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Ten Day Cruise Ch. 01


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I guess my feelings stemmed from my dad. He was a strong-natured man and very firm in his convictions. Dad didn't pull any punches when he wanted to get his point across. My dad wasn't what I would describe as overly strict. He allowed Glen and me to make our own decisions and mistakes. When my brother or I screwed up, we heard about it. Dad had a way of pointing out the error of our ways without yelling or hitting us.

That's not to say our parents didn't spank us. We both had our butts warmed more than once when we were younger. Mom and Dad would dole out our punishment equally. Mom never told us to wait until our dad came home; she acted. Neither Mom nor Dad really hurt my brother or me. Dad never spanked my naked butt. Some of my imaginary lovers did, though.

The last time either of my parents spanked me was when I was seven or eight. I couldn't remember why. My parents grounded me if I got into trouble now, but it didn't happen often.

My brother was a lot like Dad. Not only because Glen stood over six feet tall, the same as Dad did, but he was also very sure of himself and assertive most of the time. Not around me, but around others he was. He was the captain of the diving and the swim teams. When Glen ran the practices, everyone listened to him. To me, he was just my big brother. I loved the way I could make him blush or get my own way with him.

Glen came back out on the balcony and offered me a can of soda. I took it and thanked him. He stood at the railing and gazed out at the blue water. I watched the muscles in his back ripple as he moved fluidly. Moving my eyes down, I noticed how strong the backs of his legs looked.

"Look, Meg. Dolphins are swimming alongside the ship," Glen said as he pointed with his can of soda.

I got up and looked at the graceful mammals moving through the water. They came up in pairs as if choreographed.

"They're cool," I said.

We watched the dolphins for a while. When someone next to us said, "Hello," I jumped. A woman stuck her head out far enough to see my brother and me.

"Hi, we're watching the dolphins," I said.

"My boyfriend and I are too. They're pretty, aren't they?" the woman said.

"Yeah, they're so cool!" I replied.

"Well, take care. By the way, my name is Allison. I'm here with my boyfriend, Randy."

"I'm Megan. This is Glen," I replied.

"Hi," Glen said.

"Talk to you later, Megan and Glen." The woman pulled her head back. I sat back down and sipped my Coke.

Later, Mom called our room to tell my brother and me to get ready for dinner. She said she and Dad would be down in an hour. I told Glen and went to shower. When I came out wearing my robe, I told my brother it was his turn.

I put on one of my new sundresses over a new set of matching underwear I bought for the trip. Before slipping into the dress, I looked at myself in the mirror. I pushed my breasts up, admiring the way the sheer bra made them look. Smiling, I remembered our shopping trip and how Mom reacted when she realized I had grown a cup size. Now my bras were thirty-four C, but not by much.

Glen came out of the bathroom wearing his slacks. I watched him pull on a polo shirt and told him to tuck it in. He finished dressing while I returned to the head to fix my short brown hair. I kept it cut short because of swimming.

Mom and Dad came to our room. They asked what we did all afternoon, and Mom shook her head when I told her. We left for one of the dining rooms to have dinner. The dining room Dad selected was buffet style. We went down the line, filling our plates with the great-looking food they offered. I found the food was as good as it looked when I started to eat.

"You kids are missing a great time by staying in your rooms," Dad said. "I really wish you'd give this a chance."

"Maybe tomorrow," Glen said.

"So, did you and Mom run around naked all afternoon?" I said.

Mom and Dad laughed. "We didn't run around, Megan," Mom said with a smirk, "and no, we weren't naked."

"I don't know how you can do it," I said.

"We won't know until we try it," Dad said. "As we told you two, we wanted to try it. Mom and I talked about this before we decided."

"It would have been nice if you would have told us so we could have decided before we got on the ship," Glen said.

"Yes, we realize it now. Mom and I are sorry we didn't give you the option," Dad said. "If you want to know the truth, there were as many people wearing suits at the pool as there were not wearing them. Your mom and I still haven't gone au naturel," Dad said with a grin.

"Why not? I thought that's why you came on this cruise," I said.

"No, we came to find out if we could do it. We probably will, but we haven't yet. Your father and I are getting used to it slowly," Mom said.

We ended the conversation without resolving anything. I was still determined I wasn't going to go naked. I wasn't sure I wanted to see anyone else naked, but I didn't want to stay in the room the entire time.

After dinner, we went to a stage show. There was a magician and dancers. The show was kind of cool. Mom said she and Dad were going to the casino at ten o'clock. Glen and I went to our room.

