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Texas City

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F-F and F-F-M with light B (of BDSM)
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A work of fiction


Being a work of fiction, everything is made up, even the stuff that bears the same name as stuff that exists in and around Houston, Texas City and Galveston.


Including the sexual activity all of which occurs between characters at least 18 fictional years of age.


I sat in the leather wing back chair in the headmaster's private office waiting. He was in the room next door talking to the school secretary. They were probably trying to get hold of my parents, good luck with that. I wouldn't have been left here at Bayou Academy the swankiest boarding school in River Oaks if my parents had wanted to be bothered raising me. "She's been found, unharmed. Very good. Send me a bill for any expenses you incurred." Fifteen words, well CEO's like my father are busy men.

"Where have you been for the last three days, young lady?" That was the question that Mr. Ezell wanted an answer to when he returned. Completely unaware that my 'unauthorized absence" from campus began at the end of sixth form on Friday, not with my inexplicable absence from first form on Monday. I had been gone for 66 hours before they had even noticed I wasn't there. Well Lynn and Marcie had the habit of just marking everyone down for everything, just assuming that they were somewhere on campus where they should have been at lights out on Friday and over the weekend.

Here it was the middle of my last semester at Bayou, half-way between my eighteenth birthday and graduation and I just disappeared for almost six whole days. So, I guess asking for an explanation is reasonable. I wish I had a reasonable explanation. It was a weird weekend. Maybe I should just go with the truth.

"Well see, Headmaster Ezell, this beautiful exotic wisp of a 26 year-old Chinese lady my uncle dates held me captive in my grandfather's boat house for five days. But it wasn't bad, I rather enjoyed it and she taught me how to make love to a woman.

"Oh, it's not like she raped me or anything, we were both a little tipsy. I wasn't asked, but I probably could have said 'no.' I'm really glad I didn't because it so nice. Which is pretty funny when you think about it. Because I live at an all-girls boarding school. One would think there would have been multiple opportunities for me to learn those sorts of skills without ever having to leave campus.

"And strictly speaking I wasn't actually being held prisoner, although Guo did tie me up a few times and Uncle Mike did once too. It's more that my uncle had just stolen my car and I didn't feel like walking. Besides which, where would I go? I don't actually know anybody who lives in Texas City. And before he took my car Uncle Mike took all of my money so I couldn't very well take a cab back here. And I couldn't use the phone in my grandfather's cabin because then I would have had to explain why I was there.

"And that would likely lead to questions such as why it was that his boat which hasn't seen the surface of Galveston Bay in two or three years is crammed full of boxes of women's apparel, hats, belts, purses and other fashion accessories. As is most of his boathouse, well at least the part of it that my uncle isn't shacked up with Guo in.

"Well Uncle Mike, he didn't really steal my car. He just borrowed it without asking me when I came over to give him the money that I owed him. He had to leave rather quickly because he had to go out to raise more money to keep a few of his business associates from beating him up. See he had borrowed money from them to pay his girlfriend's family back in China, but there is this really big ocean between Taiwan and Texas, just ask Mr. Sinclair, and things sometimes get delayed.

"But I don't want you to think Mike is a bad influence. He doesn't usually deal with dangerous sorts. But banks are iffy about issuing letters of credit to college dropouts who want to buy thousands of dollars worth of dresses on a handshake deal through intermediaries in order to ship them across an ocean and hide them in a boathouse you're not supposed to be living in. So that you your girlfriend and your niece who is three years younger than you can sell them to other rich girls. Like the ones at her swanky boarding school.

"Mike is really considerate, he sold his car to raise cash not mine. And he or Guo cook for his father who is still pissed at him for dropping out of A and M and they make sure that grandpa gets all of his meds and to his doctor's appointments. And they aren't making me sell their stuff, I wanted to learn about the business, and they sell a whole lot more of it than I do anyway.

"Mike certainly could have got more for my car than for his old Camero. But he didn't and that's only partly because mom's name is the one that is actually on the title for my car. Mike has ingenuity and can usually skirt a technicality like that with ease. And while my mom, his big sister could probably kick his ass, that's just because he's a gentleman and wouldn't fight back. I knew he'd bring it, I mean my car back... Someday.

