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Tequila's Eve

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Two friends with a secret tradition go further than ever.
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No matter where I looked I felt dizzy.

It wasn't car sickness. The winding country roads were actually a welcome reprieve from the suburbs and the city. I watched rows of corn turn into waving fields of green grass, over and over again. Massive trees loomed beyond. The truck rumbled through the countryside, taking us farther from society.

I'd been this way dozens of times. This time, I couldn't shake away the hollow ache in my chest. With each breath I tried to fill the empty pit in my stomach. It only felt like moth wings fluttering through me.

"You cool, man?"

I glanced over at Terry in the driver's seat. I couldn't see his eyes through his dark shades, but I read his expression plainly enough, even though he was trying to hide behind a bit of a smirk.

"You haven't said anything in a while," Terry noted.

I gave him a shrug.

"Just get the feeling I forgot something," I lied.

Terry nodded and stared ahead.

"You know how that goes," he said. "Won't know what it is until you get there."

He made the familiar turn down a long straight road. There were houses here and there, but they quickly grew few and far between.

"Besides, I can't imagine we'd need much," Terry added. "Kayaks are loaded. Cell service is shit. No internet, which is the point, might I remind you."

I grinned. "Looking forward to that, actually."

"And the cabin is stocked with food and anything else we might need," Terry went on. "Unless we summon demons from the cellar or run into some deranged inbreds I think we'll be fine, man."

I snickered. "I know. Just worrying for no reason, I guess."

"Whole weekend to ourselves, dude," Terry reminded me. "The whole idea is not to worry."

The pavement ended and the truck dipped low when we hit the old gravel road. It was no more than half a mile before I spotted the clearing past the trees to my right. Terry was already slowing down, which allowed me to admire the shady little place at the end of the winding gravel drive.

It wasn't really a cabin. Just a cozy house with a covered back deck. There was no mailbox. The hammock and tire swing still hung from their places under the huge oak trees that shaded the property. Most importantly, the huge private pond glimmered under the sun behind the house, it's surface like a sheet of glass begging to be broken.

"Well, hopefully it wasn't your fishing pole you left, man," Terry said as we pulled up to the house. "The lake awaits us."

I grinned and nodded as I removed my seatbelt.

"So it's a cabin on a lake now?" I asked.

Terry held up his hands. "Hey, it's a bayou villa if we want it to be."

"It's the sweetest spot we got," I agreed. "I'm all in. Good to finally get the hell away for a change."

I reached for the door.

"It wasn't the tequila you forgot, was it?" Terry asked suddenly.

I froze with the passenger door half open. Mixed sensations swept through me, warming my skin but chilling my bones. I had to turn and glance at Terry over my shoulder.

"No, I... I brought two bottles," I told him.

I couldn't read his face anymore than I could before. In that instant, I didn't want to. I climbed from the truck and began grabbing my bags from the back seat, hiding my face beneath my hat.


The sun was oppressive. A few times I considered just tipping the damned kayak over and plunging into the water. I pulled my cap down lower over my eyes, watching the line I retrieved slowly from the water. Even though I'd tied my hair, my head still felt like I was wearing a winter toboggan.

It was late afternoon. Of course it was hot. I took up my paddle and began to guide myself toward a shadier side of the pond. The sprawling body of water narrowed around a bend, just out of sight of the "cabin". I tried to focus on the water, or my casts, but fishing was far from my mind. We'd been coming up here for years. It felt so much different now. I still couldn't shake the feeling. I glanced behind me to find Terry across the pond happily fishing along the bank. His kayak was pointed away from me. He didn't look my way and seemed perfectly at ease.

I blew out another breath into the hot humid air. I knew the jittery nerves weren't just going to hop out of me. I had to find a way to relax. I'd watched the calendar. I'd been a mess driving to Terry's place. The drive out here wasn't any better. My sister had told me before about skydiving, how it felt the entire week leading up to plummeting from a plane. I had to think this was just like that. It wasn't going to go away until it was over and done.

I regretted the pants I wore but I knew they were necessary. The sweat on my skin seemed to glide freely down my hairless arm. I briefly wondered if it was a mistake wearing a tank top. Being out it the sun might give my body an odd tan line, or worse, a sunburn since I'd been dumb enough not to apply sunscreen. I refused to look at my hands. Not yet.


