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Ten Day Cruise Ch. 02

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New discoveries at sea.
16.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/28/2024
Created 02/23/2024
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Day 4 -- Shattering the Taboo

When I woke up, I was on my side, facing away from Glen. He spooned against my back with his arm over my body. I smiled when I realized he was gently holding my breast. Placing my hand on his, I pressed him to my boob. He stirred and then kissed the back of my neck.

"Are you mad at me?" Glen whispered.

"No, are you mad at me?" I whispered back to him.

Glen rolled me onto my back. He rose up and then kissed me tenderly. "No, I'm not mad at you."

I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him. "Good, now let's get up and get going. Mom and Dad are going to be calling soon."

Jumping out of bed, I scooted into the head to use the toilet. I saw my brother standing in the doorway, watching me. It didn't seem weird to me after what we did the night before. I finished and got up. Glen moved into the room and stood in front of the bowl. I grinned while watching him take a leak.

"Want to wash my back this morning?" I said.

"Sure, as long as you wash mine."

Glen and I climbed into the shower stall. We took turns washing each other everywhere, not just our backs. I rubbed his cock, captivated by the sight and feeling. When his dick began to spurt, I gasped while watching his cum splatter against my body. Glen returned the favor, rubbing me to a beautiful climax.

"I have to shave my legs," I said after we recovered.

Glen put his hand between my legs. "Are you going to shave here too? I noticed some of the other women shave their pussies."

"Do you want me to?" I said.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Meg. I was just saying..."

I stomped my foot on the floor of the stall. "Do you want me to shave my pussy or not? Tell me what you want, Glen."

My brother grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I want you to shave it. Leave some hair here." He ran his fingers over my mons.

I coated my legs and pussy with shaving cream. Glen watched as I scraped away the unwanted hair. I put my foot on the bench to shave my crotch. Carefully, I removed the soft curls. After rinsing, I said, "Is it okay?"

Glen touched me and nodded. "Yeah, it's nice and smooth."

I finished by shaping the pubic hair on my mons into what Glen called a landing strip. He grinned until I took the can of shaving cream and shot some into my hand. Coating his balls and the base of his dick, I said, "It's your turn. I noticed some of the men shaved down there, and I'd like it if you did it for me."

Glen groaned but did what I asked him to do. He shaved his testicles and around the base of his penis. When he finished, I smiled. I rinsed him off, leaned over, and gave his dick a quick kiss. "Thanks, Glen."

We finished in the shower and dried off. Before we left the head, I took a pair of scissors out of my makeup kit and trimmed Glen's remaining pubic hair short. He shook his head and then gave me a kiss.

Mom and Dad called and told me they would meet us in the breakfast room. Glen and I dressed and left to eat. At breakfast, we talked about the dinner and dancing we had enjoyed the night before. After eating, we all went to Glen's and my stateroom. My brother unlocked the door, and we all went in.

I thought I would die when I realized only one of the beds was messed up. Mom glanced at the beds but didn't say anything. Dad just gave me a knowing smile. I didn't know why my parents wanted to go to my room, but I figured it out very quickly. Dad told Glen he wanted to talk to him out on the balcony.

"You two have to be very careful, Megan. If the wrong people saw this, they might cause trouble for us," Mom said.

I was about to apologize, but instead, I said, "Okay, Mom."

Mom smiled and then said, "You might be more comfortable if you put the beds together."

"I don't know, it was very nice last night. Mom, we didn't really do anything, and no one forced anyone."

"Just remember what I told you before. You have to live with your decisions."

"Mom, do you think it's wrong for me to feel like I do about Glen?"

"I don't know, Meg. How do you feel about your brother?"

"I love him, Mom. I've always loved him, but this is different."

My mom gave me a hug. "I don't think love is wrong. Just don't let it cloud your thinking. Remember, you two will have others in your lives. If you or Glen gets jealous, it will destroy your relationship. You two are young. Things will change as you get older."

Mom sat next to me and let me think for a few moments. I wanted to turn around to see what Dad and Glen were doing.

"Megan, I think it would be wise for you and Glen to sit down and have a long talk. You two need to set the ground rules," Mom said.

"Like what, Mom?"

"You two need to know what is and isn't acceptable. Glen should know what you're willing to do and how far you're willing to take your relationship. You need to know the same things about him. I would talk about dating others, too." Mom smiled and then went on. "I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. You and Glen will want to go out with other people.

