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The Adventures of Robair the Hippie

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Robair meets a classy townie girl, risks all in public...
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The Adventures of Robair the Hippie

"The Townie Girl"

All characters are 18 or older.

Robair's real name was Robert and he'd been working the whole hippie angle for about six years. He'd grown up around the culture, but had drifted away in high school and college. However, sometime around his mid-twenties, he had begun attending a folk festival in Texas, and everything changed.

One of the main things about hippie culture was their free expression of sex and sexuality, and Robert was a horndog from way back. On his first trip to Kerrville (where the festival was held), they had taken a trip to the river. He had been pleasantly surprised to see women lounging fully naked in the shallows and on the bank.

One woman had sandy blonde dreadlocks and cute freckles all over her body. She had taut little breasts with hard pointy nipples. But even better was her beautiful bubble butt. Oh, what an ass! Round and firm and meant for spanking! And best of all, a full bush. Robair liked a hairy pussy. Nothing was better than a wet, slimy pussy with red lips and matted hair. To him, nothing quite said "fuck me" like a hot, hairy, wet pussy.

Another woman, a brunette, was full figured and hot as hell. Her long black hair fell around her glorious huge breasts. Massive teats were they, swaying enticingly every time she moved. It was all Robair could do not to stare dazedly. Her hips were full and womanly, and yes, she had a hairy little black bush. At one point she bent over to pick up a river rock and Robair was treated to a beautiful sight: her full lush ass, pulled slightly apart by her position, framing her gorgeous pussy. Black hair tufted backwards, framing the vertical lips of her pussy. He could even see her little pussy hole pull open slightly. Robair could feel his cock stiffen.

Lastly, he saw the goddess. A redhead with an absolutely perfect body. Full, proud tits, a tight waist, a curvy tight little ass, and a fiery red bush. Her proportions were perfect. He couldn't look away. As he watched her, he could tell she knew exactly how hot she was. She moved with the calm assurance of a queen. In that moment, he knew he needed to have her. Three days into the festival, he was balls deep in ginger pussy, but that's a story for another day.

This is the story of Robair and the Townie Girl.

Six years had passed since that fateful day at the river, and Robair had worked hard at his hippie persona. In the real world, he was a program manager at a major financial software firm. He had grown out his hair for his hippie adventures, but at work it was pulled tightly back and he wore fine suits. He was assertive, and even at times aggressive. When a due date was near, he could be a monster, but he always got his projects in on time and below budget. Lately there had been talk about a vice president position for young Robert.

But Robair, well, Robair was a different story. You see, Robair was a software developer for children's education. He was vegan and practiced Reiki massage. He was kind and compassionate and he never spoke above a calm melodic tone. Figuring guitars too common, he had carefully studied the Greek Bouzouki, which was kind of like a big mandolin. He had learned dozens of medieval love songs, which never ceased to impress the young and inexperienced hippie chicks.

This year at Kerrville, a hot young woman named Jayde had attached herself to him. Although he usually tried to remain a free agent at Kerrville, he had made an exception for Jayde. She was a cute little nerdy jewish girl with a tight little muscular body. But what had captured him was her pussy. The first time they fucked, he slipped all the way into her wet little pussy in one long slow stroke. This was unusual, because at eight inches and thick, he always had to work his cock in little by little. But what was even more unusual was the fact that she didn't loosen up at all. Usually, as he levered around his massive fuck pole, he opened women up. Not Jayde. Her little cunt remained tight as a fist, and as he came hard in her suckling little hole, he thought, This one's a keeper.

Since then, they had been fucking like rabbits; two or three times a day. He hadn't felt a moment's regret at being "tied down."

Until now.

He was sitting in the festival grounds, which was divided from the camping grounds. The hardcore "Kerrverts" camped for the full 18 days, but a lot of people just came in for the weekend to enjoy the shows in the festival grounds. Some came from as far away as San Antonio or Austin.

It was the ninth day of the festival, the middle Saturday. It tended to be one of the busiest nights, so Robair had laid down his blanket a fair distance away from the theater seating. He was near a tree and a picknick bench and he was just enjoying people-watching. The bulk of the crowd was seated in front of the stage or browsing the craft booths a couple hundred feet behind him. His area of the field was significantly less populated, with sparse blankets laid about and people rushing with armloads of beers to and fro. To his right in a grassy area, people were tossing Frisbees.

