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The A-Team Ch. 10

Story Info
A reimagining of Pretty Little Liars with more lesbian sex.
8.5k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/10/2023
Created 09/05/2015
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The Senior Class on Friday was the highlight of Ella's week; they were brighter and more mature than the younger students, able to hold a proper discussion on the merits and hidden meanings of the books she set them without her needing to cajole every word out of them. And if her junior class was filled with teenage boys with unrequited crushes on equally spotty teenage girls, the eighteen year olds in her Senior class were both more subtle in their note-passings and coy cross-desk smiles as well as having mastered the secrets to managing acne. And most importantly there were some real hot little sluts in her class...

Even as she was nodding at Paige McCullers comments on 'The Scarlet Letter' she was glancing down at her phone and looking at the picture of her and Emily Fields bent over the swimming bench, their well used assholes on display. The swimmer finished speaking unaware that her teacher had been looking at her gaping hole; Ella hadn't really been listening so she slipped into auto-teacher mode, "Very good points Paige, that is what the book's saying. What do you think Hanna?"

The little slut started; she'd been dreaming, and from the glances she'd been giving her secret 'girlfriend' Mona on the other side of the room Ella knew exactly what she'd been thinking about. She paused, waiting for the teen to speak, as she did so her thumb skimming across the phone to the photos. "About the book Hanna," she added after a few seconds silence, leading to the blonde making a stuttering start about scarlet being a colour. Ella barely listened, instead she let her eyes fall down to the phone; there were plenty of Hanna pictures, Mona making sure her fellow A-team members were well supplied, but Ella feasted her gaze on a recent one from Sunday. Hanna was leaning on the table, a remains of a roast on it, as beside her leant Ashley Marin in the same pose.

In the photo Alison sitting on the table between them, grinning as she held up her strap-on. Ella glanced at her fellow A-teamer, sitting in the exact opposite back corner from Mona so that no-one would suspect they were best friends and comrades. She was concentrating, looking like butter wouldn't melt her in mouth, the teen who'd escaped from her kidnapper with innocence intact. Few knew the real truth; apart from Ella and Alison, only Mona and their fellow team member Melissa Hastings.

Melissa's sister Spencer was in the front row her hand held so high it was like she was trying to touch the ceiling. She'd been trying to attract Ella's attention, both in the traditional way and by secretly hoisting her dress with one hand, just high enough that the teacher at the front could see that the little dyke whore wasn't wearing panties. Ella wondered if it had been Melissa's idea that the slut should go pantyless to school or whether it had been Spencer's. On most nights she'd have found an excuse to give Spencer a detention and an over the desk butt-fucking, but tonight she had other plans. She decided to put both Hanna and Spencer out of their misery, "Thank you, Hanna," she halted the stammering teen, "Spencer..."

Spencer dropped both hands so her skirt dropped back over her knees and launched into an impassioned and wrong-headed defence of seventeenth century legal mores. Ella ignored her, instead going to one of her favourite pictures, Spencer over her desk, her fucked ass on display. It had been a most enjoyable butt-banging and Ella thought she'd need to repeat it; perhaps next week if Spencer continued to think she was right when she was obviously wrong. The teen finished and Ella was tempted to put her down publicly, tell her she was a dumb bitch and needed an ass thrashing, but unfortunately you couldn't do that in the modern American education system. So instead she just thanked her and asked for further contributions, her thumb skimming through the photos of ass-banged beauties on her phone.

The class continued to give their contributions, needing little more than a gentle prod from the teacher to voice their opinions. It allowed Ella to fix a smile, nod encouragingly and glance down at the various pictures of her open-holed daughter whilst she waited for the day to end so she could get home and gangbang the submissive slut.


Aria had rushed home to prepare, she wished her Mom had given some more warning or even background. But no she wouldn't have done that, she was testing Aria to make she was a proper submissive like the teen had claimed she was; Aria was determined to confirm it. The problem was Aria had never even thought about what a gangbang entailed, never mind having to prepare to be the centre of one. All she knew was what her Mom had said when she called her over as Aria had arrived in school that day and that was that several friends of her Mom would be joining the Milf in gang-fucking the teen that evening; and that Ella had promised quality. Aria wasn't just not sure who these friends were, but even how many they were. She pulled the cookies out of the oven, hoping they'd be cool enough for when the other women came round; you couldn't go wrong with snacks she had decided; and some wine in the fridge as well.

