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Telemedicine Ch. 11: Host Service

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Kat & JB find themselves on lockdown together.
5.7k words

Part 11 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/12/2021
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Here's the email that I sent to Kat that night:


_Right now, it's just a moment after our call ended. I sure felt mixed emotions when you ended the call. There was the pain in my balls, that was one emotion. OK, maybe that's a feeling, not an emotion. Whatever. Anway, the feeling that my ass had just been dominated, that was another feeling / emotion. I was happy that you came so hard, and turned on by that too. Mostly yeah I was turned on. I hope you like hearing about my feelings. I'm not used to talking about them, but I'm going to take a chance here that maybe you want to know._

_I would like to know what you're feeling. I would like to know if you're going to accept my offer to come over and ride out this quarantine with you. You said that I should persuade you by telling you what I'll do for you, besides making you cum. So I'll do that, but first, I want you to know that I am going to make you cum--I mean if you let me come over. It will be different than before. I'm going to make you cum whenever you want and that will be my primary mission. _

_I'll do other stuff too though. I'm not sure what you want, but I promise to ask you. Also, I have some ideas. I can help you test your teledildonics code. I can help with cleaning and shopping and that kind of thing. I'm not much of a cook--you know that I'm mostly about that pizza delivery--but if you want to eat it, I'll try to cook it too. _

_Here's all I want: I want some company and human companionship. (OK, I'll admit that I want that mind-blowing orgasm that you promised me too. I really want that.) _

_JB / Jonathan_

It was really awkward to write that--I'm not much of a writer, and I was kinda nervous about it. It made me feel a strange mix of things--vulnerable and horny and a weird kind of fuck-it feeling. Like the world was coming to an end, so I might as well make myself pathetic in front of this girl I was crushing on.

I didn't send it right away though. I thought maybe I'd be able to sleep and I could send it in the morning. I climbed into bed, trying hard to ignore the machines that were teasing me relentlessly, taking me to the edge over and over. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn't. Kat seemed to have found new varieties of movement in the routines that the machines were running. The cage on my cock was doing a kind of rolling squeeze, the cuff on my balls was somehow alternating between tugging and vibrating. And the butt plug wasn't assaulting me, but it was--let's just say it was insistent. Anyway, my fucking cock was rock hard and dripping and every few minutes I thought I was going to cum, and as you can imagine, it's impossible to sleep when all that's going on.

Finally, I decided to just send the email and about 10 minutes later, I got a text from Kat. "Nice email Jonathan. I'm going to let you sleep now. Get your rest. I want you to show up at my place at 6pm tomorrow. Pack a bag for a 1-week trial, and be well-rested. You're going to need your strength."

And then the machines went quiet.

In that moment, two things went through my mind. The first thing: OMG, this was about to happen! Kat was going to let me come over. I didn't know what to do--I'd barely been out of the apartment since lockdown started. I'd been relying on delivery for my groceries, and now the thought of a cross-town excursion--even though it was only a few minutes by bike--filled me with dread. I was worried about breaking quarantine. And I was worried that I was going to have to make good on my promises to Kat.

You see, I'm not much of a pussy-eater. I mean I guess I've never really done it all that much. The girls I've been with, I guess they... Oh fuck, I guess they wanted it but it was easy to pretend that I didn't know what they wanted and just avoid the whole thing. I was worried that I'd be bad at it, worried I'd look stupid because I didn't really know what to do. The one or two times I tried... well, I'd rather just forget about it.

OK, so the second thing that went through my mind: this was exactly what Dr Popova would do--turn off my machines when she got the response that she wanted from me. So I was filled with a certain amount of dread, because I wasn't sure if Dr P would approve--or actually, come to think of it, what was going on with my treatment? Like, at a basic level, who the fuck was controlling my devices right now?

So now I had a lot of things that I had to do. First, I had to get a good night's sleep while the machines were off. I was sure that Kat or Dr. P would turn them back on tomorrow when the workday started, so I knew I needed to grab this chance while I had it. Then I had to pack--though that would be easy. I also needed to get in touch with Dr Popova to make sure that she was OK with this plan. Then the rest of the time--I'd spend that on the internet researching pussy eating. I know it sounds stupid, but I was gonna cram for the test.


