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Thank You God

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More dates should start with a blindfold.
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This is my first story. It's a work of complete fiction and something that has evolved as I've been writing it. I wanted to write something that would really get me going, if I read it. So, in an attempt to make it as hot as possible, I wrote this story over 1 week - during which I did not haveanysex. Whenever I sat down to write; I watched porn (usually deep throat gangbangs - a fetish of mine) and masturbated regularly, keeping myself as close to the edge as possible, but never letting myself cum. As my Bio says, I am a very honey girl, on a normal day. I did this experiment to see if being overexcited, and extremely frustrated, would bring out my deepest fantasies. Things I didn't even know about. Until I wrote this story I didn't know I wanted to try anal!

I highly recommend giving my experiment a try yourself. Who knows? You may be surprised with the results.

The day I finished this story, I went out, got drunk, and found 3 horny frat guys from the local jock house. Needless to say, I'm no longer horny.

So please bear in mind, I'm new. Feedback is encouraged, but please be gentle. It's all fiction. Some of it's pretty raunchy, and other parts is clearly exaggerated, so I'd suggest steering clear if you're put off.

I hope you enjoy reading, as much as I did writing!


Thank you god

"Ahhhhhhhhhh Fuuuuuuuuuuuck," I heard a man with a deep voice groan as he started to cum.

I say "heard" as that's all I could do at the time, hear. I was blinded by a tight, black blindfold I'd been tricked into voluntarily wearing earlier that night.

Searching my senses; I could hear the murmuring of at least 3 people, all men I guessed from their low voices and crude language. I could smell the familiar scent of beer and sweat all around me. Added to the fact that I could hear nearly everything these men were saying, I guessed I was in a rather small room.A den maybe,I thought. I didn't recognize two of the men, but the third voice was that fucker, who until very recently, I was going to sleep with tonight. That also meant that; including the guy who was cumming in front of me right now, there were at least two other men I didn't know in the room, with me blindfolded.

My senses turned to my immediate vicinity, where could feel the cold hard sensation of wood on my naked skin. I was in the 'all-fours' position, but something was different.

I was straddling what felt like a wooden bench. I could feel the cold wood against my flat stomach and small, firm tits. It was too short though, only supporting me down to my lower abdomen. This meant that my tight little heart-shaped ass was hanging over the edge. On closer examination, it wasn't a normal bench. The edges were rounded and, all things considered, it felt kind of comfortable. It reminded me of one of those things they use in gymnastic, with the two handles on top, that the men break-dance on - a Pommel Horse. This obviously wasn't one, as it didn't have handles andwhy would I be lying on one?

On either side of this wooden bench, my knees were at right-angles and my shins rested on more cold, hard wood. They were secured at my ankles with what felt like duct tape and, I found out when I tried to sit up that, a tight strap around my waist, securing me tightly in place. I wasn't getting off this thing anytime soon.

At the other end of the bench I was stuck. The bench transformed into what felt like stockades. I had seen enough Wild West movies to imagine how I'd feel in a set of them.

My neck was surrounded by a ring of wood and my hands were in the same situation on either side of my head, at about the same level as my shoulder blades. The only thing that differed from the movies I had seen was the position of my head. In the movies, prisoners are always looking at the ground because it's the natural position your head's in when you're standing upright. I found myself looking forward, which was the equivalent of looking directly up at the sky if you are standing upright. It was not comfortable, to say the least.

My position was due largely to the strap around my forehead, which felt as though it was attached tightly to the stocks behind my head. Strangely enough; that was the only uncomfortable thing about this situation, aside from of course, the aching pain in my jaw muscles which comes from the inability to close your mouth for an extended period.How long had I been in this position,I wondered. Did I forget to mention, the reason my mouth was open, and jaw killing me, was because there was a large O-ring gag secured between my teeth. Someone had thoughtfully secured it in my mouth, for my added comfort I'm sure, sometime before I woken up to the sound of an anonymous man cumming.

Seconds after hearing him groan, I felt the familiar warm splatter of semen on my right cheek as this mysterious man's first ballistic jet hit my face. It was sticky, warm and seemed to cover the whole right side of my face!