I changed into a sleep shirt while my brother changed in the head. I was already in bed when he came out. We watched television for a while and then decided to sleep.

Glen turned off the lights and the television. I curled up with my back toward my brother. The gentle motion of the ship soothed me, and I began to drift asleep. I heard Glen start to snore and wondered if I would get any sleep with all the noise.

Day 2 -- New Friends

The next morning, I woke up and looked over at my brother. He was up, leaning against the headboard and reading one of my novels. When he saw me watching him, he blushed and put the book down. I was going to say something, but I didn't. I got out of bed to go to the head.

Glen and I met our parents for breakfast. We talked about our plans for the day while we ate. I enjoyed the fresh fruit and warm Danish roll I selected. We drank coffee while Dad told Glen and me about the spa and the machines it had in it.

"Your father and I are going to do some shopping and then sit by the pool," Mom said. "What are you two going to do?"

"I want to check out the arcade. It looked like they're some cool games there," Glen said.

"I'm going with Glen," I said.

My brother and I wandered around until we found the arcade again. We began playing the games. Glen and I sat next to each other in one of the car racing games and competed. He won most of the races, but I did manage to win one or two when he crashed.

"Hi," I heard a girl say. I turned around and saw a girl about my age standing beside a boy who looked like her.

"Hi," I replied.

"I'm Jenny. This is my brother, Brad. We're from Michigan," she said.

"I'm Megan. This is my brother, Glen. We're from Michigan, too. Where do you guys live?"

"We live in Warren, near Detroit," Jenny said.

"Cool, we live in Harrison Township," Glen said.

I was amazed I'd met someone who lived so close to us. I listened to Brad and Jenny talk, finding out they lived about ten miles from our house.

"Is this your first time on a cruise?" I asked. "It is for Glen and me."

"No, we've been coming on this cruise for three years. Our parents take us every year," Brad said.

I felt kind of weird for a moment. I wondered if Jenny and her brother went nude while on the cruise.

The four of us decided to get sodas. We went to one of the bars and ordered our drinks. Brad pointed at a table, and we sat down.

After talking about school and our neighborhoods briefly, Glen mentioned he and I swam on the swim team.

"I thought I recognized you. You dive too, don't you?" Brad said. "Our schools compete."

"Yeah, I dive. I swim freestyle and the breaststroke," Glen said.

"How old are you guys?" Jenny asked.

"I'm eighteen, Glen will be nineteen in August," I said.

Jenny giggled and said, "You two are almost as close in age as Brad and me."

"How far apart are you guys?" Glen asked.

"Fifteen minutes, I'm older," Jenny said. "We're twins. Brad and I are eighteen."

The four of us spent the rest of the morning together. We ate lunch at one of the restaurants and then went for a walk. Brad and Jenny told Glen and me about the activities the ship offered.

"There is a dance every night. You guys have to come with us," Jenny said. "Most of the old people go to the nightclub at night. The ship has a place for us. You know, kids our age."

I felt like killing my brother when he said, "Do you guys ever go around naked?"

"Sure, it's cool," Brad said. "It's hard at first, but it isn't bad once you get used to it. There is a lot of great scenery, too."

Jenny poked her brother in the ribs and said, "You can be such a pig!" Jenny laughed, looked at me, and grinned. "He's right. There is a lot of good scenery."

Brad and Jenny laughed. Glen and I blushed and tried to be cool. A few minutes later, I found myself in the restroom with Jenny.

"Don't let the boys get to you. They're just acting like boys. I like looking too," Jenny said.

"It doesn't bother you when your brother sees you naked?" I said.

"No, not anymore. We've never been very modest around each other. I guess it's different for twins. Haven't you ever seen your brother naked?" Jenny said.

I blushed and shook my head.

"I think Glen is cute. I hope the four of us can be friends. Most of the kids our age are stuck-up, but you and Glen seem cool," Jenny said.

"Thanks, I hope we can be friends too." I didn't want to tell Jenny I'd planned to spend my time in the stateroom.

When Jenny and I left the restroom, Brad and Glen called us over to where they sat. Jenny and I sat down and asked what was up.

"We're going to the pool. Want to come with us?" Brad said.

"Sure, I have to go to our room first," Jenny said. "Why don't you and Glen get ready and meet Brad and me in our room."

Jenny gave us the number to the room. They were one deck up from Glen and me.