And that was when he saw her. A tall willowy brunette with a gentle sweet face. A townie. Definitely a townie. She was wearing a JC Penny's "peasant skirt" and a plain white blouse. Definite beginner hippie attire! Robair felt a grin spread across his face. What a rare gem!

You see, there were two kinds of townies. The first and by far the most common, were the hillbillies. Being in the hill country of Texas, they were everywhere. If you're looking for a girl in sweats, with hair pulled painfully back, a misspelled cursive tattoo on her left tit, who smokes Marlboro Reds and fucks like a goddamned maniac, a Texas hill country hillbilly girl is for you.

But this girl was the other kind. The rarest bird of all. A rich townie. Most of the upper class of Kerrville did their best to keep their kids out of the Folk festival. It was known as a hotbed of underage drinking, sex, and drug use.

But he could tell this girl had class. Her hair was clean and well groomed, held back with barrettes. Her strappy sandals looked expensive. Diamond bracelet. But even more importantly she held herself in a delicate yet confident manner. Yes, this was a true upper-class princess.

Robair looked around. Jayde was due to join him in about 30 minutes. She was finishing her shift at the tie dye booth. There was no telling how long the townie princess would linger, so he had to act fast.

Time to turn on the "Robair radar." He'd become an expert in observational nuance. What could he tell about this girl?

One, her cheeks were flushed and she was looking around excitedly. She was on an adventure. Definitely enjoying a trip to the "dark side." What forbidden experiences did she hope for?

Two, she had glanced insecurely his way two or three times since he had noticed her. She was definitely interested. He smiled. He had carefully curated his look. He was wearing billowing gypsy pants, no underwear, barefoot. No shirt, tan and toned. Hand-made copper/turquois necklace and arm band. He knew exactly the picture he presented. Heck, he had worked hard to perfect it.

Finally, he thought he picked up some lingering sadness. From this distance, in this light, it was hard to tell, but he had learned to trust his radar. Posture and motion added hints. No doubt, she was saddened by something. Time to act.

She saw him approaching and her blush rose higher. Now he could see that she had pale skin and blue eyes to go with her dark hair. Quite the fetching contrast! Someone had taken good care of her. Kept her out of the sun. Kept her out of the clutches of men like Robair. His grin grew feral.

"Hello, welcome to Kerrvile. Is this your first night?" he said in the gentle voice he had so carefully practiced.

"Yes," she said shyly, glancing up at him through her long eyelashes.

His heart skipped a beat. What a beauty! Slender and willowy, she had nice medium sized tits that were partially obscured by the loose-fitting blouse. A blouse that was long so he couldn't get a good idea of the shape of her ass. Yet somehow the lack of definition made her more sexually attractive, not less.

"Ahh, a Kerrvirgin," he said, giving the silly name for first timers to the festival, but also subliminally introducing sex into the conversation.

She giggled. A sweet melodic laugh.

Time to take his first risk. Was this girl ready to leap down the hippie rabbit hole?

"Listen," he said, compassion rich in his voice, "I noticed from afar a certain darkness to your aura. What's wrong?"

She sucked in a breath, clearly surprised. "My goldfish died. I've been so sad. But how can you have known?"

He gently took her hand. Physical contact was essential. "The aura doesn't lie."

Her eyes widened, and in that moment Robair knew she was his. She was childish. Who mourned a goddamn goldfish? And she was naïve. Anyone could ask "what's wrong" to anyone else, and 90% of the time something is wrong. That's just human experience. Yes, she would be his. The only question was, how could he take her with Jayde 25 minutes from showing up and wrecking everything? No time to go all the way back to his tent. He decided a big risk was needed. Now he just needed to work out the details.

"Listen," he said, putting on his professional voice, "I do Reiki work. That means I analyze the movement of energy between your chakras. If I detect any blockage, I can do energy work to open them up. Once energy is flowing normally again, you can begin to heal."

She nodded, bright eyed. She was eating it up. This was just the sort of forbidden magical adventure she had hoped for. And Robair was so handsome and kind!

