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The 150th Slave Pt. 05: Original Ending

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The 150th Slave is chosen.
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Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/12/2015
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THE 150th

The BLC relentlessly hyped the special lottery to choose the 150th sex slave. The special state television pushed it and other things were done to pump up the studio crowd as well as the Internet audience. The lottery tickets to have sex with the seventh woman chosen in the topless round sold briskly. I did not know about the arrangements for the bidding for the woman who made the final round but did not become a slave.

Although my risks of becoming a slave had gone down considerably, I was more worried about my future than before. I'd been in Bolry about six weeks. How would it be to never be able to leave except to be taken to places where I would be worked over and screwed? On the other hand, how would I go home? I had learned a lot about myself over the last year. I had provided pornography to the world for uses that I could not control. Assuming I was not the unlucky one to come so far and become the 150th sex slave, I had to face the rest of my life. I tried to work as hard as I could for the week so the firm could get done with the business even if I was not there. I was not sure why in that case I should give a damn.

The Thursday before the special lottery Mann, Walker, Anderson, Crystal and numerous others arrived at the hotel. There was a reception Friday that the participants were more or less required to attend. I was really too nervous to say much. The Rev. Jeremiah was there talking about what a great thing Ashley was doing and how he expected that other of his lovely parishioners would soon be following her footsteps in earning money for the mighty church. I nearly puked.

Lena was there with her sponsor Ursula. Lena spoke of doing it for charity.

I was heard to mutter to Svetlana that Ashley and Lena were both idiots. "Oh no, they are not," Svetlana said, "They are exceptionally smart, almost the mirror image of each other. They both know what they want, but cannot admit it, especially to themselves. Now, Rev. Jeremiah, he's an idiot although he thinks he's very clever."

The following day, another lottery, this time with the special rules designed to maximize the porn and humiliation while shortening the down time. Yegor introduced Joanna as the replacement on the 12th pedestal for Matilda; Matilda now being "a wonderful pain slave who was taking it hard and putting it out to the max above and down under. She can be reserved with a waiting time of only about six weeks." Joanna said she needed the money to replace the equipment, pay hospital bills and recoup from other losses she'd suffered during her last mountain expedition. Svetlana teased her a little, "You don't think you could find another way to raise the money that did not risk you spending the rest of your life as a sex slave?" Sounding like a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger only much sexier, Joanna replied, "Perhaps, but it would be less fun."

The Lottery Machine spoke and the women in the six were Ashley, Elizabeth, Joanna, Lena, Margaret and me. OMG. Ludmila was chosen as the seventh woman who was to perform on stage while the six of us moved over to the semi-finalist position.

There was nothing really to do for a while but watch Ludmila take the cock of the huge guy who won the seventh woman lottery. She worked it into her pussy and bounced up and down reverse cowgirl style for the camera. The audience jeered and shouted things I did not understand although I had been working on my Russian. I am pretty sure the slang words were not nice.

Not going to be much left of any dignity Lumila had among the Bolrians who saw that. She did what she had to do to try to get the money she needed to try to get out of Bolry. She touched near her clitoris as she rode and made sure she had several convincing orgasms as her breasts joggled around. She shouted various phrases I did not understand but could well imagine.

That done, the program could now turn to the six semi-finalists who were all scared and waiting for the live porn show to end. Yegor and Svetlana blabbed a while about how exciting this all was and how beautiful the entire group of potential slaves were. Two Germans, two Americans, a Pole and an Englishwoman were in the semi-final. Svetlana, the doll, said that all of these women deserved whatever they got, but one of them really needed to be cut down to slavery. She pointed to me. I was just hoping this would end when they pushed the button on the Machine.

It picked Ashley and me. I was soon to be a fucked or really fucked. I had never gotten this far before. OMG. As instructed, I went to the ladies room during the break and was led to the bedroom where they were having the final round for this special lottery. The Rev. Jeremiah, Mann, and numerous others were in the huge room.