I woke up feeling pretty good. I had managed to get a good night's sleep, and for a moment, I had forgotten about my situation. But then I reached down to scratch my balls and felt the cage and got a little warning squeeze, and everything came flooding back to me--including a sense of dread. I was going to have to brave the pandemic in NYC, make it crosstown to Kat's house, and--shit, what had I promised her? Basically, that I'd do anything she wanted. I hadn't said the word "slave," but that's what I had offered. And then I remembered Dr Popova.

I opened my Telemedicine app and tapped "Send A Message To Your Doctor." I started to write:

_Hi Dr P. I wanted to check with you about a development in my treatment. As you instructed, I've been following Kat's orders, and now I find myself in a situation and I wanted to make sure it is OK with you to continue. I'm going to Kat's house tonight and I've promised to... I've offered to serve her I guess. I just want to make sure that you know about this and to get your permission._

I pressed send, and then got out of bed to start my day.

I was in the shower when I felt my devices wake up. The cage started gently massaging my cock and the cuff and probe kept time. It felt really good and I was hard and straining at the cage in no time. I tried to put it out of my mind, but it's really hard to ignore a soapy hand job--even if the hands in question are machine hands.

When I got out of the shower, I saw an incoming video call from Dr Popova, and I wrapped a towel around my waist, grabbed my phone, and answered it.

Dr Popova said, "Good morning, Jonathan! Did you enjoy your shower?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, Doctor," I said.

"Jonathan, you don't sound very grateful," she said. "I thought you would enjoy the stimulation routine that I programmed for you. Perhaps you would like something harsher?"

"No, that's not it, Doctor!" I said. "It felt wonderful. I'm just a little distracted. I'm thinking about everything that I have to do today and it's making me a little stressed."

"Ok, let me look at your data here..." she said, turning to her monitor. "You do look stressed Jonathan. I think we need to stabilize your therapy."

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I knew that I didn't like the sound of it. I decided not to say anything.

Dr. Popova seemed to be considering something as she looked at the screen. She brought her pencil to her mouth and my eyes followed, remembering again how sexy her perfect red mouth was. How much I longed for her touch--and how confusing it was to be surrounded by all of these desirable women and to have no access to either one. Then I remembered that indeed I was about to have, um, "access" to Kat tonight and once again I started freaking out.

"Jonathan, what are you thinking about right now? Your stress levels just went through the roof."

"I'm thinking about going to Kat's tonight, Doctor. I'm worried about it, because..." I trailed off, embarrassed.

"Continue," she said.

Fuck it. "I'm worried about it, Doctor because I promised to eat Kat's pussy in exchange for letting me come over and I don't have a lot of experience with doing that and it kind of freaks me out."

I expected Dr Popova to mock me, to tease me, to humiliate me. I did not expect that she'd be pissed though. She said, "Jonathan, I applaud your honesty. At the same time, I'm somewhat tired of hearing from men who are frankly too lazy and selfish to learn how to please a woman. And if I have to listen to one more sniveling little boy who is freaked out by eating pussy, I don't know what I'm going to do... but I assure you that it won't be pleasant."

Oh shit. I was really scared now.

"So," she said sharply. "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to drag your pathetic self over to Kat's apartment tonight, and you are going to begin a new phase of your therapy. This will be a learning phase. You will learn, and I will teach you. Kat will participate in the lessons, of course, and I will make sure that she understands your program as well."

I nodded.

She continued, "I know the reason you contacted me was to ensure that you have my permission. I appreciate your diligence. Rest assured though, I am in contact with Kat, and have let her know that you have my permission to go to her apartment and to stay for a while. While you are there, you will continue to obey her. I will not tolerate any more sniveling. Do you understand?"

I nodded again.

"Oh, one more thing." She gave me a little smile, then continued, "I know that Kat has promised you an orgasm. What she hasn't told you is that she does not yet have my permission to grant you an orgasm. This was a mistake on her part, and I was quite displeased by this. As a result, her situation has changed somewhat."