"Yeah bitch, you like that don't you?" he jeered a his second, third and fourth jets of cum hit, this time with less force but still, with such volume that it felt like he was aiming a garden hose at my mouth. My tongue was coated as my mouth quickly filled with his thick, salty seed and started to overflow onto my lower lip, before slowly dribbled down onto my chin where it hung in strings. I had to swallow, which is surprisingly difficult with a wide-open mouth, 3 times just to keep from drowning. Thankfully he was done quickly.

"Yeah, you like that heh heh," he laughed to himself, answering his own question. "Well you'd better get used to it coz you'll be gettinga lotmore soon, slut."

The way he said "a lot" made me a little nervous. Remembering the small room I was in, bound and exposed with at least 3 other men close by, I ventured a guess at what he might be hinting at.

Stepping closer so that I could taste the sweat from his balls and smell the chlorine-like odor of his cum-covered shaft; he forcefully stuffed his egg-sized balls into my mouth, ordering me to "lick them clean, slut!"

They were huge. Aside from the fact that it would be a challenge getting them in my mouth on a normal day, the O-ring holding my mouth open meant I had no defense. His first nut fit nicely in my mouth, filling it completely. But; when he tried to push the second in, the first had nowhere to go but down, and so it did. Stretching my throat wide and cutting off my air supply, this guy's balls were nothing short of massive.

After what felt like a life time; and as he slowly pumped the remaining drops of cum from his softening shaft, making sure to wipe them on any part of my face he could reach, he popped his fat balls out of my mouth. Before I even had a chance to catch my breath and sooth my burning lungs; he slapped his heavy cock, making my body jolt sharply from the surprise, on my forehead with an echoingcrack, before walking away heavily and shouting "who's got next, boys?"

Still a little dazed, I felt the slightest smile try to emerge from the corners of my mouth as all I could think was the same 3 words, over and over again:Thank you god.

Two days earlier

"You must be so excited. Tonight's the big night. Are you gonna give it up?" my friend Jenny teased.

"Shhhhh," I replied, blushing with embarrassment.

"This is the third date, youhaveto fuck him!" she protested. "It's like an unwritten rule, or something."

I'm shy when it comes to talking about sex around my friends, and especially in a crowded public place like my college's library, but get me behind closed doors and I'm dirtier than all of them put together.

"Shhhhhhhhhh. Someone will hear you!" I said grabbing Jenny by the arm and pulling her off to the stacks were we could talk privately.

Jenny was... promiscuous, to say the least. She had a lot of sex with a lot of different people, some girls, and loved telling me (or anyone that would listen) all about it. She especially liked going into all the nasty details with me, because she knew it made me uncomfortable just hearhertalking about it.

"You should do what Jake and I did last night," she began. "We started kissing, and then he started going down on me.Wow, he's a fantastic pussy-eater! Then after 10 minutes of that, I couldn't take it anymore, I just had to have his huge dick inside me!"

Ah crap, I thought.She's was getting carried awayagain. "Okay, okay, I get it. Can we talk about something else now?Please?" I begged.

"Wait, wait, that's not even the best part!" She continued on as if my protests had been silent. "He was fucking me doggy-style, and it was gettingreallyhot. I was so wet that I was dripping all over the bed! I was about 1 minute from comming, when suddenly he pulled out, and in one quick thrust, stuck it my ass! All the way to his balls! It was the most amazing thing I've ever felt, and I thought it was supposed to hurt!"

"Stop it!" I whisper yelled at her.

"O.K., I'll stop. You should really think about giving it a try tonight though, you'll thank my in the morning," she said playfully, giving me a wink.

"Yeah, yeah" I muttered, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you on Sunday O.K.?" I said as I turned and began walking away.

"I expect to heareverything, first thing Sunday morning! You better not hold out on -." I heard Jenny's voice trail off as I rounded the corner and headed for the exit.

Date night

What am I going to wear?I thought to myself, pacing around my small dorm room. In my left hand I had my tightest pair of Boy-leg undies. Not necessarily 'sexy', but with my ass, I pull off the whole cute and innocent teen look flawlessly. Add some pigtails and a high-riding tartan skirt and I can actually see the boys hiding their boners when I walk in room. In my right hand; I was dangling some see-through, black lance, French-cut knickers that were, In a word, whorish. You can see my dilemma.