Ashley and I were playing OMG, OMG on our faces in stereo for the camera although only Ashley really believed in God. Indeed, I was kind of praying that there was no God, if you can do that, thinking Ashley was probably in better shape with any almighty than me. Although I knew the measurement phase had been cut back, it went on too long. Finally, Yegor said he would push the button to determine who of us would lie back on the bed for some immediate sex and who would be taken to the dungeon where the new pain slave would start her new life.

I tried to smile and use mystical mental powers on the Machine. Ashley looked up to heaven. The Machine sent me to purgatory and Ashley to heaven or hell depending on your point of view. Ashley started to lose it but the Rev. Jeremiah held up a sign that said "Serve God and Smile." She smiled resolutely and was led out of the room followed by a number of people who would participate in the slave debut. Mann and a couple cameramen went to work on me.

Mann stripped. I fell on my knees and worshiped his erection. He lifted me by the elbows and dropped me on my back on the bed. He stood while fucking me with his back to the camera that focused on my pussy while another camera showed my face and breasts and lower torso as Mann pinched and manipulated. I made a lifetime decision on the bed with him thrusting, kissing, biting and squeezing me while I spread my legs wide and squeezed his cock with my inner muscles. He was careful to cause me to come twice before he came himself within the half hour allotted. He stood away. I was told to stay on the bed with my legs parted. A few more seconds of filming, the cameras switched off, and Mann and I were left alone.

We rested a few minutes. I told him I had something important to say. I fell again at Mann's knees. "Master," I said, "I will devote my life to you. Will you accept my submission of my body, mind and spirit?" He paused 5 seconds before saying, "Yes."

I licked Mann's cock until he was hard again. We sealed my submission with another glorious fuck.

Mann and I attended the post-lottery party. Everyone there agreed that Ashley, the 150th sex slave, made a truly wonderful pain slave. On seeing her beaten, clamped, and spanked, one could see in her righteous eyes that she was Joan of Arc and every other holy martyr. Her expressions during the branding were also saintly. Someone who sounded a lot like the Rev. Jeremiah shouted, "Praise the Lord," as the brand was removed from her skin and he began to fuck her vigorously. It is true that her expressions, during the sex with numerous men that followed the tortures, were not clear as to whether her ecstasy was of an entirely religious form. But such expressions are often ambiguous as can be seen in works of religious art. The Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Bernini came to mind.

Alina was at the party and very happy. She finally had enough money to leave Bolry. The Bolrians at the party even seemed to feel she'd suffered enough although she had been very unpopular as the Great Leader Pyotr Toltski's second wife. She hoped to return to nursing and to find a job in Western Europe or America.

Feeling the other side of the Lottery Machine's choices, Kat and Matilda were both at the party as decorations and toys. Matilda, with little wallaby's hanging from her nipple piercings, looked very embarrassed. I resisted a strong temptation to gloat or say something that would make her feel worse. But for sheer chance, I would have been in her place.

Kat looked unembarrassed and seemed deliberately to locate herself next to guys she knew would take advantage of her status. Many did so.

I asked Anders and a group of others standing around how it came to be that Mann was the man with whom I had sex after the final round. Anders said that he and Mann had made sure that together they had both the new slave and the runner up covered. They'd agreed that Mann would get me if I were either. If I'd been the seventh woman, I'd have gotten to be screwed by the cash lottery winner. He and Mann couldn't cover that. As it was, the BLC had a hard-core scene and numerous soft core ones of me to show late night until men no longer care about sex.

Next, something bizarre occurred. Having had a drink or two but not really too much, Lena said loudly she was not eager to go home. She was happy to have made so much more money for worthy charities but now she had to pay off the stupid bets she had made that would involve more pain and humiliation. "It would have been easier to have become a slave." Ursula said that if Lena really meant that, she was sure that she could just volunteer to be a pain slave and the BLC would take her. Svetlana said that it would be just great. They'd film Lena's debut like those who'd lost the lottery before shipping her off to a life of pain and sex. They'd even send the money that Lena had just won to the anti-FGM charity she favored. Lena stammered and Ursula pitched Lena's tits and said "Lena says yes, isn't that right, Lena?" Lena just looked shocked, confused and smiled in an embarrassed fashion. Svetlana instantly took this reaction for a "yes" and motioned to some Bolrian men for Lena to be moved into the area where they debuted pain slaves. "I think we will just let Walker, Daria and a few other guys have her tonight and set up all the cameras properly tomorrow morning," Svetlana said. "I assume you had enough today, Anders, with your religious experience."

