by flynn99
Now I want to know who the blackmailer is and why! I hope the arch drops fast.
Story is hot. They are so lovably awkward. And who wouldn't be?
1. Writing ok
2. Idea not in my wheelhouse. Everything is too extreme
3. He's a dumb shit, I won't read any new chapters.
the story was good so far, I did not realize terry was a male until they had to strip. wish I had known earlier, was hoping it was twoo girls being blackmailed by a mutual friend. well we will see what happens next
My first thought is, why wouldn't go to the police and significant other? Deep fakes are easy to prove and tracking the info in the emails would be easy to track. The fact they don't report it makes them look guilty and stupid. I haven't seen a decent blackmail yet on this site and of course it always leads to worse blackmail material.