For those of you know don't know the difference,tut-tut! Boy-leg undies are like the girl's version of boxer-briefs; Smaller, tighter, and much cuter than their male counterpart. French-cut lingerie is similar in style to regular men's briefs, but they also have a thong thrown in the back. They ride up your ass like a thong, but still have enough material to covermostof your cheeks. Of course, being see-through, the amount of material they had was made redundant.

Needless to say, I quickly settled on the Boy-leg undies. Who doesn't want to fuck the proverbial cute, innocent school girl? Also, this wasn't Valentine's Day with my (fictitious) 5 year boyfriend, it was date number 4 with a senior I met during rush. He had to earn the French-cut!

The next 2 hours were a flurry of hair straighteners, shower steam, makeup and waxing. All the excitement was starting to get to me, to the point where I was actually getting wet while waxing my crotch! Like I said; I'm shy around my friends, but get me behind closed doors and I'm horny as hell.

"Beep-beep," my phone chimed as I received a text.

"Hey, I'm out from in the car. You ready to go?" It read.

I didn't bother replying, I was halfway out the door and on my way down to meet him in the lot.

"Hey babe, how was your day?" he asked.

I had to give him credit. He obviously had no interest in my day, only in getting into my pants as quickly as possible, but he was clearly trying to sound genuinely interested.

"It was O.K., thanks," I responded. "I spent most of it studying for my Lit quiz on Monday, though. Wasn't a very interesting end to the week."

"Well I've got a surprise for you tonight that just might make your week's end," he said with a smirk.

"What is it then?" I asked, genuinely interest now. Although we had only been on three dates, they had all be so unique and fun that I couldn't wait to hear what he had in-store this time.

"I can't just tell you, it's a surprise," he said. He reached over and removed a black sleeping mask from the glove box, similar to the ones they give you on long planes rides. "You have to put this one so you don't spoil it," he continued, handing me the blindfold.

I was so excited I didn't even question him. I just slipped the blindfold on and secured the tight elastic band around my head. These things cut out all light, not even the glow from the parking lot lights was seeping through. Pitch black.

I could hear him rummaging around in the glove box for something else, but obviously couldn't see what. "So what's the plan?" I queried, itching with excitement.

Suddenly I felt a rag being pushed into my face. Instinctively I tried to turn away, but a strong hand clapped around the back of my head, forcing me to breathe deeply into the rag. It had a strong chemical smell. I remember thinking it smelled like copper, if that's even possible. Then everything began to fade, I started to feel dizzy and then nothing but black.


"Who's got next boys?" The mystery man asked as he walked away, footsteps heavy.

Licking what little cum I could from my lips, which is extremely difficult when your mouth is permanently wide open, I was getting wet at the thought of what could happen next. The blind darkness combined with the feeling of vulnerability, that only comes with being bound, gagged and naked in a room full of men just itching to fuckeveryhole they can find, was orgasmic in itself.

I don't know what's going to be better,I thought.The anticipation or the anonymous cocks I'd take, and taste, tonight.

My question was answered sooner than I expected.

"That'd be us then!" a loud voice from behind me exclaimed. I heard footsteps from behind me drawing closer. One stopped just behind me and the other continued on, stopping just in front of my face. "I was worried you'd still be passed out, sweetheart," he had bent down to whisper in my ear. "Unlucky for you, it's always a lot of moaning and screaming when they're awake. But don't worry; promise I'll go easy on you."

His friend at my rear was ready to go. "You good bro?" he said. "Let's get this party started!" he crowed, slapping my right ass cheek with a painfulcrack. He stepped forward, pushing his upper thighs against my exposed ass. If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought it was his forearm he slapped down on top of my lower back. It was heavy and reached past my lumbar, halfway up my back. Now, I'm not a racist, and pity the ignorant people that subscribe to generalizations and stereotypes, but the first thing that crept into my mind when I felt the heavy piece of meat weighing on my back wasmy god, he's got to be black!

A small smile crept into the corners of my mouth.