"And he didn't really steal my money. He is good for it. Mike just took it because he needed it, we needed it for our business. Even with everything Mike, Guo and I had and after selling the Camero he was nearly four thousand dollars light. Like Mr. Mitchener teaches, it takes money to make money.

"Well I don't actually know that Mike's partners were going to 'cut him up' for not having the money on time. Guo might have actually said 'cut him out,' like out of the deal, or 'cut him off,' say from additional shipments. Like I said we were both pretty tipsy from drinking that brandy that we were unable to sell because the labels were in Chinese while we were waiting for Mike to get back.

"You know I should mention that to Mr. Mitchener, if you try to sell something in the good ole 'US of A' it really helps if the labels are in English and people don't have to take your word for what's in the bottle. Guo, she has this really adorable accent, I think I was kinda mesmerized by the way her lips moved and her delicate facial expressions. I just wasn't listening especially well. I guess Mrs. Johnson is correct when she says I do, or is it don't do that sometimes in class.

"I mean I am not selling anything illegal here on campus. Dresses, hats, purses, scarves, although strangely nobody will buy the shoes. Even though they are exactly the same quality as the ones that get sold in the big department stores because they were made in the same factory from the same material by the same workers. They just don't have the labels.

"Mrs. Donaldson might say there is a certain kismet in my getting spending money out of purses. And its not that my parents don't provide spending money. But dad would understand, he's a businessman, why should I ask him for money. I can show him that I know how to use the education he paid for, that I am receiving here to figure out how to make my own money.

"Our enterprise is sort of an extra credit, extra-curricular business project, a form of self-directed Junior Achievement. Even if Mike and Guo aren't students here, I mean they would make good students here. Uncle Mike is a real hustler, and I mean that as a complement. He always has three or four business operations going at once.

"Mike is mom's little brother, half-brother technically, and is only 3 years older than I am, and he didn't really flunk or drop out of A and M. What had actually happened was that he just got busy applying what he had learned there and forgot to go to classes. Yeah, you know I can see how that would happen.

"And Guo, she speaks four or five languages and is a math whiz. She knows, or rather her extended family know the folks who run the factories back in Taiwan and Singapore. Oh, and they are both top notch at..."

My brain functioned well enough to tell my lips to stop moving as I thought about just what it was Guo and Uncle Mike were so very, very good at. Things like tying me up and making my body do things that it had never done before. Wonderful things that left me drained and ecstatic, sleepy and wanting more all at the same time. Things that proved to me the existence of God.

As my mind was savoring the carnal delights that I had just discovered Headmaster took the opportunity to speak and give me his trademarked bizarre combination of positive messages.

"Young Lady, you are an adult. You should comport yourself as an adult. You are very nearly finished with your secondary education here. Until Monday you had never given us the slightest cause for concern. Now I understand that once you Fourth-Year-Uppers have university acceptance letters in hand there is a natural tendency to relax. I just hope that you resist that urge and push to finish the race strong."

"Yes sir."

"And while I thoroughly enjoyed your whimsical little tale. As I was listening to it I thought that you missed an opportunity, you should have written it out as a creative writing assignment for Ms. Kinney.

"In the future you might just want to say 'it was a personal matter Headmaster.' There is no need to make up something, even something that entertaining."

"Yes sir."

And that was it. My two-form penalty was over just as if it had been a Green Card on the hockey field. As I walked to Spanish for my sixth form my mind was not on school. I was thinking about the last few days and how they had changed my life forever.

It was right after school on Friday afternoon when I got to grandpa's boat house. As soon as I arrived Mike asked me for all the cash I had and then he took off in my car with Guo following him in his purple Camero. I didn't expect for them to be gone for nearly as long as they were. By the time they returned I had already looked through all of the inventory in the place twice and had made a stack of what I thought I could move.

I was wondering where it was that they could have gone when Mike returned driving my car. He quickly dropped Guo off at the curb before leaving. Guo came in and opened a bottle of that plum brandy which we had bought way too much of. She seemed briefly surprised at my presence, as if she had forgotten but quickly recovered and poured me a glass as well.

