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Temptation Abounds


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I handed out the drinks and Barbara asked me to sit. Needing a beer, I went inside and took the opportunity to adjust my erection. I joined them and sat. Ruby tossed me the sunscreen and I applied a liberal amount to my naked chest.

"Come here," Sheila said, "And I'll do your back."

I sat at the foot of her lounge chair. She took the bottle and I could hear her squirt the lotion. The next sensation was the feel of her breasts rubbing against my back.

"Jesus, Sheila, what the hell."

Barbara and Ruby cracked up. "Hey, using my hands is boring. I'll cover your back, don't worry."

She continued to move her breasts back and forth and up and down, her nipples leaving a trail of pleasure. She finished by rubbing lotion to places her breasts didn't reach.

I turned to look at her. She grinned and rubbed her breasts, tweaking her nipples.

"You all are getting too much sun," I said.

We sat quietly as the women drank. Sheila stood and announced she needed to pee. Ruby said she did, too. They left the deck.

"My," I said, "what a coincidence."

Barbara motioned me to sit on the lounge. I walked to her as she spread her legs and I sat between them. She put one leg on my lap and the other behind me.

"I think they figured we needed some time alone," said Barbara.

I had trouble not staring at her breasts, made even more attractive with the thin coating of perspiration.

"Ruby told me about your earlier conversation."

"Barbara, there is nothing you have to tell me. There is nothing that is any of my business."

She wiped some sweat from her breasts with her hands and rubbed her palms on the towel beneath her.

"Joel, I told you I had never been with another man. That is true. It is also true that Ruby and I have had sex with each other. I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but I am not sorry about what we did."

"Barbara, I'm not disappointed. I have no right to be disappointed."

"Very noble of you," she said with a wry smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Shit, I don't know. Joel, I want you to know that, you know, our teasing was not a sham. I am attracted to you and would love to go to bed with you. I guess I wanted you to know that."

"Barbara, you don't owe me explanations."

"I know, but I believe I owe you the truth. And, the truth is that I've been messed up for a while."

I stroked her shin. "Want to tell me?"

"Yes. I want to very much."

She reached her hand and I took it. "Joel, this is not the first time that Jim's been unfaithful. It's at least the third time that I know about. I confronted him and he swore they were mistakes and he would never do it again. I wanted to believe him. I didn't want to throw our marriage away. But, I was hurt, angry and totally demoralized. I figured I lost all my appeal and that's why he was looking elsewhere for sex."

I squeezed her fingers. She took a deep breath.

"So, I guess I was seeking some confirmation that I was not some thirty-one year old hag."

"Oh, Barbara, you are..."

"Let me finish, Joel."

She motioned for my beer and I handed it over. Barbara finished it and set the bottle down.

"After the second time I caught him, I was feeling especially vulnerable. It almost seems like a cliché, but I confided in Ruby. She was the only friend I had."

"Except me," I said.

"Honestly, Joel, I thought you might know about Jim's affairs since you were best friends. I figured that you were part of some conspiracy to keep me in the dark."

"I never knew."

"I believe you now, but then I was not certain."

"When was this?"

"Last winter. So, I confided in Ruby and she was a great help. Of course, she wanted to go and rip his balls off. I still had hope we could salvage the relationship. I tried with Jim. It's fucked up, Joel, I should have been the one being made up to and instead I was trying to make up to him. It did a real job on my ego. And, he still paid little attention to me, sexually.

"One night I was over at Ruby's and bitching about how I could deal with the situation better if I was at least getting a decent lay. I told her I hadn't had an orgasm in six months."

Barbara blushed and let her hand glide up and down my arm. "Sorry, is this too much?"

"Not if you want to talk about it."

"Thanks. I do. I haven't been able to talk with anyone about Ruby. Well, anyway Ruby told me that was not right and I should do something about it. I told her I was not going to sleep with some guy just to get off or to have revenge against Jim. She told me that was not the only option. I told her that masturbation only did so much. Again, she said I was missing the point.

"I guess I was clueless. I looked at her and she smiled. Taking me into her arms she kissed me. Lights began to go off about what she meant. Joel, that was about the sweetest kiss I'd ever had. I thought I might cum right there as her soft lips pressed against mine."

I said I needed a drink and got up to fetch two beers from the cooler on the deck.