"You should let him date who he wants. Glen shouldn't interfere with your dating, either. Honey, sex is a funny thing. Once you've experienced something you enjoy, you'll want more. As I've told you, there is nothing wrong with sex as long as both people agree. Some of your friends may tell you something is dirty, but I disagree. Nothing you like is dirty when it comes to sex."

Dad and Glen came back into the room. I looked at my brother, feeling better when I saw the smile on his face. Mom stood up and told us she and Dad were going for a walk. I hugged Mom and whispered, "Thanks, Mom."

"What did Dad say?" I asked my brother as soon as the door closed.

Glen pointed at the bed. "Sit down, and I'll tell you."

I sat on one of the beds, and Glen sat on the other. We grinned at each other.

"Dad told me we should talk," Glen said.

I nodded. "Mom said the same thing to me."

"Megan, what do you want?"

Glen's question caught me off guard. I hadn't expected him to say what he did. After thinking for a few moments, I looked up into Glen's eyes.

"I'm unsure what I want, but I'm willing to try anything. I know I'm not going to be a virgin at the end of this trip. Not if you're willing. I know I want a man who isn't a wimp. I don't want someone who's mean and wants to hurt me, but I want you to take what you want. If I say no, I want you to stop."

"I would never hurt you, Meg. What about when we get home? Are we going to date other kids?"

"Glen, you know we can't be like other couples. We have to keep what we do a secret. As far as dating, I guess we'll just have to see what happens. We'll probably date others when we get home. It doesn't mean we can't be together, though. Does it?"

"That's the hard part. How can we be honest with someone else if we do things together?" Glen said.

"If we don't tell anyone we want to go steady and we want to date others, we can. They don't have to know who the others are. If I were dating two boys, I wouldn't tell them about the other one."

"What about making out with them?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I said, "We'll figure it out later. We should be able to make out with someone if we want to. How do you feel about it?"

"I agree, but we should be able to do whatever we want."

I didn't know if I really liked the idea of my brother having sex with someone else, but deep down, I knew there was nothing I could do about it. "What do you want to do this morning? We can talk about this later. I need time to think."

"Brad and I are going to meet at the arcade. We want to see if we can beat our scores from yesterday."

When Glen and I stood up, I wrapped my arms around him. He held me, and we hugged. Looking up, I said, "Last night was the best night of my life. Sleeping with you just made it better."

"We should put the beds together tonight."

"I don't know. It was nice and cozy last night. You couldn't get away from me."

"Why would I try to get away from you?"

"I hope you don't want to. Come on, let's go find Jenny and Brad."

"Are you going to tell Jenny about last night, Meg?"

I stretched up and kissed Glen. "I have to tell someone, or I'll burst! Is it okay for me to talk to her?"

"Sure, as long as you don't mind if I tell Brad. He's been telling me you wanted to fool around. I didn't believe him."

"Do you believe him now?"

Glen moved his hands to my butt and gave me a firm squeeze. "You bet I do, Meg."

On our way to the arcade, I noticed more people walking around naked. I didn't think it was weird like I did the first two days I was on the ship. Even I was becoming more and more daring. I was wearing a miniskirt and the top of my bikini. Glen moved closer to me, putting his arm around my waist. I slipped my thumb into the back pocket of his shorts.

We went into the arcade. I looked around to see if Jenny and Brad were there yet. When I didn't see them, I asked Glen to play one of the games with me. He led me to the game he and Brad liked the best. We sat in the cockpit-style seats and began to play. Glen beat me quickly. I complained, telling him I hadn't practiced the game.

"Keep playing. You'll get better," Glen said as he started the next game.

I was having trouble keeping up with everything going on. The sound was deafening, adding to the distraction. Knowing I couldn't win, I decided to interfere with my brother's play. After glancing around to make sure no one was watching us, I put my left hand on my brother's leg. He flinched but kept playing.

As he shot down the invading spacecraft, Glen leaned his body from one side to the other. I moved my hand higher on his thigh. I took another look around and moved my hand to his crotch. The moment I touched him, I felt his penis twitch. Glen tried to concentrate on the game, but when I slid my fingers into the leg opening of his shorts, he lost it.

I chuckled while fondling his expanding cock. He shifted in his seat, turning toward me. Leaning closer to Glen, I kissed him and then removed my hand.

"You're a tease!" Glen said.

"I know. Do you mind if I tease you?"