She glanced at the clock; it was coming up to six, she needed to finish getting ready. She glanced at her Mom, sitting at the small table in her apartment studiously marking; was she ready or was she going to do more? Aria didn't stop to ask, just rushed upstairs to the small spare room. She quickly emptied the suitcase, thinking it lucky she'd already decided to pack some of her sexiest clothes for the weekend at her Mom's, correctly surmising that fucking was on the Milf's mind. She went through them and chose a tiny skirt, one from a few years ago, and if it was tight round the hips it was even shorter on the thighs. For a top she chose a lacy black bra, so sexy her Dad didn't know she even owned it. That done she glanced in the mirror wondering if she needed to wear anything else; socks, a top, panties? She decided she didn't and scooped up her make-up bag to almost run into the bathroom.

Her Mom had hinted that by the end of the night her lip-gloss would be smeared all of her face and her eye-shadow ruined, such was the hard fucking they were planning to give her, which made it even more important to the teen that she started properly made up. Pursing her lips she applied a bright-red gloss, before putting on a more understated blusher and eye-liner. Once again she looked in the mirror, she felt attractive, she hoped her Mom agreed.

She went downstairs, still a few minutes before their guests arrived. She curtsied to her Mom, last weekend her Mom had instructed her to do that before speaking to Ella, to show the proper respect of a submissive to a dominant woman. "I'm ready, Mom."

The Milf looked up from her work and nodded, almost in approval, "Nearly," she said. She picked up a marker pen, "Get down on your knees in front of me and look up."

Aria did; she could smell the oil of pen as her Mom uncapped and leant over her, slowly and deliberately writing on her forehead. "That's better, ass whore," said her Mom, letting go off her. Aria stood and went to look at what her Mom had inscribed on her forehead, it was as she suspected 'ass whore'. It suited Aria thought.

"My guests will be here soon, let them in and remember they're here to enjoy themselves with a cheap anal whore," Ella told her teenage daughter, Aria nodding dutifully and beginning to put away her Mom's school work as the Milf relaxed in front of the TV. That done she went take the wine out of the fridge and make sure there were a selection of glasses sitting ready on the sideboard (originally she'd got out three glasses, then upped to four before deciding to take all six) and waited, nervously and impatiently. As she did so she stood behind her Mom and massaged the Milf's shoulders, idle hands and all that...

The doorbell rang. Without needing any instruction Aria sped over, opening it. Standing in their corridor was her friend Spencer's sister, Melissa. The older Hastings expression switched from neutral to a mocking smile as she looked at the teen standing there in her bra and tiny skirt. "Hello ass whore," she said.

"Come in," said Aria curtsied, trying to hide her surprise that one of the gangbangers was Melissa, who always seemed so straight and conservative; but then so had her Mom.

The twentysomething entered, her hand going down underneath Aria skirts and briefly fondling her snatch, "Nice... hi Ella, thanks for the invite."

"Hi Melissa, you're looking very nice, new top?" her Mom got up from the couch to give Melissa a friendly hug, before turning round to Aria, "Wine, for our guest."

Aria scurried out, pouring two generous glasses (assuming her Mom wanted one as well) before rushing back in. Both women took it without thanks and Aria quickly ran out for the cookies, offering them. Ella and Melissa took one each, but as they might want more Aria remained standing beside them with the plate held forward in her hands.

"Shall we put on a movie while we're waiting for the others?" asked Ella.

"Yes, any ideas?" Melissa nodded.

"I think something to put us in the mood," said Ella, walking over to the cabinet where she kept the hard porn DVDs locked. She bent over and flicked through before pulling one out and walking over to place it in the machine.

Aria managed to take a quick glance at the cover of the DVD, the pictures of young woman tied up whilst other woman fucked and humiliated them told it's own story and her pussy itched with desire. She stayed in place, not able to see the screen, as the music began, tinny and non-descript, though from the looks on her Mom and Melissa's faces the visuals were more entertaining - neither went for a second cookie.

The doorbell rang again. Aria put down the cookies and walked over to answer it again. This time it was Mona standing there, leaving Aria even more surprised than before; at least Melissa was an adult not a student in High School. Aria forced herself to be composed, curtsying to the darker skinned teen, "Come in."

Mona didn't answer her as she walked past, smiling as she saw Ella and Melissa siting in front of the TV, "Hi, how are you, I'm not late?"

"No, not at all," Ella replied.

