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The Actress


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You're so wet... Did making me come turn you on a little? You liked that, didn't you? I think you'll like this too...

She slid her hand into the fly, navigating the layers of fabric until she reached the soft skin underneath.

"So handy...," she said with a grin, as she leaned in to kiss me and at the same time pushed her hand in further to touch me.

Her fingers touched my wet lips at the same time as her tongue entered my mouth. So many sensations all at once; it made my head spin. Her fingers explored me through the fly as we kissed intensely and she positioned herself on top of me. She said she'd never done this before, but clearly having a female body herself gave her a lot to go on. She expertly stroked my clit and pushed her thigh between my legs to open them further.

My boxers were now getting in the way, so I moved to take them off. I watched her face as I slid them down and was pleased to see desire in her eyes. I pulled her back on top of me. She smoothly eased herself onto my thigh and intertwined her legs with mine. She brought her hand back between my legs and continued where she'd left off.

I held onto her and let my hands roam over her whole body, distracting myself from the most intense sensations between my legs. I did not want to give into those just yet.

She seemed to enjoy driving me into a frenzy: kissing me and stroking me, lifting her upper body off me so I could see her beautiful breasts, then lowering it so I could feel them pressing into mine. She pressed her crotch into my thigh.

I tensed the muscle and she welcomed the sudden hardness by grinding into it. She had to be incredibly sensitive still, and the rough but superficial stimulation of her movement was working for her. She was clearly up for a little more fun. I grabbed her firm butt and pulled her into me, encouraging her to ride me harder.

Oh god, that feels good... Touching you is so hot. I love feeling you tense underneath me. And my clit against your thigh, oh man... I can't help grinding into you a little, it just feels so good...

Her fingers were driving me crazy and it took all I had not to give in yet. Now that I knew she had more in her, I desperately wanted to share that moment with her. She started to breathe heavier and her kisses became more intense, as I could also feel my own breathing and my heartbeat quicken. I pressed myself into her fingers, her hand wedged between our rhythmically moving bodies.

"Come with me...," I whispered in her ear.

Oh yes... I'm so close, again; I can't believe it... I want to come again, with you! Yes, please... I'll come with you... I hope you're ready, because I am...

She lifted her upper body so she could press down harder with her lower, and threw her head back as she prepared for the final scene.

I felt my climax approaching rapidly and hoped fiercely she was with me. I couldn't hold off any longer. I felt her cling to me as my body jerked uncontrollably, and hers started to do the same.

There were intense sounds of pleasure - hers or mine, I couldn't say. Our sensations and our bodies blended into each other as we experienced this extreme high together. We moved through it together until the killer waves became smaller and, eventually, subdued to a gentle surf.

She collapsed on top of me and stayed there until other sensations started to return. Such as her hand being crushed between my pubic bone and her hip. I hoped I hadn't broken her fingers. Try to explain that to her agent. She slid off me, settling into a more comfortable position with my arm around her and her head on my shoulder.

"My god, I'm so sorry about that. I don't know what came over me," she sighed, a hint of shame in her voice.

I was going to make you come, and what do I do? I come again myself. Selfish much?

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm such a pillow queen. I didn't mean to make that all about me again."

I couldn't help but laugh. She really had no idea what she did to me.

"Not all about you, darling... Not even a little bit..." I smiled at her and lazily pushed a rogue strand of hair from her eyes.

Well, at least you came too. You came hard! I'm so proud I did that to you...

She smiled back and I could see the relaxed bliss was kicking in rapidly. She blinked sleepily.

"Well, in any case, that was really amazing," she muttered with a yawn, settling her cheek on my chest. "I just want to stay here for a minute, okay?"

She could stay there for all of eternity if it was up to me. It didn't take long before I heard her breathing become slower and more regular. I pulled the covers over her as best as I could, careful not to wake her. As much as I wanted to stay awake to prolong this beautiful moment, I soon drifted off to a most peaceful sleep myself.

* * * * *

"Good morning, beautiful."

She opened her eyes just as I walked back into the room carrying a tray. I could see it took a moment for her to realise where she was and to remember everything that happened.