"Yeah man, let's get to it! Wouldn't want to keep this dirty little girl waiting any longer," the guy in front of me said. Putting one hand on my forehead, he fed his half-hard cock into my waiting mouth. As soon as the taste of his cock hit my tongue, I could feel myself getting wet again. Pushing my lips over the O-ring gag, I managed to wrap them around his growing cock, creating an air-tight seal. As I sucked his rod, he began to pump in an out of my mouth, getting bigger and harder with every stroke. It felt so good having my mouth fucked, even if it was unsolicited. I wanted more. Using my tongue, I began to massage his shaft as it moved in and out of my mouth, deeper and deeper with every thrust. He was at least 7 inches long, I could tell because I had liked to practice giving blowjobs on my favorite dildo. It was 8 inches, but I could only ever take the first 7 before starting to gag. The fat cock currently fucking my mouth was not even fully hard, and it was already getting close to my gag reflex.

While his buddy was busy getting warmed up in my mouth, the guy behind me had taken matters into his own hands. Slapping his meat on my round ass, he was already rock-hard. Sliding his cock down my back and over the top of my crack, I could feel the slick trail of lube left in its wake.

But I'm dripping wet,I thought.Why the hell would he need lube to fuck my -I stopped mid-thought. Time seemed to slow down as he slid his cock past my lower back, over my tail bone, down my ass crack and over my tight little virgin asshole, where he came to a stop. My heart began pounding at the realization that tonight wasn't going to be all 'fun and games', not for me anyway.I hope Jenny was right about this,I thought to myself, heart pounding with uncertainty.Because it looks like I'm finding out, whether I want to or not!

Fully hard and, as regular as a metronome, the guy in front was pumping my mouth with no end in sight. Though my thoughts had been on what was about to happen to my poor innocent ass, I still subconsciously managed to maintain my duties as a diligent cocksucker. Tightening my lips and sucking hard, I flicked the tip of my tongue at the underside of his shaft.

"Oh, yeah, that's perfect sweetheart," he moaned. "I could do this all day!"

If I kept my mind on sucking cock, maybe I could block out the felling of one being ass fucked for the first time. Suddenly I felt it. Heavy pressure began to push against the rosebud that was my tiny opening.

"Fuck man, she's tight as hell! She must be an anal virgin!" I could hear the guy behind me get excited at his discovery. He began to push harder, spreading my cheeks wide apart with his large hands. A searing pain shot through my abdomen as I felt his head pop through my tight little ring, sliding inside me.

Jenny was right, the feeling was unlike anything I'd felt before. It was amazing. His head was so big; it felt like he had stuffed an apple in my ass! Pushing forward; he began to feed his monster cock inside me, inch by inch, slow and steady, stopping only to get a firmer grasp on me by moving is hands around my hip.

Thoughts at the back of my mind told me he would only have done this for the purpose of ramming me the way he would a cheap slut he'd picked up in a bar, or so I feared (and secretly hoped). He continued sliding in me.

He has to be getting close to the end,I thought emphatically as I could feel pressure on my abdomen from the head of his cock.

"Ooh yeah, half way there, bitch," he said.

It seemed impossible! I could feel him in my stomach already. His cock wasn't only a mile long, it was also wider than I could have imagined. My hole was stretched so far that the dull pain was starting to make me dizzy, not that there was anything I could do to stop him.

All the while; I managed to keep my composure, not letting a little (or in this case fuckinghuge) sodomy stop me from sucking the meat I was so generously being fed.

I could feel myself starting to cum. Throughout this whole ordeal; my clit hadn't been so much as touched once, yet here I was on the verge of my first earth-shattering orgasm, with 2 cocks that weren't even balls-deep in me, much less anywhere close to dumping their loads!

"God damn you're a good little cocksucker honey," the guy in my mouth said. "If I wasn't on a schedule, I'd let you blow me all day. I might even see if I can use you for my buddy's bachelor party next week. 25 married men, a cabin in the wood, a lot of alcohol and awholelot of pent up sexual aggression. I think you'll fit right in!"

Depending on how this night ended, I might just take him up on that.

"But, sadly we don't have alot of time together," he continued as I tried to listen as best I could with a mouth full of dick. "So I'm going to have to get a move on I'm afraid, darlin'." And with that, his regular stroke began to lengthen, increasing in speed. He was nowhere near the size or girth of his friend, who currently trying to get a blowjob from the wrong end, but he was easily 9.5 – 10 inches long. I could feel him hitting the back of my throat already. I was in trouble.

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