Mona turned back to look at Aria; "I see what you mean about Aria being a hot little whore - she's looks delectable, just made for fucking. Can I take a closer look?"

"Of course, she's not just mine, she's here for us all to enjoy," Ella smiled broadly. She turned to Aria, "Lift that skirt ass whore, show Melissa and Mona the holes they'll be sampling."

Aria tried not to blush as she lifted her skirt, revealing her snatch, freshly shaved on her return from school. Melissa grinned, "I knew it was nice, you should give it a feel Mona."

The other teen slid her hand down, her thumb pressing at the mons as she fondled Aria. "Oh I see what you mean, it's a slut's cunt, wet already."

"You should see her ass," Ella said, "turn round you little whore and show my friends that tushie of yours."

Her face red with humiliation Aria swung round, keeping her skirt lifted. "Bend over," her Mom instructed as she turned and Aria bent.

She could feel Mona's hand on her butt, cupping and feeling the cheek, squeezing at it gently and giving a little hum of admiration. There was the sound of Melissa walking forward and a second hand joined Mona's in playing with Aria's round buttocks, the two of them gripping and groping the cheeks, pulling them apart. "It's so fuckable looking," said Mona admiringly.

"I can't believe you got to break that cherry," Melissa said wonderingly, her thumb feeling at the tight rosebud, "How hard was it?"

"Tight or difficult," Ella laughed, "It was easy enough once the butt-plug had done its work, but Aria was easy to seduce and let herself be butt-banged by her Mom, she's that type of slut, a total anal whore." Aria blushed to hear her Mom talk about her like that, even if (especially as?) it was true.

"You are so lucky, it's such an ass," grinned Mona giving it an extra squeeze before letting go.

"We're going to enjoy it," Melissa added, withdrawing her hand.

Aria kept her skirt up for a moment, allowing them to continue to feast their eyes on it, before deciding to lower it and offer Mona some hospitality, "Wine?"

"Yes," giggled Mona, "Go pour me a glass," she spanked at Aria's cheeks as she spoke, to send the other teen scampering to the kitchen.

Her Mom shouted, "Pour a second glass, we've one more guest to arrive."

Aria did so, returning with them and passing one to Mona, who was sitting on the couch, munching a cookie as she watched the porno with the others, her eyes glued to the screen where a young blonde was getting spit roasted by two older looking lesbians. She wondered if it was a potent, from the way her Mom, Melissa and Mona's eyes flicked between her and the screen she assumed it was.

The door bell rang for the third and final time; Aria moved to quickly to open the door. Standing in the corridor, with a grin as fake as a pair of plastic boobs, was Alison DiLaurentis.

"Smile," said the blonde with a wicked laugh. Aria wasn't sure who'd she been expecting but her despised ex-friend would have been at the bottom of the list. She had always assumed her Mom had only tolerated Alison because she'd been a close friend of Aria's and when that friendship ended that Ella would have as little do with Alison as the pope with water-skiing, not invite her to gangbang her daughter. For a moment Aria wondered if it was a mistake and Alison had come round for another reason - in which case Aria standing in the doorway with 'ass whore' stencilled on her forehead was ultra-embarrassing. However the blonde looked unsurprised at seeing Aria in hooker gear and the calls of welcome from the other inside confirmed she was expected.

"C...c...come in," said Aria nervously as Alison eyed her like a python eyes a mouse. The brunette stepped aside to allow the other teen in.

Alison didn't move, remaining in place and looking Aria up and down, hungrily and lustily. "So ass whore," she said with a wicked smile, "Does your Mom have any neighbours?"

Aria looked up and down the corridor at the closed doors of the other apartments, "A few," she whimpered, unsure why Alison was asking, but guessing it was going to be bad.

"Are they in?" Alison's finger went to under the front strap of the bra, between the cups and pulled it out, snapping it back.

Aria looked at her Mom, Ella grinned, "Answer her Aria."

"I... I... I don't know."

"Do they know you're a dyke slut?" Alison smiled charmingly.

"No, I...I...I don't think so... I d...don't know," Aria blushed as red as a beetroot.

"You think they'd know if I stood here finger fucking you?" asked Alison, her hand reached under Aria's skirt, though unlike the other's who'd just fondled the outside she pushed at the slit with her finger, driving the digit into the hole.

"Uurrhhh," Aria started and gave a gasp, backing against the door frame as Alison pushed and prodded her cunt, leaning her other hand on the outside wall next to the brunette.