I must have fallen asleep last night... And I slept like a log! I can't believe I just woke up in a stranger's bed. That is certainly a first in at least ten, fifteen years. Some stranger though... You really have surprised me at every turn... Here you are, bringing me coffee, and I actually feel happy like a child on Christmas morning to see you.

"Morning," she replied with a groggy smile, clearly not disappointed with the recurred memory.

I took in the sight of my room - the bed sheets a tumble, one pillow on the floor as we had contrived to share one all night, clothes everywhere - and the sight of her in my bed - her blond hair now scruffy, her beautiful eyes still sleepy, her nakedness partly covered by my sheets, her face still all blissful smile.

I set the tray with the cups, milk, and sugar on the bedside table on her side. Puzzled, she pointed at the three cups: "Are we expecting anyone else?"

"I didn't know if you wanted coffee or tea, so I brought both," I explained matter-of-factly.

She laughed. "Ah, so practical. I'll take the coffee, thank you very much."

Last night was just amazing. I'm so glad I came home with you. I can't believe how good the sex was. To think I nearly didn't go with you because I thought I wouldn't be into it with a woman... Or that you were too young for me. Or that you were a crazy stalker. All that's crazy about you is how good you are in bed!

We sipped our beverages in silence for a moment before she turned to me, a reminiscent grin on her face.

"I just can't get over how great last night was."

"You weren't acting then?" I probed, easing the way. It was subtle, and the penny didn't drop yet.

I knew it was time to come clean. I couldn't quite put my finger on why this felt crucial; she would walk away never knowing any better and never needing to. Yet, my heart felt heavy with the deception that was still hanging between us. She had captured more of me than I'd thought I would allow, and I hadn't been able to stop it.

I still had no hope that this would turn into anything more, but she needed to have all the facts nevertheless. I had no idea how this would go down, but I hoped with all my heart that she would give me a chance to explain, so that in time she might understand my motives.

"Nope, no acting required. Definitely a top 10 performance," she teased.

I pulled a sad face. "Top 10?! That's it?"

"Hey, that's a very decent score. I am difficult to impress, you know."

"I'll say... Your reaction last night indicated at least top 5, maybe even top 3," I countered with faked disappointment.

Top 3? Oh yes, no doubt about that. I can't think of anyone who's come close to what you did to me last night... And you need to hear it, hey? I didn't think you lacked the confidence to know how good you are, but fine, I'm happy to indulge you...

"Okay, okay, I'll admit it. It was The Best Sex. Ever. Period." She rolled her eyes at me and winked.

"Oscar-worthy?" I ventured another step in the treacherous yet righteous direction, meanwhile trying to contain my exhilaration over being her best lover ever.

Oscars for sex? Wouldn't that be something! It might make some people try a bit harder! Maybe we should write to the Academy about that...

She laughed softly. "I hate to disappoint you, sweetie, but that category has not been recognised yet... There are no Oscars for best sex, I'm afraid."

She smiled at me and nearly made me lose my nerve. How could I risk ruining this moment? I flashed her a grin, hoping she wouldn't notice its slightly forced nature.

"Yeah, I guess otherwise you would have won way more than two..." I gazed into my coffee, not daring to look at her. I waited for the guillotine to drop on my fragile neck.

She laughed first, then realised the full extent of what I had said and what it meant. She stared at me, dumbstruck, the full truth finally dawning on her.

Wait, what did you just say? I'd have won more than two Oscars? You know I've won two Oscars?! But what... How do you know? You know... Everything? You know who I am?

How did you just find out?! Oh god... You didn't... You've known all along, haven't you?

"You knew?" She asked, already knowing the answer. There was pure astonishment on her face. I didn't say anything, giving her more time to process.

I can't believe this! How is this even possible? You had no idea, I could tell! You were asking me all these questions; you never gave me any indication that you knew. You acted so... normal! This whole time, you managed to keep up the pretence?! You lied to me, this whole time...? That doesn't seem like you...

Why would you do that? Why did you feel the need to pretend?

So many thoughts were going through her head. She was probably replaying every moment of the previous evening, seeing if I'd broken character at anytime, lost the plot, skipped a line. I hadn't, I was sure of it.