At this point, Dr Popova paused dramatically. I wondered what the fuck Kat had gotten herself into. I didn't ask though, and Dr. Popoval continued. "Regardless of Kat's situation, Jonathan, it is important for you to remember that without my blessing, you will not cum. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Doctor," I said. I have to admit that I had gotten my hopes up about that orgasm, and now I was feeling pretty disappointed. And I was starting to feel worried for Kat.

All that must have shown on my face, because Dr P said, "Don't look so glum, Jonathan! If your training goes well, if you please Kat, and if Kat pleases me, then you BOTH have quite the reward to look forward to."

Once again, just as I thought I might be emerging from my hell, Dr P had managed to find a new way to pull the rug out from under me.


I tried to text Kat to see what was going on, but got no response. I didn't know if she was ignoring me because she was busting my balls, or if she was not answering because she was in trouble herself. I found myself spinning into a web of speculation. I decided that I had to go ahead with my research plan--maybe looking at some porn would help me. I sent a message to my boss saying that I was taking the day off, then pulled up an anonymous browser tab and started searching, "how to eat pussy."

What I found seemed to be mostly bullshit. Softly lit couples doing porno moves. Fuck, that kind of shit was what got me into trouble in the first place. I thought that as soon as I touched a girl with my tongue, she'd start moaning and we'd be done--lickety split so to speak. But the few times I'd tried, I was met with mostly indifference, so I gave up. OK, I have to admit that I didn't like it much either.

Anyway, I kept up my research and eventually found a few things that seemed helpful, but they were kinda dull. I got bored and started some different searches. I looked up cock cages. I looked up ruined orgasms. I looked up CBT. I went from search to search, from video to video, getting hotter and hotter. My cock went from hard to rock hard to dripping. Finally, I found myself watching a video of a guy in a cock cage lying on his back with his tongue buried in the asshole of the woman who sat on his face. She was grinding hard on his face and encouraging him by slapping his balls with a crop. It was fucking hot. And I realized that my "research" session needed to end. I wasn't helping myself even a little bit.

I forced myself to stop looking at porn, and spent the rest of the day trying to work--even though I had called in sick, I didn't know what else to do. I had to find a way to ignore the devices throbbing away in my pants--to not think about what kind of trouble Kat had managed to get herself into.


At 6pm promptly, I found myself standing at the door to Kat's building, wondering if I was crazy. I'd basically been in quarantine since lockdown started, so I figured I posed little risk to Kat. It had definitely been two weeks since I'd had any contact with other humans. I was even avoiding the delivery people--asking them to just leave things outside my apartment door. I was hoping that Kat had been as careful in her isolation as I had been, but I realized that in my desperation, I'd never discussed it with her. I adjusted the mask on my face and decided that before anything else, we'd talk about quarantine rules. After she buzzed me into her lobby, I walked up a dozen flights of stairs--I didn't want to risk riding the elevator with anyone.

I rang her doorbell, the door opened, and there she was--no mask, jeans, t-shirt, barefoot, hair in her signature buzz cut.

"Take off that mask and get the fuck in here, JB," she said. So much for quarantine rules.

I did what she said, walking past her, past a small galley kitchen, into a small living room. I'd never been at Kat's place before, and I didn't know what to expect. It smelled good, clean. The place was warm, tidy, cheerful, a far cry from my shitty post-college dorm room decor. This place looked like adults lived here. I stood there stupidly, looking around.

"Well, put your bag down and give me your coat," she said. She didn't sound happy.

"You OK?" I asked.

"I'm fucking not OK, JB, and you know it."

"Kat, all I know is that Dr P said you were in trouble. She didn't tell me anything else."

She stared at me for a moment, hands on hips. Then, like she had made up her mind about something, she unsnapped her jeans, unzipped her fly, and peeled off her Levis. She straighten up and raised her hands in a "look, see?" Gesture. She was wearing a flat black chastity belt. It was made of the same flat black featureless material as my devices. I couldn't see any seams. It wrapped around her waist above her hips, ran down between her legs. She did a sarcastic twirl for me, and I saw that it ran up the crack of her ass to connect with the belt again in the back.

"Your fucking Doctor Popova tricked me into this fucking thing and locked me into it," she said. Hands returning to hips.

"Oh shit," I said, stupidly.

"Yeah, oh shit," said Kat. "So put your shit down, take off your coat and then sit down. We have to talk."