Glen shook his head. He put his hand under my skirt and rubbed my pussy through my panties. "Two can play the same game, you know."

I parted my legs. "Mmmm, I know."

"Hey, you two, get a room," Brad said. He caught us fooling around, but I didn't care.

Jenny put her hands on my shoulders from behind me. "What is this boy doing with his hand up your skirt?" Jenny said, and then she laughed.

I looked back and grinned. "He's playing with my pussy!"

We all laughed. Glen removed his hand, causing me to fake a pout. Jenny and I went to a table so our brothers could play the game. I wanted coffee, so Jenny and I told the boys we'd be back. We left the arcade and headed to one of the coffee shops.

"Glen and I slept in the same bed last night," I said when Jenny and I returned to the arcade. "We didn't do much, just a lot of kissing and touching, but it was fabulous."

"You mean he didn't try to fuck you?"

I shook my head. "I would have let him if he did. I've never been so turned on before."

"It's love, you know," Jenny said. "When you do things with someone you care about, it's better."

"Do you date at home?"

"Yeah, but I'm very picky. I don't go out with a boy just to have a date."

"Do you do anything with the boys you go out with?"

"Sometimes. If I do, it's just a blowjob or a handjob. Brad is the only boy I've gone all the way with."

"You're hung up on blowjobs, aren't you?"

"I love sucking cock, but I'm not hung up on it. I'll do it with the boys I date because it puts me in control. I don't have to get undressed, and I don't have to finish him in my mouth if I don't want to. The other thing I love about giving head is I can do it almost anywhere or anytime I want to. It makes Brad very happy."

"What about you? What do you get out of it?"

"With Brad, I get off knowing I've pleased him. Don't worry. I get my fair share. I'm still tingling from this morning."

"I shaved my pussy this morning. Glen shaved his cock and balls while we were in the shower," I said.

"You needed to trim your bush. It'll make it better for Glen if he goes down on you."

"I noticed you and Brad shaved. I decided to do it too."

"Brad and I shave each other. It's fun," Jenny said.

"Do your parents know about you and your brother?"

"Yeah, they caught us once. Brad and I were screwing like rabbits when Mom walked in. They were supposed to be out, but they came home early. We talked about it, and our parents told us to be careful. It isn't like they could make us stop."

"Our parents know, too. They talked to Glen and me this morning. Mom is cool about it."

Brad and Glen came over to the table. They sat down and began telling Jenny and me about their games.

"We should go workout, Glen. We haven't exercised since we came aboard," I said to my brother. I turned to Jenny. "We workout to stay in shape for swimming."

"Brad works out too. I like watching him, but I don't do much myself. I know I should, but I'm lazy," Jenny said.

The four of us decided to go to the spa. Glen and I stopped at our room to change. I put on a pair of spandex shorts and a sports bra. Glen wore nylon shorts and a tank top. Before leaving our room, we took a few moments to hug and kiss.

Jenny and Brad met us in the exercise room. Glen and I started our workout using the machines we usually use at home. Our dad set up a mini gym for my brother and me in the basement. While I ran on a treadmill, Jenny ran on the one next to me. We watched our brothers bench press free weights and work on their upper bodies.

"I've been watching my brother workout for a few years. This is the first time it excited me," I said.

"Funny how different things are after you start fooling around, isn't it?" Jenny said.

I nodded. Watching Glen's chest flex under his tight tank top made my whole body tingle. When he looked up and smiled at me, I felt my heart pound harder.

We finished our workout. The spa was equipped with showers for men and women. Jenny and I used the women's shower room. We laughed and made silly comments about our brothers while showering. Once we dressed, we went out and found Brad and Glen waiting. The four of us went to our rooms to drop off our clothes and put on our suits.

"We have to dress when the ship pulls into port," Jenny said. We had stretched out on lounges, sunning in the nude.

I nodded but didn't reply. My brother sat near me, and I was concentrating on him. I couldn't seem to draw my eyes away from his penis. Glen wasn't erect, but his cock still looked big to me. I wondered if I would be able to get it in my mouth if I decided to give him a blowjob. I knew it would fit in my pussy. My hairbrush handle wasn't as large as Glen, but it was big enough. I had used it several times when I masturbated.

The ship sounded the horn. Jenny sat up and began putting her suit on. Looking around, I saw everyone who was naked was getting dressed. I pulled my bikini out of my bag and put it on. Glen came over to get his trunks so he could dress.