Glen and I didn't say much on the way to our stateroom. I wondered if Jenny and Brad would be naked when we went to the pool.

I went into the head to change into my suit. When I came out, Glen was wearing one of his Speedo suits. We shared a nervous smile, grabbed our towels and sunscreen, and left.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the stateroom door, where Jenny told us to meet her. She opened the door and let Glen and me in. I glanced around, noticing the room looked exactly like ours.

Much to my relief, Jenny and Brad wore suits. Jenny's bikini looked small on her. Brad, like Glen, wore a Speedo. The four of us went up to the pool. We found lounges and staked our claim. I looked around nervously. The number of people who shed some or all of their clothing had increased from when Glen and I were at the pool the day before. I tried to look away, but it seemed there was someone naked no matter where I looked.

A man and woman, both of them naked, came over to where we sat. Jenny smiled and said, "Hi, Mom, hi, Dad. These are our new friends, Megan and Glen. This is my mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver."

"We're pleased to meet you," Mrs. Weaver said.

I couldn't get over how relaxed Jenny's parents seemed. They acted as if they were dressed. I tried not to stare but couldn't seem to keep from glancing at Mr. Weaver's penis. He didn't seem to care one way or the other. We chatted for a moment, but I don't know about what. They said goodbye and left.

A few moments later, my Mom and Dad came over. Mom didn't have her top on, but otherwise, they were dressed. Well, they had on suits. Glen and I introduced Jenny and Brad. Brad got up and shook Dad's hand.

"Those are my parents," Jenny said as she pointed at Mr. and Mrs. Weaver.

"Joan and Larry, are your parents? We met them at the casino last night," Dad said.

"Yeah, they're our parents," Brad said. "Dad said he won a few bucks last night."

"I didn't win anything, but Mrs. Kelly did," Dad said as he pointed at Mom.

"How much did you win, Mom?" Glen said.

"Not much. About fifteen dollars," Mom said. "Have fun, kids. We're going to go say hi to Joan and Larry."

I watched my parents walk over to where Jenny and Brad's parents were sitting. Dad and Mr. Weaver shook hands before Mom and Dad sat down to talk with them. When I turned to our new friends, I saw Jenny had removed her top.

"You should try it, Megan. It's cool being topless," Jenny said.

"Yeah, and it's even better when you're naked," Brad said.

"Stop it, Brad. As I remember, you didn't get naked until the last day the first time we came on the cruise," Jenny said.

"You just like looking at my cock," Brad said.

Jenny laughed and nodded. "Yeah, it's so cute."

I felt my cheeks warm as I listened to Jenny and Brad. He said something about the size of his sister's breasts, and she shoved her chest out. Glen and I got up and jumped in the pool.

"Those two are crazy, aren't they?" Glen said. He stood in the water beside me.

"You sure can't keep your eyes off Jenny's boobs, can you?" I said. I don't know why, but it bothered me when he looked at her.

"I wasn't staring. Was I?"

I grinned and shook my head.

"Are you going to take your top off?" Glen said.

I laughed. "Why? Do you want to see my boobs?"

My stomach flipped when my brother blushed and gently nodded his head.

"Oh my God, you're such a pervert!" I said.

"I'm sorry. I guess I should have lied." I felt like crap after he said it.

"No, you shouldn't have lied. I'm sorry for calling you a pervert. I was just teasing you," I said, and I meant it. Then, I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I hugged my brother. He froze when I hugged him and moved away.

Glen and I got out of the pool. We dried ourselves and then sat down. Brad took out a bottle of sunscreen and began applying it to his sister's back. She was on her stomach while her brother ran his slippery hands over her body. When Jenny flipped over, I thought Brad would continue, but he gave the bottle to Jenny. She smeared the lotion over her body, rubbing her breasts when she did.

I took the sunscreen out of my bag. After doing my front, I glanced at Glen. Smiling, I handed him the sunscreen and asked him to do my back. I stretched out on my stomach on the lounge chair and waited. Glen poured lotion on my back, causing me to flinch. He started spreading it on my warm flesh, and I sighed. Having his hands gliding over me caused my body to react the same way it did when Don touched my breasts.

AsGlen moved his hands slowly, I felt myself tingling between my legs and tried to fight off the feeling. Glen moved to my legs and spread the sunscreen over the backs of my thighs and lower legs. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his tender touch.

Glen finished, and I opened my eyes to look up at him. My gaze caught his crotch, and I noticed the bulge in his tight Speedo. He quickly sat on his lounge and then flipped onto his stomach.