Because I never would have given you a chance otherwise... I would have dismissed you as just a fan, out to get your ten seconds of fame. I would have assumed you just liked the idea of me, never even considering that's not the real me.

"You knew...," she repeated; it was more statement than question now. She looked at me intently. I met her gaze, holding it with honesty, trying not to plead. I didn't want her to be angry but I wouldn't apologise either; I still believed I'd done the only thing I could have done.

And yet, you gave me a chance to show you the real me. You gave us both a chance... You did that...

I should be angry with you for lying, but if you hadn't... I wouldn't have gotten to know you... I wouldn't have been here with you. I never would have gone with you if you hadn't convinced me you didn't know who I was...

And man, you had me convinced! I never even noticed; I had no idea! Me and my arrogant assumption that I would recognise someone acting from a mile away! You just blew that out of the water completely! That's... rather brilliant... actually...

She surprised me when she started laughing, quietly at first, then louder until she became inconsolable, her deep laugh contagious and excruciatingly attractive. I didn't quite know what it meant, but I laughed with her; I couldn't help it.

"Well, who's the great Oscar-winner now?" She said as she finally calmed down, tears in her eyes and a grin from ear to ear.

I felt nothing but relief that she took it so well. In my wildest dreams I could not have foreseen this reaction. I could only imagine that in her pondering she'd developed some understanding for my actions. I knew she was clever, but she'd amazed me by figuring this one out so quickly. I smiled and shrugged apologetically.

Mischief coloured her expression, the cute twinkle in her eyes making its appearance again.

"I'll make you pay for that most deceitful performance, Oscar-worthy or not," she said with a lustful malice, clearly still contemplating what exact shape her sweet revenge should take. She moved on top of me and pinned my hands over my head.

I grinned at her challengingly and whispered: "I'd like to thank the Academy..."

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galadriel_fangaladriel_fan5 months ago

What a delight this is! The delicate balancing act all the way through is brilliant. Thank you.

justme2021justme20216 months ago

Oh my, what a cracking story. A fantastic story, thank you.

XactoXacto7 months ago

Yep. I loved this story, again! 😎

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Very nice plot. And subtly written.

Runner4069Runner4069about 1 year ago

Such a great story of Sam, I'd love to read a Part 2!

jni551jni551about 1 year ago

Excellent and exceptional

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think the follow-up comes in The Boxer, when Sam admits to Jordan that she is no longer interested in pursuing Megan. I love the way Salandar lets the various characters in her stories intermingle, giving real depth and complexity to the relationships.

Bree_23Bree_23about 1 year ago

there's a brief follow up on this story...read The Mechanic you'll find it there ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wish you would follow up with story. I would hope they found a way to stay together

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lovely story. Thank you.

Do they have a future?

Maybe, maybe not. I feel they both would have to leave their comfort zones, but then is that so hard if you are truly in love?


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Second/third reading - very clever idea beautifully executed

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For Part 2, I suggest the actress invite Samantha into her orbit, and the plot center on the ex-husband and children learning to understand the relationship and fight to accept it. Also, the cries of anguish from her agents and PR trolls. So, if you're looking for literary tension and resolution, you've got it. Imagine if Marilyn Monroe had said she loved a woman. The public uproar would have possibly ruined her career. Salandar is genius enough to lock-in. Also, the song "When I'm 64" should re-occur. The actress wants Samantha to be there to hold her hand on her death bed. All of us need a loving witness when we die.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

“I am not an activist or elitist, but…” (palm smacks face and accompanying groan)

Yes, you are. That “but “ automatically reverses the meaning of the previous phrase. Curiously, are all lesbian stories required to have that statement in them? You took a good story and turned it political in one sentence. Storytelling is not a zero sum game. You don’t have to attack men to tell a tale about lesbian love.

Question: is the knowledge of female anatomy imprinted on the second X chromosome or is it learned through trial and error? Are any two women the exact same ? Do all women have the same responses? Or, is each woman unique with her own sweet spots that can be learned with a little patience and practice and direction from her?

Isn’t logic a bitch?

GreWulfGreWulfover 1 year ago

Second best story on this site.Sadly had to cede top honours to The Mechanic.Hope you understand,

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