I turned to look at Terry once more. He was wiping his forehead on the sleeve of his t-shirt, his pole and paddle laying across his lap. He shook his head and grinned.

"Dude, I'm tapping out for now!" He called over. "I'm sweating from places I didn't know I had!"

I laughed, steering myself back around the bend and across the still water.

"I was waiting on you to say that," I told him. "I'm starving, too."

Our kayaks drew close to one another. Terry leaned back and stretched his arms out wide. His broad chest swelled behind his damp t-shirt. I glanced away across the water.

"You caught anything else since this morning?" I asked.

"Yeah, little guys," Terry replied. "Not worth this fucking heat though. Steaks are sounding really good right about now."

I nodded. "Yeah, I hear ya'."

Terry opened his cooler, shoving a crinkled can inside.

"This beer's not cutting it either," he said. "I put those drinks in the fridge, they should be good a cold now."

As the two of us spun our kayaks toward the cabin, I fought off the urge to ask the question as long as I could. The shore ahead grew closer. I stared at the house, feeling the weight of my every breath.

"You still want Tequila later, right?" I blurted.

I didn't look over at Terry, but I could feel him looking at me. I watched the ripples on the water, carved by each stroke of my paddle. I tried to act casual. I was trembling.

"Do you?" Terry said.

Not wanting to hesitate, I shrugged. It felt so odd. It was daylight. That had some kind of affect on the whole thing.

"I made sure to bring it," I responded at last. "Just in case, you know."

It was such a half assed answer. The silence that fell over the pond afterward made each and every slosh of water sound like a waterfall. I had to say something.

"Your dad knows we're up here?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I told him," Terry said. "He's not coming out here, though."

I hid my face behind the bill of my cap and paddled on, trying to stay ahead of Terry. The feeling wasn't going away. It was either excitement or terror. I couldn't tell. Nor could I really tell if Terry felt either way.

We beached the kayaks and pulled them into the backyard. The two of us were silent for quite some time. I fiddled with my tackle box. My back was to Terry, but I could hear him dumping out his tiny cooler. I kept my sunglasses on, even in the shade, and my hat rested low. I wasn't sure how perceptive Terry was. He had to notice the subtle differences.

"Alright, so how about we make a plan," Terry said suddenly.

I stood and turned to face him, planting my hands on my hips.

"Okay," I said.

Terry motioned to the cabin. "I say we fix up some food, get the steaks on the grill, and eat. I want to shower, but I'm starving right now."

My eyes found the sheltered back deck and the propane grill.

"Then," he continued, "we can get cleaned up. We can wash all this humidity off of us, and later on we can have some drinks."

My eyes found his, though mine were still hidden behind my sunglasses. Terry would have seen them widen a little. He stared right back at me. My insides began to crumple under his gaze. I maintained my posture, my hands on my hips. Terry's eyes traveled. The tiny deviations were too swift to follow. I had to answer.

"Yeah," I said firmly. "Sounds good to me."

I glanced toward the porch, quickly pointing toward the grill.

"Is there enough propane?" I asked.

Terry smirked before turning to gather his tackle box.

"Yeah, I brought a bottle out here yesterday, remember?" He replied.

"Right," I said, reaching for my things. "We should be good to go then."

"Ready if you are," Terry said.

His words only caused my heart to beat faster.


The steak had melted in my mouth. The salty flavor lingered on my lips long after. Terry really knew how to cook them. Everything seemed incredible. The food was perfect. The sun had begun to fall behind the trees, chased away by a beautifully painted patch of clouds. A gentle coolness had fell over everything as we ate. Each passing moment seemed to add up to a perfect weekend.

The two of us had chatted about work and caught up on the dull intricacies of adulthood. It felt like old times. I allowed myself to just be in the moment on the back deck, savoring the steak and staring out at the watercolor sky reflecting off the pond.

Terry had showered first. Then it was my turn. I must have stayed in there for half an hour. I cleaned everything. The door to the large master bedroom was shut, and locked. I had music on, partially to drown out the sounds of the blow-dryer, but mostly to calm my nerves. I must have glanced at the bedroom door a thousand times since I'd sat down. I was sitting before an old wooden dresser staring into the huge mirror in front of me.

I was completely naked.