Without him asking, I put lotion on my brother's back. I could feel his muscles flex under my fingers as I massaged the sunscreen into his muscular shoulders. When I reached his thighs, I felt Glen quiver. He squirmed on the lounge as my hands moved up and down his muscular legs.

I didn't say anything after I finished. Lying down, I glanced at Jenny and noticed the big grin on her face. I diverted my eyes and looked around at some of the other guests.

My thoughts shifted to what I'd done in one of my fantasies. In this one, my lover carried me to bed and ravished me. I felt my pussy tingle much the way it did when my brother rubbed my back and legs. Finally, I jumped up and dived into the pool. The cool water cleared my head.

Jenny joined me. She and I stood at one end of the pool. I couldn't help glancing at her naked boobs. Jenny smiled but didn't say anything about it.

"Your brother's hot, Megan," Jenny said.

"So is Brad." Brad was cute, but I didn't think he looked as good as Glen.

"Have you ever fooled around with your brother?" Jenny asked.

"NO! How can you say such a thing?" I said indignantly.

"Come on, you mean to tell me you never played doctor or anything?"

"Well, yeah, but it was when we were like five," I said. I couldn't ask the question in my mind.

"Are you and Glen going to the dance tonight?" Jenny asked.

"I guess so."

"Cool, we'll have fun. We should meet there at about eight," Jenny said. "I think Brad and I will take off for a while. Our parents want to take us shopping this afternoon. We'll be in port in a few minutes."

Jenny and I got out of the pool. We toweled dry and then headed for our rooms. I noticed Jenny didn't bother to put her top on.

Glen and I took turns in the shower. I dressed in shorts and a midriff top. Glen put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I slipped into my sandals, and we went to our parents' room. Glen knocked on the door, telling Mom it was us when she asked. When we went into the room, I gasped. Mom was naked. She smiled and walked to the head as calmly as if fully dressed.

"We're getting used to being without clothes," Dad said. He sat on the bed in his boxers. "Mom and I wanted to try it at the pool today, but I couldn't gather the nerve."

"Mom didn't seem to have any trouble," I said.

Sticking her head out the door of the head, Mom said, "I was only topless. Everyone has breasts. Some of those men have bigger boobs than I do."

"I think women should be able to go topless if they want to," Glen said.

"Yeah, you would," I said, stopping before I called him a pervert again.

"That's not what I mean, Meg. Men go places without a shirt, but women can't. It's discrimination," Glen said.

"Yes, it is," Mom shouted from the head. She came out wearing her top and shorts. "It's discrimination, and it shouldn't be allowed."

"I don't want to run around topless," I said.

"I'm not saying you have to. I'm just saying a woman should have the same choices men do," Mom said.

"I think all of this nudity stuff is making you crazy, Mom," I said.

Mom laughed. "Maybe you think so, but it's helping me learn about myself."

"How so, Mom?" Glen said.

"Well, I'm learning what I'm capable of and willing to do. I never knew I could sit around the pool topless until I tried it. I also never knew how much I would like it."

"Wasn't it embarrassing?" I said.

"Yes, at first it was, Meg. It took a few minutes for me to get used to it. After a little while, I didn't even realize I was topless. I can only assume it will be the same when I try going completely naked," Mom said.

"Are you going to do it, Dad?" Glen asked.

"I haven't decided yet. I might try it tomorrow. The thing you have to remember is there's no pressure. We can do whatever we feel comfortable with. It's the same as most things in life. You do what you want, not what someone else wants you to do."

"We have to do what the teachers tell us," I said.

"Yes, you do, but it isn't what I'm talking about. I have to do what my boss tells me, too, but I don't have to if I feel it's wrong. You can talk to your principal, counselor, or us if your teacher tells you to do something you feel is wrong. I can change jobs. In life, we have to make choices all the time."

"Like what Mom told me about sex," I said.

"What did she tell you?"

"She said only I could decide when and with whom. Mom said it was up to me, but I had to live with my decision," I said.

"Dad told me no means no," Glen said.

"You're both right," Mom said, and then she chuckled. "However, it's the same in reverse. If a boy tells a girl no, she should stop, just like he should if she says no. There shouldn't be a double standard."

"Like going topless?" Glen said.

Mom and Dad laughed. I gave my brother a dirty look. "Yes, Glen, like going topless. If a woman wants to, she should be able to do the same things as a man. How would you like it if they said swimming was a man's sport, Meg?" Mom said.

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