Once we were in port, Mom and Dad came over to tell Glen and me to get dressed to go ashore.

"What are you going to wear, Mom?" I asked.

"One of my sundresses, Meg," Mom replied.

Glen and I went to our stateroom. We showered together but didn't fool around. Just washing my brother turned me on, though.

"What do you want me to wear today?" I said while drying myself with a fluffy white towel.

Glen laughed. "I like you like you are."

"Okay, but you have to promise to bail me out of jail."

Glen and I went into our room. He selected a short sundress and held it up. I took the thin cotton dress from my brother. The light print dress required my wearing white underwear. I selected a set and put them on. Before I put on the dress, Glen hugged me.

"I think you like seeing me in my undies," I said.

"Yeah, I do like it. You look so sexy," Glen said.

"Do you like seeing me in my underwear better than seeing me naked?"

"I like seeing you naked, Meg. What straight male wouldn't? I also love it when you dress sexy. It lets my imagination run wild." Glen smiled. "Besides then, I can undress you."

"Yup, you can undress me whenever you want to. Would you wear bikini underwear if I bought them for you?"

"Sure, if you want me to. Why, do you have something in mind?"

"Yeah, I've seen pictures of men wearing bikini undies. They look a lot like your Speedo bathing suits. I would love to see you in a pair."

"I'll try them, but I don't know if they'll be comfortable. I'm getting used to wearing boxers," Glen said.

I moved closer to my brother and slipped my hand under the leg of his boxers. I touched his cock and said, "I like these too, but I really want to see you in sexy undies."

Glen pulled away and laughed. "Okay, that's enough. You're going to make it hard to walk around."

"I'm going to make it hard!"

Glen and I finished getting ready. We went to our parents' stateroom, and I knocked on the door. Dad let us in to wait for Mom to put on her makeup.

On the island, we met up with Jenny, Brad, and their parents. They led us to a bus for a trip into the jungle and then to an aquarium. Our two families spent the afternoon sightseeing. We ate lunch in one of the many sidewalk cafés. I tried a shrimp salad sandwich when Jenny's dad recommended it. It was delicious.

After lunch, Mom, Mrs. Weaver, Jenny, and I went shopping. I found the underwear I wanted for my brother and bought them without anyone else knowing. The four of us purchased string bikinis and matching sarongs. Mrs. Weaver cautioned us about how hot the sand on the private island would be and told us to get flip-flops. Mom and I bought the footwear for our family.

It was late when we headed back to the ship. We all went to the dining room for a light supper. After we ate, Mom and Dad said they planned to spend the night ashore with Jenny and Brad's parents. Glen, Brad, Jenny, and I decided to check out the pool party the ship planned for the younger set.

Glen and I went to our stateroom to change. I put on my new string bikini but decided to save it for another time. We had agreed to meet Jenny and Brad in an hour, so my brother and I had some time to kill.

Glen took me in his arms and began kissing me. I kissed him back with the same enthusiasm. We fell on one of the beds and wallowed together. Glen put his hand between my legs. I moaned and spread them for him. He rubbed me for a few moments while kissing me. I felt his finger pressing against my labia. Taking his wrist in my hand, I guided his finger to the opening of my vagina.

Glen's finger slid into me, causing my body to jerk. It wasn't the first time my pussy was penetrated, but it was better than ever before. Glen sawed his finger in and out of me until I came. I clutched him and babbled as my orgasm consumed me.

I kissed Glen on the nose and thanked him for making me feel so good. He smiled, took my hand, and put it on his cock. Sitting up so I could see what I was doing, I began stroking his penis.

"Tell me what you like," I said.

Glen pushed my hand away and started jacking off. I watched in awe as his hand moved up and down the length of his cock. He cupped his balls and rolled them in his other hand. I observed how he would swipe his thumb over the tip and smear the fluid leaking from the slit on his dick.

"This is how I do it, Meg. I like it when I vary the pressure." He removed his hand and smiled at me.

I took over and tried to mimic what Glen showed me. He gave me pointers, telling me when I was doing it right and wrong. His cock in my hand felt weird. The skin was very soft, but the shaft felt rigid beneath his flesh. Just as my brother did, I spread his fluids over his cock. From reading my novels, I knew the pre-cum was produced to aid in penetration. While the authors did a pretty good job, words couldn't really describe what I was experiencing.

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