Staring at the person in the mirror, I took a deep breath and continued. The foundation had taken so long already, but it was perfect. Gone were any of my pores or blemishes. The smooth sweeping contour lines I'd done around my cheeks gave my face a beautiful feminine blend. I thought of all those models I'd seen on Instagram with the air brushed faces. I somehow looked even better. I'd never pulled it off this well.

The brush trembled in my hand. I dabbed the colors from the palette and lifted them to my eyes again and again. This wasn't a trial run. I'd fine tuned this for weeks. The colors blended across my eyelids and already my eyes were beginning to pop with intensity. It wasn't a single color, nor two. Fuck, it felt like a dozen. Not in a million years would I have ever guessed such colors could even blend. Their shadowy hues both darkened and brightened all at once.

Each time my shaking fingers approached my eyes, I was somehow able to steady my hand and trace the dark eyeliner right inside my eyelids. I shuddered after every line I drew, but they were so precise. The spider haired mascara brush slid through my lashes, leaving it's silky black trail behind. I batted my lashes, testing them out before moving on.

I didn't even recognize myself. I couldn't even tell who I was. Evan wasn't looking back at me. Long straightened brown hair swayed with each movement of my head beside my smooth cheeks. Dazzling green eyes shined back at me from mere inches away. I turned my face this way and that. I couldn't believe it was me. She looked like all those social media girls, the ones that snapped a million selfies until they got the perfect one to post. I wasn't swiping through some app on my phone, though. I was staring at my reflection.

I blinked and glanced over the array of vials and bottles and brushes on the dresser. I hummed to the music on the small stereo. I had to focus. I had to relax. I just needed the finishing touches. Gloss? Maybe. No... no, I wanted lipstick. I marveled at the liquid color that slid across my lips, a beautiful blend stuck somewhere between deep red and brown... god, it was perfect. I mashed my lips together a few times, dabbing at them gently with my pinky. None of it rubbed off on my freshly applied nails.

I couldn't look at her anymore. I stood up and turned away from the mirror, pacing the floor wearing only the makeup I'd just finished. My dick stood straight out from my body. I didn't look down at it but I felt it bounce with each step. I took several deep breaths, closing my eyes and feeling the pleasant weight of the mascara on my lashes. I finally got my heart to quit racing. I was taking too long. Was I doing it on purpose?

No, it had to be perfect.

I squatted down and dug through the clothes in my bag. The long shorts and t-shirts I pushed aside. My hands brushed across the thin material of the dress I'd brought. I considered it, but shook my head. I held up the lacy lingerie I'd packed. As much as it excited me to even hold the sheer black teddy, I stuffed it back into the duffel bag and kept searching. I didn't quite want to go that far or be that forward. I wanted to feel as natural as possible.

I unraveled a piece of jet black fabric and pulled the straps of the simple thong up to my hips. I set them in place carefully. The pocket near the front was wide enough that I was able to tuck my cock and my balls inside, with only a bulge to hint as to what was hiding there. Just the sensation of the smooth panties hugging my crotch caused my eyelids to flutter and my eyes to roll. I couldn't help but give my little bulge a rub before I came to my senses. It had just quit throbbing seconds ago, I didn't need it to come jabbing back out of the material.

The shorts were next, if they could be called that. They hardly felt different than the thong, so thin an smooth even though they were blue jean shorts. I snugged them into place and admired how my long tan legs looked while wearing them. I took a moment to make sense of the grey shirt I'd chosen. When I pulled it on, it hung loosely from my shoulders, exposing my neck and collar bones. I felt air down my spine, as the open back of the shirt drooped low to expose my entire backside right down to the shorts I'd just put on.

Standing there alone, humming to the music, I reveled in the feel of the simple clothing. Everything was so thin and soft. My entire body was completely hairless. I'd made certain of that again in the shower. My bare thighs slid over one another as I twisted and turned to look over my outfit. I could feel my ass cheeks beneath the thin jean shorts, split by the tight strap of the thong.

I turned and positioned myself, trying to make sure I could see it all in the mirror. The girl I saw there looked amazing. My heart swelled at the sight of her. I could practically see her in my head, walking along some beach somewhere with her friends. I'd never dare approach someone that looked as incredible as her.

She was me.