I was shocked but Mann, Crystal, Ursula, Anderson and many others started laughing their heads off. Ursula said that after Lena got the full Bolry initiation, she would go back and do all the sex she'd promised to perform in Germany as a BLC sex slave. Afterward, she would come back and join the other eight pain slaves. Svetlana volunteered that the BLC would even send the money that Ursula would spend to rent Lena to be given to the anti-FGM group, a cause the BLC strongly favored.

I questioned the fairness of this with Mann. He was not concerned. "Oh come on, Lena knew what she wanted. Ursula and Svetlana laying in wait to exploit her comment about wanting to be a slave just sped up the process a few weeks. Lena had already signed up for another series of lotteries. She's hardly missed an opportunity to become a pain slave since her first lottery. She's already used like one at Ursula's company. Ursula even got Svetlana to donate 5% of all the BLC's future profits off Lena to Lena's charities. They intend to tell Lena once she is at the resort. Very few American businesses are so honest and public-spirited."

I had assumed that after the 150th lottery, we would finish the work for the BLC and go home. Mann, however, announced that we were going to finish the work and celebrate Thursday in Bolry. We were also staying for the lottery the following Saturday.

The work on the expansion was completed. Thursday night dinner was a closing party like that held by any business. Friday, we just hung around Bolry. I went to the national art museum and saw the collection that Tolski had acquired that was shown in public. Svetlana told me the better his acquisitions were stolen and could not be seen in the public museum. "We can arrange to show them to you if you agree to participate in some future lotteries." I declined. I'm not that into art.

Saturday was the 151st lottery. Ironically, after the BLC spent so much and worked so hard to get pain slaves in the special lotteries, the Lottery Machine selected a woman who took only a 1/100th chance of becoming a pain slave in a normal lottery.

A beautiful dark eyed, hourglass figure Middle Eastern woman had made a lot of money in lotteries a year or so before. She quit the Lottery but had not managed to keep her spending under control after she had moved to London. Renting fancy hotel suites, one can go through a large purse. She had been cut off from her former husband's oil money. So, she had decided to play again at a low level of risk of losing, encouraged by friends of her ex-husband. She had been persuaded to take the risk of becoming a pain slave to try to get out of debt. Despite the fact that it had just gotten four pain slaves, the BLC wanted a Middle Eastern "princess" to offer as a pain slave and had offered Alya a lot of money. The BLC knew that many Arab playboys would pay big to punish the princess turned "Western whore."

Alya was probably comforted by the fact that there was no longer talk of torturing slaves with blowtorches or flaying them alive as there had been when Alya had participated in the lottery years before. Still, she knew that the degradation coming from men who admired her body, but not her mind, would be harsh and relentless.

Alya was calm after she lost the first round. Reportedly, she had taken a lot more risk in the past and had started in the topless round. Still, she was clearly very concerned when she reached the topless round after being out of the game and not facing such risks for some time. She did a good job of displaying her breasts.

When the Lottery Machine chose Alya for the nude semi-final round, the Arab playboys were thrilled, smiling and doing high fives. Alya said in the interview that this was not the way she had anticipated her return. She'd thought she'd grab the money and run back to London without giving the BLC another bunch of pictures of her naked body. Svetlana, who did the semi-final interviews this time, teased out that she had fantasized about what it would be like to be a flagellated and sexually used slave like the some of the servant women she had witnessed as she grew up.

When the Lottery Machine chose Alya for the final two, she grimaced before smiling like someone who had been there before. She had been there before she had quit.

During the measuring of Alya, a vulnerability was revealed that I think will have a lot of effect on Alya in the coming years. The guy with the measuring tape brushed lightly below her breasts at one point and Alya giggled revealing she was very ticklish. The guy exploited this by repeating the soft barely touching move on her belly and ribs and got the same reaction. When he measured her labia, he touched her clitoris and was rewarded by an obvious orgasm.