I sat back down and Barbara replaced her legs around me. We each sipped our beers.

"Was that the first time you kissed a girl?"

Barbara took another sip. "In a long time. Well, in college when, you know, almost every girl did some exploring. And then there was this really torrid six months in law school with my roommate."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I know. All us women are closet Lesbos."

"Not what I was thinking," I said. "I was thinking that you are an incredibly sexy woman and any person, man or woman, would be lucky to be with you."

"Thanks. Anyway, that kiss from Ruby led to a lot more. I just want to say that not only did Ruby send me over the moon when her face was between my legs, but she also seemed to genuinely like it. I told you that Jim didn't like to do me orally. Ruby, well, she's a goddess."

The image of these two beautiful women giving each other pleasure made my mind turn flips and my heartrate hit the top of the charts.

"So, the question is faithfulness. Was I cheating on Jim by being with Ruby? I guess I could argue it wasn't because a man was not involved. But, I know it was. So, am I any better than he is?"

"It seems like you were driven to your relationship with Ruby by Jim's cheating."

"I was driven to the door, Joel, but I opened it and walked through. I'm not proud of what I did, but I would not want to give up one second with Ruby. In addition to the sex, she has become my best friend—well, maybe one of my best friends."

"How does the flirting with me fit into all this?"

"Joel, I told you at first I thought you knew about Jim's affairs. I guess I was trying to punish you for supporting him. I figured if I flirted and teased you, it somehow would make me feel better and drive you crazy. But, you never seemed uneasy around me. Never gave me any indication that you were keeping something back. In fact, you seemed to enjoy spending time with me and talking with me."

"You know I did. And, I do."

"So, I decided that you didn't know. As good as sex was, hell, is, with Ruby, I wondered if I still were attractive to men. I began to fantasize about you. I sorta idealized you as the perfect man."

"Hardly, Barbara."

"Still, I did. I had daydreams where you would sweep me off my feet and take me away. How's that for a tough-as-nails public defender and confirmed feminist. I was having Prince Charming fantasies."

"Don't have a white horse," I said. We both laughed.

"Well, then I saw you naked. God, Joel, that opened the floodgates. I was half in lust with you because you were a decent good-looking guy in nice shape. When I saw you walking and that perfect cock swinging back and forth, it just sent me off. So, I started flirting big time. I really lusted after you now. At the same time, I felt safe because I was fairly sure you wouldn't cross the line. I was in the midst of the bad slut-good girl dilemma. I wanted to take you to bed, but I also wanted to be able to tell myself I never was with any man other than my husband. In the end, you proved me right and didn't sleep with me."

"You know I wanted to."

"I think I do. No, I know I do. But, you were such a fucking stand-up guy."

"I didn't think you really wanted to cheat and I didn't want to be involved in that sort of relationship."

"I know. I am happy that it worked out this way."

We each remained silent and drank our beers. Barbara's hand continued to move over my arm. I sensed her need to feel a connection with me.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"Divorce, for sure. I'm not being rash, but I can't live with Jim any longer. I'm not going nuclear, but I am not going to remain in this relationship. I own my share of the break-down of our marriage. It's not the major share, but it is part of it. I think we can handle it reasonably. If Jim doesn't agree, I've got the recording of his fun time with Keisha. If I used that, I could take him for every penny he has. I'm just looking to get out of this as easy as possible."

"In the meantime, what about, you know, Ruby?"

Barbara laughed. "Well, we talked about it last night. Neither of us is happy with our decision, but we are not going to have sex again. Not, at least, until I get things straightened out with Jim."


"Yep. If I were you, I'd buy stock in vibrator companies. I have a feeling the sales will be going up."

I laughed and Barbara joined in.

"Which leads to another interesting fact," she said.

"Which is?"

"Ruby really would like to fuck you. I think you should go for it."

Shaking my head, I wondered how we somehow got to this point.

"Barbara, I don't know."

"Let's look at it this way," she said. "She is beautiful and hot, right?"

"No arguments."

"She is single and so are you."


"She is a tigress in bed and I know she would be just as good with you as she was with me."

"No comment."

"So," Barbara said, "What's the hesitation?"



"What if I want to develop a relationship with you?"

"God, that makes my tummy turn. I think I would like to see where that could go. But, I am not doing anything with anyone until I'm divorced, and probably for a while after that. Then, well, let's hope you still feel the same. In the meantime, I think you and Ruby would be perfect for each other."