I couldn't believe it. It was the best I'd ever dressed. I still remembered the days of staring at a reflection of a short haired, racoon eyed boy dressing in his sister's clothes. This was not like that at all. I turned and arched my back, watching my short shorts slide across the bulging ass I saw in the mirror. I looked up and down my long legs, biting my lip and flipping my hair away from my dazzling eyes. I rubbed a single hand up my shorts and to my smooth belly, lifting my loose shirt as I went. I toyed with the stars and moon that dangled from the piercing at my belly button. It matched the toe ring I wore.

Finishing touches, I thought. Can't get ahead of myself.

I hung the dangling rings from each of the holes in my ear lobes. Terry likely hadn't even noticed my ears were pierced. Then, I scooped up the pile of bracelets on the dresser and began sliding them onto my wrists. I looked once more at the summer goddess in the mirror. She was more than just passable. She was gorgeous. Staring at her made my painted fingernails glide over my thighs to caress the tiny bulge hidden between my legs.

I had to stop. I shuddered when the overwhelming burn began to swell between my legs. I looked away and leaned to clutch the back of the chair I'd been sitting in. I struggled to catch my breath. My eyes wandered in a daze over the plethora of makeup and glittering pallettes on the dresser. I felt my lip trembling.

Once again I felt my heartbeat racing. It was almost time, and I wasn't sure I was ready. Each time I looked down I saw the tanned arms and legs of the girl I'd become. I knew I'd never looked this good before.

But... Terry? What would he think?

He'd never fully seen me this way. The other times were... not like this. Would he think I was a freak? Would he laugh at me and make cruel jokes? My mind whirled as I wondered what I would even do faced with such harsh scrutiny. We'd been friends a long time, but was this too much?

I forced myself to breath slowly. I wasn't shaking anymore. Not on the outside. Inside it felt like one tiny blow would shatter me into a million pieces. It's what he wanted, wasn't it? A freak?

I stood up straight and smoothed my hair between my fingers. I couldn't stay in here forever. I had to get a grip. Turning from the dresser, I dug in my bag again and found the cork wedge heels. When I put them on and rose from the bed, it felt like I'd fully stepped into a new body. The simple summer look was complete, but it was more than that. The heels launched my long tan legs even higher. My ass felt amazing perched atop my thighs. There was no way I could mistake myself for Evan any longer. I felt completely feminine.

Would he think so?

I pulled open the bedroom door and stepped out into the short hall. With a turn of my head I flipped my straight hair over my shoulders. I took a breath and walked into the living room, allowing my bare thighs to rub as I walked. I scanned the living room and kitchen, but I didn't see Terry. I was relieved but still anxious. I could hear faint sounds from the back porch.

Swallowing hard, I stepped slowly across the floor on my wedge heels toward the back door. I emptied my mind. I focused on how sexy I felt in my new body, how each step pushed my ass cheeks higher into my soft little shorts. My bracelets jingled as I reached for the door. Pulling it open felt like jumping from a plane.

I closed the door behind me and stepped out onto the covered deck. It wasn't quite dark, but the porch was ablaze with a soft yellow glow from dozens of overhead string lights. I casually stared off at the twilight fog that had fell over the pond. I could hear nightlife beginning to chirp and croak already, but they were partially drowned out by the sounds of the guitar strings that Terry gently plucked from his chair down at the end of the porch.

Terry didn't immediately look up. Though my heart was beating erratically, I kept my composure and shifted my weight onto one straight leg, bending the knee of my other and striking a simple pose. I placed my hands on my hips, but closer to my backside with my palms inverted. I let my head tilt slightly and felt my hair caress my shoulder. Terry was still playing the flat top. His head turned just enough to catch sight of me.

Terry froze. His strumming hand fell slack. He sat upright in the deck chair. His eyes grew a size wider as he turned his full attention toward me.

I waited, still standing casually with my hands behind my hips. I bit my lip. I didn't let my thoughts creep into my expression, but they were there. Would he just laugh? Would he try to be polite? Would he--

"Holy shit," Terry said.

A little gasp of breath produced his words. Then he just stared at me. Under the warm glow of the lights, I could follow his eyes. I felt them traveling up and down my legs.

"Too much?" I asked him, offering a playful cringe.

Terry stared back at me and blinked several times.

"Uh... n-no, god." Terry spun the guitar off of his lap and set it aside. "I just d-didn't expect... this."

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