It turns out that Kat had ordered a bunch of devices from Dr. Popova's clinic. She wouldn't tell me about everything she'd ordered, but she did tell me that she bought them so she could explore the technology. There were devices for dicks, for pussies, for assholes, for nipples, for pretty much every part of the body. The belt that she was locked into sounded pretty amazing. It had slots for dildos, butt plugs, and something called a "thruster", which you could mount facing in or out, and that could be controlled by software--and linked to other devices.

We were sitting in Kat's living room as she told me all of this. She hadn't pulled her jeans on, and I was working hard to keep my eyes on her face--to not stare at the crazy device between her legs.

"How did you end up locked into that thing, though?" I asked.

"Well, all of the devices work the same way, you associate them to a user account, assign whatever permissions you want to that user, and then that user has control over them. I registered this one to my admin account so I could control it, then started messing around with it. I got curious and decided to try it on. Before I did, I made sure that I could lock and unlock it, so I felt like it was safe to give it a try."

I nodded. I found myself getting turned on at the thought of Kat here all alone, trying on all of these devices.

She continued, "Anyway, as soon as I got the belt on, I got a call from Dr Popova. Turns out the system has a back door, and the good doctor used it to make herself a super-admin for all of the things I bought, so she was alerted the moment that I tried on the belt. At first I thought that she was calling to talk about you and your program, but then I realized that she was pissed at me."

She paused, staring at me, then continued, "She has master admin permissions to everything, JB. She fucking locked me into this shit. It's my punishment for overstepping my authority and promising you an orgasm."

"Fuck," I said. "How long?"

"She won't really tell me. She only said that I was going to have to earn her trust, told me a bit about how to live while locked into this thing--how to keep it sanitary--and implied that it was going to be a while."

"Shit," I said, again sounding pretty stupid. But what was there to say?

Kat nodded. "Let's order pizza," she said.


We didn't say much after that. While we were waiting for the pizza, Kat set me up in her room-mate's bedroom, which was free because the roommate had left town to ride out the pandemic with her family somewhere in the country. She made me strip down so I was just wearing my t-shirt and my devices. She stood in front of me, examining my hardware up close, fascinated. We were a hell of a matched set.

Over dinner a little later, I said, "You know, Dr. P still wants me to serve you, and um... I do too so... uh... how can I help?"

"Don't think I'm not going to take this out on you," she said, with a grim smile.

I was planning to have you under the table between my legs tonight while I busted your balls, but we're going to have to settle for just some ball-busting for you."

I have to admit that hearing that made my cock start to get hard. I watched then as she reached for her phone, tapped a few times, and felt my devices come to life. The cage started squeezing my cock. The cuff started constricting on my balls. I put my pizza down and closed my eyes.

"Look at me!" She said, and I opened my eyes, meeting hers. "Tell me when it gets to be too much..." she said, her hands moving on the controls on her phone.

The sensations got stronger and stronger until finally I thought I couldn't take any more. "Too much!" I said.

Kat looked at me, looked at her phone, then said "Poor baby," and tapped a few more times. Instead of ending the torment though, she had turned it up! The devices kept up their pressure, and I felt the plug in my ass start to grow.

"Oh fuck, Kat..." I said, trying to keep meeting her eyes.

"Imagine if I was allowed to make you cum this way, JB. Imagine how hot that would be."

I couldn't imagine it. I couldn't imagine cumming this way. I just wanted it to stop.

"I'm going to do that when I can. It's going to make your fucking head explode, JB. Your fucking mouth is going to be on my clit, and we're going to cum together."

She paused, watching me cooly as I writhed in pain, trying to hold her gaze. Finally she said, "But not tonight." She tapped again, and my cuff constricted hard. I felt like I'd been kicked in the guts, and I fell off my chair. She killed the devices then. They just suddenly stopped and I lay on the ground, trying to catch my breath.

Kat said, "Take off the rest of your clothes, clean this up, put the leftovers in the fridge, then meet me in the bedroom. I'm going to take a shower and then you're going to give me a massage. I may be locked in this fucking belt, but I'm still going to make some use of you." She stood up, hands on hips, waiting for me to begin following her orders. When I did, when I was naked except for my devices, she turned her back and headed to the shower.


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