Having subtly broken the barrier of physical contact in the smallest way, he dropped her hand. Future physical contact would not be threatening. He had studied long and hard the psychology of human interaction. "Okay. Let's begin. There are seven chakra."

He clapped his hands together and rubbed them theatrically together. Both for the visual effect and for the warmth that would give a subliminal impression of energy in his hands. He put his left hand on her shoulder, to gently reestablish physical contact, and with the other he laid his warm hand on the top of her head. He heard her sigh and held back a smile.

"Ahh, Sahasrara. The Crown chakra." He waited a few more seconds. "Everything is good. Your mind is strong."

Her eyes sparkled. She knew she was super smart. Daddy always said so!

He rubbed his hands again and laid a hand on her forehead, once again making sure to firmly hold her shoulder. She didn't know, but this was a subtle assertion of his control. His dominance.

"Yes, Ajna. The Third Eye. The indigo color is rich and healthy. Your imagination and visualization powers are in fine shape."

He continued the process for her throat chakra, saying only, "You are honest as the day is long," knowing that constant praise is a key element of any seduction.

Now, his first real test. The heart chakra. After warming his hands, he took a deep breath, milking the moment for maximum drama. If things went well, she would not flinch at a total stranger touching her chest.

Holding her shoulder, he laid his hand sideways between her breasts. The tips of his fingers pressed against the warm globe of her right tit, and his palm against her left. He took a moment to savor the feel of her young tit flesh. But more importantly, he could feel that her breathing and heart rate had increased significantly. It was working! If she was as inexperienced as he suspected, she would not identify the early signs of her sexual excitement. He hoped to soon overwhelm her with it, but he would have to work up to it slowly.

He held his hand there longer than the other three chakra, daring to move his hand in a slight circular motion against her ripe young bosom, breathing deep and holding his eyes tightly shut.

"Yes," he said solemnly. "There it is. Here in Anahata, your heart chakra, there is deep pain. The emerald green of this chakra has been clouded and weakened. It was this chakra that radiated out to darken your aura." Robair hoped he was not piling the bullshit too thick.

But she only nodded, eyes large. "Can you help?" she asked in a small voice.

Yes, but let us complete the examination. Your chakra work and flow together. To heal one we must heal them all."

She nodded.

Now that she had let a stranger grope her titties, he was confident he could complete the "examination." His mind raced... how could he "treat" her condition? A plan began to form in the back of his mind.

He once again laid a warm hand on her, this time just above her belly button. He felt her defined abs rippling and his heart sped up. He said only, "You are very strong. You have taken good care of this physical vessel."

And spent a fair amount of time in the gym, he thought.

Now for the really fun part. The next chakra was on the Sacrum, just above her tail bone. He could have walked around behind her, but he had a better idea.

He stepped very close to her, but not close enough for their bodies to touch. Again, with a possessive hand on her shoulder, he reached around behind her, lightly grazing her side as he slid back across the top of her left buttock. He heard her breath catch. He knew the small of a woman's back is an erogenous zone, so he took a moment to lightly massage her there. He felt the swell of her buttocks, and nestled his warm hand vertically between the tops of them. He used his two middle fingers to press just above her tail bone. Her breathing was definitely elevated now!

He took a moment now to let another of his preparations take effect. He wore a carefully researched combination of patchouli, musk, and sandalwood. In very small concentrations, he found it enhanced his natural pheromones. He had asked several ex-girlfriends to help him perfect the formula. And it worked.

Also, he kept his teeth clean, his diet healthy, and he chewed on mint leaves through the day. He knew his breath was clean and fresh. He whispered to her, "What is your name sweet woman?"

She whispered back, chest heaving, "Penelope."

Goddamn hipster names, he thought. Aloud, he said, "My name is Robair."

He spoke gently, keeping his hands possessively on her shoulder and low back. "Penelope, this is Svadhisthana. Your sacral chakra." He opened his eyes, and since she was tall, they were almost eye to eye. He allowed surprise to show on his face. "I have never seen one so bright. It flares orange-gold like the sun, and is pure like new silk. This is the chakra of sexuality."

She nodded, her eyes huge, her breathing quick.