When the Lottery Machine chose Alaya to be a slave for as long as the BLC wanted her, she did something unseen before from anyone who suffered this fate. She laughed. She laughed vigorously, like God had been setting her up for this all her life and she'd finally gotten the joke. Many wonderful pictures were taken of her smiling and giggling. Mann suggested that laughing might not be what the BLC wanted from a pain slave but admitted Alya was not disobeying any rules. I suggested that she might pay for her levity as guys made sure to take the smile off her face through use of riding crops and electric devices. Mann agreed that might happen.

It did. The guys who went over her with whips, paddles, prods and needles had a great time. Alya did not hide her pain during this abuse. Still, I could have sworn that she had another orgasm as one guy rubbed his paddle on her pussy while another pinched her nipples severely. She gave out a short scream during the branding.

The six men who came in her mouth, anus and vagina seemed to have gotten their money's worth although we could not see their faces. Alya got back much of her sense of humor during the sex. It seemed at one point that she had an orgasm from nipple play alone. She definitely went into sexual ecstasy during the double penetrations with the guy up her ass pinching her nipples while the guy in her pussy gently choked her.

I kind of envied her and pitied her at the same time. She was in heaven but it was a heaven that her mind had not consciously chosen. It was, though, much better than being a harem slave. At least she'd not have to scheme against the other of the sultan's concubines to keep her children from being murdered or sold to camel traders when the new sultan took power.


Subsequently we learned how the 150th Sex Slave fared at the resort. Svetlana says that she appeals to two select sets of customers. Some have her with religious devotion. Other really like seeing how many times they can make her come in a day. Before leaving her at the resort, the Rev. Jeremiah had told her that each of his disciples needed to make a big sacrifice. In her case the church was expecting her to give up her love of knitting and Bible reading to focus her life on creating sexual satisfaction for men and to debase herself by forcing herself to provide and have as many disgusting orgasms as possible.

While some of the people we knew from the Lottery just disappeared to us, Mann and I learned of others. The Rev. Jeremiah was pleased to take the money Ashley received from the lotteries she survived and go back to Tennessee without her. Things might have ended happily ever after for the Reverend if only he had reported to the IRS the income that he took out of the church coffers to cover a number of his personal expenses, such as trips to visit sex slaves.

Ashley's husband learned a lot from the Rev. Jeremiah. When he became the minister of the church after the Rev. Jeremiah's sentencing, he was careful to report all the income that he took from the church as its minister. He and his new wife also persuaded several other attractive god-fearing women to take part in the Lottery for the benefit of the almighty church. Ashley, though, is the only one to have been martyred so far.

It is not surprising that none of the 14 women who participated in the special lotteries ever settled down to a normal life. At least they have not yet

Ludmila's situation was impossible. She could not get a normal job. Even if she worked as a call girl in Bolry, she could not earn enough to pay off her debt in decades. In the meantime she was living in a country where everyone took joy in despising her. She could hardly leave her tiny apartment in a socialist style housing development without receiving smirks, insults and harassment.

Ludmila decided to try to negotiate a deal. I know about all this because to protect herself and the BLC, Svetlana decided that they would conduct their negotiations on camera. The discussion was in Russian, of course, but Mann translated for me. Ludmila asked for the same deal that Irina had gotten. Svetlana asked if that meant she was willing to be almost killed by Cultural Ministry thugs while in solitary for months. Ludmila asked Svetlana for mercy but that is not a terribly good approach with Svetlana. So Ludmila said she would be willing to volunteer to be a pain slave in Bolry for six months to let all those who still hated her take some revenge but could the Cultural Ministry keep her from being harmed seriously and could she please serve her life sentence outside Bolry? Svetlana thought this was a decent compromise. After six months in Bolry serving hard time, she'd be sent to the Pacific resort. I learned that later Svetlana sent Ludmila to the Pacific resort after two months. Svetlana decided that she'd been roughed up enough by vengeful Bolrians who were continually pushing the limits of what the BLC allows to be done to slaves.


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