It was Chinese, I guess that stands to reason it's why all of the labels were in Chinese. Guo could read them, and she read them to me then she told me how the brandy was made. Those who passed up the opportunity to buy this at cost were idiots who don't have any idea what they missed out on.

I didn't realize it on Friday, but Guo was worried, that's why she was so talkative. She was normally very shy and reserved. Not unfriendly but hard to entice out of her protective shell. She was worried about Mike, who was really more like my big brother growing up than an uncle. So that was the first subject of our evening's conversation.

After a few glasses of brandy and hours of conversation she kissed me. The first kiss was light, delicate, incremental. Asking the question but allowing for a polite decline to her offer. While I had never been kissed like that by a girl before, it wasn't unexpected given our conversation. She was missing and worried about Mike. It's like I was a part of Mike. I did not push her away.

We watched the Bay and the lights of Galveston across the water that night staying behind the sea wall to the north side of boat house so that we could not be observed from the cabin. It's a weird but loving arrangement Mike and my grandpa had. Mike is grandpa's youngest child, by his third wife. Does that make him a half-uncle?

Grandpa was in his mid-fifties when Mike was born, he's almost eighty now. Either Mike or Guo drop by the cabin each day to cook him something. Usually at lunchtime, to bring him groceries, help him sort out his meds, take anything he needs to the cleaners, drive him to any appointments. We should all be so lucky when we get old.

But grandpa doesn't know that they are living in the little efficiency apartment inside the boat house, and he wouldn't approve if he did know. Grandpa is a 'make it on your own guy,' he just doesn't see that Mike really had made it on his own. Mike is like a younger copy of grandpa and would tell you that apartments are a waste of money. To get ahead ownership is key, nobody has ever made it working for anyone or paying anyone rent.

I see now in her body language Guo is a mess. She is worried about Mike and it's getting worse hour by hour. Drinking to calm herself down, its loosening her tongue considerably. By early afternoon we are through with all of the day's work and since we don't have a car, we just spend the afternoon talking. As before we start by talking about Mike. We have become really familiar and having are having more of that excellent yet unsellable brandy. Guo is surprised that there isn't more 'girl stuff' at Bayou.

There probably is it's just that I am not being invited to participate. We were talking about something that I can't remember anymore because of what Guo said next. Something that changed my life. Guo told me that she likes it when Mike ties her up before he teases her and then fucks her. Wow, what a revelation. I mean its not like I was a virgin, although I was roughly seven volumes shy of being the next Anais Nin.

Guo, a normal rational human being whom I know and respect likes to be tied up before being fucked. I guess it isn't that uncommon I have read about it. For lots of people, especially smart ones, it's just hard to turn off one's brain and just be in the moment. Not to be constantly thinking and planning each step which puts a real roadblock in front of enjoying our animalistic part. Sex. Letting her Mike take charge was her way of just being in the moment.

Like I said we were really tipsy. So she showed me how to tie her down. Of course she can't actually tie herself down, but she can tie me down and ask that I imagine that we have switched places. She gave me a demonstration of what sex could be like when one is totally completely helpless and subject to the ministrations of ones lover.

Oh my dear God, my heart cries for the atheists who never experienced this. I was juicing like Tropicana. This cannot be an accident. Someone above had to truly love me, us and want us to be happy as Benji so eloquently wrote to his Parisian lover two hundred years ago. I don't know if it was that Guo was eight years older and more experienced, or that she was a girl (I had never been with a girl before) and knew about girls, or if it was the lack of control.

It was so counter-intuitive. I gave up control I let my lover take complete charge, of absolutely everything, and in return she gave me more than I could ever imagine existing. Saurday night was heaven, for a few hours we pushed the question "where is Mike" from our minds.

By Sunday morning that unanswered question had returned with a vengeance. Guo was getting worse by the minute just waiting for his return. I tried my best to distract her by creating an unnecessarily complicated luncheon for grandpa and one of his neighbors. But Guo is no dummy, she is good at math and Mike has been gone for the better part of three days.

