go, okay?" Before he could finish, she swept around him, moving towards the stairs.

"Incredible you are." He finished his sentence as the bell faded out and watched her walk away.


"You good, bro?" Aaron said quietly as Mr. Williams continued to lecture the class on the Civil War.

Jake nodded, not responding. His thoughts were once again consumed by her.

After contemplating for a second, Jake decided to ask his friend. "What would you do if guys were leaving weird ass notes in Michaela's locker?"

Aaron shook his head, glancing at Mr. Williams before responding. "They stopped doing that shit when we started dating. I'm a big guy, and everyone knows she's with me. If they did it now," Aaron shrugged, "I'd have a problem with it. Why?"

"No reason," Jake replied.

"Now, I'm not one to make assumptions, but if this is about who I think it's about, if I were you, I'd lock that down pretty quick. There are a couple of people who have their sights set on her."

"Actually, a few people do." Josh added as he leaned back in his chair. "Guys love a sexy redhead."

"Watch what you say, Felding."

Josh gestured innocently. "I'm just saying. You're proof of that."

"Didn't that shit happen with Tonya?" Aaron asked, shaking his head at Josh.

Jake tried to think back to feeling this way about Tonya. Guys always had crushes on her. He knew that, and she did too. They might have done the same thing. If they had, it never bothered him this way.

"I'm not sure. She didn't say anything about it."

"You zoned her out half the time that y'all were dating. She probably did." Josh suggested.

Jake shrugged. "Yeah, but that didn't matter."

"Now it does?"

Mabel didn't ask to be put in the spotlight at the school. In many ways, it was his fault that she was going through this. It's why he couldn't convince her to be his girlfriend, and it's probably why he felt this way. Worst of all, she thought that it was a joke and that everyone was making fun of her. He knew they weren't.

"Yeah, it does," he replied.

"Just date her already." Aaron shrugged, "Problem solved."

"You'd think," Jake said, shaking his head.

"Or, maybe don't. Life is short, and you just lost 125 pounds of demon. Taste the rainbow." Josh suggested.

"Nah, red's my favorite." Jake replied, returning to his thoughts.


"You didn't answer my question this morning." Jake plopped down in the chair beside Mabel. He had resolved not to bring up the notes. It was the only class he had with her, and he wasn't going to spend it brooding over other guys.

"Which question?" Mabel asked, glancing up from her book. Jake's bright and earnest eyes captured hers. She couldn't help but smile at him, glad that he seemed better.

"The one about you coming to my game tomorrow." Playfully leaning closer, he grinned at her.

"I don't normally go to the games," she shrugged.

"You've mentioned that." Jake cleared his throat, crossing his arms in front of him and shaking his head in mock disappointment. "But," his solemn expression softened into a grin, as if he'd had an epiphany. "You should come to this one. You'll be my good luck charm."

Mabel raised her eyebrows in exaggerated disbelief. "Redheads are notoriously bad luck, you know?"

Jake shook his head. "Not my redhead." He reclined in his chair. "I've been pretty lucky so far."

"Your redhead?"

"I shoulda said you." Jake teased her, nudging her playfully, "You're not bad luck."

"Apart from the fact that I have not been lucky for you at all. We talked about this." Mabel tried to remain stern, but a smile lingered on her lips as she spoke.

"About you being a redhead?" Jake feigned innocence.

"No, about me not being your girlfriend."

"Yeah, not yet." Jake agreed, "but that doesn't mean you can't come to my game. You gotta go at least once."

"You just want me to watch you play." Mabel grinned, shaking her head.

"Absolutely! You 'hearing' I'm pretty good just isn't enough. I want you to judge for yourself."

"Hasn't your talent already been confirmed? Everyone thinks you're amazing."

Jake shrugged and said, "I don't really care about everyone else. I wanna know what you think, Miss Mabel."

Mabel studied the playful gleam in his eyes caused by the sweet, lopsided smile on his face. His handsome, boyish charm made her want to kiss him. Why was she kidding herself? She always wanted to kiss him. Even this morning, when his goofy grin had turned into a menacing scowl. She had thought about it then, wondering if she could bring this version of Jake back. Regardless, she cherished him, however he felt.

"What if I say... I'll think about it?" Tearing her eyes away from him, she forced herself to pretend to read her notes.

"What if I say?" Jake leaned forward, purposefully filling her space. "I'll take that as a yes."

Mabel turned back towards him. Jake was inches away; her eyes met his before she glanced at his lips. Once again, Friday night crashed through her mind, wrecking any train of thought she might have had. Closing her eyes, she thought of his lips on hers after he finally filled her completely, swallowing her cries and comforting her with passion. Thinking of how he felt inside her caused her pussy to clench. She shifted in her seat, trying to regain control of her thoughts.


Jake spoke, and her eyes flew open, finding him and burning with lust. He had to pull back from her. He had watched her recall a memory that made her restless in her seat, chewing the corner of her bottom lip. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to taste her himself. Yet, without any physical contact, he could feel his dick straining in his jeans from her current expression. It wasn't just self-control that he needed to have with Mabel. Restraint was the unexpected lesson he was learning. She released her lip, glancing around the class before looking back at him.

"I, um, yeah." Mabel blinked, leaning back away from him and running a hand through her hair. Struggling to recall his last words, she shook her head. "What was the question?"

Jake took a moment. It was hard to concentrate with her looking at him like that. At least it was hard to focus on anything but her. She adjusted her glasses and ran her hand through her hair again. It fell down her back in a blazing waterfall. He thought about gripping it in his hand.

Clearing his throat, he worked to answer her question. "You, uh, you wanna come to my game on Friday and watch me play. That's what you said, at least." He tried to recover his playful demeanor, but his hard-on made it difficult.

"That's what I said?"

Why was her body doing this? Her pussy throbbed, and she knew her panties were soaked. The material of her bra rubbed against her hard nipples. But mostly, the way Jake was looking at her made it hard to rationalize her thoughts.

She forced a light laugh and shook her head. "It doesn't sound like something I'd say."

"No? The words came from you. I may have improvised a little bit, but-"

"A little bit, huh?"

"Only a little."

Mabel studied him. She could tell it meant a lot to him. He tried to hide it behind his sarcastic and humorous replies, but he really wanted her to go.

"Then I guess since I already agreed. I can't go back on my word."

"You'll be there?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

Jake grinned; he wanted to kiss her.

"I'll be looking for you, Mabel."

"Will I be able to see you after the game?"

The question flew from her mouth before she could control it. She added a chuckle, hoping to defuse how desperate she felt. Part of her wanted to take it back, but mostly she was anxious to hear his response.

"I plan on it." Jake replied, holding her gaze.

Mabel's gut knotted, and her heart fluttered. She couldn't help how happy she felt. He was on her mind constantly, and all she wanted was to be with him. It felt corny to even think about it, but she couldn't deny the truth.

"Good," Mabel responded.

The bell rang.

Neither moved as the class got up around them. Jake didn't know if he could get up. His cock laid against his thigh rock hard and unyielding. The thought of even waiting until tomorrow to be with her felt too long. Friday night would be the only thing on his mind, and the game was barely a fleeting thought.


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