"This tells me you are creative and sensual, but more importantly you have the potential for great sexual pleasure and fulfillment. However, it also shows me you have been prevented from being your truest sensual self." He knew his dark brown eyes were gentle, his eyebrows raised in slight reverence.

She nodded, now almost completely his. "Yes, I've..." she whispered, "done it, but it was awkward and it hurt. But I do... feel a strange passion sometimes. A... longing..."

Of course you do, thought Robair, That's why you're here.

But he said, "This is an important finding. There is an imbalance between your heart and sacral chakras. We can restore balance and relieve your sorrow. But first I must check one more chakra. Perhaps the most important one. Your root. Your grounding. It is your first chakra. If it is out of alignment, it must be healed first."

She nodded, and suddenly longed to kiss him. How silly! She didn't even know him! But there was something about him, his deep gentle eyes, his calming voice, his firm reassuring hands. He smelled of exotic adventure and she longed to lose herself in his arms. She resisted the strange impulse.

"Now," he said, "for this final chakra it is important you trust me. This is the chakra of safety, and if you don't feel safe in the moment, my reading will be off and this whole thing will be for nothing. Do you understand?"

She nodded, eyes large. This had been the most amazing and exotic experience of her life. She never wanted it to end!

"To examine Muladhara, I must place my hand upon your perinium. Do you know where that is?"

By the flash of terror in her eyes, he could tell she did.

"Okay," he said, "Then you know it is very close to your vagina. But I will not touch you there. You have my word. This is not a sexual examination, but rather a search for energy and healing. If you do not wish to proceed, please let me know. You are safe with me."

Now was the moment of truth. What would happen?

She nodded slightly and said in a tiny voice, "Okay."

Robair felt a flush of excitement explode through his body. She was his! Now he only had to pull off a crazy public copulation and he was home free. His blood thrummed. This would be his most daring seduction ever. He perfected his perverse plan as he stepped back, clapped and rubbed his hands one last time.

Penelope couldn't believe what she was about to let happen! But there was something about this man that was both safe and sensual. He probably had no idea, but she was raging with excitement unlike any she had ever experienced. Her little pussy was gushing, her nipples tingling, and her breathing fast. She hoped he didn't think she was weird!

Careful now, Robair thought to himself.

He reached slowly between her legs, making sure to push the material of her skirt back well below her pubis. It was crucial to his plan that he make no contact with her vagina.

As he pushed back, he slowly began to lift his hand, with the middle two fingers elevated above the rest. Since the location of the perineum varied with pelvic tilt, he decided to err on the side of overshooting. For his plan to work he could not risk unleashing her desire too early. He had to stay away from her little cunny.

He felt upwards and found his hand between her shapely buttocks. He carefully traced forward along the crease until he felt the flat skin of her perineum. Her whole body shuddered at his feathery touch along her asscrack.

But when he pushed firmly on her perineum, she could not help but release a moan. She thought, he's driving me fucking crazy, and he doesn't even know it. As he pushed on the firm flesh there between her asshole and her slobbering cunt, she felt waves of pleasure shock through her body. She could feel more honey dribble from her horny little pussy.

And so could he. Her panties were soaked. He rubbed around a little longer, stimulating that highly erogenous zone, then carefully removed his hand. He smiled. "Your root chakra is very healthy. You are a well-grounded person, and I'm happy to see you feel safe, both with me and in your life in general."

She smiled back but her face was flushed, and her breathing fast.

"So," he said, "I have learned all I need to know. Your heart chakra is anemic due to the recent loss of your beloved pet. On the other hand, your sacral chakra is full to overflowing. It is spilling over into your entire body.

You're telling me! She thought, feeling her little cunny clench with longing.

He smiled gently. "The solution is easy. As I mentioned, I am a practitioner of Reiki, or energy manipulation. We should be able to get you back into balance with ease!"

She smiled, her chest heaving. She felt a little dizzy.

Now he put his risky plan into effect. Jayde was due in 15 minutes, maybe 20-25 if she got some food first.

"The best way to align your chakras is to key them into mine. I keep my chakras balanced at all times. Since they are sympathetic, I can bring yours into balance using mine! And all it requires is a therapeutic hug!"


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