Afternoon having come and our duties completed we retire to the boat house where the student becomes the master. Using her flawed remembrance of the lessons only once given as her only guide she ties Guo to her bed. Lovingly paddles her butt, fingers her moist interior. Savors her unique essence. She knows she isn't the best, but she tries. She is part of the absent Mike maybe that helps.

Monday morning came and Guo clad only in her nightshirt had herself wrapped in a tight little ball and was sitting in the apartments one chair. Her knees tight under her chin. I could not get her to react to me. I could not distract her or get her to help with making grandpa's lunch. It was so hard to leave her like she was.

While I was at the cabin washing the dishes Mike arrived in my car. I leapt up bolting from the kitchen running across the lush Bermuda grass to the crushed shell driveway as he got out of my car. I grabed him and hugged him then took a step back and hit him with a quick one-two on his chest and his shoulder.

"Ow, what's that for," he said raising both hands palms out as if to block more blows. "Your cars fine there isn't a scratch on it I even put gas in it."

"You shit. I don't give a rat's ass about the fucking car. You get over to the boat house. Right now, Guo has freaking lost it. She thinks that you're dead or something."

"Uh, yeah. When did..."

"Walk now! We can talk later."

Even now I am not sure where that outburst came from. I guess I had really bonded with Guo and was feeling her pain... Or something.

I walked slowly back to the boathouse where Guo and Mike were talking and she was crying and then they were hugging. I stood dumbly on the deck staring off at Galveston Bay for a while until I was surprised by Guo's hand touching mine. She led me back into the boathouse. She hugged me and Mike hugged me. She kissed me deeply, passionately right in front of Mike.

Then she took her dress off. She was holding Mike's hand in one of hers and my hand in the other when she led us back to their bedroom. She released our hands at the foot of their bed and walked to the closet returning to us with a small box that she presented to Mike. As Guo laid face down upon their bed Mike opened the box, facing me showing me its contents. A blindfold, gag, four cuffs and two small paddles inside.

Mike handed me the smaller of the two paddles and set the cuffs on the bed at Guo's feet. Then he put the box on their dresser. He directed me to the head and then to the foot of the bed and by way of several silent slow deliberate motions shows me how to buckle Guo's wrists and ankles without pinching, abrading or twisting her flesh. His deliberate silence intensifying the erotic quality of the moment.

We sat side by side at the foot of the bed as he showed me how to properly spank Guo's gorgeous fanny. He showed me how wet that made her, how sent her to heaven by playing with her cunt, her most tender flesh with his fingertips, lips, tongue, one whole finger, two and then... He had me duplicate his ministrations on her person and he undressed me as I did. As I was making Guo come he took his clothing off and showed me how to erotically transfer Guo's wonderous lubricant to her other smaller orifice and to his erect member.

Then in one of the most surreal moments of my life Mike touched my soaking wetness and transferred some of my lubricant to his penis mixing it with hers and inserted himself into Guo's waiting posterior as I watched. He had his right hand on my willing ass as he pushed himself full length into her. I started playing with myself with my right hand while placing my left on Mike's ass pistoning away into her. If it wasn't a tie, it was a photo-finish. Two one and one.

So, Tuesday morning arrived too soon for my liking and I had a really hard decision to make. What I should have done was go back to school. I actually had my car, Mike had just returned it. But of course Mike and Guo who were after all looking after grandpa didn't have one which was really just a convenient excuse. I wanted to stay and learn so much more. I told myself that I was learning far more here than I would be at school.

On the evening of my last day of captivity we went over and had dinner with grandpa. Mike barbecued some sirloins and asparagus spears glazed with apricot jam, baking potatoes wrapped in foil on the grill as well. After a nice dinner and couple of Shiners we returned to the boat house. Where Guo uncharacteristically gave me a direct command. To get undressed. So that Mike could tie me to their bed.

I don't generally enjoy being told what to do, but I trusted Mike and Guo, I acquiesced. Mike pulled my hair back behind my head and while deeply kissing me tied a ribbon around it. Then he placed the leather blindfold on me while Guo buckled the cuffs on my wrists and ankles. Someone slipped the pillows under my ass as they played 'guess whose eating you right now,' not a 'Parker Brother's game, but wonderous just the same. They had two different and I dare say quite complementary styles.


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