Her face was inches from Aria's, a broad, but evil, beam on her pretty face. "What if someone comes out - won't they be surprised to see Aria Montgomery dressed like a whore getting finger-fucked. Perhaps I'll tell them I'm paying you for a finger-fuck... how much do you think twenty dollars? ten?"

"Five," laughed Ella from inside, "She's cheap Alison."

"Five it is," smiled Alison, "but for that I want a pussy licking as well."

She pulled back her finger, wet with Aria's juice and started to undo her jeans. Aria looked at her aghast, "Here? in the corridor? Where anyone could walk past?" She turned and threw a beseeching look at her Mom.

"You heard her, she's here to enjoy you," said Ella crossly. "Eat her cunt you slut."

Alison had slid her jeans down to her knees and placing her hands on either side of her cunt was pulling it apart, "Get down and guzzle it you dyke hooker."

Aria took one last glance down the corridor, praying that the doors would remain closed and no-one would appear from the elevator at the end. Then she dropped to her knees, knowing that the sooner and quicker she licked out her ex-friend the sooner they could go indoors (she hoped). Her mouth opened and her tongue went out. The teen didn't bother with teasing or starting slow, but went full force immediately, pushing her tongue and face forward.

"Mmmnnn, you're right Ella Aria is such a cunt-licker," Alison said, too loudly for Aria's comfort.

"That's because she's a dyke whore," laughed Mona, not attempting to be silent either.

"She sure is," Alison grabbed the back of Aria's head and forced her face further forward, jamming it into her wet cunt.

Aria went as fast as she could, her tongue pounding forward and up, into the tunnel trying to find the sweet spot and out and over the clit, making her ex-friend quiver and grip her head harder. The blonde's cunt was wet, the juice seeping out of it and coating Aria's tongue with its flavour; sweet and tasty to Aria's horror.

"Mmmmnnn," Ali moaned, "Eat it up dyke."

Blushing red Aria did as she was told, slurping the pussy, almost forgetting the fear of getting caught as she was lost in beautiful cunt, eating its lovely nectars, swallowing the sexy, warm juices. It was where she belonged, between a top's legs, licking - in public or private; as her Mom said she was a slutty lesbo whore and all they cared about was pussy. She could feel the cheap corridor carpet beneath her knees, rubbing at her skin as she shuffled forward, pushing her head deeper into Alison's twat, her tongue pressing down as far as it could.

"Dirty slut," moaned Alison, her hands now resting on the frame like she was trying to push the door apart, "Mmmnnn, eat my cunt, slurp it like a skank hooker."

The teen's tongue probed and pushed and pounded; she could hear Alison's moans and the laughs and giggles of the other tops as they encouraged her and Ali on. The reinforcement for Alison was all positive, "Go for it Alison." "You're so making her yours." "Make her tongue you." For Aria the calls were designed to humiliate and degrade, "Eat it bitch." "Use your lezzie tongue." "Go for it you cunt-lapping whore." Aria didn't know if they knew how much reminding her of her place and what she was turned her on, but it did, making her pussy tingle with excitement, even if she couldn't touch it. Her mouth pressed harder at the twat, the lips pressed hard at the hole's sides as she stabbed deep.

Even as she was licking at the pussy she could heat footsteps behind her; Melissa's she thought, but wasn't sure and she didn't dare remove her face from Ali's snatch to turn and look. Whoever it was roughly pulled the bra from Aria's tits, before snapping the clasp open and throwing it out into the corridor; Aria wondered what the neighbours would think if it was left there; that she was a slut, she supposed. Her tongue drove at Alison's cunt and teen squealed, "Aaahhh, yes, lick my twat with your lezzie tongue..."

The brunette's skirt was lifted up, exposing her buttocks. "Look at that ass," cried Mona from the sofa, "It's so fuckable."

"You're telling me," Ella laughed, "Melissa?"

"Mmmnnn, it's round and firm," Melissa's hands were rolling over the round cheeks like she was polishing marble. She gripped the cheeks and pulled them apart, "Flexible as well." Aria could feel the twentysomething's spit trickling down the crevice between her buttocks and then a finger at her rosebud, pressing forward. Her tongue pushed at Alison as she was entered, she wanted to cry out and beg for her ass to be reamed, but she knew Alison wouldn't appreciate the pause and she remembered her Mom's words about the others being here to enjoy themselves. The finger pushed deeper, wiggling and tickling the hole. "Tight as well," said Melissa.

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