"What about after the divorce?"

Barbara showed a wide grin, "Well, let's cross that bridge later. I think that there are lots of ways to address it. Lots of interesting ways, Joel. I'm pretty sure Ruby might agree with that assessment."

"I'll think about it."

"Don't think, do. You and Ruby should take the room where Brad and Janet were."

"That's moving pretty fast. And, there's another slight problem."

"What problem?"


Barbara's look showed her puzzlement.

"She's been trying to get me to screw her."

Laughing, Barbara said "Like only for years. You don't want to?"

"She's pretty and very hot, but I just couldn't do it. I really feel like she's my kid sister. But, I don't want to hurt her. If Ruby and I hooked up, she might think I turned her down because she wasn't sexy enough, or something. She's still a kid and I wouldn't want to mess her up."

"Joel, you are unbelievable. I bet there isn't one guy in a hundred who would pass up someone like Sheila because they didn't want to hurt her. Tell you what, you and Ruby decide what you want to do. I'll ask Sheila to sleep with me tonight. I'm sure I can explain things to her."

"Are you and she like..."

"God, no. Although I bet it would be awesome sex, she and I never had and never will have anything like that. I love her, too. She's like a kid sister to me, as well. And, Joel, think about Sheila. She's not your sister. She is a beautiful young woman. I think you would be good for her. I bet you're a considerate lover. She might need that."

"Barbara, I'm having a hard time getting my mind around all this talk of sex. I am definitely ambivalent about Sheila. I'll talk with Ruby. In the meantime, does this mean you're going to cover up?"

Barbara laughed and pulled on her nipples. "As a matter of fact, when the girls come back out, we are going to sunbathe completely nude. And you, dear man, are going to be responsible to see that no part of our bodies is without sunscreen. See, I am not going to have sex with you, but I sure as hell am going to torture you and flirt my ass off."

I figured that was a torture I could endure.

(Since this is only the second day of the weekend, you know there will be more to come.)


A big thank you to Perry for his editing of this piece. Please know that any errors are solely mine.

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vanyevanyeabout 1 month ago

Going to finish the story, because I'm enjoying your writing, but Jesus, Joel's a fucking 15yo boy scout, getting uptight because someone sits in his lap.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Great story, Thank You

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So amazingly hot!

CaseyWoodsCaseyWoodsover 2 years ago

Fantastic, Except I believe main charactors profession may have imevolved, and hoping to find a 2nd version including at least the 1st night at the lake. The ladies did come on a little stonger than most classy ladies I know, though once upon a time, one did jump into my lap;)

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 3 years ago

Excellent, the characters, the humour and a realistic plot. Love the exhibitionism, especially Barbara flashing first her panties then her pussy and finally all three women unabashedly removing their clothes. He is one lucky chap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Nice premise.

Well written, but ultimately lacking in sex -- except in the mind. Certainly should be some REAL action in subsequent chapters. Hope so.

BTW- You wrote INFER when you meant IMPLY. Infer means to assume. Impy means to hint at.

PetraTPetraTover 4 years ago
Temptation, done right

Simply perfect! I Loved this story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Typo on Page 3

You wrote, "Joel was naked lying on the bed. A dark head was positioned between his legs and there was no doubt what the head was doing."

That should have been, "Jim was naked...."

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
response to rightbank re "rabbit couple"

I believe they give credibility to "a group of friends" and not just hotties setting up a stud. "Rabbit" aspect provides the opening for them to depart, leaving us with said stud and hotties, and possibly setting up a plot twist with Jim's car.

Orie, I very much appreciate that your stories have plots and character development far beyond the lovemaking. The emotional involvement between the characters is very attractive. These create a delicious buildup and anticipation that enhance the eroticism. You are absolutely one of my favorite authors. Thank you for sharing your work with us on this forum!

ca2dcca2dcover 6 years ago
Excellent Story but Needs A Disclaimer

Great story, well written, great character development etc, but you need to add a disclaimer at the beginning “There is no sex or sexual activity in this story.” I read these types of stories for one reason, and don’t mind letting things build for a great yarn. But to get to the end without any sexual intimacy is ..... frustrating. Yes, I know Part 2 will have some sex (it had better) but a Heads Up at the start would have been nice. [5 stars for the writing]

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
Lots of talking about talking about not cheating

Leading to more talking.

I can't figure out why the rabbit couple were at the lake.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
orie, you have a gift

the way you create a world, the atmosphere, the psychological density, to paint with words... wow, that is some huge talent on display here. Thank you!

bbarebbareabout 7 years ago
Excellent writing

Orie, you do a great job of combining erotica, love, human emotions, and with this story, a male lead with an almost unreal level of self-control and unselfishness, those guys DO exist. Your writings aren't simple quick jerking off material, but with well-defined characters with noticeable strengths and vulnerabilities. I am now looking forward to reading more of your stories. Of course, this story got you a rating of 5.

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124about 9 years ago
Great story!

Very descriptive and erotic. The only problem is when Barbara was looking at her tablet and caught her husband, you said "Joel" and not "Jim." That threw me until I read on. Now on to Ch. 2. I hope that Joel screws Barbara's brains out, simply because she had been tempting him unmercifully. 5 *'s

_PhoenixRising__PhoenixRising_about 9 years ago
5+ Stars

You have an excellent grasp of writing. Your characters are well developed, your plot is fantastical with just enough realism to allow readers to fantasize. Well done! Thank you for the effort. I will be reading the rest of your work and adding you to my "favorite author", list.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great story

Well written with a male protagonist who is not an asshole which makes this story much more interesting to a guy who thinks that's how honorable people behave.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
love it.

I really enjoy it. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
"Great Scott"

Lol. Well done.

SabarthSabarthover 9 years ago
Still a fan

Please do not stop, your writings are at another level, quite arousing and although never have I had the tinyest luck of having 3 women, some of what he was going through being teased by Barbara was very close to a moment in my life...

maddictmaddictover 9 years ago
Must be me.

I was thinking Joel's gay. Three women throwing themselves at me well I'm going to cop a feel for starters. Were you doing a role reversal ?

I thoroughly enjoy your stories, beliveable, characters i would like to be involved with. So the orgy I wanted, isn't the only option here, you've made a better story because of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Awesome story. Looking forward to the next installment.

Keep up the excellent work

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

That was a great story and hope you dd to it so we cna see if any of the girls get him or all three

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another amazing story

Such a fantasy, having 3 women like that so interested in you, and lusting after your body. The part when Barbara shows Joel her pussy was so hot!

ProfDavrosProfDavrosover 9 years ago
Wonderful build up

I really enjoyed the teasing, and having a moral compass is not queer. It's going to make for a joyous weekend if Joel gives in at the right times.

I spaced reading this story out to make the enjoyment last.

Please keep up the great writing Orie!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
1 star

Unreal tease story though. Joel is a queer

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 9 years ago
Another excellent effort.

It's a real pleasure to read a well-written piece here, and this one certainly qualifies. Love Barbara's teasing, especially in the beginning. The upskirt in the park was gorgeous.

I do have two misgivings about this one, however. The first is that Joel is written as if he is a much older man; likely a result of speaking in the author's own voice. Apparently Joel is only twenty-nine or thirty (Sheila is twenty-two, and he's roughly eight years older), yet he often speaks to these women as if he's old enough to be their father, or even their grandfather. His narrative voice has an oddly jarring ring, at least to me. The John Wayne-esque Stoic Hero shtick simply doesn't jibe with Joel's age, or the circumstances. Secondly, I think it might be too much of a good thing, adding Sheila and Ruby to the story. For one thing, their characters are too similar. Either girl on her own would have been enough, to add a bit of contrast to Barbara's more serious, sober persona. Having three girls all spouting the same lines seemed excessive, to the point of redundancy. It also bordered on the gratuitous.

Those two nits aside, this was a great read. Thanks to orie for sending me the invitation to check out this wonderful piece, and I look forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Five Star Story

Great story. But, if I had been in Joel's shoes, they and the rest of my attire would not have been on for long. I would have fucked Barbara at the first chance and followed up with the other two hotties. I also have been married for 43 years but admit I would jump at the chance to have sex with another woman. I look forward to the continuation of your story and hope that Joel has more than masturbation to look forward to. I used to work with an Orie in Laconia, NH. If you are that Orie, I'm sorry we never connected. As I stated earlier, I'm not a Joel.

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